Manly content thread

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any idea when some of the more finished items are going to be getting in?


well yeah but this is a list of individual projects so each project would have its own updates and stuff.

For instance i believe the nt shop is done and angus is still undergoing growing pains. If you see anything that should be added to the list that would help as well


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Any updates on this?

The forums have been a little slow lately and i've been occupied. Anyway here's two I forgot to add:

  • Kit Kouki by RuBoo: A straight parasite-infested half-ausar. Dudes can feed his cuntail instead.
  • Mino Charge by Couch: The male counterpart of bovinium turning the player into a burly minotaur.
I've been trying to getting into writting again. Let's see how that goes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I really hope that your Doggy Snausages gets in, the TF's in it are awesome. But that Omni-Leg TF in it made me go like, "What and Why?"

From what I understood at the time getting one leg is a possibility in the code of the game and I don't like the forcefeeding exact leg numbers if you're looking into getting certain leg types.

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
For instance i believe the nt shop is done and angus is still undergoing growing pains. If you see anything that should be added to the list that would help as well

Well, I'm getting there... blame Fallout 4 for my lack of productivity. The shop in it of itself is done. But, I still need to write 4 scenes for Busky, then go back and edit the document to hell and back.


Aug 29, 2015
As some of you may know there is a distinct lack of male or masculine content ingame. The developers have already settled their position on that so there isn't much point in complaining to them about this disparity. So I decided to make this thread to gauge preferences, discuss potential ideas and list links to gdocs with additions to game all related with manly content.

I'll end this post by asking three questions:

  1. What kind of fetishes(related to masculinity) do you like?
  2. What kind of masculine characters do you like? Any preferences for personalities and body types?
  3. What's your favourite manly character already in the game?

Sucks I didn't notice this thread sooner. Thanks for it OP. Yea it's a damn shame but completely understandable from a the devs point of view. There's still some awesome content though.

You have no idea how happy it makes me to see this thread!

1. Domination - whether is just subtly expressed in sex scenes or just full blown alpha male assholery like Kelt(though in his case it may be considered more of a rape fetish which I also enjoy). I especially love it when they initiate scenes, like Gene.

2. Confident playboys/Alpha males. I'm not super picky on body types, but I prefer toned or buff/beefy to skinny/androgynous/effeminate. 

3. Dane. 

^^^This guy, I agree with him.

Although, Savin's Wetraxxel Brawler is the BEST manliest character in the game. Ever.

I really liked Gene but, is he missing some scenes? I remember reading Nonesuch's files and am pretty sure he had more scenes after becoming fully submissive to him? 


New Member
Nov 19, 2015
This thread is awesome *-*

1. I guess domination? (without violence tho) And power bottom.

2. Playboys and nerds. No jerks allowed. I don't have body type preferences (almost). It all depends on the way character looks\character described.

3. Dane and Geoff i guess? Yeah. They are kinda cool.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
I really liked Gene but, is he missing some scenes? 

I've been kinda wondering that too. I haven't looked at his gdoc but it seems like you go from fuck buddy to complete submissive really fast. 

Seems like their should be a more defined inbetween stage.


I'll end this post by asking three questions:

  1. What kind of fetishes(related to masculinity) do you like?
  2. What kind of masculine characters do you like? Any preferences for personalities and body types?
  3. What's your favourite manly character already in the game?

btw i can't believe i haven't answered these questions yet

1. I like devirginization, felxibility, elasticity, rimming, cum inflation, position versatility, coercion/black mail, mind breaking, seduction, athletes, cross-generation (non shota, everyone at least 17 and up), sleep groping/fondling/sex, bondage... There's more but at this point I think you guys get it. I know these aren't limited to masculinity but like I feel it still applies.

2. I don't really have a preference for body type. I like jocks, nerds, twinks... I just like masculinity. Fems can be cool but they don't really do anything for me you know? irl i tend to go for more the smaller, runner types but i'm open to anything as long as you look good. An attractive face is actually very important.

3. Favorite Male TiTs Characters

  • Geoff (if that's not obvious since I wrote a scene for him lol)
  • Dane (lord i hope he gets in as a follower because I want those ausar ass cheeks so bad)
  • Quenton (more like i like the character's concept because you can't bend him over the work out equipment quite yet)

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
elasticity, rimming, cum inflation, position versatility, athletes, sleep groping/fondling/sex, bondage

I can not grin wide enough right now :D

Sidenote, in light of Christmas being upon us in a month's time, I wrote "Peckermints" (found in my Musk and Muscle document), 12 inch long penis shaped peppermints that, on first use, change your load to a hot, sticky, clear, red, peppermint flavored cumshot. And on second use change your cock's color to that of a candy cane, swirled red and white. I've also been thinking about writing "Cumnog" or "Nutnog", just a pint of eggnog that changes your cum flavor to eggnog.

Anyway, what are your guy's thoughts on cum flavors/colors.


Aug 27, 2015
change your load to a hot, sticky, clear, red, peppermint flavored cumshot. Anyway, what are your guy's thoughts on cum flavors/colors.

Ahhhhhh your dick is bleeding what is wrong with you ahhhhhhhhhh


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I feared that reaction, just don't know how to change the cum color to be peppermint red, but not blood-like.

It could be like the vanae milk and just describe it a red and white, you could also add green. If it's really a issue you could just drop the cum stuff, it's not really important if you're making an eggnog cum item.

You could make it so it only changes flavour of the cum or add a sweet-flavoured flag to the penis itself.  You should keep the colour change to the penis that part is good.

And nut nog is apparently a thing...

You should actually make that change fluid type to eggnog, through you will have to decide if you want alchoholic propeties on it or not.



Aug 26, 2015
>penis flavor flags

Please no.  Why do you hate writers?

And yeah, stay away from red fluids.  Pearly white will do just fine.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Now I'm wondering of if someone would make bubblegum flavored pink cum...


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Eggnog cum would be good. Wouldn't even need to change the color.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
What's killing me is that some of these have been finished up and all they need now is to be coded. Dx
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