Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm actually kind of hoping bigger images take up more: I just recently replaced my 1080p monitors with a pair of 1440p ones and this game's GUI/images look mighty small in 1440, no offense.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It should take up as much room as the image normally takes. I don't scale down any of the images.

And I'm a terrible GUI developer. :p

Anyways I took a tiny bit of time to spin up a new build with dndw's fixes as well as some crash patches. I have to warn though that it's 100% unplaytested, and I was too lazy to do a full release. Just overwrite the jar in the folder if you want to try it out.

If you don't want to bother, I'll probably do a full release later on in the week or early next one.!1w4EBT6C!01VJQ1b12w12LCyYhXmPxQwcHAl3_BNF9y04Au6_1nE

That should fix the molten drippings not dropping and some of the crash bugs that bronze chair reported.

Thanks as always


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Just a crash and some other bug I forgot to note down; it probably wasn't important. I also had a funny moment when I stumbled across Reyka and "Reyka" fighting. Airi hadn't shown up for almost 20 levels, so I forgot she was in the games! Also not strictly a bug, but retraining with Jewel makes you lose all your advanced attributes. I didn't count, but I assume they're all replaced with base attributes.

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value present
at java.util.Optional.get(Unknown Source)
at nightgames.skills.StripMinor.resolve(
at nightgames.characters.Decider.lambda$rateMove$441(
at nightgames.characters.Decider.rateActionWithObserver(
at nightgames.characters.Decider.rateAction(
at nightgames.characters.Decider.rateMove(
at nightgames.characters.Decider.prioritizeNew(
at nightgames.characters.BasePersonality.act(
at nightgames.characters.NPC.act(
at nightgames.characters.NPC.act(
at nightgames.combat.Combat.pickSkills(
at nightgames.combat.Combat.turn(
at nightgames.combat.Combat.resumeNoClearFlag(
at nightgames.combat.Combat.resume(
at nightgames.gui.GUI.lambda$nextButton$259(
at nightgames.gui.RunnableButton.lambda$new$757(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at Method)
at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at Method)
at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at Source)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Another random question. I may have already asked this before a while back but cannot remember and the search function is being a butt again. What conditions permit my character to anally ride an opponent when I'm on top of them? So far when on top, I can only seem to ride vaginally if my character has one or not at all if male, but I remember being able to before. Just to be clear, this isn't the same as the "Offer" command. There's a different one that's one of the pink colored pleasure commands.


Dec 27, 2016
I have two QoL suggestions regarding the status window:
  • During midgame, when stat draining becomes more prevalent (for me at least), the status window always shows only the modified values, which makes tracking the original stats for trait-learning purposes bothersome. I'd suggest if a stat is modified, color the number green or red, depending if it's higher or lower than the original value, and have the original value in brackets next to it. (Btw, the game still doesn't show the slime stat when having the advanced start as slime).
  • You could reduce the trait-list text clutter by removing older, lower numbered traits on the list when a higher numbered one is learned. For example, when you learn Hand&Feet training 2, Hands&Feet training 1 should disappear from the list.
EDIT: a possible bug report: The skill to titfuck doesn't seem to appear after I titfuck pinned my opponent. Is there something I'm missing or is it a bug? I have DD cup breasts fyi.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The skill you are looking for is Anal Ride (called ReverseAssFuck internally). These are the conditions:
  • The user must have at least 15 Seduction
  • The user's ass must not be penetrated already
  • The target must have a cock, and it must not be currently fucking anything. It must also be exposed (i.e., not covered by clothing)
  • The user must be mobile
  • The target must be prone and not mobile
  • The user must not be stunned/distracted/etc.
  • The target's cock must be hard
  • The user's ass must be lubricated OR the user must have the Oiled Ass trait OR the user must have a Lubricant item OR the user must be over 50% aroused OR the user must have the Always Ready trait
I like these suggestions, I'll see if I can get them in quickly. If not, they will come at the same time as Reyka's focuses.

More fixes, once again many thanks to @Bronzechair
Invitation still being annoying -> The mojo calculation was reversed. It should cost 50 mojo, unless the player is affected by Kat's addiction and Kat is using it. That was reversed, and now fixed. The hefty mojo cost should offset the power of the skill.
Jewel weirdness -> I really don't know what happened there. Oral Pin should be usable from the Kneeling state, but you should have ended up on the bottom. Shredding Palm is just an alias for Shove, which is usable from a submissive position. So really there is only one problem here: you somehow ended up on top...
Eve's cum ending up where it doesn't belong -> I haven't got a clue.
Lots of text issues -> All fixed. Including pretty much all positions...
Perception in spectator mode -> Now uses the player's Perception at all times.
Feelings and such in spectator mode -> That is indeed a massive job, and not one I'm keen on undertaking any time soon.

