Male Rahn designs [new artist]


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
First off, hello yes i'm Fub.

I joined the forums just a while ago because i wanna share art regarding TiTS. I love character design, so TiTS is pretty great experience for me, letting me figure out what everything looks like on my own ... with the obvious bonus of some nice text-smut ; )

Right now i just wanted to share some basic art, to let peeps here get an idea what i can do. I hope it's good! ^^

I'm bit of a busy bee with other works as well, so i can't do ton of work here in short time, but i hope to pop in once in a while to share stuff. If anyone has a suggestions of a character or a race i could tackle next in art, i would like to hear that! It would be nice to end up doing some busts or similar eventually ~

- Fub


Of course the thread title is a bit misleading, since Rahn's don't have males. Makes just as little sense call them that than to call them "females". What i meant was Rahn's that dip more into the masculine appearance, since their appearance isn't really tied to anything in particular. I believe there are few individual's that prefer the less curvy male-shape, or more andro one at least.

-Some color variants for giggle's.

-Some minor sketches, also for giggle's.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Nice art :)

I can´t really think of anything atm. But if I do, I´ll come with suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
It probably won't garner much attention since most of this forum is into the ladies, but that's a really novel and well carried out design.

Heh. I'm very well aware of that fact. It's pretty clear what kinda audience TiTS caters most often.

While i am personally not into T and V and A, i don't mind at all drawing ladies. I would love to draw some New Texas women in the future ... I'm pretty open to all content, even if i myself wouldn't enjoy it. 

- Fub.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Personally, I prefer the characters that embrace masculinity to go full way towards the standard version of it, so the main design presented here isn't my cup of tea, and only a couple of sketched ones look like something I'd be really into.

But it's a damn fine art regardless. :thumbsup:

if you ever draw a full version of the foppish space dandy sketched on the left, it would be awesome.

And the top middle sketch made me remember about the existans of Osmosis Jones for the first time in 10+ years.
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New Member
Nov 5, 2016
Made an account just to say, these are fuckin' awesome! Keep up the great work Fub!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
Personally, I prefer the characters that embrace masculinity to go full way towards the standard version of it, so the main design presented here isn't my cup of tea, and only a couple of sketched ones look like something I'd be really into.

But it's a damn fine art regardless. :thumbsup:

if you ever draw a full version of the foppish space dandy sketched on the left, it would be awesome.

And the top middle sketch made me remember about the existans of Osmosis Jones for the first time in 10+ years.



I gave him a burly friend too! I wonder what the Dandy does for a living? Smuggler maybe? and other dude is the muscles? I bet their crew is made of space vixens.

This made me have few questions about Rahn physiology though ... Can they get scars? Or tattoos? And just because Rahn is jacked like hell doesn't mean they're strong, since they can mold themselves pretty easily ... Dandy was also supposed to have a sig first but i honestly can't say if smoking is anatomically possible for Rahn.

(And oh man, i loved Osmosis as a kid.)

Those designs are fucking fantastic. Don't let anybody tell you different.

That's awesome to hear from the main man himself ^^

Made an account just to say, these are fuckin' awesome! Keep up the great work Fub!

As did I make an account for the soul purpose of saying that I dig the fuck out of these.

Oh dear me that's nice of you two!! ^^

- Fub.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
That's some lightning fast delivery of awesomeness.

I gave him a burly friend too! I wonder what the Dandy does for a living? Smuggler maybe? and other dude is the muscles? I bet their crew is made of space vixens. 

Being a Space Dandy and bumming around in space is a full time job, though. And his friend Burly would make nice addition to pretty much any adventure. Also, people were just wishing for more characters with dad-bod in one of TiTS discussion threads, and here he is.

EDIT: Can't believe I initially forgot to post this:

This made me have few questions about Rahn physiology though ... Can they get scars? Or tattoos? And just because Rahn is jacked like hell doesn't mean they're strong, since they can mold themselves pretty easily ... Dandy was also supposed to have a sig first but i honestly can't say if smoking is anatomically possible for Rahn.

