Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika shakes her head slowly, "No, I wasn't born there.....we all lived in a space station far outside of squiliden territory. I've....never actually been there...." she said trailing off a bit. "b-but if that's were it leads then that's were we.....need to go.....". it seemed like Mika wasn't too thrilled by the thought of being around allot of her own people.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well, ok then. Hang on." Penny leaves the room and shortly after Mika can feel the ship stutter to life and lift off the ground, heading for the starts. Penny soon returns and flops back onto the couch. "Course is set, we will get there...eventually. I forgot to check the bad." She stares at Mika, something obviously on her mind but she seems to struggle with how to say she just stares at Mika while she thinks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Seeing Penny stare at her she said, "U-uh, d-don't worry i-I'll be fine....", her eyes shifting about nervously her hands in her pockets (she put on another pair of pants). she knew that some rather embarrassing situation might occur on a planet of people very lax about sexual relations and her looking just like a local. " would be a great opportunity for you to....learn about my people first hand yeah.....and we could visit the all kinds of historical hot spots....", it sounded more like she was trying to talk herself into it then explain things to Penny.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny takes a deep breath before speaking. "Mika...I have something important to ask you. So please listen. When we first met i knew you were special. The way you carried yourself, the way you looked, how you get excited about your work...everything about you just seems...perfect in my mind. As we have traveled I found my desire to be with you changing from an adorable lust to a burning desire to keep you safe, to keep you with me. I have never felt this way before with anyone, it has always just been fun one off sex or something. But with you...I don't want it to be a one off." She wrings hre hands together nervously. 

"Mika...would you like to be my pod mate?" She looks at her with hopeful eyes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was taken aback by the question and her eyes opened wide her mouth open in surprise. she remembered what penny had said about pods and what it meant to Penny's people. she looked penny in the eyes seeing how hopeful she was, she then looked down at her self thinking "Am i really good enough for her? does she really like me for who I am?". she looked back to penny. "P-Penny......y-you......I-I..", she had trouble forming the words as they got caught in her throat. she tried again. "You'd really take someone like me?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She nods her head so fast that her gooey hair flaps about. "Yes! A million times yes! My brother alwasy said 'Finding a pod mate is different than lust. You want more than just pleasure, you just want them around.' and I finally get what he means. Yes, you have an amazing body and if you let me I would ride you all day and night. But I want more than that! The thought of you leaving makes me so sad I could melt. When that Vaine guy hit you I felt so angry I could have gone primal!" She reaches out and cups Mika's cheek with her hand. "I feel like you wouldn't push me away for who I am and what I do....the kind of trust that only a pod mate could earn."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika's eye watered as emotions hit her like a ton of bricks. She too had never felt so attached to someone before. Her hair tentacles wrapped themselves around Penny's hand as she held her cheek. She then just about throws herself into penny's arms and hugs her tightly as she cries openly, unable to properly cope with such strong emotions. tears fall from her face as she cries into Pennys breasts. She then looks up to her her eyes still watering, "B-being your pod mate........I think I would like that......" she said as her color sudbley turned more pink then red.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny lets out the happiest squeal in the entire galaxy, wrapping her arms around Mika and holding her close to her body. She cried, she laughed she did anything to try and express just how happy she was at the moment. Her body reacts to her emotions, her lower half turning into goo and her clothes fall away to the floor. Her gooey body desiring nothing more than to hold Mika as close as possible, it absorbs her from the stomach down, leaving her arms free to hug Penny right back. She then dives forward and pushes her lips against Mika's in the most passionate kiss she can muster, sliding her tongue into Mika's mouth while her hands fimrly squeeze Mika into her more. "Thank you Mika! Mmm! I love you! I love Mika!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Tears continued to trickle down her face as she kissed Penny passionately. She wanted to say she loved her too, but she didn't want to break such a lovely kiss. So she instead reached out with her tentacles and grabbed Penny's gooey dreads. Mika was well and truly in love. for the frist time in her life she felt wanted, wanted for who she was, not for how she looked.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's affectionate display goes on for the better part of an hour, completely unwilling to part from Mika even an inch. Finally the emotional surge calms down and she has been laying with Mika partially inside her for a while. They are still face to face, breast to breast, but Penny seems completely content to simply hold her new love in her arms. Hell, she didn't even try to take off Mika's clothes despite having her majority sunk inside her! Eventually she speaks up once again. "I promise you Mika, i will do my best to give you the happiest life in the galaxy. I will keep you safe, warm, fed and anything else that comes up. My sweet, sweet Mika." She sighs happily again, relaxing into the couch.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika could think of nothing to say in response as she was not very adept at talking about how she felt so she simply gave her a warm smile. and so she rested there with Penny as she took more scans of the mysterious artifact. She also forwarded her finding to Dorma with a message that read: Here are my findings on the mysterious object, look them over when you have the time. But what ever you do, dont tell anyone else about this ok?

