
Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
To say I've been waiting for the big kobold dragon for a long time would be an understatement. I have notes:

- Have you ever thought about writing Lyric as asexual outright? It'd explain a lot about them, and it's a classic savant archetype. Adding dragon hormones would complicate things, of course.

- Tying boobs/balls to gender identity is clever. I actually think it's a good idea to hint at this early. Like when you discuss "futadom" with her/him,
Alchemy makes it fairly trivial to make a lot of adjustments to a person’s body, whether it’s anything from changing their hair color to doing something as wild as having a person grow new sexual body parts.

"Like... breasts?", the kobold wonders. [|"I can't really say I'd see myself having a pair, you know?" He raises his arms to strike a strongman pose, as if to show his pride as well as his point.|"It would be nice have a bust as big as the queen's." She looks down to grasp a pair of non-existant, but quite large, orbs on herself.]

That's not what you meant.

- Seriously, no notes on the sexified variation of the feeding scene. How long do we have to wait before the King/Queen starts feeding us treats, perhaps of the alchemical kind?

- Everyone's focused on the stuff after, but don't think I didn't notice that jab there. Not judging, worth a chuckle. Has Arona even met with any kitsune before Kiyoko?

I'm curious - how would you suggest they reconcile?

Lyric was a slave, captured by orcs.
Arona is an orc slaver, unrepentant and unapologetic for her and her people's work. She and Kervus had never dealt with trading kobolds, but she still captures and sells people for a living/her own pleasure.

How should these two compromise?
Okay, here's my take. Things to keep in mind:
1. What we have here is what the roleplayers of old would call "alignment differences". I wouldn't expect them to reconcile, so much as trust the PC's leadership and agree to disagree.
2. I'd expect how Arona views the PC, to dom or sub, to be a factor as well.
3. I understand why you don't want this to end in sex, this should be taken seriously, but it's entirely in character for both Arona to make a pass when Lyric settles down, as much as Lyric would recoil at the thought (out of offense, if nothing else). Domination through sex has been largely normalized within orc culture, if not the setting as a whole. It's not like Orcs don't understand the concept of consent, just ask Hretha. It's that they assume everyone, themselves included, is a low-key masochist.
(For some reason, these two remind me of Amily vs Marble back in CoC1. Crazy times.)
4. Given the setting is a post-Roman Empire pastiche, it helps to do research on the actual Roman Empire. Failing that, crib from media about the Roman Empire. I'm reminded of The Forgotten City:
“Don’t your laws allow slave ownership?”
Sentius: “Of course. What else would we do with those prisoners of war who would otherwise have been executed? And besides, there are laws for their protection as well.”
I wouldn't expect Pure Champs to necessarily buy such a reductive picture about slavery, but treat slaves as best as they can. I assume Tainted Champs to admit they just like the sex.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
I'm gonna throw out a question completely unrelated to this incredibly heavy topic.

Have you ever considered a scene for Lyric where they get rutted by the player? They're pretty small obviously so a heat variant would work too.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
If there is going to be a rutting scene I rather have futa lyric rut my champ, instead, especially if its tall(dom) lyric, so my champ can have all her eggs, lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
If there is going to be a rutting scene I rather have futa lyric rut my champ, instead, especially if its tall(dom) lyric, so my champ can have all her eggs, lol.
I feel like aside from the recruitment scene we haven't had a chance to really strain the hero worship angle for Lyric. Granted they shows the trait often but I really want to see her kind of second guess it before jumping headlong into something intense.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
Thinking on this though, we do have one actual slave to the champion in the game. Jael'yn. She actually has a magic slave collar and has to listen to whatever you say. She is literally your slave. Her free will can literally be controlled by the champion (whether you have the intention to or not - the control is there.)
Jaelyn is so close to feeling like a slave, but there are couple of things that are preventing it.

First off, she is forced on us. You can bit refuse/kill her, Ryn just says that you take her and you take her.

Second, her slave status is questionable. While we have control over her dick, that is all we really have. We can not really order her around and she sexes other people.

Thirdly, not really fan of her and Daliza content. It kind of feels weird that what is supposed to be my slave has a lover arc with my lover. Slavery in sexual games to me should be centered around the player.

So yeah, not really a slave material in my book.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2022
Can I Have a suggest, can we sleep with tall and small lyric like etheryn, Dal,... like she come a time and ask if we accept that because she like/love you, like a shy demand.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Jaelyn is so close to feeling like a slave, but there are couple of things that are preventing it.

First off, she is forced on us. You can bit refuse/kill her, Ryn just says that you take her and you take her.

Second, her slave status is questionable. While we have control over her dick, that is all we really have. We can not really order her around and she sexes other people.

Thirdly, not really fan of her and Daliza content. It kind of feels weird that what is supposed to be my slave has a lover arc with my lover. Slavery in sexual games to me should be centered around the player.