I don't believe that their outer cellular membrane can get permanent scars; however tatoos in TiTS usually are (or at least can be) applied via something other than ink, as evident by Inessa, so it's likely possible.

As for smoking a sig - even if they can't really inhale smoke into their lungs, Rahn can pull air in and out of their mouths, since they can communicate verbally.

(And oh man, i loved Osmosis as a kid.) 

I barely remember the film and the fact that it got some sort of spin-off series. Need to try and watch it now.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
EDIT: Can't believe I initially forgot to post this:

HAH that's one great AMV. Can't say i have never seen that show though. I do think I'm too hot/ hot damn  would be a pretty solid guess for our Dandy's personality.

Burly on the other hand, he doesn't say anything extra. The bare minimum of audible grumble to get a point across. I bet it's the same when plowing him, it's like banging a brick-wall.

Also, people were just wishing for more characters with dad-bod in one of TiTS discussion threads, and here he is.

That's great to hear! I'm so on board for more dad-bod dudes ( i like 'em bigg). Or more dudes in general. Most dick i've gotten in TiTS so far has been futa, which is not my thing. Can't really do anything about that, for there simply isn't that huge amount of men to bump taints with. (or male enemies, mostly.) Goes back to what Nonesuch said, most likely.

If there ever comes a daddy-NPC i will SO call dibs on doing the bust for him!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Didn't expect to see something like this, but you did great work. Keep on drawing/posting,


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
Before this thread gets too old, some Rahn boy smuts!

I showed the first piece to a friend who then asked for more, so i did few more doodles of this dude.

Friend also wanted me to name this guy, so i think i'll call him Poi.


Alright now i'm leaving this thread alone. Also is there a way to add spoilers to a text so that the pic is hidden? The fact that all pictures are just spread open jars me.

- Fub.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I'm not usually into gelatinous characters all that much, but holy shit I so want all of those Rahn boys you doodled out (Especially that Poi guy, he's pretty cute). Handsome devils they are, and very well drawn too. Very nice!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
The Insert section on the editing tools panel has
tag among other things

I see it now. It's under the tiny + button, didn't figure that out. I tought "insert" was some other way to add files.

Made some silent edits for ya in this topic--hopefully this helps.

Thank you, that's great service! I can just sleep and mods fix my posts for me ;)

- Fub.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Wow these designs are great, now if we could make our Steele Rahn :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As one of the few defenders of the male/male content over the m/f or, god forbid, f/f, I have to say that your designs are quite pleasant to the eye. The shape and proportion on the rahn males looks quite elegant, and the build of the larger one is simply wonderful.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2016
As one of the few defenders of the male/male content over the m/f or, god forbid, f/f, I have to say that your designs are quite pleasant to the eye. The shape and proportion on the rahn males looks quite elegant, and the build of the larger one is simply wonderful.

Thanks. I do prefer m/m content as well over all, although i wouldn't turn down a request of f/f art if they sweet-talked me enough.

I'm silently updating the larger ones design atm. Might use him a a writing practice. lord knows i need that ...

- Fub.


Aug 10, 2016
As someone that is... probably a little over-the-top in their distaste for males and masculinity in general (in an attraction sense!!), I still have to admit that your rahn boy looks like he's quite the charmer. Your art is very, very good, and your design is quite strong! He feels like he has a lot of character, even though I've seen nothing but a single image of him.

I look forward to seeing other things you draw! And don't worry, there may not be as many guy-lovers as there are gal-lovers around these parts, but what the male crowd lacks in numbers in makes up for in passion! :p

I'm with you there. I'm very much a straight guy with absolutely zero interest in other guys. The more girls/futas the better. Even better if there's no men at all.

But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate your Rahn! They may not be my thing, but they look great!


Sep 20, 2015
Wow ... Not bad, not bad at all. Kinda makes me wish rahn was a starting option. Although I suppose I could get close with the right tf's.