Personally is see the Keijo, and anime over the topness stuff fitting jewel given she learns Ki and teaches you spiral thrust. Maybe as her advanced attribute but i'm pretty sure the advanced attributes are silver bards thing. Maybe as an earlier addition to her given that Ki is kinda. Meh? or even a rehaul.
Okay that was a bit of a tangent my bad.
But that kind of character would definitely need its own attribute/skills to be implemented properly.
The second one I would say is viable to be added with just the custom character creator if you can figure it out with the .json files or wait for the program to do it.
Is what i would say if characters would actually utilize the submissive trait. They don't, least not when i tried to mess around with making a submissive npc. No matter how much weight you put on the moves.
So they would need a trait or something to overide the Ai's "this is a bad idea" mentality.
But the submissive moves are mostly just putting yourself in a bad situation.
So chances are they would either need a bunch of traits to support being dumb. or a different attribute.
And I just want to say. I meant i'd help with traits and skills, and i'd even help with making an attribute for people. But i'm not going to make a full character. Unless you write all the scene, dialogue, ext.
Would take alot of time in any case though.....this response ended up longer than I thought it would be.
Easy to think of skills that came to mind, if you think one or two can be implemented, I'd be happy to write stuff for them if needed:
Vacuum Butt Cannon: Basically a buttslam that causes a Gust of Wind that shreds clothing.
Butt Guillotine: Knock out a downed opponent by buttslamming their throat (can easily be reworked to aim the butt at face/crotch)
Titty Hypnosis: Boob Hypnosis, basically the enthrall mechanic applied to boobs. Dunno how to work that into mechanics to make it unique
Nipple Ripple Madness: Vibrating your boobs at high frequency to create an ultrasonic boom that disorients the opponent. Sure, why not.
Rising Dragon Tits: It's basically Shoryuken with boobs. Maybe a physical move upon standing up?
(In case anyone wonders, yes they all appear as described in keijo lmao)
The other concept I'm gonna put aside for now until I have a clearer idea for what i would want my boy character to do.