Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala shook a little as her light blue four eyed gaze hovered over penny. She grit her teeth. "I'll be f-fine we need to move." Sala said through a clenched jaw. "Awww ok...", Emily said as she pouted a little. "oh and here you go Jezzy.", she said as she gave the rifle back to Jezzy. Penny could see Jezzy's nipples poking against her bodysuit. "If the that droid attacked us then the ruins cant be too far...", Mika said thinking it over. "Oh b-but wait! they surely know we're coming now...." mika said thinking it over. "...can I wear clothes now....and maybe can you...take off the goo now.....", Sala asked.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny reaches down and gently removes the goo from Sala before handing her clothes back to her. "Here you are love, get yourself comfortable." She stands up and faces Mika. "That is right, they are expecting us to come now... but what other choices do we have? Maybe a secret entrance?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala big thing bob up and down a pit as it was pull free from the goo, witch she quickly put a stop to. after looking at the markings the girls had given her she said, "Sorry girls....". She then quickly redressed herself and gave a sigh of relief. "What now Mika, you're the brains here.", Jezzy said. "Well we did destroy the spy drone so i guess its safe to say that were safe for now, but they might be ready for us.", Mika said as she pondered. "If they have more of those big droids we could be in stealth might be our best option.", she said with nod. "I guess we can figure o-out the specifics once we get there.", Mika said as she started walking again, leading them along the trail of the signal. mika had a worried look on her face, if stealth was there best option.....that might entail her getting naked to blend in with her surroundings....


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny followed after Mika of course. "Stealth isn't my best choice love... I am kind of loud and proud if you know what I mean. I guess we won't know for certain until we get there... but if hey have multiple droids like that I don't know what we can do if they just reboot after being zapped." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika merely nodded in acknowledgement. "Well...I'm sure if i can just get a good look at the place I might be able to think of........ something.", She thought. She wordlessly continued on her way leading them to the temple. It didn't take them long to get there after that. They soon found themselves at a edge of the swampy forest, though the trees they could spy a very large mound with a huge doorway carved into it. all around it they could see kir-kah in chains digging away at the mound uncovering more of the temple that was most likely hidden underneath. Also, there were many of Vaine's black clad goons moving about patrolling the area. they would occasionally kick or yell at their frog-like captives, trying to make them go faster of punish them for being slow. Finally they could see twp R90s standing guard at the entrance. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny grunts. "I can handle his goons, they are all a bunch of sods that go down in one or two hits... but what do we do about the R90's?" She stops and sighs "Actually, I have an idea... but you aren't going to like it love." She pats Mika's shoulder lightly. "If you get naked and sneak you way over to the R90's with mini me inside you... you could then put me next to them, I slide inside of their chassis and just start pulling stuff out until they shut down. Rinse repeat until the other one is down... Then Sala runs over with the rest of my body and we just start taking down the goons with Jezzy providing support fire!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Sure, I can bag any of them from here or maybe up in a tree.", jezzy said as she put her rile off of safety. "well I'll just saty out of the way then." Emily said. she looked over to Mika, "Well love it looks like its your turn to join the naked side once again~. But seriously be careful...", she said and she gave Mika a pat on the back. Somehow Mika knew it'd come to this as she hung her head. Although she was quite impressed with penny, usually she had to come up with the plans. She couldn't fault penny's either..... it really was quite logical. Sala had a frown on her face, she knew how Mika was feeling right about now. Mika gave a big sigh. "P-Penny your plan is quite much as i'd rather not a time like this, i don't think we have a choice." she said with a defeated look. So she stripped off her clothes post haste, the faster she got this doen the faster she'd get back in her clothes. After she pulled of her underwear she nervously gave her glasses to Emily. so there she stood in all her naked glory the lovely curvy body of hers completely bare. the edges of her face turned a tad purple as she felt the most air on her skin. "I-I....I'm ready when you are..."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny licked her lips at Mika's naked body, obviously enjoying the show. "'I should really get some pictures of all of you naked, make myself a calendar to hang on my wall!" she melted down into a blob and Mini penny jumped out. "Alright! Please take care of my body Sala! Feel free to fuck it if you want too!" she gave Sala a playful wink before patting Mika's ankle. "you need to crouch down hon, I can't reach you all the way up there..." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sala looked at the blob of penny's body with a confused expression, she wasn't exactly sure what she was going to do with a big blob of goo. "Am i supposed to carry it or.......what?", she asked with one eyebrow raised, Meanwhile Mika gave a nervous glance in both directions before she squatted down. Her pussy hovering over Mini Penny's head. "I-Is this good enough.", she asked as she got red in the face.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nodded at both of them. "Yea, just keep it safe until we have those droids down and then bring it over so I can join the fight with the goons!" She turns to Mika and holds her arms up, spreading Mika's pussy open. "Alright, this is perfect! Pardon me my love!" She suddenly jumps up and slides into Mika's pussy with a wiggle and a tug. Soon enough, Mika can feel Penny getting nice and cozy in her womb once again, kissing the walls and rubbing her affectionately. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gasped as she felt penny wriggle into her most private reaches. Her pussy leaked a little with the bits of arousal penny was giving her insides. "...Be careful...." Jezzy said as she blushed. Mika had also given Emily her necklace as well for safe keeping. Mika then started at the ground and concentrated. she started turning a dark red wavy pattern matching the grass, again only her eyes could be seen if she stopped moving. she then lowered herself to the ground and started crawling towards the swamp-mound-ruins. They others watched intently but they soon lost sight of her in the red tall grass. once again she found herself crawling naked along the ground like some wild animal, and once again this made her feel quite awful. This time however penny was with her so she didn't feel quite as bad as before...but she still felt terrible.

