First off, hello yes i'm Fub.
I joined the forums just a while ago because i wanna share art regarding TiTS. I love character design, so TiTS is pretty great experience for me, letting me figure out what everything looks like on my own ... with the obvious bonus of some nice text-smut ; )
Right now i just wanted to share some basic art, to let peeps here get an idea what i can do. I hope it's good! ^^
I'm bit of a busy bee with other works as well, so i can't do ton of work here in short time, but i hope to pop in once in a while to share stuff. If anyone has a suggestions of a character or a race i could tackle next in art, i would like to hear that! It would be nice to end up doing some busts or similar eventually ~
- Fub
Of course the thread title is a bit misleading, since Rahn's don't have males. Makes just as little sense call them that than to call them "females". What i meant was Rahn's that dip more into the masculine appearance, since their appearance isn't really tied to anything in particular. I believe there are few individual's that prefer the less curvy male-shape, or more andro one at least.
-Some color variants for giggle's.
-Some minor sketches, also for giggle's.
I joined the forums just a while ago because i wanna share art regarding TiTS. I love character design, so TiTS is pretty great experience for me, letting me figure out what everything looks like on my own ... with the obvious bonus of some nice text-smut ; )
Right now i just wanted to share some basic art, to let peeps here get an idea what i can do. I hope it's good! ^^
I'm bit of a busy bee with other works as well, so i can't do ton of work here in short time, but i hope to pop in once in a while to share stuff. If anyone has a suggestions of a character or a race i could tackle next in art, i would like to hear that! It would be nice to end up doing some busts or similar eventually ~
- Fub
Of course the thread title is a bit misleading, since Rahn's don't have males. Makes just as little sense call them that than to call them "females". What i meant was Rahn's that dip more into the masculine appearance, since their appearance isn't really tied to anything in particular. I believe there are few individual's that prefer the less curvy male-shape, or more andro one at least.

-Some color variants for giggle's.

-Some minor sketches, also for giggle's.