Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
I suppose I might as well post over it. I got about 30% on a character with scenes before realizing I have no clear objective on what the character personality is, not to mention dialogue, I fail at it. Also lost 4 scenes I wrote somehow.

Initially, my plan was to try and have a character give hesitant/unwilling responses and go into full-whore mode when losing or become sadistic/uninterested while winning, but I feel like I missed the point when doing so... either way, I tried using the requirements section to try and tie in the whore responses to anal-only and failed. The character broke the game at least so I suspect it was from fucking with the code I didn't understand initially.

Also I have a small request, could you add un-utilized fetishistic traits in the vain of foot fetishist? Would fine-tune things a bit.

This time around, I'll just clone Samantha and.... or not, copying samantha breaks the game, using Rosea as a base is fine though.

The hardest part is suppressing my desire to want to share my efforts and attempt to inspire someone else to write a trap that isn't terrible while also being erotic.

I tried that, but the character I made never showed up in the game.

Did you use a comma?
Other notable things about custom characters is the 'trophy' field, it doesn't create a new item where one doesn't exist, it just searches for it and using your character's name there will confuse the game.

Tried to help. Mostly just been going through trial and error, and this has been my main issue. I've leveled up in coding from caveman to technophobe.

Last edit provably for today:

I got a custom character working after sifting through code trying to find the specific area I totally fucked up, and managed to figure out how to tie in dialogue to anal stance.
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Aug 27, 2015
I totally understand how you feel Vintrion. Nergantre mentioned it at one point but I've written most of the night time scenes (Sans some stuff with draft created body parts) for a futa character based around her being a nurse.

The only thing is I've hit a point where I'm re-reading some of the stuff I've written and wondering if it's actually terrible and I just can't tell. The other worry is that I know about as much as a pile of bricks when it comes to coding so I have no idea how much to push the envelope (if at all) when it comes to skills/traits/ect.

I've never had writers block based on self doubt before but it sucks.

That being said if people don't hate the writing I've done for this character and its actually possible to code it, a trap character was going to be the next thing on the list so your not alone in wanting to see one finished.
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Active Member
Oct 6, 2015
Surely if the mod becomes a truly modular system which can handle custom characters, quality isn't an issue? Players can just pick and choose which ones they like. You can also issue revisions of characters. I might do that for mine as I feel I rushed some scenes.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
I've provably now re-examined what the fuck I was planning to do several times now, but at least I've finally decided on a personal favorite character achetype and theme, chubby-dom and maid. It will become real pain when I actually finish re-re-re-rewriting the dialogue to have the switch personalities, but w/e, writing this character has become foreplay for me, the downside is I lose interest when I get too worked up and release my mojo in beam form. Sadly, I don't have the time right now cause I need to move shit.

Well yeah, quality gating is a troublesome thing to have with a modular system, it'll unnecessarily dissuade people, (like myself), but typically it's the case you either get a fuckton of shitty writers that get phased out with veteran writers as time goes on, or you get stuck with only shit, thankfully this community is actually critical so the latter won't occur.

Fucking around with the system I realized "orgasms (taken/given) (0/2)" could be used to even induce branching dialogue, but it's a moot point if people just juggernaut through and skip the dialogue anyways, it'll just seem like their personality does after two consequtive orgasms for no reason.
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Active Member
Oct 6, 2015
Made another character as well as some minor fixes for my two previous characters. If you have suggestions or corrections let me know and I can make changes. I've spent less time on 3-player assist scenes for now.

About the new character: 

Matthew - 'male' NPC for Night Games Mod 1_8_3_1

To include Matthew in your game copy the contents of "assets" to the game's assets folder and the contents of "characters" to the game's characters folder. Also edit included.json!

Matthew is a pre-medical student doing 'research' on the other contestants. This research seems to involve a lot of milking, bondage and exposure to cum... 

Matthew's sex has been set to female for now because fucking and assfucking don't seem to work properly when set to male.

Matthew's sex will be reported as female during battle scenes regardless of settings. Only written scenes will reflect his 'male' gender. These scenes assume the player character is male.