"This thing is definitely in the same age range as the ruin back on Ma-joon.....around ten thousand years......hmmmmmm....if they had tech this good back then how come no one else was able to find out about them.....", she pondered out load as she searched through her notes on other civilizations. just then an alarm went off in Penny's cock pit. apparently her collision alarm was indicting something was heading right for them!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"What?!" She quickly put Mika down and dashed to the cock pit, jumping into the seat and taking manual control and trying to find out what was in the way.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
through the cockpit window she could see a much larger ship heading towards them. the large ship large sent no signals their way as it closed on them. The ship itself was large enough to be considered "Freighter" class, able to house hundreds of crew members. It was mostly black whith a single red stripe going from bow to stern with a menacing looking shark like face painted on the front. as it closed the distance on them it fired a few warning shots at them with front mounted plasma cannons.

Mika had followed Penny into the cockpit wondering what this was all about. when she saw the ship looming towards them she gasped. "who-who are they?!" she said as she grasped on to penny's chair. them the shots went forth and Mika screamed hopping they wouldn't be hit. "AAAH!" but the shott sailed over them just shot of hitting them. "P-penny what do we do?!", she said shaking in fear.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looked around desperately. She couldn't out run them, she couldn't out gun them.... "Shit. Whoever they are they are not friendly but they want us alive other wise those shots would have hit....For now, we have to play along." She starts powering down the ships systems leaving only life support active. "They are going to take us on board...and do something. But I won't let them hurt you, I promise! Come on." She takes Mika's hand and moves into the lounge where she puts Mika behind the couch while she sits on it. "Just stay behind me and let them come. I will take the brunt of whatever they have." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika shook in fear as she hind behind the couch. thinking quickly, she snagged the artifact and hid it under the couch, hoping that they wouldn't bother searching the ship because of how junky the outside looked. A rumble could be felt throughout the ship as it was latched onto by something. Then the airlock was opened (no doubt hacked open) as too figures entered Penny's ship. the first was a blond male human with broad shoulders wearing a red armored vest and red armored boots. a black jumpsuit could be seen underneath his red armor. The second figure was much broader then human in front of him. It wore a similar set of armor but ut bigger to accommodate the wearers larger size. its arms were much longer then its legs while its head was covered by a red helmet with a glowing yellow visor. the human saw penny and said "Alright where's the other one? the scans showed to heat signatures inside where are they hiding?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"She is behind the couch which is behind me. I refuse to move until I have an assurance that you won't harm her. If you need to hit something might as well be me." She rolls her shoulders and glares at him. "Might I know who you are and why you saw fit to board us like this? or is that above your pay grade?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika really wished she didn't tell them were she was, but on they other hand they knew she was there already.... "Heh, aint it obvious? we're pirates." he said with a nasty grin. "the Red Raiders, not that knowing that will do you any good. we thought your ship might have something valuable...but by the look of it, maybe not. he then eyed penny with an evil grin. "You just might be the valuable thing on this ship, so we'll be taking you with us, Along with your friend. we could use someone with your....talents. And dont worry we wouldn't dream of harming you. After all how could we have fun with you if you're dead right? heh heh heh heh."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mika...come on out honey." She wraps her arm around her and walks up to the pirates keeping a protective arm between Mika and this pirate. "See? We are coming alone without a struggle, no need to get rough right? No need to do something...we might regret." Her words are full of venom and obviously pointed.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika didn't resist when penny pulled her out from behind the couch. She shivered and shaked as she caught sight of imposing pirates before them, her eye wide in fear she clinged to penny completely unwilling to let go. "Well, would you look at that! we caught are selves a cute little squid along with a goo slut, this day just got two times better!", the human then motioned for his rather large companion. "Bolter, take our esteemed guests to the ships holding area, I'm going up to the boss to tell him whats up." he said as he walked back through the airlock. the large, long armed creature only grunted in response as the pushed penny from behind and pointed forward.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Alright alright! We are moving!" She keeps her hold on Mika and follows the thigns orders, following what path he set. "Don't worry love, things will be alright." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
