Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
For the first time penny could see what Mika looked like when she was irritated. she literally face palmed as she grit her teeth. "Oh c-come oooon. really?!". As usual no matter how she felt, her expression could be called "cute". "Do I have to........", she said with a sigh as she looked to penny. Mika was really not in the mood for this kind of thing after what she did in the club and it showed. But, she also wanted, no, needed to know were this was all leading. Something told her it was extremely important. so with her head hung in defeat she pulled down her pants and panties and squatted over the dish. She eyed Penny nervously as she began to stroke herself over the glossy dish.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny lays down on the floor in front of Mika, getting a good look as she strokes her pussy. Her normal smile graces her face as she watches with with rapt attention. "You were so cute up on stage Mika and everyone loved it! Here is a fun thought...what if we set up a booth for you, clear reinforced glass on all sides and put it in the middle of a busy city. Everyone would be able to see you inside, naked and exposed, their eyes soaking up your body." Since Mika did not ask for help, she is trying dirty talk at the very least.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Wh-What? T-thats t-too much!" Mika said her face turning red at the very thought of it. Penny was having the intended effect however as Mika's pussy glistened with the beginnings of her wetness. "W-who ever made this artifact.......they must have been an odd bunch...." she said as she continued to frig herself. she wondered just what the point of using cum was.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Is it too much? Just think about it, naked and exposed, your pussy driping wet. You could push yourself up against the glass giving everyone a real good look! Oh, even better! I could be in there with you, day in and day out driving you wild until you cant feel you legs, all for the viewing pleasure of those around us!" She giggles and and looks intently at Mika's moistening pussy. "Or maybe you would like to perform more on stage? Everyone seemed to love our little dance"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"C-come on...Penny....I-I'm a respected archeologist wha-waht would people think?" she stuttered as her wetness grow. At the same time her clit peeked out again. "gah come on already.....h-hury up." she said as started rubbing herself faster. if penny watched very closely she could see that Mika could actually rub her vaginal walls together as a means of getting herself off.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny rolls her eyes and extends one of her gooey dreadlocks over to Mika. It quickly launches itself into her pussy and digs in deep before pushing against her G spot, something that Penny has deep knowledge of. "The more you force yourself dear, the harder this will be, let me do this for you." A second dread moves over and absorbs her clit, sucking on it gently.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
she sucks in sharply when Penny goes for her clit, and yelps when she nails her g-spot. "A-Ah!" she had to steady her self so she didn't fall over. She bit her lip as she felt penny wiggle around on her clit and g-spot, she knew that she wouldn't last long. and finally a clear drop fell from her neathers and onto the plate. it then slowly started moving its way back into the strange rock. with the rock floating back up and glowing brighter. "woah! whats it doing now?" she said as she watched. Then the sides of the strange rock started to shift and move as if it were some kind of combination lock. then its top opened up as a brilliant light shot forth from the new opening. Slowly a single cube like crystal floated out of the hole and hung there suspended in midair by some magnetic force. its surface was impossibly smooth looking and it looked like smaller cubes had been carved inside of it. Oddly enough Mika's pussy started watering more when she laid eye on the strange cube "T-This is...incredible.." she said her eyes simmering with wounder.