Next report:
Using a Bomb while pinned -> Not anymore.
Grabbers vs. Pin -> Now, whenever the pinner is unable to act (bound, stunned, distracted, etc.), but the pinnee is not, the pinnee will roll the pinner over and mount them.
Mara removes her own grabbers -> D'Oh. Same thing with Escape. Both now fixed.
Can Mara have a single Grabber? -> No.
Crash 1 -> I think this has been fixed already; the code seems correct. I'll playtest more later, though.
Crash 2 ->
dndw> Game? I told X to strip something off of Y. Is that thing still around?
Game> No, it isn't. It's gone. It no longer exists.
dndw> Okay, well, then print a message saying that it's gone, and be sure to include the name as well.
Game> It doesn't have a name. It's gone. It has ceased to be. It is an ex-thing.
dndw> Print it anyway.
Game> *crashes*
dndw> *facepalms*

Edit 2:
Turns out I was a lot closer to finishing Reyka's focuses than I thought. I only need to write the scenes now, but they are functionally done. Those so inclined can check my fork to get a preview. (Actually, I also need incubus-Reyka variants and bonuses for fighting npcs...)
Level 10: Disabling
- Succubus's Warmth: Unlocks the Embrace skill, which leads to the new Succubus Embrace position. This one is quite tricky to get out of, especially with the other traits:
- Pacification (and Lactation): Breast milk causes Charmed. (which makes it impossible to struggle, among other things).
- Demon's Embrace: Reyka can now wrap her wings around you from a number of positions, making escape more difficult. Naturally, Succubus Embrace is one of these.
- Vampire Wings: If she has her wings around you and you have no top on, her wings will drain your Power. Again, making escape more difficult.

Level 10: Seduction
- Melodious Inflection: Tempt and Taunt get a chance to cause Charmed
- Come Hither: Reyka can pull Charmed opponents onto her. This is often a prelude to Invitation.
- Tender Kisses: Kisses get a chance to prolong an existing Charmed status (but not to cause new ones).
- Pink Haze: Reyka's already significant attractiveness is boosted while the opponent is Charmed

Level 20: Corruption
- Corrupting: Same as the existing trait. Unlocks the Corruption addiction.
- Infernal Allegiance: Corruption can spontaneously cause the new Compulsion status, which acts just like Mara's Training Collar. Instead of a set number of charges, it lasts a couple of turns and then dissipates.
- Lasting Corruption: Partially Corrupted lasts 50% longer, making it easier to gain the Corruption addiction.
With Disabling:
- Total Subjugation: Corruption grows significantly faster in the Succubus Embrace position.
With Seduction:
- Subversion: Corruption grows faster while Charmed

Level 20: Draining
- Greedy: Attribute draining lasts 50% longer.
- Raptor Mentis: Attribute draining also drains Mojo
- Bottomless Pit: Attribute draining is stronger when caused by demonic genitalia.
With Disabling:
- Specific Sapping: Having some of your attributes drained also makes escape more difficult.
With Seduction:
- Willing Sacrifice: Attribute draining is 50% stronger if the opponent is Charmed.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Hmm yeah, there's definitely something weird going on with who is supposed to be on top sometimes; I used Pounce on Mara, who ended up on top and immediately let me go with Stand Up. I'll slow down and test it more carefully later today.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
Getting some infinite loop after a few nights in the daytime screen that's preventing progress to night.

Tribadism or other win also seems to be triggering some kind of stack overflow error as a result of some infinite loop

Mark enters Courtyard: [nightgames.areas.Cache@7dbc992e]
Angel enters Student Union: []
Angel enters Quad: []
Synn enters Liberal Arts: []
Mark enters Pool: []
Angel enters Student Union: []
Angel enters Pool: []
Synn enters Quad: []
Synn enters Student Union: []
Jewel enters Showers: []
Casey enters Quad: []
Synn enters Pool: []
Casey enters Dining Hall: []
Mark enters Student Union: []
Angel enters Student Union: []
Casey enters Quad: []
Synn enters Student Union: []
Casey enters Dining Hall: []
Mark enters Quad: []
Angel enters Pool: []
Casey enters Kitchen: []
Mark enters Dorm: []
Synn enters Pool: []
Casey enters Dining Hall: []
Casey enters Quad: []
Mark enters Quad: []
Angel enters Student Union: []
Synn enters Student Union: []
Angel enters Pool: []
Synn enters Quad: []
Mark enters Student Union: []
Casey enters Liberal Arts: []
Synn enters Dorm: []
Casey enters Quad: []
Casey enters Liberal Arts: []
Synn enters Showers: []
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.StackOverflowError
at nightgames.combat.Combat.getOpponent(
at nightgames.characters.Character.getRandomLineFor(
at nightgames.characters.Character.getRandomLineFor(


