Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That's a shame because it's really something I'd love to see in game as a start similar to the drain challenge. After some further digging, I found that if you add the flag to a start file it works, but it does not save properly and any attempt to load the save file will result in some kind of lock on the program.

Personally I would rather that they temporarily disable any features that were introduced in a non-functioning incomplete state. It just becomes more of a mess to deal with in the long-haul because the game has enough in it that is need of a dire cleanup. The way I look at it is that DarkSinfulMage already has a heaping portion of game code to trudge through just with the main game mode. I'd rather avoid finding out that some of that partially completed new content is contributing to game crashes, lockups, or hangups in any way shape or form. Now, it would be a different matter if someone takes up those side projects and works on them. But, it would only work out if everyone is pitching into the same project at the end of the day.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
I don't know if it's a bug but the global flag hermHasBalls doesn't seem to be doing anything, and neither is shemaleNoBalls.

Will take a look - the game needs some work concerning how sexual equipment translates to gender - mostly because the competitors have always been assumed to be female or feminine. It's also possible it was left as an option and never built out.


Apr 2, 2017
I totally understand that the state of the game is not conducive to new stuff being added right now, but as rex said, if there is one thing I truly wished worked in the mod it was the butt slut quest.

But even if it never makes it in, I'm just glad slow progress is being made at all. This mod was probably my favorite thing on the forums. That and Nessun Dorma but I doubt we will see that again anytime soon.


New Member
Dec 24, 2015
Hey, Its been a long time since I've checked up on NGM and I thought it was dead. Imagine my surprise when I saw a 2.6 version going around. Can someone explain that to me, as well as direct me to where I can download it? I enjoyed the game and if people are still working on it I definitely want to experience it.


New Member
Apr 2, 2017
Hey there ! I was wondering if someone could tell me how to create an executable jar file from eclipse or even github.
I modified a few stuff to my taste and I would like to make a build but I can't seem to manage it.

Does anybody know how ? Thanks in advance !


New Member
Jul 20, 2018
I know it is a dumb question but : I don't know how launch the game (or with what software ) ?

Thanks and sorry for the trouble (and my bad english ^^, I'm french and i'm not so good at exprimed myself in english >< )


Apr 1, 2017
First you need to install Java to play the game:
Then the game files you downloaded are packed. Do right click -> extract all (if you not use Windows 10 you have to install an extra programm like Winrar or 7zip)
After unpacking just double click the .jar - file

I follow this mod a long time. And it is really promising.
Wonder what the current state is. Currently you are at optimizing the code. So not sure if you are rdy for some suggestions and discussions.
Or if that must wait until code is finished.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This is the latest version I have (2.6.0 RC2):!BMRUSS5Y!Wp_F5NsTiLcg7r9qxnxP9g-0E9UcyGkcQk20nAALkjc
Maybe someone posted a link to a more recent version in this thread somewhere, I don't know.

If you just want to run it for yourself, you don't need to explicitly build a JAR. You can go to and click the 'play' button somewhere in the top left of your Eclipse UI.
You might have to edit the run configuration to let it find the data files. The paths should point to the parent directory of the default one.
If you actually do need the jar, go to File>Export...>Java>Runnable JAR File

A couple of people have been working on improving the code, yes, though I don't know what the state of that is.
If you want to check it out, go to
Where USERNAME is one of:
  • DarkSinfulMage
  • gmcgu
  • Pimvgd
  • Ryplinn
  • lugime
  • (Also logosK, but that one hasn't been touched in a while, either)
I don't think anyone has added any content, though. I seem to recall some new victory/defeat scenes somewhere, but I can't remember who wrote them or what they were about.
That and Nessun Dorma but I doubt we will see that again anytime soon.
You never know...


