Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The problem I see with recruiting any of the ants to the crew is that their skill sets are arguably centuries out of date when it comes to working a modern starship in a high skill job.

I mean, being a marine is a pretty easily transferable skill set (and we know at least the red myr have an actual navy/marine corps; probably the golds as well). Myr of both colors are used to fighting in close quarters (ie tunnels) so they'd adapt pretty well to cqc in a ship's corridors.

Also, as the airborne beard pointed out: having a fuckable hole is a pretty solid crew qualification 'round these parts. :p


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
Oligarchy based on being able to breed or not and power based on number of children/births. That's about it, as has been stated Gold society hasn't been expanded upon much via writing.
The first member of each side you meet is happy to explain the problems with the other faction. The reds are immensely militaristic. Which leads to obvious problems like aggressive expansion, stamping out other societies. Etc.

The golds are extremely feudalistic, meanwhile. The value of the individual is massively lessened in a society where all revolves around the queen and your personal value is measured with respect to what you contribute to your glorious leader.

Fascism vs Feudalism. Both have serious problems.

Oh also of course there's the thing neither is willing to admit but anyone else is happy to make clear to you: Despite both sides claiming the other side is the aggressor, neither actually wants peace. They view one another as their ancient enemy and would like nothing more than total supremacy/eradication of the other side. If you ask either they will claim the other side is the evil one and that they would of course be OH SO HAPPY to have peace if they would just stop shooting. Of course, both sides are lying to themselves as much as they are to you, so it's not like they are manipulating you on purpose. But...


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
I mean, being a marine is a pretty easily transferable skill set (and we know at least the red myr have an actual navy/marine corps; probably the golds as well). Myr of both colors are used to fighting in close quarters (ie tunnels) so they'd adapt pretty well to cqc in a ship's corridors.

Also, as the airborne beard pointed out: having a fuckable hole is a pretty solid crew qualification 'round these parts. :p
You can literally give your sex robot a job on the ship. I'm sure you can find something for trained soldiers to accomplish.

Of course the reason they are centuries out of date is due to the ceasefire being enforced by the UGC. Notable is that if you go to Emmy's shop while transformed heavily into one of the local races (before she meets you proper) she'll shoo you out because she's not allowed to sell laser guns to the natives due to the military situation.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
I would love to be able to gain a Red as part of my crew I have 2 in mind as possibles: 1. Nehzara as she is tired of the Bureaucracy and the Golds getting all the attention, plus the Golds put them in a f*cking closet. or 2. the nameless Red in the Bathhouse, who hasn't ever seen a dick before (dunno why I like the shy innocent type of girl, I find it adorable). Either would be great, and to appease the great and mighty Fenoxo Liliana for the Gold since she's a deserter anyway atop the fact she's hiding out in the bar with the 'aliens'. And the way to even things out is you can take one or the other not both
I feel like Nehzara would, given her complaint was about being a field officer given a cubicle position, not be very happy about your suggestion to relocate from sitting in her office doing nothing to sitting on your spaceship doing nothing. Girl wants to be back on the battlefield.


Jan 6, 2016
I feel like Nehzara would, given her complaint was about being a field officer given a cubicle position, not be very happy about your suggestion to relocate from sitting in her office doing nothing to sitting on your spaceship doing nothing. Girl wants to be back on the battlefield.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
I like her too. But she doesn't strike me as very likely to pack up and leave unless it's to recruit her as a party member (Which would mess with game balance. Probably. Unless we're planned on being able to recruit several NPCs (presumably one at a time) as allies eventually). And even then there'd be matters of loyalty to her faction. Etc. Maybe in the event of a red victory or at least a neutral end. But...(There was mention up above of a red victory being certain to result in them refocusing on space travel and catching up with the rest of space civilization in terms of tech...)...Hmmmmm. Anyway yeah the last thing she wants is to move from one desk job to another desk job.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I like her too. But she doesn't strike me as very likely to pack up and leave unless it's to recruit her as a party member (Which would mess with game balance. Probably. Unless we're planned on being able to recruit several NPCs (presumably one at a time) as allies eventually). And even then there'd be matters of loyalty to her faction. Etc. Maybe in the event of a red victory or at least a neutral end. But...(There was mention up above of a red victory being certain to result in them refocusing on space travel and catching up with the rest of space civilization in terms of tech...)...Hmmmmm. Anyway yeah the last thing she wants is to move from one desk job to another desk job.