So yeah, not really a slave material in my book.
From what I can tell the daliza and jael'yn content, if you don't start a threesome with them both, then daliza will just keep a platonic relationship and nothing sexual happen between them both, which personally I prefer, like daliza is aware of jael'yn's circumstances but wouldn't do anything sexual to her unless pushed into it, by the player.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
I'll respond to all these posts later; it's 7:30 AM and I haven't slept yet

Took last week off because I didn't feel well in the head. But, updated Lyric with 10k words! Multiple scenes, some logistic, some sexy, including one sex scene where, if Lyric has a dick and you're short, then Lyric can pick YOU up and carry YOU around on their dick!
You tell Lyric that Ivris’s shop seems awfully cramped for someone of [lyric.hisHer] size, and suggest that [lyric.heShe] might enjoy getting out into the fresh air with you for a little while.

“No, I’m fine,” Lyric replies with a genuine smile and a swish of [lyric.hisHer] tail. “I know I’m much bigger, now, and I sometimes bump my head on the door frame, but I’m actually pretty cozy right here, where I am. And Ivris is so nice and accommodating, too.”

You stare at Lyric. [lyric.HeShe] stares back, oblivious.

“Oh!” [lyric.heShe] says, jolting in place as the realization hits [lyric.himHer] like a thunderbolt. “You want me to – right! Yes, sorry!” [lyric.HeShe] raps [lyric.hisHer] knuckles against [lyric.hisHer] own head, like [lyric.heShe] was knocking on a door. “I still got chemistry on the brain for a bit. And you asked me about Ivris, and I got all twisted and turned around. Yes, we can leave immediately!”

Lyric turns towards [lyric.hisHer] little table to swipe a few vials, waterskins, and ingredients, stuffing things into various pockets along [lyric.hisHer] tunic and into the pockets on [lyric.hisHer] belts. “Okay!” [lyric.heShe] says with one last bounce on [lyric.hisHer] feet. “Onward, []!”
You forgive [lyric.himHer], but you note that you’re a bit surprised. You two are already intimate, and [lyric.heShe] has your permission to touch you, but like you said, [lyric.heShe]’s normally so good about asking for permission before impressing [lyric.himHer]self onto you like that. That said, if you didn’t like it, you would have told [lyric.himHer] to stop – and there’s something hot about your partner being so into you that they can barely help themselves.

“Well… yeah,” [lyric.heShe] admits. [lyric.HisHer] tail swishes lazily behind [lyric.himHer]self: [lyric.hisHer] words say that [lyric.heShe]’s sorry, but [lyric.hisHer] tone and body language imply something very different[lyric.hasCock|. And so does the barely-concealed bulge in the bottom hem of [lyric.hisHer] tunic]. “I’ve only ever felt this way once before: in the Undermountain, when I first met the Kobold Queen.”

What way? Horny? Does that mean [lyric.heShe]’s never felt horny around you?

“Not horny,” [lyric.heShe] says, then reconsiders. “Well, yes, horny. But… no, something else. Something…” [lyric.heShe] trails off, [lyric.hisHer] finger tapping on [lyric.hisHer] chin as [lyric.heShe] considers how to explain it.

“Subservient,” [lyric.heShe] eventually settles on.

[pc.isBimbo|Subby? [lyric.HeShe]’s suddenly feeling particularly subby around you?|Subservient? As in, [lyric.heShe] needs you to command [lyric.himHer] to do something?]

“Listen, I – I need you to tell me to do something,” [lyric.heShe] suddenly blurts out. [lyric.HisHer] tail thumps against the ground once. “A-And I’d appreciate it if you told me to do something sexy. Like… like telling me to bend over and present[lyric.hasCock|, o-or telling me to rut you as hard as I can]. Or telling – commanding me to service you orally. Something. <b>Anything</b>.”

… You think you’re going to have a lot of fun with whatever instincts you’ve just unlocked in Lyric.
[lyric.HisHer] voice snaps you out of your daze, and you take a quick, sharp inhale through your nose, getting in a fat lungful of [lyric.hisHer] scent. You tell Lyric that you want [lyric.himHer] to do the thing again.

“‘The thing’?” [lyric.heShe] repeats incredulously, but given how [lyric.hisHer] cock throbs, and a string of clear pre forms and slips down the smooth underside of [lyric.hisHer] twelve-inch dick, [lyric.heShe] has a good idea of what, exactly, you want. “You mean… the thing where I lift you up and turn you into a warm, wet sock for my cock?”

Yes, please.

The tip of [lyric.hisHer] tongue slips from [lyric.hisHer] lips, streaking across their length. “Since you asked politely.”
“It’s good to know that I excite you almost as much as you excite me,” [lyric.heShe] purrs. “Kobold or dragon… I could suck this cock all day long and I’d never have enough of you, [].”

[lyric.domTrainingABC|You place your hand on Lyric’s head, your thumb lightly stroking the scales on [lyric.hisHer] forehead between [lyric.hisHer] horns, petting [lyric.himHer] gently. You’ve never been known for having a weak libido. It’s good to know that you have at least <b>one</b> willing mouth whenever you want it.

“By the Gods, just say the word,” [lyric.heShe] insists. “Anywhere, anytime.”|You reach down with your left hand and gently wrap your fingers around Lyric’s right horn. [lyric.HeShe] purrs, but it comes out as a lower growl, almost like [lyric.heShe]’s daring you to do something bolder. You tell [lyric.himHer] that if [lyric.heShe]’s ever hungry for [pc.race] dick, it’s never going to be too far away.

