Sort of like how Ceraph makes you only capable of thinking of yourself as a pet if you get her bad end? Hellhounds have intelligence on the level of a child around 6-10 years old without a master (though more accurately, a bunch of their mental faculties are just missing, they're incomplete without a master), but if they do have a master then their intelligence will be significantly higher. The smarter the master, the smarter the hellhound. They're intentionally designed to be the perfect mental slave to a demon.
I rewrote the encounter twice to try and make it clearer that they're semi-bipedal furries. A whole bunch of people ignored the changes, and a bunch of others complained about them because they wanted their beastiality content back. At this point I've just given up.
Ah. Well, thanks for sating my curiosity on that matter ^_^ It's still referred to as a beast, and makes very canine-ish motions, as well as seemingly being incapable of speech. Also, when you encounter it, or rather him, the text is: "You get the feeling that reasoning with this
beast will be impossible."
So yeah. Misunderstood there. Either way, perhaps not necessarily Varmints, but I really hope there'd be, well, similar content on TiTS. Of the semi-bipedal furries kind. I'd give writing similar content a try - I just need to know if such content will be okay.
As for TamWolf, it is a robot with sentience, and the fixed one shows sapience. And there already is a sex scene with TamWolf equipped with a synthcock for the Bad End against Mistress Tam. So, technically, how awesome would it be if we could equip a synthcock we can get from Anno for Gianna, and equip it on the fixed TamWolf?

Essentially, more scenes with TamWolf is all I'm saying, and without having to force a bad end against some really weak NPC in a one-time encounter on Tarkus (or having to play a new char just to get to that point). Is anybody working on similar content at the moment?