Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was about to say something when Penny interjected. "Oh you got her out of there? Thanks. I'm glad mika finally made another freind out here in the fringe." she said with a thankful nod. "heh, but yeah that's me! I'm more or less family at this point i've been helping her out for sometime now. why, I can remember this one time back at the university when those guys-". Mika then cut him off, saying " W-wait Dorma! Y-you're getting off track here......tell us whats up with the mine?" she said her face truing red implying that the story she just interrupted was an embarrassing one for her. "Eh? oh yeah right. So I ask them what's the deal and the people at the gate tell me that they don't know either, but their superiors told them they can't let anyone in there or they'd be fired. so then i ask them where i can talk to the person in charge and they point me over this address." He then holds up a the number 114 on his terminal. "I'll send it to you so you don't forget, ok Mika?". she nodded in response. "ok so the place should be the first building to the right when you enter that settlement there. Tell me what happens when you get there. I'll look into the mine on the net and see what I can come up with."
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Oct 1, 2015
"that would be great! Thanks for doing that!" She steps forward and takes his terminal, punching in her email address. "Send me that story later alright? It sounds fun!" She turns back to Mika. "Alright cutie! Let's get going. one one four is what we need, first building on the right!" She grabs Mika's hand and starts walking into the settlement, a new spring in her step.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
this settlement is not as big as the last but it none the less has a good number of people out and about. Looks like people out in the frontier keep them selves busy. As the duo rounded the corner on the left they saw a sign that read 114. They then looked to the building beyond to see a strange sight. The building before them was a black dome like structure with a holo sign with a busty la'coum girl with her nipples brazenly exposed holding a tray of some exotic looking drinks. underneath there was a sign in blue letters saying Club Loku. Mika stares at the place in disbelief there's no way this is right...", she said as she checked the address again. Apparently the trail had lead them to some racy club of some kind.
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Oct 1, 2015
"Oooooh! This place looks like fun! I have dealt with places like this before, no worries Mika! Just stay close to me and do your best to keep your clothes on. People get grabby and it is rather common for cute girls like you to end up missing your panties!" She chuckles and pats her shoulder some what reassuringly. "So the big boss man/lady is in here? Guess we have to go in."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gulps as they move in together into the racy looking club. As the walked into the door they are immediately assault by the smell of incense and alcohol. The place is dimly lit with different colors of light as thumping music plays in the background. there is a bar and a few tables inside along with a stage with a pole in the center. around them they can see many la'cutom girls in skimpy outfits serving drinks to the many patrons. on the stage a tall la'cutom girl could be seen putting on a show. she swayed her hips back and forth flaunting her scantly clad body. she gave the two girls a wink with two of her eyes as she turned around and jigged her lovely but to the crowd. Mika turned away with a her face red as the sexy girl put on her show. "L-Lets just hurry up and find the person in charge of the mines."