"Yes, quite vounderful indeed." a familiar voice said from behind them, its accent unmistakable. Mika spun around to see the black clad boss man from Ma-Joon standing before them them. Mika was so afraid to see him again that it actually made her squirt there on the spot as she fell to ground on her butt her pants and panties still around her ankles. the man scoffs at her "hmpf disgraceful." he said as he looked at Mika's mess.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"You!" Penny steps between him and Mika. She quickly slips on her gauntlets and takes a defensive stance. "What, didn't get enough from last time you creep?! Come over here and I will beat you down so hard your eyes will spin like tops!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Heh, you know I should zhank you two.....after all it vas you zhat led me to zhis vonderful artifact!", he said mockingly. "W-wait you f-fallowed us here?!" mika said the fear thick in her voice. " vas a rather simple affair. ve had a stealth ship fallowing you ever since Ma-joon. I knew zhat if ve vere patient, you vould lead us to zhe spot on ze map." He then pulls out a gun and points it at penny. "zhis time I am not in zhe mood for chasing you around. You vill hand over zhe squiliden and the artifact immediately. I have here a P-20 plasma pistol, don't think i don't know your veakness you miserable pile of goo!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's eyes go wide as dinner plates and for once she actually looks scared....but still she holds her ground. "I will not...let you steal Mika's artifact! She found it first, it is hers to claim! Take that plasma pistol and shove it up your ass!" She keeps her eyes locked on his gun, looking to see if he is pulling the trigger.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Again you make zhe wrong choice. Now die you vaste of proteins!" But at the moment he pulled the trigger Mika had dived into his side knocking him sideways. causing his shot miss penny by mere inches hitting the wall behind her. "Gah! Vhat?!", he cried as he found Mika clinging to his legs not allowing him to stand up. "get off!" he said as he kicked poor Mika in the side of the face causing her to shriek in pain and let go. this however left him open!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny stomps on the hand holding the gun so hard it is almost guaranteed that something broke in his hand. Her eyes are full of rage, pure unconstrained rage. " make the wrong choice. Now die you waste of proteins!" She pulls back her armored fist and slams it into his face so hard it makes a crack in the ground behind his skull. It doesn't stop there, while her gauntlet resets, the second one flys forward and catches the side of his head, sending him sprawling over the ground. She looks to the floor and picks up the plasma pistol, she stares at the man in black and crushes it in her armored hand.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The black armored man shakily get back to his feet. his helmet was badly damaged by Penny's attack. His visor was cracked leaving him unable to see though it. so he pressed a button on it and his busted helmet fell to the ground rendered useless. And now they could see just what he was, a Galora like penny herself! his goo was jet black in color having an almost featureless face, it only having two red angry eyes staring back at her, with a mouth in an angry scowl. something about him it was almost like he had a deep hatred of penny and the whole of his own entire race. she could see that in his eyes. Mika was recovering from the hard kick to the face she had suffered, thankfully her glasses were undamaged. but a bruise could be seen on her right cheek. when she saw what the man was she gasped in surprise. "J-just who are you?!". "who am I? you may call me vaine" he then looked to penny, "For you it vill be zhe last name you ever hear!" he says as her charges her with malice in his eyes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny quickly tosses her gauntlets so they land next to Mika, knowing they will be useless against another galora. She meets his charge head on, her own goo body smashing into his. "I know that look in your eyes! Hatred! For me...for our people! Why?!" She heaves and throws him to the side. "What asinine reason is in your head hmm? Are we all just sluts?! Dolls for people to fuck and leave behind!? What racist taboo is stuck in your stupid head!?" The way Penny shouts out all these things is proof she has lived with a fair amount of torment for who she is and how she lives. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
He lands to the side, quickly righting himself and reading for another attack. "Our people are fools! all zhey do is sit around being fuck toys to everyone! they have no foresight! no ambition! Just dull hollow globs of goo, only slightly smarter zhen zhe primals! Ve could be rulers of the galaxy! But vhen I showed our people zhis truth zhey rejected me! so now I reject all of you!" he says as dashes into her this time tackling into her with all his might.