New Member
Jul 20, 2018
Thanks @Wanideretz, but Java is now installed but when I run the game I have a error " Error : unable to acces jarfile "
I really think I have really bad luck with Java --'


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Thanks @Wanideretz, but Java is now installed but when I run the game I have a error " Error : unable to acces jarfile "
I really think I have really bad luck with Java --'
How are you trying to run it? I think this should only happen if you make a typo in a command line, but you should be able to just double-click the .jar file. The only other things I can come up with is that you are trying to run it from a protected directory (like C:/Program Files) or a directory with non-ASCII characters in its path (but I seriously doubt Oracle would make such a basic mistake).


New Member
Apr 2, 2017
If you just want to run it for yourself, you don't need to explicitly build a JAR. You can go to and click the 'play' button somewhere in the top left of your Eclipse UI.
You might have to edit the run configuration to let it find the data files. The paths should point to the parent directory of the default one.
If you actually do need the jar, go to File>Export...>Java>Runnable JAR File

Thanks, i'll try that.


New Member
Jul 20, 2018
Your right @dndw it's was that, I have instal java in a different dd and put the folder of nightmare in another DD (with another game ^^) and now it's work.

Now I can test this game, thanks a lot ( and thank to be patient with me and my bad english ;) )


New Member
Aug 21, 2018
You get an option to save at the start and end of every night. It is not possible to save during the night, unfortunately.
But when i try to save at the start and end of every night i don't get a file to save to.
Could it be because i have the game in my program files?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But when i try to save at the start and end of every night i don't get a file to save to.
Could it be because i have the game in my program files?
That might well be an issue, yes, though I don't think I've ever actually check it. You should run the game from an unprotected directory. That is, almost anything except Program Files and Windows. Once you get it working, you can also turn on autosaving in the option menu, to save you the trouble.


New Member
Aug 21, 2018
That might well be an issue, yes, though I don't think I've ever actually check it. You should run the game from an unprotected directory. That is, almost anything except Program Files and Windows. Once you get it working, you can also turn on autosaving in the option menu, to save you the trouble.
Ok. I'll try, thanks for the help.


New Member
Oct 21, 2018
Yo, is there an official working release or do i have to pull from github for a working copy?

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2017
Official is a strong word at this point. I'm not even sure that there is an official version anymore >_>

Newest base that's being used is DarkSinfulMage's 2.6 version I think.!UJ4FlCZb!HwsHmGUt0rdpcD2gLOrxMfMHDvTL-VLHXaX0jy6ZAZw

Pull that out, then unzip and drop in the JAR update from below and overwrite. Fixes some old bugs and crashes and has some text updates among other things
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
I'm a bit afraid to download a new version until most of the gamebreaking bugs and mess of a code is fixed up.
Currently still have version and it works okay enough that It doesn't bother me much.
Only problems are the enemies get stuck every now and then in fights not doing anything unless you show up.
And that the plant girl isn't in this version (no idea how to put her back in).

I have complete faith in everyone working on the mod though.
Patience is one of my greatest personality traits luckily~
(Also Loyalty).


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2016
I've been around - seeing comments. There's several folks around August-September making small changes - I don't mind merging in those or implementing them myself if anyone talks to me.

I wouldn't say there's an official version of NGM at this point. Here's the TL;DR:
  • We're trying to fix the game.
  • Everyone programs here as a hobby.
  • We all try to merge and send general fixes in my direction until the overhaul is complete.
  • Feel free to try other people's forks, as some do manage to get ahead of me because that's how it works.
Anyways, last I was playing with stuff, I was playing with unrooting Rosea. I can't say I have a lot of passion or time for projects, right now. If there's good changes being made, send em my way to merge or implement myself.


New Member
Oct 23, 2018
How exactly are you supposed to run this game? Never had any trouble running the official game from Silver Bard Games, where you have to open the JAR file with Java or something. But for some reason I can't get this version to work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To add the plant girl, go into the characters folder and open the included.json, then replace what's in the file with the following...
Normally, just the samanth.json exists and rosea.json is omitted which disables her.