“Mmm, careful with your promises,” [lyric.heShe] says as [lyric.hisHer] tongue slips out. “Because I might just have an appetite to match your libido.”|[lyric.HeShe] takes a long, slow drag of your scent, burying [lyric.hisHer] nose at the base of your shaft. You reach down to place your hand on [lyric.hisHer] head, and as soon as your hand touches down, [lyric.hisHer] eyes snap open, those golden discs focusing on yours with a hungry, feral intensity.

“It’s a good thing your libido is as legendary as it is,” [lyric.heShe] continues, [lyric.hisHer] voice lower and huskier. “So I can have it whenever, wherever I want, and I know you’ll always have the energy to match my appetite.”

You… don’t think you’ve ever had your own libido weaponized against you like that before. You aren’t sure if it’s a promise or a threat.]


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Lyric with 9,000 words! This finishes the scene where Lyric blows you; it does the entirety of Lyric sitting on your face, with lots of variance based on how thicc you've made them; and it gets started on a slower, more sensual scene where Lyric big spoons you!
“[lyric.domTrainingABC|You come straight to me when you have any more to spare, [],” [lyric.heShe] says huskily, [lyric.hisHer] tongue slipping out to lick at [lyric.hisHer] lips once more. “Gods, you’re like a drug to me.”

If [lyric.heShe] keeps up the unabashed cumsluttery, you’re no doubt going to have another fresh load for [lyric.himHer] in a hurry.

“That’s what I like to hear,” [lyric.heShe] says, biting into [lyric.hisHer] lower lip.|I love seeing you lose your control with me, [],” [lyric.heShe] says huskily, [lyric.hisHer] tongue slipping out to lick at [lyric.hisHer] lips once more. “I don’t know if it’s because it’s you, or because I’m a dragon, but making you cum like that makes me feel so… accomplished. Powerful, in a way.”

It takes a particular mindsight to get your face fucked and come away from it thinking that <b>you</b> were the one with the power the entire time.

“I could have stopped,” [lyric.heShe] notes. “And you would have begged me to start again.”

You don’t respond. Lyric smirks knowingly, triumphantly.|And now, I have an appetite for all things [] flavor,” [lyric.heShe] says huskily, [lyric.hisHer] tongue slipping out to lick at [lyric.hisHer] lips once more. “The next time I get a craving, I know just who to go to for my fix.”

Not many tops are the ones repeatedly getting on their knees to suck off their bottoms.

“The difference, [], is assertion. There’s a difference between ‘can I suck you off?’ and ‘I’m going to suck you off right now.’” [lyric.HeShe] smiles wryly. “Of course, you’re free to tell me ‘no’ whenever you’d like…”

You don’t respond. You know that you’re not going to deny Lyric, and [lyric.heShe] knows that you won’t. [lyric.HeShe]’s won this round.]
At first, you don’t respond, preferring to press your front to Lyric’s so you can enjoy more of [lyric.hisHer] ass in your hands. The circumference, the heft, the way [lyric.hisHer] scales so smoothly meld from one into the other in a way that skin and fur could never replicate. You could spend all day grabbing it like you are now. You imagine lying down and using just one cheek as a pillow[lyric.electrumRange 0 400||. Hell, you could use the whole damn thing as a blanket].

You want it on your face. The words just kind of blurt out of your mouth.

Lyric tilts [lyric.hisHer] head to one side, rising one arch of [lyric.hisHer] brow skeptically. “[], you might actually die if I do that,” [lyric.heShe] warns. [lyric.HeShe] reaches back with [lyric.hisHer] left hand and gives [lyric.hisHer] own rump a hearty slap. The impact echoes through the [atCamp|tent|room] like [lyric.heShe] just slapped a quilt. “I use this as a weapon in altercations. That’s a whole lot of ass to be buried under.”

If you die, you die a warrior’s death.

Lyric laughs once at that. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Now that Lyric is so enormous, you have a… a request, that’s a bit mild compared to some other positions and fantasies.

Lyric’s brow curls upward in slight surprise, and [lyric.heShe] purses [lyric.hisHer] lips together. “Something ‘mild’?” [lyric.heShe] repeats. “[], I can promise you, every time I’m with you, I feel like I could fall into the sky.”

That’s an… oddly romantic thing for [lyric.himHer] to say.

“Well, what I mean is,” [lyric.heShe] continues, “whatever it is you want, I’m willing to do. I’m your dragon just as much as you’re my [pc.race].”


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
To say I've been waiting for the big kobold dragon for a long time would be an understatement. I have notes:

- Have you ever thought about writing Lyric as asexual outright? It'd explain a lot about them, and it's a classic savant archetype. Adding dragon hormones would complicate things, of course.
While it's an interesting idea, perhaps saying that Lyric is asexual-except-for-the-PC might makes things a little complicated. Lyric admits to having fantasies of their Village Mother in this expack (this being before Lyric met the PC), and while it's an easy enough line to cut out, making them ace feels like it'd clutter their character a bit.
To say I've been waiting for the big kobold dragon for a long time would be an understatement. I have notes:

- Have you ever thought about writing Lyric as asexual outright? It'd explain a lot about them, and it's a classic savant archetype. Adding dragon hormones would complicate things, of course.