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To my earlier question, Oiled Ass seems to work, but Always Ready doesn't seem to give that option even when all other requirements are present. That is to say my character has had Always Ready, but the skill never showed up until just after unlocking Oiled Ass. Not a big issue, but just wanted to give a heads-up that Always Ready may not be working fully.

Besides that, does that perk affect just the player, because even with it my opponents still need to be aroused before initiating sex. If that's intended, then disregard my last.


Dec 27, 2016
Uploading a couple of crashes, the two most recent both happened fighting Maya, one NullpointerException and one ClassCastException. It seems like Maya likes to crash the game. :/

Edit: Reuploading the log with another type of crashing error (ConcurrentModificationException, I hadn't even known such an error type existed, lol), which happens consistently when fighting Angel.


  • nightgames_log.txt
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New Member
Jan 25, 2017
I keep getting a crash when fighting Casey in the Drain challenge.


  • nightgames_log.txt
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The Silver Bard

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Edit: Reuploading the log with another type of crashing error (ConcurrentModificationException, I hadn't even known such an error type existed, lol), which happens consistently when fighting Angel.

Just in case other people haven't run into this type of error, a ConcurrentModificationException occurs when you modify a collection that you are iterating through. It can be a pain in the ass to identify when debugging.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Agh, dndw if we are going to keep adding addiction based focuses, we gotta make them work with NPCs too. If one of them takes an addiction focus and one doesn't, the addiction based one is pretty weak compared to the general one.

I think we could probably make it so for NPCs addictions doesn't extend to day time, but make them apply faster.

Dunno, something to think about...

Just saw this lol
    public String reflectivePronoun() {
        String self = possessiveAdjective() + "self";
        if (self.equals("hisself")) {
            // goddammit english.
            return "himself";
        } else {
            return self;

Also, I started doing the addictions migration from PC only to NPC as well. It'll be kind of difficult, but I think it'll be worth it in the end... probably. :D It's on a different branch in my repo, completely unstable right now though (they're not getting saved at the moment)
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
Hoh. Been enjoying the effects of huge ass on smother+glamour+attractive, despite boutique being locked away, though I fucked up my build and will have to start over. Satisfying at last.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015


QoL/GUI (Thanks dndw!):
- Attributes now display when they are buffed or reduced
- Training perks now only show the highest level

- Tribadism can now only be used when both opponents have naked crotches. (It was getting pretty weird, you could scissor with a trench coat on...)
- Incubus cocks will no longer be called incubus girl-cocks
- The boutique should be unlocked now if the PC is feminine enough (or I guess if you check the always use female pronoun option)
- Split forced female pronoun usage PC only and NPC in the options menu
- You can no longer use blowjob if they are face sitting on you

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where resetting traits or draining levels will remove daytime trained attributes
- Fixed a crash bug involving pets disappearing
- Fixed fucking skills to only be usable when they're supposed to be usable
- Fixed opponents receiving cum on parts that they shouldn't be when using titfuck pin/oral pin
- Fixed a bunch of other crash related stuff and typos.
    - Thanks dndw + bronzechair + everyone that's been reporting bugs!
    - Sorry didn't want to read through every single line to make the report :)
- Fixed mojo cost bug so now it actually costs the expected 50 mojo (thanks dndw!)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Is there a list of all the supported image names? Or should I dig through github?
I believe all the supported names are the ones for which we already have images. So right now, you can replace images but not add them. It would be very easy to add more supported images, though, just let me know if you want to add some.


Dec 27, 2016
Coming in with another Nullpointer crash log which happened while titfucking Jewel who had a dick added by the cockgrowth spell (And I assume the crash happened because the cock disappeared while being titfucked), the log also contains a FormatFlagsConversionMismatch which didn't cause a crash directly, but may cause issues later.

Edit: Reuploading the log with 2 more crashes, one Nullpointer which crashed when I used Tighten in a Threesome HHF DaisyChain (It also allowed me to use Thrust-related skills even though I'm sure I was the F in that chain), another crash which was caused by the aforementioned FormatFlagsConversionMismatch immediately when I engaged in combat with Cassie at the start of the night.


