What if you already have some rahn children in your nursery from before this content is implemented? Will it count them retroactively for the punishment points, or since you took them in before joining this enhanced program you dont get any penalties? Also if you supposed to produce certain number of rahn kids monthly, will you be penalized for getting preggers with somebody elses kids for a few months?
There'll be a warning if you decide to take a batch of rahn kids once - and I'll try and wrangle things so you get that warning if you already took rahn kids, but you otherwise won't get punished for past transgressions. You won't get punished for having other kids, but given you have to produce a certain amount of rahn a month... I'd look into having more than one pussy.
Hopefully it's designed to not be a chore. Being permanently pregnant would basically kill off your ability to play the game in any other fashion
I don't think it would. Also isn't this content of zero interest to you personally?
One of those tamanu pilot mods is a pregnancy soeed booster
I might use this, actually.