This time the ground was very wet overall, so any leaking Mika's pussy did was lost to the wetness of land as a whole. she was able to sneak by the portal guards with out to much trouble she would simply stay completely still and close her eye making her for the most part invisible. Penny could feel her whole body tremble when one of the guards got close. Penny was shaken around as she felt Mika's insides quake with fear.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny pressed herself against Mika's walls, trying to comfort her nervous lover and remidn her that she was not alone in this endeavor. Light kisses peppered the wall of her womb, sending warm pleasure through her body whilt tender rubs helped her relax just a bit. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika managed to slow her breathing as she felt penny rub about her wombs walls. The quivering stopped but Penny could still feel Mika heart pump quickly. She continued crawling through the grass trying to ignore the way its would brush against her body. eventually she got to were the Kir-Kah were being forced to work. As Mika looked over them, they seemed so miserable in their chains she had to save them! She moved a little more determinedly now, even though she was scared. Until she finally got to the ancient doorway. She looked shakily from one side to the other seeing the two large droids. "O-ok p-p-penny, I-I'm there!", she whispered. She closed her eyes and manually opened her pussy up.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny quickly slid out of her  and walked around to her cheek, her tiny body hidden by the grass. "Good work love! Just leave this one to me." She plants a kiss on Mika's cheek before scooting over to the first droid. She jumps onto it's foot and slithers into it's chassis makign her way up toward the main body and looking for anything that looks important.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika just wasn't sure what to do now. She was afraid of sneaking back, if the droids went down the whole place would get on high alert. And here she was stuck in the hornets nest, completely and utterly naked.

As Penny went inside the first droid she found all kinds of wires and pistons everywhere. In the center, she found all the wires radaiteing out form one point that must be the CPU and power source.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiles and makes her way over to it. "Yea, this looks really important! Hmm, what happens if I pull... all of these!" She starts yanking out wires and kicking off connections to the CPU. "Oops! These all look so important!  Oh whatever shall I do? Hmm, guess I should just remove all of them!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As the wire were pulled out the robot shuddered and jerked about. the other robot turned towards it, trying to see any if there was an attacker. with its single red eye I could find no one. the frist droid then stopped moving and slumped over still standing, but completely inert. "Unit in need of maintenance. Filing report." , it said flatly.

The first droid was out of commission, and the second was continuing to monitor the area. Mika looked on intently. As she was laying prone in the grass, so wondered just what she should do one the real fighting starts she was very deep in the enemy territory. she figured her best bet would be to stay near the door. It just might open up for her. Then there was the kir-kah.... they were bond by chains of some kind and she didn't see any one that had a key maybe they were inside?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a wet splat penny fell from the droid and gave Mika a thumbs up before sneaking her way over to the other droid to try and repeat the process.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As penny slipped inside of the droid she found a little something extra. there was some kind of tubing inside of the droid along with its wiring, its purpose was unclear.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Curious about this little add on, she follows the tube along to its destination, wanting to see where it lead and what it did.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Following the tubing further in she found it was connected to kind of chamber filled with some kind of pink liquid. in the other direction the tubing seemed to connect to the droids arms. Perhaps it was used to fire off this liquid?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well... that can't be good. Ah well, won't matter once that CPU is down!" She climbs down to it's CPU and starts yanking the plugs and wires out of place. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
It was more or less the same thing as Penny pulled out the wires. The droid started jerking about wildly until it went dark. Going limp just like the first, however as the robot was rendered inert it suddenly fell over on to its back. On top of that, the sudden fall caused some of the liquid to pump out! as soon as it hit the air it turned to vapor, making a cloud of pink gas. Penny was inside the robot at the time, so she want caught in the could directly. But, the smell of it was enough to make her tingle. Its a cloud of aphrodisiac gas!