View attachment samuel.7z

View attachment travis.7z

View attachment matthew.7z

Edit: hotfix to Matthew because I can't make him pay the player to enter the Games. Rewritten to explain it as a discounted entry free. Hotfixed again to fix dialogue on battle start.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015

Just registered on the forum purely to say a massive thank you for this game, and this mod. Oh, and also to ask a few questions.

See, I was trying to make Angel a bit more...sluttier? I get that she likes Face Ride...a lot...but I was wondering - I saw in the DefaultAi---.json that Angel also has a chance for ReverseCarry, and I recall that I rarely get jumped on...and without fail "deposit her onto the ground". I take it it leads to a stance similar to if you use Invitation. I wonder:

What stats affect the success of this move?

Is there a way I can make her tend more towards Jumping?

Why do their standing Invitations *rarely* work, if ever?

And is cock really stronger than penis? I've roleplayed a character on hard mode, to about lvl 35-40, to focus on winning by sex, and although I haven't invited Samantha or Kat in yet, the only times I seem to lose is by being enthralled into addiction into enthrall... by Cassie until I get to use Invitation (if I ever), or the few times that Angel Face Rides me for a long time. It's made me boost everyone's seduction to 50... upgrade pussyTraining by save editing... and getting Personal Inertia...

Although having 9 perception might be the problem. And Fetish Trainer. But still, is there something I can do to give them a chance? I'm tempted to start again and just play as someone who never willingly has sex with their opponent -.-'


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

Just registered on the forum purely to say a massive thank you for this game, and this mod. Oh, and also to ask a few questions.

See, I was trying to make Angel a bit more...sluttier? I get that she likes Face Ride...a lot...but I was wondering - I saw in the DefaultAi---.json that Angel also has a chance for ReverseCarry, and I recall that I rarely get jumped on...and without fail "deposit her onto the ground". I take it it leads to a stance similar to if you use Invitation. I wonder:

What stats affect the success of this move?

Is there a way I can make her tend more towards Jumping?

Why do their standing Invitations *rarely* work, if ever?

ReverseCarry requires 20 Power and 40 mojo, in addition the usual positional requirements. This is pretty steep, and the power requirement means Angel won't unlock it quickly. It also has a significantly lower accuracy than the default (60 vs 90), which explains the high failure rate. All I can say is that I've seen it succeed, so it is possible. Just rare.

For Invitation, do you perhaps have a very high seduction stat and/or low arousal? The chance of success is based on relative level, relative Seduction and the target's arousal. If the user is submissive and/or divine, the odds are increased. In my experience, Invitation is actually very likely to succeed.

And is cock really stronger than penis? I've roleplayed a character on hard mode, to about lvl 35-40, to focus on winning by sex, and although I haven't invited Samantha or Kat in yet, the only times I seem to lose is by being enthralled into addiction into enthrall... by Cassie until I get to use Invitation (if I ever), or the few times that Angel Face Rides me for a long time. It's made me boost everyone's seduction to 50... upgrade pussyTraining by save editing... and getting Personal Inertia...

I assume you are talking about the unlockable modifications? If so, the answer is, generally, yes. The mods each offer a substantial benefit, strictly better than the unmodified cock. They do each have a weakness to a specific modded pussy, though. For example, if you have an Enlightened cock, you will lose if you stick that thing into a succubus. Very quickly. An overview may be found at the bottom of this post. I do agree that the game tends to be a little easy once you get a little good at it. There's no real solution to this. Personally, I've given the NPCs an XP boost, but I am still often a few levels higher than them. Further improvements to the AI are unlikely, so the only way to make things more difficult would be with such 'artificial', one-sided measures such as simply giving the NPCs a 10% damage boost.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think there's a problem right now where there's a few really overpowered skills/traits/bodymods that are available to everyone. The player can choose to take all of them, and become nigh unstoppable. It should probably help balance if we nerf a few of them.