- Tying boobs/balls to gender identity is clever. I actually think it's a good idea to hint at this early. Like when you discuss "futadom" with her/him,
Alchemy makes it fairly trivial to make a lot of adjustments to a person’s body, whether it’s anything from changing their hair color to doing something as wild as having a person grow new sexual body parts.

"Like... breasts?", the kobold wonders. [|"I can't really say I'd see myself having a pair, you know?" He raises his arms to strike a strongman pose, as if to show his pride as well as his point.|"It would be nice have a bust as big as the queen's." She looks down to grasp a pair of non-existant, but quite large, orbs on herself.]

That's not what you meant.
I was mostly going to port Lyric's futa and preg scenes for Tall Lyric. But I'll keep this suggestion in mind.
Okay, here's my take. Things to keep in mind:
Mmm, most of these are contingent on Arona's input. I'm going to wait until Savin reviews it to see if there's anything he'd like added or removed wrt Arona's character.
I'm gonna throw out a question completely unrelated to this incredibly heavy topic.

Have you ever considered a scene for Lyric where they get rutted by the player? They're pretty small obviously so a heat variant would work too.
Oooh, Lyric going into rut/heat could be a fun scene! It'd have to be sometime later, though; it'd require a bit of setup and I don't want Tall Lyric to have too much more content than Base Lyric.
Can I Have a suggest, can we sleep with tall and small lyric like etheryn, Dal,... like she come a time and ask if we accept that because she like/love you, like a shy demand.
Someone once wrote a sleep-with doc for Lyric that I never got around to reviewing. I really should...
You know, just thought of something funny. Once Lyric becomes beeg, there should be a scene where she puts you in her clothes to stealth sex her rather vice versa when she/he was a kobold. How the turntables.
If I ever write public sex with Tall Lyric, it's probably not going to be discrete. Tall Lyric's clothes are written as being damn-near skintight - their clothes did not grow with the rest of them, because Character Growth But The Clothes Stay The Same Size is an underappreciated fetish.

Although, I suppose there's nothing stopping them from putting on different clothes for the express purpose of stealth sex.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
While it's an interesting idea, perhaps saying that Lyric is asexual-except-for-the-PC might makes things a little complicated. Lyric admits to having fantasies of their Village Mother in this expack (this being before Lyric met the PC), and while it's an easy enough line to cut out, making them ace feels like it'd clutter their character a bit.
Many aces go through some kinky sh*t before they figure themselves out, there's actually a high-profile example from the furry fandom, but I see your point. It'd be a good idea to examine Lyric's past sexual history. If nothing else, the issue may be you did such a good job making them an ideal pet that crossing the line feels like actual bestiality.
I was mostly going to port Lyric's futa and preg scenes for Tall Lyric. But I'll keep this suggestion in mind.
So how do you think tallness would affect her pregnancies going forward? Would it enhance her fertility, to lay bigger clutches? Would her dragon traits pass on to her kids? If not, would her newfound dragonic instincts lead her to create more "minions"?

That last one is, I suspect, pretty much the inspiration behind the creation of much Bowser mpreg art and fanfiction. You should look some up for yourself. I remember a doujin that was a fun read.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
If nothing else, the issue may be you did such a good job making them an ideal pet that crossing the line feels like actual bestiality.
I have no idea how to respond to this :gedwut:
So how do you think tallness would affect her pregnancies going forward? Would it enhance her fertility, to lay bigger clutches? Would her dragon traits pass on to her kids? If not, would her newfound dragonic instincts lead her to create more "minions"?

That last one is, I suspect, pretty much the inspiration behind the creation of much Bowser mpreg art and fanfiction. You should look some up for yourself. I remember a doujin that was a fun read.
Savin already vetoed Lyric giving birth to more dragons, so Tall Lyric will give birth to/sire more kobolds. Lyric mentions that dragons of mythology have hoards, typically of shiny things, but I was going to have Lyric say that their hoard consists of exactly one thing: you. I could throw in a line about Lyric thinking of your kids with them as adding to the hoard, maybe, if I can make it sound not-weird.

And uhhh, I'll pass on the Bowser mpreg. I appreciate that you were considerate enough of me and my interests to bring it up, though.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2022
It's sad we cannot give a dragon baby for Lyric but I suppose Savin have a good reason of this, however, we have a other way with the black dragon blood^^ and I hope have a spécial baby with Lyric, like Freja and see child interaction^^ perhaps a Kobold child with Dragon character like wings, horns, a long tail and more tall than the other kobold, an half-blood but it's just an idea^^. The idea to see Lyric in heat his great, i can imagine that^^. I hope see soon the result for this project.^^
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
(Repost to remove memes. Never try to meme your way out of a hole you dug for yourself, kids.)
I have no idea how to respond to this :gedwut:
It was meant to be a compliment, I swear. You know those graphs used to explain the uncanny valley? Petification is the inverse of that graph, and Lyric might be on the far right of the line. No one want to fuck their Charmander. More want to fuck a Charizard, so I can't wait.

While I have my foot in my mouth, there should definitely be a footplay scene. Entirely in character for Lyric's to have pre-cleaned their feet with sweet oils to lick.