Mika had seen the cloud but wasn't quick enough to get out of the radius. she held her breath as she backed out of the cloud her skin tingled and her pussy wetted as some of it was absorbed in her skin. she managed to back out of the way but she could feel her body throb with heat now as her pussy began to drip. "oh god! this is bad!", she thought.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's absorbent body soaks up a lot of the gas and she falls silent. The blob that Sala was holding suddenly surged away from her and over to the droid where penny slides out of and reforms her main body. However, she doesn't stop at her normal large body, she swells bigger and bigger until she stands like a giant among the goons and Kir'kah. "Hot... so hot... need... need to fuck!" Her body surges out, grabbing goon, Kir'kah and poor Mika all at once. All of the goons are stripped of their gear and left naked along side the Kir'kah and Mika. In seconds there are gooey tentacles sliding into Pussies, asses and mouths while the rest of her body rubs and teases at their bodies!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Huh?! What the hell!?", Sala cried in astonishment as the blob slipped away from her. Mika gasped in surprise as penny snagged both her and just about everyone else in the immediate area. The goon shouted and struggled trying to get at there weapons but penny threw them away along with there gear. They were a mix of humans and shrax of both genders. the Kir'Kah yelped and croaked in terror as they too were swept up. They didn't wear much clothing to begin with but they soon found there loin cloths pulled away. Mika was screaming out as she was swept up and forced into, both of her holes swiftly filled. "Penny! nooo!", She cried before a tentacle forced its way into her mouth. everyone was getting fucked now.

From the edge of the forest the tree girls stared on in shock. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON THERE?!", Sala cried. Jezzy was looking through her scope. ".....Penny....she was hit by a lust drug by the look of it....", she said grimly. "what should we do?", Emily asked worriedly. "....well they might have sent back up...we need to cover them still...even if it wasn't her intention, she still has the guards....taken care of.....".

Mika was struggling violently against Penny even as the lust drug in her body was filling her with heat, and Penny's tentacles were going nuts in her holes. she could still see penny's head her face a mask of pure lust, she had to get to her. so she pulled with all of her might towards her even as she was lavished all over.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Everyone that was snared is stuffed full of her gooey tentacles and fucked like never before! Man, woman, herm, it didn't make any difference to the lust crazed Penny as she surged forward, desperate to sate the new burning desire in her body and mind. Mika found that the goo holding her had a much more gentle tone to it compared to what the others were getting, as if some inkling of the normal Penny was still in there.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika felt the penny ease up on her so to speak, and it made it a lot easier for her pull herself forwards. as she moved through the goo all all kinds of blissful feelings swamped her mind but somehow she held on, somehow she was able pull herself all the way to the center of it all where she could see penny's head. it took a lot of her her willpower to reach up pull the tentacle cock out of her mouth, but she managed it with a firm but gentle grip. she wrapped her arms tightly around Pennys head. "Penny! Penny....oooh~....speak to me!", she said as she was still being fucked, her ass jiggling from the thrusting. Behind her a chorus of grunts and moans were playing out as they were all at penny's mercy.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's face was completely lost in bliss and desire as Mika reached out to her. Her eyes slowly focused on her to a small degree and she leaned forward to lock lips with her. "Mika... want Mika... want Mika most of all... love Mika so much... Love Mika!" She keeps trying to push her lips against Mika's as she can feel anotehr gooey tentacle push into her ass and pussy at the same time as the goo around her tightened lightly, not wanting her to leave.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gave an loud lusty moan as more tentacles pushed themselves inside of her. The walls of her ass and pussy squeezed themselves around the many cocks as her own body began to beg for release. Seeing Penny this way made her oh so worried, she had no idea what to do...."Maybe, I just have to get her to...ejaculate..." She thought as penny continually tried to kiss her. "well....i'll give her what she wants." she thought as she finally relaxed and locked lips with Penny and began to gently roll her tongue in her lust addled lovers mouth. She then opened her legs wider to let penny have her way with her holes and hugged penny tightly. A few of the others in her goo had gone limp perhaps to lust addled to move.

At the edge of the forest the three girls continued to look on at the arousing spectacle. just then a few goons appeared from the opposite side of the mound carrying guns of some kind. "...Crap...reinforcements! if they get to penny who knows what they'll do! I'm going to cover her! Sala help with this!", Jezzy shouted as she took aim. She then loosed a shot hitting one of them square in the head zapping him and knocking him out immediately. "We are under attack the sinper in the forest edge somewhere!", one of them called to the others. then Sala started taking shots as she closed in on them she made sure not to get to close to the "Penny orgy" lest she get caught in it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny pushed against Mika's lips like her life depended on it! She pushed her tongue into Mika's mouth and swirled her tongue around while another cock entered her ass and pussy for a total of three. They thrusted like mad, desperate for release while the goo around Mika pulled her closed to the center of Penny. The pace increased for everyone that was involved, driving the gooey tentacles deeper and deeper inside of them. Mika can feel her body begin to shudder as a legendary orgasm is about occur!