  • nightgames_log.txt
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ah fuck, you found the two stances that were coded incorrectly lol. Fixed.

I'm going to upload as 2.5.0. I think most of the build should be stable enough to be considered releasable. But please, continue to report bugs and I'll fix them as I get the chance.!EloxTJ7a!s-Rhut9ipkTWCso5FZpKAI8HjP56Lja3re7UctcQFE0

Bug fixes (since 2.5.0.rc6):
- Fixed some thrust related bugs
    - Fixed a crash bug when thrust is being used in certain threesome positions
    - Fixed a bug where if you were in a XHF daisychain stance and you were the herm getting sandwiched,
      thrust/piston would display the wrong skill name
- Fixed titfuck pin stance causing crashes when the bottom has their dick suddenly disappera
- Fixed NPCs using diversion causing crash bugs due to string format problems
    - By the way, if you're a coder and are working on the mod, please try to use the Global.format whenever possible.
     It makes things a lot easier for me :)

New since 2.4.5 (For those that didn't try the rc builds):
WARNING: Saves will not be compatible with 2.4.5 builds!

QoL/GUI (Thanks dndw!):
- Attributes now display when they are buffed or reduced
- Training perks now only show the highest level
- Requirements for transformations are now green if you meet them or red if you don't.
- Split forced female pronoun usage PC only and NPC in the options menu
- Colorized more text in the combat window to make it easier to read
- Squashed a few messages together to reduce the amount of text

- Body part modifications have been generalized to other things.
    - Added some new body modification options for most NPCs
        - Cassie now offers arcane lipstick and runic ass tattoos in addition to her old options
        - Reyka now offers devil's ass and demonic mouth options in addition to her old options
        - Angel now offers sacred ass in addition to her old options
        - Jewel now offers molten ass and retraining (reset your levels) in addition to her old options
        - Mara now offers biomech ass and prosthetic mouth upgrades in addition to her old options
    - Body modification options now cost money, but you can now apply more than one mod at once.
        - The $ cost will go up dramatically with more mods.
        - It's currently balanced around having two, maybe three mods at most.
        - The developer will not be held accountable for what happens with more.

- Added a few new start options
    - Added reverse level drain challenge (big thanks to dndw)
        - In this mode, all NPCs will gain the "Level Drainer" trait.
            - This trait makes it so that they will not receive experience normally
            - Instead, every time they make another non-leveldrainer combatant cum while having sex,
             they will steal a level from their victim (limited to once per fight on non-hardmode variants)
            - If they win a match without draining a level, they will automatically do so
            - If you lose a match to a level drainer, you will not get experience for that loss.
    - Added futa and hardmode versions of the reverse level drain challenge

- Added a new match modifier
    - Added Level drain match modifier
        - This has a chance of appearing if you out level the competition by a couple levels
        - It has similar rules to the reverse level drain challenge

- Airi    has been completely revamped (and retconned a bit. Sue me.)
    - She now has new trait focuses.
        - Level 13 focuses consists of slime/stickiness or mimicry.
        - Level 22 focuses consists of replication/cloning or tentacles (developer's note: don't choose hardmode here... oh god)
    - Her traits have also been rebalanced to accommodate this
    - There's a few new scenes for her when she wins before transforming or while disguised.

- Mara has been completely revamped (thanks dndw, you're the best :D)
    - She now has new trait focuses.
        - Level 10 focuses consists of a new harpoon toy or an arsenal of gadgets
        - Level 20 focuses consists of mind control or autonomous robotic arms
    - Her traits have also been rebalanced to accommodate this

- Jewel's anal focus line has been changed a bit. Most of her traits now apply to face sitting as well as anal sex.
    - This is to buff her a bit more vs female characters.
    - She will also get the molten ass mod as a part of this line.
    - Fiery Pussy has been buffed
        - It will now inflict pain every turn in addition to when fucking with it.
        - If the target is stunned, it will gain a heavy bonus to pleasure applied.