I could throw in a line about Lyric thinking of your kids with them as adding to the hoard, maybe, if I can make it sound not-weird.
Don't worry about making it not-weird, just make it fun to read. That's the essence of camp, bae-by!

And uhhh, I'll pass on the Bowser mpreg. I appreciate that you were considerate enough of me and my interests to bring it up, though.
Do seriously think about taking notes on him for inspiration, for character not porn. There are more connections between Koopa King and Kobold King than you'd think.

Actually, do you have any specific reference points you use in your writing? In general, if not for this character.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
I was speaking more in terms of small Lyric getting overwhelmed by a rut/heat champion. It was in order to play into Lyric's hero worship, essentially causing them to agree to something they hadn't thought entirely through.

Giant Lyric having their own scene with the opposite dynamoc also sounds great but I really think Lyric's champ fetish as ground left to tred.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Ivaze is public! Let me know what you think of her; she was a personal pet project of mine and I think she came out pretty good. General response seems to be positive but I'd like to hear any and all thoughts all the same!

Actually, do you have any specific reference points you use in your writing? In general, if not for this character.
Some characters are meant to explicitly be expys of other, existing characters. Zo is meant to be an expy of a certain Nintendo character that I won't name (the brass don't like it when I do). Kailani is meant to hit the same notes as Krystal from Star Fox (speak different languages; has family troubles; is furry but has tattoos, particularly with a white and blue color scheme). Otherwise, I don't often use specific reference points and play most of my writing by ear.

Ivaze wasn't meant to be an expy of any character, but she was inspired by a certain pic of Millie, from Helluva Boss, by Magnetus. The one with the giant horsecock.
I was speaking more in terms of small Lyric getting overwhelmed by a rut/heat champion. It was in order to play into Lyric's hero worship, essentially causing them to agree to something they hadn't thought entirely through.

Giant Lyric having their own scene with the opposite dynamoc also sounds great but I really think Lyric's champ fetish as ground left to tred.
Sure, that's not a bad idea, but it'd have to be something to do later, when I'm not swamped with Lyric content to do already, haha

Speaking of: Updated Lyric with 8,000 words! This concludes Lyric spooning you; it does the entire scene of Lyric eating you out; and it gets started on Lyric fucking you properly. The last one opens with a bit of the PC worshipping big dragon dick.
With a lurch, Lyric falls to [lyric.hisHer] right side, taking you down with [lyric.himHer]. [lyric.HisHer] right arm is pinned underneath your body, but [lyric.heShe] has enough range in [lyric.hisHer] forearm to access enough of your body anyway. And now that [lyric.heShe] isn’t sitting on [lyric.hisHer] rump, you suddenly feel something else: a pointed, nubby, slightly-clumsy digit against your taint[pc.hasVagina|, teasing its way to the lower edge of your pussy]. That’s [lyric.hisHer] tail, having worked its way between [lyric.hisHer] own thighs to join in the exploring.

Lyric keeps [lyric.hisHer] right hand busy with your [pc.hasCock|dick|pot], while [lyric.hisHer] left resumes exploring the rest of you[pc.isHerm|, still slick with your varied sexual fluids and spreading your mess over your own [pc.skinFurScalesNoun]]. You’re so stimulated, but not in an overbearing, overpowering way: every part of you feels so… tended to. It’s like if a blanket hugged you back. And, well, if your blanket gave you a slow-and-steady [pc.hasCock|handjob[pc.hasVagina| and a ]][pc.hasVagina|fingerbang].
You tell Lyric to open [lyric.hisHer] mouth.

[lyric.HeShe] opens [lyric.hisHer] mouth.

You tell Lyric to extend [lyric.hisHer] tongue. All the way.

[lyric.HeShe] rolls out [lyric.hisHer] tongue. And it just keeps coming out: inches quickly turn into a foot and some change. All of that is one long, wet, wriggly, somewhat-prehensile flesh of draconic tongue, reaching so far down that [|it reaches the top of his chest|it rests on the upper swell of her tits].

That’s an awful lot of tongue. You ask Lyric if [lyric.heShe] knows how to use it.

[lyric.HeShe] slurps it all back into [lyric.hisHer] mouth before answering. The act takes several seconds. “I mean… it helps me eat food, so, I guess I know how to use it about as well as anyone else.”

Fascinating. Fascinating.

You ask [lyric.himHer] how well [lyric.heShe] thinks [lyric.heShe] can use it to eat [pc.vagAss|pussy|ass].

The question takes Lyric by surprise, such that [lyric.heShe] rears back. [lyric.HisHer] green cheeks turn yellow as blood rushes to [lyric.hisHer] head. “Uhh,” [lyric.heShe] stutters, trying to reason with [lyric.himHer]self on how [lyric.heShe] should answer that question. “Like… [pc.vagAss|[lyric.hasVagina|my own|I wouldn’t know, because I don’t have one, but if I did]?|my own?] Because I can’t really say that I’ve have a lot of–”

You give Lyric the look. You’ve given it to [lyric.himHer] enough times that [lyric.heShe] recognizes it.