Aug 31, 2015
is someone able to help me with eclips? Java JDK1.8.0_1.8.1

[echo] nightgamesmod: C:\Users\...\Desktop\nightgamesmod-master\nightgamesmod-master\build.xml
[javac] Compiling 1171 source files to C:\Users\...\Desktop\nightgamesmod-master\nightgamesmod-master\build\classes
[javac] C:\Users\...\Desktop\nightgamesmod-master\nightgamesmod-master\NightgamesMod\nightgames\characters\ error: unmappable character for encoding UTF-8
[javac] return "{self:SUBJECT} seems to have gotten too much of the demonic juju. Despite going high tech, {self:pRONOUN}'s rig of equipment ? {self:possessive} fancy rig of various gadgets and computerized glasses seem to have "

the ? is the problem


Active Member
Mar 16, 2017
...huh. There's a special character there that looks like white space.
Despite going high tech, {self:PRONOUN}'s rig of equipment – {self:possessive} fancy
Should be safe to just delete the white spaces between rig of equipment and {self:possessive} fancy and then add a real whitespace with your own spacebar. That bit of code is only supposed to be a string so deleting the character shouldn't harm anything.

Its odd though. That line is not quite the same in my game and I don't think I've ever touched those lines. Weird. Granted it's been forever since I downloaded it but it doesn't look like it was ever changed if I'm reading github's history correctly.


Aug 31, 2015
...huh. There's a special character there that looks like white space.
Despite going high tech, {self:PRONOUN}'s rig of equipment – {self:possessive} fancy
Should be safe to just delete the white spaces between rig of equipment and {self:possessive} fancy and then add a real whitespace with your own spacebar. That bit of code is only supposed to be a string so deleting the character shouldn't harm anything.

Its odd though. That line is not quite the same in my game and I don't think I've ever touched those lines. Weird. Granted it's been forever since I downloaded it but it doesn't look like it was ever changed if I'm reading github's history correctly.

if i delete the character (in java editor "?" is a "-"), i will get new error in other lines.
[echo] nightgamesmod: C:\Users\...\Desktop\nightgamesmod-master1\nightgamesmod-master\build.xml
[javac] Compiling 1171 source files to C:\Users\...\Desktop\nightgamesmod-master1\nightgamesmod-master\build\classes
[javac] C:\Users\...\Desktop\nightgamesmod-master1\nightgamesmod-master\NightgamesMod\nightgames\characters\ error: cannot find symbol
[javac] protected CombatStats combatStats; //TODO: Finish class and implement - Constructors, clones, and being able to serialize members. - DSM
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: class CombatStats
[javac] location: class Character
[javac] C:\Users\...\Desktop\nightgamesmod-master1\nightgamesmod-master\NightgamesMod\nightgames\characters\ error: cannot find symbol
[javac] public CombatStats getCombatStats() { return combatStats; } public void setCombatStats(CombatStats combatStats) { this.combatStats = combatStats; }
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: class CombatStats
[javac] location: class Character
[javac] C:\Users\...\Desktop\nightgamesmod-master1\nightgamesmod-master\NightgamesMod\nightgames\characters\ error: cannot find symbol
[javac] public CombatStats getCombatStats() { return combatStats; } public void setCombatStats(CombatStats combatStats) { this.combatStats = combatStats; }
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: class CombatStats
[javac] location: class Character
[javac] C:\Users\...\Desktop\nightgamesmod-master1\nightgamesmod-master\NightgamesMod\nightgames\characters\ error: cannot find symbol
[javac] this.combatStats = new CombatStats(); //TODO: Reading, writing, cloning?
[javac] ^
[javac] symbol: class CombatStats
[javac] location: class Character
[javac] 4 errors

CombatStats is the problem.

i use the DarkSinfulMage version with eclipse IDE. maybe is use a wrong JAVA version or i do something wrong? i use the build.xml in the main folder.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2017
I downloaded it and it does seem to cause errors if you try to compile it. Weird, I assume it compiled before since the latest update was after the point where those changes occurred and the JAR itself still works. Maybe java updated some stuff and it no longer compiles, I dunno. Maybe someone else knows.

Still. As for actually compiling it, you can just comment out lines 150, 212, and 219. As far as I can tell that wasn't yet implemented in any way meaningful to gameplay so it shouldn't make a difference.