- Cassie got a few more changes for her focues.
    - She gets the new Illusionist trait in the enchantress focus, which adds half of her Arcane attribute as hypnotism 
    - In her mouth specialization focus, she will no longer have the mouth pussy mod.
        - Instead she will get an extended tongue at 25 and arcane lipstick at 57

- Added ass sizes
    - Currently you can modify them in the body shop
    - This affects your feminity/hotness/bonus seduction/speed a bit currently

- Added the "Molten drippings" item
    - this is collectable with an empty bottle from defeating someone with a fiery pussy (ie Jewel)
    - this is drinkable and throwable like other drafts
    - effects are: deals 500 pain damage, stuns the target for 25 turns, and makes them level up
    - only usable during combat

- Raised the prices of drafts a bit since they're much more effective now with mods being stackable
    - lowered the number of drafts needed for transformations a bit to compensate

- Tribadism can now only be used when both opponents have naked crotches. (It was getting pretty weird, you could scissor with a trench coat on...)
- kiss can no longer be used in the neutral position
    - To compensate, it has been buffed slightly
    - This actually was in the last patch, forgot about putting it into the patch notes
- changed submissive hold to only be usable when having sex (you could use it in titfuck pin/oral pin, since now they are considered "inserted")
- The boutique should be unlocked now if the PC is feminine enough (or I guess if you check the always use female pronoun option)
- changed 69 stance to have the participants not able to "reach top".
- removed facefuck/facesit's "reach top" requirement
- You can no longer use blowjob if they are face sitting on you
- Struggle/Escape will now pleasure both combatants when used in a sex stance.
- Pole control/Hole control and Tight has been nerfed to be half as effective when in a submissive position
- Ass/Cock/Pussy handler and Anatomical Knowlegdge traits have nerfed to only apply when not in a submissive position
- Kat's feral ignore orgasm has been nerfed. It actually was just coded incorrect, and had an insane chance to ignore orgasms, especially when her animism was low (???)
- Attribute scaling formulas were nerfed a bit
- Start options with elevated attributes now will automatically generate level-up data so level draining actually does stuff.

- Incubus cocks will no longer be called incubus girl-cocks
- Added a minor non-placeholder message for players using tempt


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
this is from the release just prior to this one but i still think its relevant angel was using face sit at the time and well here have a screen shot


  • angel weirdness.png
    angel weirdness.png
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Dec 27, 2016
I have a question for dndw: what are the requirements to engage succubus embrace? I have given my char Succubus' Warmth for testing purposes but the skill never shows up in the most self-evident stances, which are neutral and mounted. I've even tried charming my opponent and taking a succubus draft beforehand to no avail.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Woops. That's a text bug, technically Angel gets divine charge every time she cums. Functionally it should be working still... hopefully.

Uhh looking at the code, looks like you have to have
Succubus' Warmth Trait
Have wings
Having sex vaginally
Be dominant in your stance
Not be in an upside-down sex stance
If in doggy style you must be fucking the opponent with your cock.
If in a flying sex stance, you must be riding the opponent's cock.
Otherwise, you must be facing the opponent.

By the way, if anyone has any stance images they think would be better, feel free to suggest them. I tend to pick pictures where I don't see anything too recognizable, but there are a lot of missing ones right now.


New Member
Jan 25, 2017
Well I have reached a point where I keep getting a day time NullPointerException crash (can't start a match anymore). Doesn't matter what I do during the day.

e: Oh right, it's drain challenge mode. like ^


  • nightgames_log.txt
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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
Apparently licking counts as cumming inside?
You use Lick Pussy.
Angel tempted you for 22 (base:5 + 2, charisma:3.1)
You resign yourself to lapping at Angel's pussy, as she dominates your face with her ass. Under your skilled ministrations, her juices flow freely, and they unmistakably have their effect on you.
Angel built 10 mojo.
Angel shudders when licked by you.
Angel's drug-laced juices leaves your entire body tingling with arousal.
You were aroused for 29
Angel continues feeding on her own pleasure to charge up her divine energy.
Angel's slippery oiled form makes her all the more sensitive.
Angel's divine cunt was pleasured by your mouth for 101 base:32.9 (15.0 + 17.9) x multiplier: 3.08 (1 + sen:0.8 + ple:0.0 + per:1.3 + stage:0.00 )

Angel shudders as you bring her to a toe-curling climax.
88 arousal overflow
As your cum floods Angel's divine pussy, a holy aura surrounds her. The soothing light washes over you, filling you with a zealous need to worship her divine body.
Angel lost 25+7 (32) willpower.
"Mmm, maybe you do have promise. Care to try that again?"

Also a soft lock (buttons disappear) at:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at nightgames.characters.body.BodyPart.lambda$hasType$149(
at$1MatchSink.accept(Unknown Source)
at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.tryAdvance(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)

I love the new quotes, keep them coming!


Dec 27, 2016
@nergantre Thanks for the info
I was strap-on fucking Reyka from behind, embracing, when a Nullpointer crash happened.


  • nightgames_log.txt
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Could you post a few more lines from that crash? Also, fuck the divine mod still has problems :<


Reyka's focuses aren't really done yet afaik, so there'll be problems with it. I see the issue for this one which either me or dndw will fix in the future :)