
Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2024
Some people tend to lose their mind when Cait is fucked by anyone else than the Champ, they really really really want her to be their exclusive waifu.
a follower of mallach, who said that even their weddings are...questionable in terms of fidelity and non-c u c k ing?


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
Yeah, most people would not mind the content since both Nikol and Cait are sex workers. I would maybe take issue if she tried to muscle in on my husbando or something (and vice versa) but Nikol is just a dude.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2023
a follower of mallach, who said that even their weddings are...questionable in terms of fidelity and non-c u c k ing?
They're like baby birds, they imprint on the first woman they see in game and get offended she's not your waifu. It's pretty quiet about it here most of the time, but some other places talking about the game absolutely hate Cait for not being Champ only.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Never understood the Cait hate, you literally can opt out of her content, and the one scene prior to that discussion you do have with her is because you take a transformative before a big confrontation so she wants you at your best (which you can still say no to). Would I like Cait all to myself? Sure. But there are already plenty of devoted characters in the game. "Whaaaaat? There is polyamorous characters in my game that pushes me to be polyamorous in? IMPOSSIBRUH"


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2017
And that is only including companions. There are so many waifu NPCs out there, while the husbando/futa enjoyers out there can count their loyal spouses on one hand.
I don't have the numbers to check, but it is pretty funny how many fuckable men/futas have harems of their own.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2024
Never understood the Cait hate, you literally can opt out of her content, and the one scene prior to that discussion you do have with her is because you take a transformative before a big confrontation so she wants you at your best (which you can still say no to). Would I like Cait all to myself? Sure. But there are already plenty of devoted characters in the game. "Whaaaaat? There is polyamorous characters in my game that pushes me to be polyamorous in? IMPOSSIBRUH"
oh, no hate for cait at ALL, i just find it weird that someone would be like "thats my WOMAN" about her when she is, ya know a mallachite priestess


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
oh, no hate for cait at ALL, i just find it weird that someone would be like "thats my WOMAN" about her when she is, ya know a mallachite priestess
Wasn't directed at you, but just in general in concerns to the conversation at hand.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
Wasn't directed at you, but just in general in concerns to the conversation at hand.
I personally hate the content type in question regardless of the way it cuts to the point that the only northern cowgirl you can penetrate has is it I find frustrating.

That said, its very odd that Cait would be involved in such conversations. She will literally not sleep with you until you agree you understand that she sleeps around and is unlikely to stop as such behavior as her actual religion. I can only fathom true cuc content for Cait as being a particularly nasty bad end ranging closer to full Nice Time for Roo with mind break shit or something else horrific.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
I personally hate the content type in question regardless of the way it cuts to the point that the only northern cowgirl you can penetrate has is it I find frustrating.

That said, its very odd that Cait would be involved in such conversations. She will literally not sleep with you until you agree you understand that she sleeps around and is unlikely to stop as such behavior as her actual religion. I can only fathom true cuc content for Cait as being a particularly nasty bad end ranging closer to full Nice Time for Roo with mind break shit or something else horrific.
I'm mostly not into that content either, but I actually like that couple, especially since the male in question is a cute femboy that you can also plow. I honestly view them more as a triad relationship, rather than just that content - or rather it kind of develops in that direction, but at least everyone enjoys it and it is consensual with them.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
can we stop shitting up b's thread? i'm so sorry for opening pandora's box
Fair. I was waiting for it to get too far, happens when everyone wants to put their 2 cents down... we already made a dollar boys and girls, goal has been hit!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2022
I see you work hard and done a few project^^ nice job B. Can we know if the last project with lyric and zo are be accepted and if they will be implemant in game? I really impatient to see it in my new save^^.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
can we stop shitting up b's thread? i'm so sorry for opening pandora's box
It's okay! It's driving discussion that's related to my content and nobody's being an ass about it. Besides, I'm the one that invited it with that last comment.
I see you work hard and done a few project^^ nice job B. Can we know if the last project with lyric and zo are be accepted and if they will be implemant in game? I really impatient to see it in my new save^^.
Neither of them have been reviewed yet. Neither has Agni's expansion, which has been completed for six months now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
It's okay! It's driving discussion that's related to my content and nobody's being an ass about it. Besides, I'm the one that invited it with that last comment.