“Oh!” [lyric.heShe] exclaims, [lyric.hisHer] tail shooting erect behind [lyric.himHer]self. “You mean, on you!”

Now [lyric.heShe]’s getting it.
Lyric’s tongue plays along the ridges of your abs, the tip curling into a fine point before digging in to lather the tight confines. [lyric.HeShe] hums in approval as [lyric.heShe] grinds [lyric.hisHer] nose against your tight pecs, licking and kissing them with a level of enthusiasm somewhere between delight and fervor. “You know that I enjoy every part of you,” [lyric.heShe] sighs in between licks. “But [lyric.domTrainingABC|goodness gracious|gosh darn|hot damn], I get why some people go nuts for nice abs.”

You shover as [lyric.heShe] bathes your whole stomach with long, languid licks, feeling every bud against your chiseled muscles. You suggest that [lyric.heShe] should work on [lyric.hisHer] [silly|tone, too.

Lyric immediately stops and sits up, [lyric.hisHer] eyes wide with concern. “My tone?” [lyric.heShe] says with concern. “What did I do? What did I say?”

Wha – no, not – [lyric.heShe] should work on [lyric.hisHer] muscle definition. You’re saying [lyric.heShe] should get some nice abs [lyric.himHer]self.

“Oh!” [lyric.heShe] chirps, [lyric.hisHer] body relaxing. “Phew, I thought I said something bad.”

Back to the topic, though, you tell [lyric.himHer] that [lyric.heShe] should work on [lyric.hisHer]] body. If [lyric.heShe] likes giving your stomach the attention that it’s earned, then you’d love nothing more than to do the same.

“I could,” [lyric.heShe] admits in between giving your belly more lathering. “But abs like these start in the kitchen, I’m told. And me getting abs that could cut meat like these ones would mean giving up electrum. And I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

Fair enough. It’s tough and requires a lot of discipline. You don’t blame Lyric for opting against it.
Lyric [lyric.domTrainingABC|gasps out in delight|hums in approval|purrs in approval] once your mouth wraps around [lyric.hisHer] cock. Not only does [lyric.heShe] taste just as full, just as <b>powerful</b> as [lyric.heShe] looks, but it feels… oddly good to have [lyric.hisHer] dick in your mouth. It feels good to lower your lips down the smooth, conical shape, letting [lyric.hisHer] girth spread them wider as you sink down. It feels good to reach forward and heft [lyric.hisHer] big, fat nuts with one hand while you stroke [lyric.himHer] with the other.

Every gush of [lyric.hisHer] pre along your tongue is an explosion of flavor that you can’t help but want to savor, but your body won’t let you stop long enough for it, insisting that you keep bobbing your head and swallowing more of Lyric’s big, thick girth. [lyric.HisHer] tail whips behind [lyric.himHer]self just once, thrashing against the [atCamp|ground|floor], in some reflexive sign of satisfaction. One clawed hand comes down to rest onto your skull, neither pushing nor pulling on you, but the action alone speaks volumes between you two.

Some part of your brain is still self-aware enough to know that this isn’t how you typically behave around Lyric[lyric.domTrainingABC|||, even now that you’ve trained [lyric.himHer] to be your top]. Normally, it’s Lyric throwing [lyric.himHer]self at you[lyric.domTrainingABC||; even now that [lyric.heShe]’s cool and confident enough to act more ‘dragonlike’ around you, if you asked [lyric.himHer] to do something for you, [lyric.heShe] wouldn’t hesitate|; even now that [lyric.heShe]’s cool and confident enough to act more ‘dragonlike’ around you, if you asked [lyric.himHer] to do something for you, [lyric.heShe] wouldn’t hesitate]. But… it’s different now that [lyric.heShe]’s a dragon. It just is. You’re not fellating Lyric the Kobold, you’re fellating Lyric the Dragon.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Lyric with 2,000 words! This is just a whole lot of the PC getting mating press'd by a big, horny dragon that would fall over themselves to have a piece of you. You know, if you're into that.
“Aah,” Lyric sighs as [lyric.heShe] nestles on top of you, adjusting sand readjusting your upturned legs to get more comfortable. “I think this might be my favorite position.”

Your hands roll across [lyric.hisHer] scaly back, tickling at the muscles underneath them, walking your fingers along their ridges. You innocently ask why that might be.

[lyric.HeShe] chuckles as [lyric.heShe] returns the motions, [lyric.hisHer] hands raking slowly across your thigh, from your bum up towards your knee. “That depends on the answer you want me to give, [rand|jade|amber|ruby|lapis|diamond],” [lyric.heShe] answers. “It could be because… it’s very intimate. I can look into your eyes, and you into mine, the entire time. I can hear your every whimper, and feel your every breath…”

You stare into [lyric.hisHer] eyes and let out a long-winded sigh, meeting – or, perhaps, challenging – [lyric.hisHer] every expectation.

