Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Thinking on this though, we do have one actual slave to the champion in the game. Jael'yn. She actually has a magic slave collar and has to listen to whatever you say. She is literally your slave. Her free will can literally be controlled by the champion (whether you have the intention to or not - the control is there.)
In the Tychris expansion, it's discovered the collar doesn't have any such power. She only thought it did.


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2020
To say I've been waiting for the big kobold dragon for a long time would be an understatement. I have notes:

- Have you ever thought about writing Lyric as asexual outright? It'd explain a lot about them, and it's a classic savant archetype. Adding dragon hormones would complicate things, of course.

- Tying boobs/balls to gender identity is clever. I actually think it's a good idea to hint at this early. Like when you discuss "futadom" with her/him,
Alchemy makes it fairly trivial to make a lot of adjustments to a person’s body, whether it’s anything from changing their hair color to doing something as wild as having a person grow new sexual body parts.

"Like... breasts?", the kobold wonders. [|"I can't really say I'd see myself having a pair, you know?" He raises his arms to strike a strongman pose, as if to show his pride as well as his point.|"It would be nice have a bust as big as the queen's." She looks down to grasp a pair of non-existant, but quite large, orbs on herself.]

That's not what you meant.

- Seriously, no notes on the sexified variation of the feeding scene. How long do we have to wait before the King/Queen starts feeding us treats, perhaps of the alchemical kind?

- Everyone's focused on the stuff after, but don't think I didn't notice that jab there. Not judging, worth a chuckle. Has Arona even met with any kitsune before Kiyoko?

I'm curious - how would you suggest they reconcile?

Lyric was a slave, captured by orcs.
Arona is an orc slaver, unrepentant and unapologetic for her and her people's work. She and Kervus had never dealt with trading kobolds, but she still captures and sells people for a living/her own pleasure.

How should these two compromise?
Okay, here's my take. Things to keep in mind:
1. What we have here is what the roleplayers of old would call "alignment differences". I wouldn't expect them to reconcile, so much as trust the PC's leadership and agree to disagree.
2. I'd expect how Arona views the PC, to dom or sub, to be a factor as well.
3. I understand why you don't want this to end in sex, this should be taken seriously, but it's entirely in character for both Arona to make a pass when Lyric settles down, as much as Lyric would recoil at the thought (out of offense, if nothing else). Domination through sex has been largely normalized within orc culture, if not the setting as a whole. It's not like Orcs don't understand the concept of consent, just ask Hretha. It's that they assume everyone, themselves included, is a low-key masochist.
(For some reason, these two remind me of Amily vs Marble back in CoC1. Crazy times.)
4. Given the setting is a post-Roman Empire pastiche, it helps to do research on the actual Roman Empire. Failing that, crib from media about the Roman Empire. I'm reminded of The Forgotten City:
“Don’t your laws allow slave ownership?”
Sentius: “Of course. What else would we do with those prisoners of war who would otherwise have been executed? And besides, there are laws for their protection as well.”
I wouldn't expect Pure Champs to necessarily buy such a reductive picture about slavery, but treat slaves as best as they can. I assume Tainted Champs to admit they just like the sex.