Neither of them have been reviewed yet. Neither has Agni's expansion, which has been completed for six months now.
Why does it feel like your work sits in the queue for so long when the Knot Cave dungeon was submitted and implemented in the span of 7-8 months?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Think a lot of it depends on what interests the devs, what's easiest to code in, etc. Who knows though.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Nikol x Cait with 2,000 words! Between Nikol's dominance, PC's blobishness, and even at least one Cait parser, this is all foreplay. Penetration ought to be next update!
“It’s no fun when it’s just me,” Cait says as she tosses her robes aside. Her left hand finds Nikol’s, and she moves it to his own waist, hiking up his skirt for his underwear. They shuffle their hips back and forth repeatedly, working Nikol’s underwear first off his hips, then lower, then lower. The shaft of his throbbing, mottled horsecock lifts free from its cloth cage, with the tip still stuck underneath the band.

When they collectively work the rim of his flared tip underneath the band, the whole cock, all two feet of it, lurch upward and slap Cait in her ass, right between her two cheeks. A thick, fat rope of pre slings from the tip and arches high enough to streak across her lower back, catching at the base of her tail. Even from the distance you’re sitting, you can see it throb with Nikol’s heartbeat, bloating nearly a full inch in diameter before resting, then bloating again.

[nikol.dsn|Your mouth waters a little bit. The sight, the smell – it’s hard to make out between their breathing, and your own heartbeat, and the creaking of the bed, but you swear you can <b>hear</b> it, if you focus. That’s the cock that’s bent you, broken you, made you such a mewling, thirsty [pc.race] that you’d pay for the privilege of watching it go inside someone else. It takes some amount of willpower to keep from saying that you change your mind and that you want Nikol for yourself.
Why does it feel like your work sits in the queue for so long when the Knot Cave dungeon was submitted and implemented in the span of 7-8 months?
Well, I rarely make a small project. Everything I write is typically several dozen pages long at minimum. Zo's Colosseum content, while roughly eleven pages, still ranks as a 'medium'-sized submission by internal standards, and, being combat content, it's not going to be in-and-out simple to code. I'm also not on the payroll, so my work is still considered community-submissions, even if I'm paid directly by Savin.

Priority tends to be given to projects that are particularly gigantic in scope - Berwyn, which came with a conclusion to a long-running quest and had a dungeon; Knot Cave; etc - and content that's needed to fill out a newly- or shortly-to-be-implemented area. Kailani got through the pipeline at a decent clip because she was filling out the Windy Peaks. Nikol's base content got through quickly, too, for the same reason. My sex content for Eryka and Astraea got through lickedy-split because they were short and uncomplicated.

Meanwhile, base Zo, Ivaze, Lyric and Tall Lyric, Oma, they're all huge and have dedicated internal systems and logic and none of them filled or are filling a short-term need, so they are thus not important. In devchat, when a coder says that they're free up and ask if there's anything they could do next, they're going to be told to do the smaller stuff before the bigger stuff. Tall Lyric is both complicated and unimportant, so it's pretty natural that they're going to fall down the to-do list until there's nothing else left to-do.

On top of all of that, I'm frequently told that my documents are a pain in the ass to understand from a coding perspective. I'm actually trying to learn javascript on the side because of that.

All that said, if I'm honest, it does get a little grating sometimes. Zo's base content was in there for something like eleven months. They straight-up forgot Nykke 1.0 back in the day and we only realized after Geddy happened to screencap the Trello review queue during a stream one day. I wrote Christmas content for TiTS's Lorelei in December but that was passed over and probably won't see the light of day until next winter. Agni's expansion was even pushed down the Really Big Project priority list recently, so it's not first-come-first-serve. Oma took over a year and I actually started getting really agitated over that. There's logic and reasons why my content takes such a long time to even be reviewed, but I'm not going to pretend that I'm immune to it. A year to be sitting in a queue is a long time and I'm not spending days of my life writing these things for just a paycheck; they're written to be read.