Another way to buff NPCs could be giving them some mods/traits that are unavailable to the player, that are kind of overpowered. But then people usually end up requesting it for their character... so :\


Thanks for the new custom characters! I know there's a lot of skills that are referring to the opponent as a girl. I'm trying to fix them gradually, but it's a bit difficult. If you want to help make a list of places to change, I can help move some of that over. I would like to include the characters in the main release, but the thing preventing me right now is that I think the portraits are a bit jarring. I don't mind photos, but in the context of the game, it's a bit strange to see all drawings and suddenly dude appears.

Anyways, here's a bug fix release, should fix the problem with ass fuck. Hopefully. Sorry I'm not giving much updates, but it's a busy time of the year for us and there's basically no time for me to be working on this right now. It's not even a matter of working on a different game... :<


Edit, the link seems to borked and I can't get the forums to unbork it. Just copy and paste the entire link into the url bar or you'll have to copy the unlinked part as the decryption key... sigh changelog

Bug fixes:
- Fixed some textual bugs (thanks charred and bronzechair!)
- Merged store price displays from CharredNewt
- Fixed ass fuck requiring a pussy
- Fixed hypnotic semen affecting yourself
- Fixed various minor issues

- Nerfed spiral thrust
    - Now applies a 30 turn lethargic status that lasts out of battle.
- allow usage of oral skills while bound and being facesat
- make cunnilingus unable to miss in facesitting
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hope that my question not turn weird or easy to solve making me look like a derp. Where can PC find scrolls for Cassie body mods? She meantion scrolls and I starting to getting derp where to find them (if in chest that spawn during night in some rooms sometimes does it req jsut luck to find chest with this scroll in or some additional req is for find it in such chest)? I know could easy with so called "cheat" optuion spawn that one scroll that I actualy need but I want have more fun getting it normal way.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
Ooh nice, a new update. My custom character thingy is slowly coming together even.

Bit sarcastic, but you mean instantly destroying someone with spiral thrust by combining perks/fetish bonuses together wasn't intentional?

Actually had thing uploaded for a short moment, but I've decided to finish it and have two versions. One with smell references, the other will have it gutted out.

Also, how do I lock custom character scenes to gender? I figure I might as well do it, but when I attempted to guess how from using hardcoded characters, it just broke.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Ormael, currently you can only get it from the random chests at night. They're actually not *too* rare.

@Vintrion, not sure what you mean. Do you have an example of what you tried?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So if I'm being completely honest, the game has no concept of genders lol.

If you look at all the female/male decision functions, it boils down to checking if they have a cock or a pussy or both.

So it's more like

// NPC is strict female
"requirements: {
    "bodypart" : "pussy",
    "not" : {
        "bodypart" : "cock"

// NPC is strict male
"requirements: {
    "bodypart" : "cock",
    "not" : {
        "bodypart" : "pussy"

// NPC is strict herm
"requirements": {
    "and" : [
        {"bodypart" : "cock"},
        {"bodypart" : "pussy"}

// Player is strict female
"requirements: {
    "reverse" : {
        "bodypart" : "pussy",
        "not" : {
            "bodypart" : "cock"

// Player is strict male
"requirements: {
    "reverse" : {
        "bodypart" : "cock",
        "not" : {
            "bodypart" : "pussy"

// Player is strict herm
"requirements": {
    "reverse" : {
        "and" : [
            {"bodypart" : "cock"},
            {"bodypart" : "pussy"}


Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
I'll work those in later after I figure out what's currently breaking the game in the custom character. -snip-
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Ormael, currently you can only get it from the random chests at night. They're actually not *too* rare.

Ok. Thx so I just damn unlucky as all I manage to open chest for past...12-14 night chest have none of it inside (well I usualy manage get to like around half of them - rest are aready gone or well text imply I not meet req to open them so I just could sit in room with it and not able open them anyway). Ah wel maybe in next week or two ingame will manage find that one firggin scroll ^^ (now back to curing myself of the sickness)


Active Member
Oct 6, 2015
@nergantre Thanks. I need to test the new release with the male characters and then upload them with gender changed as intended. I wanted to do more interesting things in some cases, like what Vintrion might be doing, e.g. have characters inflict statuses after battle, or lingering restraints etc. But I'd need to see examples before manipulating the code. Anyway... With the portraits I don't know if I can supply drawings. Who did the ones in game? Should I just include blank portraits? I could try to mimic the art style maybe, but it is somewhat beyond my digital art skill...