As Mika looked at penny she could hear something in they way she said what she said. "Penny...." she said softly. then when vaine spoke she could feel his hate. She wanted to say that the galora were so much more then that! But in her fear she couldn't speak. she watched as he dove into penny, fear and worry all over her face.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"You're an idiot! You know of our racial weakness! The galaxy is full of lasers and plasma, we wouldn't stand a chance even with all the armor in the world! Besides that, why would we even want to rule?! We have everything we need and more! You say we lack ambition? Look at me! I am an explorer! I travel the galaxy looking for the next big adventure! What about all the galora who bravely took up jobs?!" She wrestles him over so she is on top. "It is people like you that piss me off! I am not a sex toy! We are better than the primals! If you can't see how far we have moved as a species then it is you who has a problem!" She jumps off of him and gets some distance. She looks at the artifact and then back at him. "Stop this now....if you don't I will break the one cardinal rule set by our people. I will consume you." Consuming is a forbidden act where a galora abosrbs and digests another sentient being. It is one of the biggest things that seperate them from the primals...and she looks serious.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looks on in horror at the implications of what penny had said. "C-consume!?" she said her face turning white. Vaine slowly got up from the floor all the while chuckling at penny. "You fool, Just vhat do you zhink i did to zhose who refused my gift." his eyes glinted in malice. "zhe relics of zhe ruins...Zheir power......zhey could make us GODS! all of our veakness GONE!", he shouts with a raised fist. "but of coarse zhis is all privileged information. you know to much already.....aslo did you not think i could do zhe same to you? i have no such use for rules set by nearsighted fools. so now I'm telling you one last time: give me zhat girl and zhe artifact!"

"no! History is for everyone! I-I wont let you take this for y-your selfish gain!", Mika shouted. "I-I don't know what your t-talking about but, you'll never have this! I-i wont let you!" mika said. even though she had both lost her shorts and panties in the scuffle, and even though she was scared, Penny could see the determination in her eyes. trying to think quickly she looked down at Penny's gloves and a plan formed in her head. "P-penny this mine! its probably not very stable! Hit the walls!" she realized that they would be in danger too but she thought it was worth the risk! she took the artifact in her hands and held it tightly.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny moves quickly, grabbing the black galora by the hand and throwing him to the other side of the room over her shoulder. She jumps over to Mika and grabs her gauntlets, throwing them on and scouting the walls. With a mighty swing she hits right at a support beam, her gauntlet firing off with a second impact that shakes the walls. for good measure she hits it with her second gauntlet to really shake things up.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Pennys second hit causes the entire mine to shake and rumble. Pieces of the ceiling began to rain down here and there as the mine grew wholly unstable. thankfully a rather large boulder had Slammed itself onto vaine causing him to splat! "run!" mika said as she bolted pulling penny along. The mine began to collapse behind them as they ran, and they were only barely able to out run it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny runs along with Mika, her longer legs and physical prowess easily letting her move faster than Mika. As the cave in gets worse she picks up Mika and runs at full speed while clutching Mika to her chest. She flings herself out the exit and twists in mid air to land on her back so Mika remains unharmed. "Holy...shit. That was waaaaaaaaaaaay too close!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika breathed heavily as the rides the high of her adrenaline. "I-I'm sorry..........I couldn't think of a better plan..........", she said as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. in the distance they could hear Dorma calling there names frantically. "MIKA?! PENNY?! ARE YOU OK!?", he said as he practically flew to their side. "What happened in there?! are you guys ok?!", Dorma had shifted to a dark blue color, apparently it was his "worried" color.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
" galora...tried to kill me, hurt Mika, stole her shorts and panties and wanted the artifact. Brought down the mine to get away from him. He isn't dead, just splattered." She sits up and hugs Mika gently against her before looking at Dorma. "If you see him...shoot to kill. His life is forfeight. He admitted to consuming multiple people. By galactic law he is a terrorist now."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
When Mika finally caught her breath she said, "H-Huh? My pants and panties?", she then looked down at herself gasped, and quickly covered her bare pussy with her hands. Dorma gave penny a shocked expression apon hearing about vaine crimes. "Well im so glad you're here penny! you kept my sis safe, You have my eternal gratitude". He gave a short laugh upon seeing Mika's bottomless-ness and said, "Guess you really do have bad luck with clothing eh sis?". after giving Dorma a look that said its not funny! she said softly "I-I couldnt let you try consume him........I-I mean what if he got you instead?!......I-If something happened to you I d-don't know what i'd do........"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's eyes are soften as she listens to Mika, her eyes filled with a gentle fondness and love. She pulls Mika back in for another hug, nothing sexual this time just showing her appreciation for her. "Thank you fact, I owe you my life! If you didn't tackle him when you did, I would have been gravely injured...if not killed! You're a hero mika!" She gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for that...and for you kinds words. That makes me happier than you know I bet. Here, let me help you out." She pulls off one of her gray dread locks with a wet snapping sound and presses it against Mika's crotch where it quickly forms a pair of gray shorts that reach down to the middle of her thigh. "There, better than nothing right?" She...still hasn't let go of Mika this whole time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Then they could hear someone else running up to them, It was Nala! "Solous Draxum!" (the la'cutom equivalent to saying oh my god or holy hell). "What happened!?" she said as she eyed them her face in shock. And after a minute or two of Mika explaining what happened, she finsished with "so sorry about you mine Nala........" she said with a sorrowful expression. "Don't you worry about a thing babe, if anything you helped me out! If the mine was that unstable then it really should have been closed off. not to mention you got what you came for and I can finally get back to work!", she said with a grim on her dark blue face. "besides my boys can have all that rubble out of there in no time!"