Dec 19, 2021
The prose to code translation can be awkward. The more variables, the more every tangent or branch needs some sort of explaination. Which means endless notes and comments breaking things up and making it a hard read.

But equally. Approaching it from code first, can make it a gramatical mess when it finally gets on screen.

Swings and roundabouts.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Lot of B and Jstar content I'm jonesing to chomp at still sitting in the submitted pile. Honestly I'd really like whenever they finally finish the main content for Khor'minos, I hope they stop main content for a while and just focus on clearing all the pending submitted content for a few months. But that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2024
Lot of B and Jstar content I'm jonesing to chomp at still sitting in the submitted pile. Honestly I'd really like whenever they finally finish the main content for Khor'minos, I hope they stop main content for a while and just focus on clearing all the pending submitted content for a few months. But that's just me.
i dont really know how it goes, but isnt that the order? a big main thing, and then a "break" and only doing the little side things?


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2022
I thinking of this today, when I see manga or even D&D game, dragon and many creature have the power to change form like demon in Coc. Do you think is an interresting idea to have this possibility in Tits with Frosty and Flurry? For exemple, when we have enough child their psionic abilities power up and they can switch in an alternate form like an hermaphrodite anthropomorph dragon, like Bahamut form in final fantasy 7 (epic game, I really like it) or like what we become when we take frostwyrm TF with muzzle ect (and breast experience because I like when Nykke tease Frosty with that XD), they learn of this new experience, learn to switch between normal and alternate form and reinforce the link with the PC? With that we can expand the frostyrm content and not add a new dragon because if i remember, they are no other frostwyrm pure blood in the future. It's just an idea but maybe is interresting to think about it^^. (And give more freedom for new content^^).

I've thinking of this with your work on tall Lyric and the identity concept discussion we have with her in the content. (An interresting subject even in the real life too and not forget the concept of evolution beacause in real, the Frostwyrm even if it's a little harsh to tell, are a primitive species with high possibility to evolve).
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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2022
However for the content situation, I think we must be patient, it's frustrating indeed but I just hope they not forget the work on Lyric and the other work of B. I hope we see it in this years.


Well-Known Member
I thinking of this today, when I see manga or even D&D game, dragon and many creature have the power to change form like demon in Coc. Do you think is an interresting idea to have this possibility in Tits with Frosty and Flurry? For exemple, when we have enough child their psionic abilities power up and they can switch in an alternate form like an hermaphrodite anthropomorph dragon, like Bahamut form in final fantasy 7 (epic game, I really like it) or like what we become when we take frostwyrm TF with muzzle ect (and breast experience because I like when Nykke tease Frosty with that XD), they learn of this new experience, learn to switch between normal and alternate form and reinforce the link with the PC? With that we can expand the frostyrm content and not add a new dragon because if i remember, they are no other frostwyrm pure blood in the future. It's just an idea but maybe is interresting to think about it^^. (And give more freedom for new content^^).
Sorry to rain on your parade, but...

On a writing level: having humanoid versions of the frostwyrms would lead to more possibilities, yes, but you couldn't just edit their existing scenes due to how radically different their bodies would be. Besides, the majority of people who engage in the frostwyrm's content probably prefer them to remain in their draconic forms. Neither of these are insurmountable, though. However...

On a lore level: psionics aren't magic. While it is possible to TF someone using psionics, frostwyrms have not demonstrated anything close that ability - the only character we meet who can is Synphia (who has some level of aptitude for all forms of psionics), and even then she's limited to small increases to cock size, ball size and cum production, and even that little is very draining for her. As such, even if more radical TFs are theoretically possible with psionics, it'd probably take way too much for a person (even one of a frostwyrm's size) to reasonably be capable of performing. Plus, I know the game plays fast and loose with conservation of mass, but going from the size of a small spaceship to a regular person is probably too much even for TiTS.
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