“It could be because I have all the power and leverage,” [lyric.heShe] continues, [lyric.hisHer] breath catching in [lyric.hisHer] nose as [lyric.heShe] lets out a horny snarl. With a rock of [lyric.hisHer] hips, [lyric.hisHer] cock drives along your [pc.hasCock|own, squashing it flat between you two[pc.cockRange 0 12||; despite one-upping [lyric.himHer] in size, you can’t help but feel just a little bit smaller than [lyric.himHer]]|stomach, leaving a wet, slimy trail of saliva and pre across your [pc.skinFurScalesNoun] as [lyric.heShe] goes]. “I have you right where I want you. I fantasize about you every night we’re not together, [], and now, I have the opportunity to fulfill each and every fantasy.”
“Go-osh, [],” [lyric.heShe] whines. [lyric.HisHer] nose hovers so closely to yours that you can feel the static between [lyric.hisHer] and yours. “I… I feel so much better than when I was a kobold…!”

Every thrust [lyric.heShe] makes into you just accentuates [lyric.hisHer] meaning. [lyric.HeShe]’s fucking you the way you’d expect a proper, full-blooded dragon could fuck. If [lyric.heShe] was a mythical, four-legged, wingspan-the-size-of-a-building dragon, you can only imagine just how intense [lyric.heShe]’d be with you.

“I just want to have sex with you all day,” [lyric.heShe] thrums out, [lyric.hisHer] eyes drifting closed. You aren’t sure if you were meant to hear that.
Lyric lets out a ragged exhale, [lyric.hisHer] breath hotly stale from holding it in for so long. [lyric.HeShe]’s fucking you less for the pleasure, and more like it’s [lyric.hisHer] job, [lyric.hisHer] duty – one [lyric.heShe] takes both great pride in and takes very seriously. [lyric.HisHer] hands are tight and possessive, and [lyric.hisHer] hips thrust like [lyric.heShe] has a point to prove.

“Sometimes,” [lyric.heShe] says lowly, [lyric.hisHer] voice coming out more as a whispered, gravelly growl, “I can’t believe that you’re mine.”

You’re more than happy to be a part of the dragon’s hoard if it means getting fucked like this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Absolutely love Ivaze and do hope you eventually expand upon her somehow, maybe get a little cave under the Wayfort for the female imp harem. I absolutely hate male imps, but female imps? I can look the other way for those delicious shortstacks. Ivaze makes me can't wait for Jstar's fem imp. Perfect little bedwarmers for the Tainted/Corrupted inclined.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Ivaze generally seems to be well received, which makes me happy. I've seen some half-decent suggestions on how to progress with her, such as leaning harder into the corruption aspect and filling the world with female imps.

Expanding on her "character" would be tough, though. Not the part where she doesn't speak - I've proven three times over now that that's not the challenge for me, and with Ivaze, I'm willing to break my rule and have her speak, if sparsely, for whatever reason. The part that'd be tough to expand on is that, if you ever try to speak with her, she shuts you up and gets right into the sex. She doesn't have much character outside of sex/porn as a feature. I could make something up, of course, but what else might an imp like her be interested in?

Having a crossover with Meridyx would be pretty easy, though, especially since Meridyx would do all the talking for them both.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
So do female imps only produce female imps and male imps only produce male imps? Or are they just able to control what sex the new imps will be? Been wondering that and with the implication above of potentially filling the world with female imps that would be interesting. I think that's one of the reasons I like female imps is the idea that while they still breed quickly, they don't breed as fast as male imps since male imps can just impregnate endless droves of women while female imps can only be impregnated one at a time, and female imps are obviously a smaller chance of being born from incubi and succubi (since there isn't a lot of them)


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
A potential submissive Ivaze route might be fun too, like she's submissive to you but still dominant to her imp horde. She meant to be dominant but it be nice to have another switch option, feel we already have an overload of dominant women in the game (not saying a bad thing, but just be nice to see more submissive characters or at least those we can turnabout on.

Granted I know this is unlikely to be done considering the way you've written her, just throwing the idea out there.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
So do female imps only produce female imps and male imps only produce male imps? Or are they just able to control what sex the new imps will be? Been wondering that and with the implication above of potentially filling the world with female imps that would be interesting. I think that's one of the reasons I like female imps is the idea that while they still breed quickly, they don't breed as fast as male imps since male imps can just impregnate endless droves of women while female imps can only be impregnated one at a time, and female imps are obviously a smaller chance of being born from incubi and succubi (since there isn't a lot of them)
It hasn't been a topic I've put a ton a thought into, and I doubt anyone in the brass has, either. I mean, Ivaze is the first female imp ever, we've had male imps for years. Why? Who knows. Does Ivaze, uhhh, only invite female imps, and she just doesn't invite the male imps? Who knows.
A potential submissive Ivaze route might be fun too, like she's submissive to you but still dominant to her imp horde. She meant to be dominant but it be nice to have another switch option, feel we already have an overload of dominant women in the game (not saying a bad thing, but just be nice to see more submissive characters or at least those we can turnabout on.
Mmm, I don't know. It's a popular request and I get that she's sex content before anything else, but what little character she does have is all dom-focused, and giving her any sub-content would be inconsistent with that. I guess, if I were to do sub Ivaze, your relationship with her would have to progress a bit so that making her into a bottom would be something she'd allow, making her a power bottom rather than a sub.