Followers/Crew members will play very key roles once the devs get their marbles together enough to plug away at ship expansion patch for the game.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
Followers/Crew members will play very key roles once the devs get their marbles together enough to plug away at ship expansion patch for the game.
Ahahahahaha. So I've been told. As of present the only even slightly useful one is Anno. Purely for her buy back prices.

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Ahahahahaha. So I've been told. As of present the only even slightly useful one is Anno. Purely for her buy back prices.

Paige is a navigator, a very good one.

When Syri becomes one: She was in the military and is also stupid smart like her sister (subjective).

Yammi is a cook....... wait we dont eat

Shekka is getting an X-Pack soon and she's a mechanic.

Ramis will also be a crewmember soon: SHE'S RAMIS

Kase is Jailbait

Azra is the Mom and Plant Lady

And the most useful member during a boarding situation is Celise. She cant be hurt, and she can EAT them.
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Jan 6, 2016
Yeah I doubt Nehzara would want to go from one desk job to another desk job; however; the crew don't just sit on the ship all of the time we may not get to run into all of them but it is possible to run into Anno in a bar which means the others get off too even Reaha goes and sells her milk when you rehab her, and it's hinted at that Yammi goes and restocks the kitchen whenever you land so maybe Nehzara could do some fighting rings planet side or something just to be doing something instead of just sitting around plus she wouldn't have to play diplomat which she stated that she hates so she'd be free to be more of a soldier than anything if that's what she wants.

But if not her, how about the red from the bathhouse? she'd be a nice addition in her own right.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
Paige is a navigator, a very good one.

When Syri becomes one: She was in the military and is also stupid smart like her sister (subjective).

Yammi is a cook....... wait we dont eat

Shekka is getting an X-Pack soon and she's a mechanic.

Ramis will also be a crewmember soon: SHE'S RAMIS

Kase is Jailbait

Azra is the Mom and Plant Lady

And the most useful member during a boarding situation is Celise. She cant be hurt, and she can EAT them.
I know what all of them do. I recruited everyone. They just don't do anything but flavor text right now. Paige is a surprisingly good navigator for someone who spent the past several years of her life without eyes, yes. (I was wondering why she cost 500,000 to recruit as compared to everyone else, honestly. Jesus FUCK that was expensive).


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I know what all of them do. I recruited everyone. They just don't do anything but flavor text right now. Paige is a surprisingly good navigator for someone who spent the past several years of her life without eyes, yes. (I was wondering why she cost 500,000 to recruit as compared to everyone else, honestly. Jesus FUCK that was expensive).
She's meant to be a late game crew member


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
She's meant to be a late game crew member
I mean I get that. It's just alarming when she's about an order of magnitude more expensive than the most valuable weapons currently in the game.

that is to say: when i found her while searching for stuff I might have missed, I was at the point where I'd finished all content currently in the game and she was still not even remotely affordable.

I'm sure she'll provide some kind of amazing benefit later on when the ship actually does something. It's just a bit insane when there are recruitable party members more late game than all the game's current content is all.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I mean I get that. It's just alarming when she's about an order of magnitude more expensive than the most valuable weapons currently in the game.

that is to say: when i found her while searching for stuff I might have missed, I was at the point where I'd finished all content currently in the game and she was still not even remotely affordable.

I'm sure she'll provide some kind of amazing benefit later on when the ship actually does something. It's just a bit insane when there are recruitable party members more late game than all the game's current content is all.
The game's development is not really that linear of a project. Particularly where submitted content comes into play.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
The game's development is not really that linear of a project. Particularly where submitted content comes into play.
This does not make it any less surprising when finding something that is significantly more expensive than the sum total of all money and the value of all possessions my character has owned through the entire course of the game, even when I've done everything else the game has to offer in its current state.

My point is that she's late game enough to be beyond the current scope of the game. To the point the *game itself* thinks as much too. When I shelled out it went so far as to say "I'm sure you can just hack in more money later anyway." in the tooltip.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
This does not make it any less surprising when finding something that is significantly more expensive than the sum total of all money and the value of all possessions my character has owned through the entire course of the game, even when I've done everything else the game has to offer in its current state.

Not like money is really a problem in this game after the first planet. I stop caring about the value of things once i get my steele even remotely tf'd up.