They were led into the pirates ship by "Bolter" through an umbilical passage. as the entered the ship proper they were greeted by a great stench and lots of loud noises. the interior was messy with trash thrown around everywhere.with many questionable stains on the floor. they could hear many hoots and hollers thrown their way as the multi raced pirates appraised them. thankfully they all gave them a wide birth as they were brought to the holding cells in the lower decks. Bolter grunted once more then pointed to two empty cells. they didn't have any bars so they probably used an energy barrier to keep people in.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny ignores teh cheering and hooting as they move through the ship. With a stubborn look on her face she steps into one of the cells...and brings Mika in with her. "No harm if we share right?" She gives him an adamant look that screams defiance.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Bolter grunted in irritation at Penny as he gripped onto Mika and just about had to tear her off of penny. Mika yelped in fear as she was taken from her gooey protector. "protocol.....rules......", he said in a deep rumbling voice. he then shoved her into the nearby cell. then he turned on the energy fields. trapping them behind glowing blue energy fields.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Damn it!" She runs up to the barrier. "Mika! Mika are you ok?! Please tell me you are ok!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"I-I-I.....I'm ok....." Mika said shakily, her voice slightly muffled by the energy barrier. Botler then leaves, going back up the stairs to the upper decks. "W-Whats going to happen to us.......", Mika said, her voice full of fear and uncertainty. as mika looks out of her cell she can see more cells like the one she's in. some are occupied she couldn't get a good look at who the people in them were, except for the one right across from her and Penny. in that cell they could see what looked like a human woman with fair skin sitting with her head in her hands. her left arm was robotic looking however and she looked like she was wearing a grey helmet over her face. Other then that she looked completely nude. Mika eyed the strange prisoner unsure if she should say anything to her.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Nothing is going to happen to you. I promise! I will take whatever they want to throw. Trust me!" She looks around the cell for any way out while also glancing around the other cells in the room. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The girl in the cell across from them finally noticed them and she slowly lifted her head up to look. it was then that they saw that it was no helmet that she was wearing but actually part of her body! It seemed like whoever this girl was her face had been replaced by a robotic prosthesis. her eyes were glowing green lights that still seemed to contain the ability to show emotion but it seemed like she lacked a mouth only having a sold piece of grey metal where he mouth and nose should be. she moved forward siting up on her knees, the very human rest of her body on display she put her hands on the barrier and looked like she wanted to say something......but couldn't. " Mika was stunned by the girls appearance (and lack of clothing ). "P-penny do you see that girl?!" she said her voice still trembling.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny tries to get a good angle so she can see. She can't stop the gasp that resounds from her throat as she sees the condition of the poor girl. "By all that is good in the galaxy! What did they do to her?! Is this what they do for fun!? Those sick fucks!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
the girl looked like she was going to cry, but she couldn't. Her robotic face denying her the ability to even shed tears. so she slumped back down, her head back in her hands once more. Mika wanted to say something to her anything buts there was nothing she could do so she sat at the back of her cell, hoping to stars that this was all some bad dream.

After a few agonizing minutes they then hear the heavy footsteps of Bolter once again as he walked up to their cells. He looked at them and then pressed a button on the counsel nearby. then behind them the back walls of their cells opened up leading into a pair of dark hallways parallel to each other. Bolter grunted and motioned for them to go down the dark hallways. "b-but its so dark.....where are we going?!", she said terrified to move. Bolter then grunted angrily and pointed more vigorously down the hallway. It seemed they had no choice but to move forward down the dark paths. Mika gulped and took the first step in, but then the floor moved pulling her along with it. the same happened to penny as she stepped into her dark hall.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny was full on many conflicting emotions. Anger to the pirates, fear for Mika's safety, horror at the poor girl who has been disfigured and above all adamant on escaping while doing some serious damage before she left. She stood on the moving floor as it took her down the hall, her hands across her chest and looking none too pleased.