"Penny do you think that we could bring this back to ship so i can give it a deep scan?", Mika said as she held out the crystal cube. "oh tell me what you find kay sis?" Droma says as gets back up from their side. "I've got fossils to study, So, I'll be on this planet for a while. Hit me up when ever you need me.", he said as he waved and headed back into town. then Nala said "if you girls ever need help with rock samples and the like I'm your gal." she said with a wink.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Thanks Nala, we will keep that in mind! Be on your guard though, there is a black glaora in there who has commited heinous acts of terrorism..consumption being one of them. Bring armed guards with energy weapons when you clear it out." She gets to her feet and helps Mika up as well. She gently takes the squilidans hand and begins walking back to the ship. Once they get back inside she ditches her gauntlets and duster, lays on the couch and buries her face in Mika's stomach when she sits down. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Penny? Are you ok?", she asked with a worried look on her face. She remembered what penny had said to Vaine down in the mines and wondered if people really have looked down on her for what she was, She had a similar experience in her life as she was a squiliden. And people would sometimes make advances on her, not knowing she had different standards, and then get mad at her when she rejected them calling her a tight squid. She hated that phrase, it implied that all squiliden should act the should act the same, and anyone who didn't was acting wrong.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yea, I am fine...just decompressing. I don't particularly like talking about that kind of stuff. Racism, taboos and general hostility is still alive and well. I faced a lot of it when i first started exploring and had to sell my sex to get by most of the time." She pulls her face from Mika's soft stomach and smiles at her. "But they can't define me. I will be my own woman, with my own choices and if others think that is bad then they can shove off!" It seems her pep is already returning thanks to Mika's attention. She lays her head down in Mika's lap and relaxes. "So how long will a deep scan take?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika nods, her worries quelled for now. "Oh, it should only take a few minutes considering how smooth and clear this thing is.", she said as she thumbed a tiny button on her glasses. then a small red light beamed from her glasses and onto the strange crystal cube. After a minute or two of this, she looked over the readings and said. "A-amazing........there's a message written in several different languages carved inside of here1" she said excitement in her voice. "why i can even see one in ancient squiliden in here! I'll read it: To our in inheritors, we have left you this gift in the hopes that you would find it. We have left behind powerful relics in our wake and we fear we cannot keep them from the wrong hands as our time is short. Only our true inheritors may open our locks but we fear this may not be enough. You must find our hidden archives and keep them safe from misuse, so you do not make the same mistakes we have." Mika sat back trying to absorb what she just read, "good god.... what could that all mean. hold on, there are some coordinates here." she said as she looked them over. she then took out her terminal and typed them in to see where they lead. she shook her head when she found out where they lead. "what youre telling me we need to go there?!" if penny looked at mikas terminal she could see Mika's peoples home planet: Cephodia.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looks horribly confused as deep thinking has never really been her strong point. " it is a warning, gift and map all in one? yeesh that is confusing! Where does it want us to go? Cephodia? Isn' that your home planet? What is wrong with going there? We could visit your parents!"