Oh cool, senpai noticed me.
The UI redesign has a few new dynamic adapters behind it - window now occupies 80% of the monitor on launch regardless of resolution, it actually launches with the window centered instead of on coordinates (0,0), I removed the part of the code that made it so
the smaller the resolution the larger the command bar (I think that might be an unexpected edge case [ this.commandPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(this.width, this.height / 5)); ]) and set it to a fixed value of 70 pixels (meaning it's down from the previous 200 pixel minimum), which accommodates two lines of buttons snugly. Edit: Sorry, it's been a really long day and my brain is starting to melt. What I meant to say was removing the 200 pixel lower limit, which caused the 1/5th of the monitor rule to be thrown out of the window on smaller resolutions and occupy inordinate amounts of space and just made it 70 pixels wide, or enough to fit two lines of buttons.
You've seen what it looks like at 1440p (from my screenshots), here's at 720p on the mod of the mod (my UI tweaks) and on the mod.
In terms of changes to the code, I tried to conserve most of it as it was, only changing two constructors and refactoring private variables to have more intuitive names. If you want to I can take a look at the original game and apply similar changes.