It may be possible for me to adapt my characters to take account of player gender...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I was wondering, apart from being unable to use "Dominate" skill, is there a disadvantage to the submissive trait? I've always wondered if it, for example, reduced your ability to get out of positions in which you're the "disadvantaged" one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I was wondering, apart from being unable to use "Dominate" skill, is there a disadvantage to the submissive trait? I've always wondered if it, for example, reduced your ability to get out of positions in which you're the "disadvantaged" one.

Well it was SUPPOSED to cut your pleasure damage done in a dominant stance by 1/3rd. But I just checked and that's actually bugged. On certain skills it cuts damage by 2/3rd in a dominant stance and on certain other skills it would actually increase damage. Woops.

I'll fix it in the next build...

@nergantre Thanks. I need to test the new release with the male characters and then upload them with gender changed as intended. I wanted to do more interesting things in some cases, like what Vintrion might be doing, e.g. have characters inflict statuses after battle, or lingering restraints etc. But I'd need to see examples before manipulating the code. Anyway... With the portraits I don't know if I can supply drawings. Who did the ones in game? Should I just include blank portraits? I could try to mimic the art style maybe, but it is somewhat beyond my digital art skill...

It may be possible for me to adapt my characters to take account of player gender...

Sure, let me know if you need help.

Uhhh the portraits were done by me lol... I wouldn't mind doing them for your NPCs, but like I mentioned before I just don't have time to commit to anything right now. Maybe in half a month or so things will clear up a bit and I'll be able to do more. In the meantime, its up to you what you want to do.

Ok. Thx so I just damn unlucky as all I manage to open chest for past...12-14 night chest have none of it inside (well I usualy manage get to like around half of them - rest are aready gone or well text imply I not meet req to open them so I just could sit in room with it and not able open them anyway). Ah wel maybe in next week or two ingame will manage find that one firggin scroll ^^ (now back to curing myself of the sickness)

Crap I just looked at the code, and I realized the rewards are level dependent. The scrolls are dropped by the lvl 16, lvl 11, and lvl 1 caches. The level of the caches are determined as (average level + random from [-4, 16]). This means if everyone is above level 20, you'll never see a scroll again. Whoops. I misunderstood the original code when modifying it.

I'll fix this in the next build as well as buffing the cache drops on the higher level as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Wait, it was supposed to cut down your damage in a dominant position? Damn, did not actually realise that. Invitation too damn useful.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Crap I just looked at the code, and I realized the rewards are level dependent. The scrolls are dropped by the lvl 16, lvl 11, and lvl 1 caches. The level of the caches are determined as (average level + random from [-4, 16]). This means if everyone is above level 20, you'll never see a scroll again. Whoops. I misunderstood the original code when modifying it.I'll fix this in the next build as well as buffing the cache drops on the higher level as well.

Ohh ok that explain much (since I start hunt for scroll when all players both PC and NPC's were around...hmmm 30-35 lvl at least if not higher already. Well and also that explain why like 90% boxes I open have exactly 4-5 same items (handcuffs, aphrodisiac, fetish totem, dissolve potion and think something 5th).

That makes me wonder along with bottles that we can use to gather "stuff" after defeating girls about lack of sell option in the game. As well after some time some of itmes I bought at lower lvl are replaced by stuff I find in boxes during matches or I gain other way yet it all takes the place on my inventory screen (well having around lvl 60 PC I can't see anymore full list of his inventory sometimes/all the time same with his perks list not meantioning current status list that is normaly below perks which now is so long one).


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'll add a pawn shop or something in the future if it's necessary.

...what kind of pawn shop buys semen...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If it would be added someday I would seen it as place, which normaly/officialy act as typical shop but for the people invilved with night games provide additional services of buying all kind of the weird stuff they can come with to the shop like...semen or other bottled fluids.


Aug 27, 2015
I'll add a pawn shop or something in the future if it's necessary.

...what kind of pawn shop buys semen...