I could, alternatively, write an entirely different branch of content for her - she goes to your window, you let her in, you fuck her stupid, she comes back not to assert herself but because she liked getting railed by a big, dommy [pc.race] that put her in her place. It would essentially make her into a different character altogether, though. I don't really see a way to have her be both ways without being inconsistent with what characterization already exists.

Either way, I've always posited on Discord that Ivaze isn't a bad person, exactly, she just wants her pussy ate. But it turns out that her pussy is badly addictive and corruptive. Even if the PC dommed her, they would, eventually, become corrupted and enslaved by her very biology, meaning the PC would either crave and beg for more of her, like an addict, or they would become violent and forceful in order to feed their addiction, which... I mean, she's an imp, and the game is called Corruption of Champions, but the R word is something we kinda try to avoid in this game, for Patreon reasons.

Anyway, punchline is, subby-Ivaze is a more complicated topic than it is on the surface. I don't wanna just write it for the sake of writing it because, even though it's porn, I want to at least pretend she has some artistic and literary consistency to her. It's not impossible to do, but it'd take some planning and manuevering.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
I don't wanna just write it for the sake of writing it because, even though it's porn, I want to at least pretend she has some artistic and literary consistency to her. It's not impossible to do, but it'd take some planning and manuevering.
It's not porn, it's ~E R O T I C A~.

Ok, I joke, but there really is nothing pretentious about contextualizing sex scenes or sexual appeal to character, theme, or setting. It's downright respectable for an artist to do so.

BTW: For the mating press scene, consider cutting down certain sentences, like "It could be because I have power and leverage,” and "I want to sex you all day,". Maybe it's because my old english teacher beat out the filler words out of me (tried to anyway), but I think it'd flow better as more raw and in the moment.
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Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Expanding on her "character" would be tough, though. Not the part where she doesn't speak - I've proven three times over now that that's not the challenge for me, and with Ivaze, I'm willing to break my rule and have her speak, if sparsely, for whatever reason. The part that'd be tough to expand on is that, if you ever try to speak with her, she shuts you up and gets right into the sex. She doesn't have much character outside of sex/porn as a feature. I could make something up, of course, but what else might an imp like her be interested in?
I think demons are obsessed with things, but they are things they were obsessed with in 'life' or at least when they had souls. Imps don't generally have backstories or lives other than they're spawned and basically breed-happy perverts. I suppose if Ivaze experienced something that was new it could become an obsession. Maybe it's just the moon. Maybe it's painting or flutes. Maybe it's manti-nip or winterstem.

I know it isn't true, but what if there are no female imps, she's either something pretending or is totally different, like an Alraune seedling/effigy spawned from those tainted flowers and only looks like an imp, but isn't. Champ's just been mistaken the whole time. She's the Herald's tainted seed-sister and loves music and can't play the drums like the Herald (or sing, since she rarely speaks), so is looking for an instrument she can play and the Champ has to bring a bunch of different ones.

Maybe instead of spawning imps, she gets a taste for ovilixer and colored eggs. Maybe giving her different colored eggs leads to different scenes or (brief) changes in her physiology (for the scene). Now the Champ goes hunting in the Foothills or Windy Peaks (or had to give Shar ovilixer and request eggs) to find different colored eggs for new scenes.

Or keep it simple and she just gets obsessed with underwear, bras or (crotchless) panties. Once learned, Champ can go to various spots and procure (usually with theft) different quest items (one from Winter Palace where Ryn's were found), one stolen from Vivianne's hut, One swiped from Milly Muffins if she's been trained to stop wearing them, a seaweed one from Soircana city, one bought or custom made by Nelia, One pair swiped from Castle Hawkstone, etc.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
It hasn't been a topic I've put a ton a thought into, and I doubt anyone in the brass has, either. I mean, Ivaze is the first female imp ever, we've had male imps for years. Why? Who knows. Does Ivaze, uhhh, only invite female imps, and she just doesn't invite the male imps? Who knows.
It would be great to get some official lore on female imps now that we actually have them. I actually really like the idea of just as everyone else generally hate imps, maybe female imps hate male imps and vice versa which is why you only see groups of one gender - maybe they have a natural repulsion to the opposite gender of their own species and exclusively seek out other races to fuck as a natural means to reproduce and corrupt. Also they can only reproduce their own gender - maybe female imps and male imps are monogendered separate species? So many fascinating avenues of thought.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2020
Either way, I've always posited on Discord that Ivaze isn't a bad person, exactly, she just wants her pussy ate. But it turns out that her pussy is badly addictive and corruptive. Even if the PC dommed her, they would, eventually, become corrupted and enslaved by her very biology, meaning the PC would either crave and beg for more of her, like an addict, or they would become violent and forceful in order to feed their addiction, which... I mean, she's an imp, and the game is called Corruption of Champions, but the R word is something we kinda try to avoid in this game, for Patreon reasons.
I disagree brother. The champ can have ample experience beating and taming demons, while still managing corruption. You have all the combat encounters and post battle sexy time, then more developed stuff like getting Sandre and Caera in line(those are full demons, more than an imp), all the way to Kass herself who can be visited at leisure and fucked, topped, dommed if you want. After all that the madlad champ can go right back to doing heroics, unbroken. But you're telling me every possible future piping Ivaze - an imp, leads to corruption and enslavement?