A pawn shop / sperm bank combo store? I'm not sure though, I feel like those are two odd establishments to combine and yet they feel oddly at home amoung all the other weird shit that happens on this campus.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Some not entirely related to recent post thing we discuss. Does anyone notice how each npc and PC with reaching really high lvl getting almost the same perk set? I came to this when looking over Rosea and thinking that as some said she fail off in competition quite fast due to lack of lvl-up perks and overeall unfinishness noticed that well we got for such fast lvl up kinda too little perks pool (but again it's understandable that comming with some good ones not been like a new lvl for existing ones can be hard).

And another thing that I hope nergante find hilarious: Angel using in my game quite often succubus draft so many times I ends up fight succubus-Angel and not demigodess-Angel. It's not something I wish been fixed just it's such irony you made efforts to make her less succubus like but she still can qute easy became teporaly succubus.

Plus speaking of her. Kat hiding her animal traits but of all others four basic girls if they even have inhuman traits nowhere is meantioned how theey get away with it. Or should I say Angel as Cassie, Mara, Jewel changes with getting advanced class are so easy to hide. But Angel former succubus traits or current angelic she hide them while she so popular and most of time spends time after normal lessons with her two friends.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2015
Sperm bank might work, or alternatively, if you plan to include Matthew in the mod you can make him buy semen during the day... He has a legit reason for doing that, see the 'night' section of his character :p

Easiest way to help show me code examples is to include a commented version of a character json, with actual code examples (like how Rosea.json shows how to make items be required in inventory). Main areas of interest for me are:

When there are multiple written scenes available at battle end, does the game randomly choose from all those that are permissible based on anatomy etc. or does it pick the first one it encounters in the code? 

How do I make a character inflict statuses like Horny? What about e.g Bound by rope?

What about characters being able to add items to your inventory / remove them?

How can I make a character count how many times they have beaten you in the past (either all time, or during the current night)? Do I have to code the written scene specially so it doesn't compete with the regular scenes that the Player would also be 'eligible' for at battle end?

Edited to add updated characters (v2). Most work has been on Travis and Matthew. New player loss scene or two for Travis. Sex of characters set to male now that the assfuck bug is fixed. I'm afraid I can't draw portraits, so there won't be much progress on that front. I may continue to develop these characters depending on how busy I get. 

View attachment matthew.7z

View attachment samuel.7z

View attachment travis.7z
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New Member
Sep 4, 2015
Game won't start up since I added Travis and Matthew.  No that's not quite right, I can create a character but than the game just displays complete blankness, not text or anything when I hit game start.

Edit:  Oops misspelled a named
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Active Member
Oct 6, 2015
Game won't start up since I added Travis and Matthew.  No that's not quite right, I can create a character but than the game just displays complete blankness, not text or anything when I hit game start.

Edit:  Oops misspelled a named

Might be a while before I can look into this. Did you add the images to the assets folder? What does the contents of included.json look like?

EDIT: Confirmed - spelling a character name wrong in the included.json file will cause the game to freeze on a blank screen after character creation.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sperm bank might work, or alternatively, if you plan to include Matthew in the mod you can make him buy semen during the day... He has a legit reason for doing that, see the 'night' section of his character :p

Easiest way to help show me code examples is to include a commented version of a character json, with actual code examples (like how Rosea.json shows how to make items be required in inventory). Main areas of interest for me are:

When there are multiple written scenes available at battle end, does the game randomly choose from all those that are permissible based on anatomy etc. or does it pick the first one it encounters in the code? 

How do I make a character inflict statuses like Horny? What about e.g Bound by rope?

What about characters being able to add items to your inventory / remove them?

How can I make a character count how many times they have beaten you in the past (either all time, or during the current night)? Do I have to code the written scene specially so it doesn't compete with the regular scenes that the Player would also be 'eligible' for at battle end?

The written scenes are chosen in the order they are listed. If one of them meets the condition, it is picked. If not, it goes to check the next one.

For the statuses, simple answer right now is, you can't without modifying the java code. Sorry about that. I'd like to add this feature, but it's not quite there yet. There is currently no way to actually affect the game from the scenes. I'll add them in the next revision or two.

Once again, you cannot right now. Eventually, I'll allow scenes to set flags and require flags. Once again, in the next build.

Sorry, the json NPCs are only half done, so there are a few features missing right now.

Some not entirely related to recent post thing we discuss. Does anyone notice how each npc and PC with reaching really high lvl getting almost the same perk set? I came to this when looking over Rosea and thinking that as some said she fail off in competition quite fast due to lack of lvl-up perks and overeall unfinishness noticed that well we got for such fast lvl up kinda too little perks pool (but again it's understandable that comming with some good ones not been like a new lvl for existing ones can be hard).

And another thing that I hope nergante find hilarious: Angel using in my game quite often succubus draft so many times I ends up fight succubus-Angel and not demigodess-Angel. It's not something I wish been fixed just it's such irony you made efforts to make her less succubus like but she still can qute easy became teporaly succubus.

Plus speaking of her. Kat hiding her animal traits but of all others four basic girls if they even have inhuman traits nowhere is meantioned how theey get away with it. Or should I say Angel as Cassie, Mara, Jewel changes with getting advanced class are so easy to hide. But Angel former succubus traits or current angelic she hide them while she so popular and most of time spends time after normal lessons with her two friends.

Yup. Honestly the list of traits isn't that large at this time, so when they are supposed to get a new one every 3 levels or so, it's pretty difficult to have them be unique. That said, most of them have a few unique traits, and the rest are more like level up bonuses.

LOL @Angel. I think the frequency of draft usage is a bit too much right now. I'd like to tone it down a bit in the future.

I'm sure she can hide her wings :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sorry, the json NPCs are only half done, so there are a few features missing right now.
Yeah lack of Samantha day activities not helping to rise affection score with her (but aside of it I really like her - think dwnw is her creater so kudos to you sir for already such fine npc if not yet fully polished)

Yup. Honestly the list of traits isn't that large at this time, so when they are supposed to get a new one every 3 levels or so, it's pretty difficult to have them be unique. That said, most of them have a few unique traits, and the rest are more like level up bonuses.

LOL @Angel. I think the frequency of draft usage is a bit too much right now. I'd like to tone it down a bit in the future.

I'm sure she can hide her wings :p

I was thinking about add some of perks 1 or maybe 2 (this one case for all body parts training perks) to make it more varied. Or like perks that are gained when someone rise attribute to certain lvl (mostly thought about all those advanced attributes).

Well continuating playing she atm slowd down with using so often succubus suprise so maybe I just had few nights when she was almost "spamming" them. Not like it made me rise affection with Cassie enough to get one of body mod she provide (and that was reason I was slight unhappy of not been able find fea scroll - I know I cheated in the end adding one of it to my save manualy -_- but you meantioned in one of next build it will be able legaly avialable for 20+ characters too (I looked for code part about chest and I admit I not only getting stuff listed as default list))

For Angela hiding wings I think it's same thing like Reyka (since long ago played just recent seen again scene when PC meeting Reyka during day outside chapel and she have her wings hidden. So won't be much streatch to assume Angel doing the same during day.

EDIT: Speaking of Angel...Reyka allow to get demonic wings so could Angel do same with her angelic wings?

And now something I noticed and I hope it's just some nasty bug. Looking over skills list I noticed during playing lack of Grind skill (even with getting Divinity 10+ with Angel help I not getting it upgraded version - nor seen Angel use Grind/Sacrament skill at all during fights). To the record skill list tell that skill should unlock at 14 Seduction.
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New Member
Oct 23, 2015
I have looked through the code of this project before, but I didn't spend a lot of time delving into it. Is it going to hurt anyone's feelings if I overhaul the entire GUI? I really enjoy this game, but issues like large images conflicting with text space, unintuitive button layouts, and the limited list of items in the status window make the game more tedious than it needs to be. Not to mention the default java theme instead of windows/system/custom theme (I will probably not be using a custom theme). To clarify, I am going to overhaul the GUI, and it will have all of the functionality of the original (no compromising in that aspect), but it obviously won't look the same. Whether people want to use it or not is up to them. I'll make a new branch for it as to not interfere with the original project.