to her right penny could see a table with a lone la'cotum lady sitting wearing a grey jumpsuit and looking rather sad. on her chest a name tag read Nala. despite the sexy show going on in front of her, she only gave it a few glances every now and them as she stirred her drink with a depressed look on her face.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny approaches the lone woman and simply sits herself down opposite her. She drags Mika along with her and promptly places her in her lap before smiling at the La'cotum lady. "Hi there. My name is Penny. I can't help but pick you out of the crowd around here. Everyone else is having a great time but here you are looking rather sad. Something bothering you? Maybe I can help you out some how?" She gives her the most honest smile she can muster, hoping to win some early points.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The la'cotum woman eyes her wearily as she sits down but she visibly soften at the appearance of mika on penny's lap. The display must have been cute enough to soften her up as she listens to penny. she sat back a bit as she toke a long drink of amber liquid. before speaking. "its really that easy to see huh?" she said her voice having a slight hum, a common characteristic of her people. she gave a short sigh as she took another drink then said, "Hell, guess it cant hurt to tell mines have ground to a halt and I'll go bankrupt if i cant open them again soon." she said in frustration "If it wasn't for that stupid round rock I wouldn't be in this mess right now. so i came here to drink my troubles away......" she said sadly. Mika did fell a bit comforted by sitting on Penny's lap, but at the same time she felt that they were drawing attention to themselves in the process. Mika then looked to Penny then back to the la'cotum woman. "W-wait. round rock? C-could you tell us about it?", Mika asked shyly. "That damn thing! If I could get rid of it I would, but the local government wont let me! they say its important or something.... but i don't give a damn. if they would just take the damned thing and leave that would be great. but nooooo they say they cant disturb lt and blah blah blah."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nods along as the woman speaks and listens intently. "What can you tell us about the round rock? What makes it stand out from a regular rock and why is everyone so up in a tisy about it? Long story short, we came here looking for something old and out of the ordinary...sounds like this rock might just be what we are looking for." She thinks for a moment, a smile spreading across her face. "You know...if you were to let us into the mine...we could take that rock and 'run away with it', if you catch my drift. Then you get to open your mine early, we get our rock, and the gov can't harp at you cause it was 'stolen'."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Nala" looks penny for second mulling her words over. "Well now.......that ain't a bad idea...", she says as her extra leg like limbs twitch in thought. "I really don't have all the details but I heard something about it giving of some weird EM readings messing with any equipment nearby. the thing looks like a white perfectly smooth egg or something, real weird.....". she said with a wave of her armored hand. Mika was unsure about Penny's suggestion she didn't want to get into trouble with the local government, on the other hand she didn't see another alternative. "I-I dont know about running away with it but I would c-certainly love to take a look at it and get some scans...", she said sheepishly. after taking another long drink Nala said, "you know i think I'll take your offer....for a price......" she said looking over the lovely girls in front of her. Mika didn't like were this was going. "I really do love this place, but I've seen all the girls they have and they just don't do it for me anymore. " she says with a sigh. "But two on the other two are very interesting to me. Today is amateur day here at the club....If you two fine ladies get up on that stage and give me a good show I'll give you full clearance.", she said as she put her hands together and watched their reactions carefully with her four eyes. Mika's eye went wide at Nala's suggestion. "W-wait a minute i-isn't that a little much!" she said as she fumbled with her glasses. She then looked to Penny with a worried expression.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny rubs her chin in thought while keeping a hand reassuringly on Mika's shoulder. "Hmm, you drive a hard bargain. If all you want is for me to dance around that is easy. In fact, I would even take you to bed if you wanted. But you want my little girl here to dance as well?" She thinks about it for a while before nodding. "Alright, we agree to your deal. Though I need to make one thing completely clear." She leans forward, a stern look on her face. "If anyone touches Mika, i will not hesitate to slap them around till their eyes roll around in their head!" Her smile comes back instantly. "So, where do we get outfits? Or should we go up as we are and just get naked?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Nala's eyes light up when Penny agrees. "Awesome, so you'll do it! Ok so, you don't need any outfits, you just gotta get up there and show your stuff. simple as that. But do try and make a good show of it, really poor on the sensual feeling.", she said with a broad smile. "I-I dont know........" Mika said her face turing red with a hint of puprle on the edges. "Hey don't worry babe people are nice enough, here they wont give you any trouble they're just here for a good show. Plus you got yourself a nice girl like penny to help you along", she said with a two eyed wink.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh! Lets go on stage together! A double feature! Come on it will be fun that way!" She takes Mika's hand and starts heading for the stage. "This kind of stuff is really easy Mika. Just strut your stuff, swing your hips and show off your body! I will be right there with you doing the same thing!" She laughs and waits for the stage to be open while keeping a hold on Mika so she doesn't sneak off.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The la'cotum girl from earlier saw them coming up to the stage and bounced up and down excitedly. Her show must have just ended as she was fully nude her black nipples and pussy on display. She bows to them and gestures to the stage with a flourish. As Penny pulled Mika onto the stage she stood there here knees shaking and her eyers darting about nervously. Apparently she must have looked very endearing to some of the crowd as a few "awwws" and giggles could be heard. she looked to penny unsure of what to do. "Oh god, is this really happening?......I need to do this though....for histories sake......" she thought as she looked to her partner hoping she could follow her lead.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Just copy my moves, this is really easy!" Penny smiled to Mika before waving happily to the crowd. She takes Mika's hand in hers before strutting down the stage putting extra emphasis on getting her legs out and on show. She lets go of Mika and with a flore, tosses her duster out so it lands on Nala's head with a fwomp. She then slides around Mika, dragging her hands up her legs and hips, hooking her fingers under Mika's shirt and lifts it up and off of her in one fluid motion. With a smile she wraps her hand around Mika and spins in a light dance before dipping Mika down low. With a skilled hand she places Mika's hand on the collar of her shirt so when she stands back up, Mika ends up pulling Penny's tank top off. It is this motion that reveals that Penny doesn't wear a bra of any kind, so her gold breasts are on full display, her gray teats up for show.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The crowd claps and cheers at penny's display earger for more. Nala quickly got the duster off of her face so she wouldn't miss a second of the show. She gives Mika a thumbs up to try and cheer her on. "You can do it hon!", she cheered encouragingly, while she admired Penny's supple breasts. Mika looked to Nala, then Penny, then to Penny's breasts and gulped. Unlike Penny, Mika was wearing a bra, but the way things were going she wasn't sure she'd be keeping them. She let penny make the next move unsure of what to do next.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny rolls her eyes and Mika's hesitating and takes the lead once again. She takes Mika's shoulders and turns them around so Mika's ass is facing the crowd. She pushes her lips against Mika's as her arms roam down and undo her pants, sliding them down while she holds the kiss, the dual actions making Mika stick her ass out more as her pants slide off leaving her in just her bra and panties. Penny then turns them around again so she is facing the crowd and uses Mika's hands to unbutton her pants and pull them down just enough for her ass to slip out the top. She then wiggles her hips at the bar, making her pants fall around her ankles where she flicks them over to Nala again. Penny is now completely nude and loving it. With a laugh she spins Mika out along the length of her arm, her fingers undoing Mika's bra as she slides out and then grabbing her hand again before she can fall. A short pull has Mika sliding back over into Penny's arms and a quick flick of her other hand sends that bra flying off stage leaving Mika in just her panties!

Staying behind Mika she walk gracefully walks them both up to the front of the stage. She picks up Mika's hands and places them over her own breasts while quicly whispering "remember, round motions, squish them together, really show off!" before she slides down to her knees. She runs her hands down Mika's legs both outside and in before hooking her thumbs in the band of her panties and bringing those down to the ground. Knowing how Mika is very flexible, she raises Mika's leg up and up to an impressive angle, where she then fllings off her panties leaving two gorgeous naked ladies on stage.

Seeing as Mika is probably freezing up or doing very little, she continues to guide her through a sexual dance where they hold each other, grind their breasts together, slide up and down each others frames and stick their asses out on display, showing off pussys and assholes alike! 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Nala at this point, had opened her grey jumpsuit and had her hand down in her crotch brazenly stroking herself at the lovely display before her. The crowd was eating it up, cheering and shouting things, "you go goldie!", "Woo! show it off girls!", "You can do it red!" among them. Nala shouted "Nhg~ you're doing great girls!" she said as she continued to frig herself.

Mika followed Penny's lead as they when through the dance her face turning purple on the edges as she was left bare by her dance partner. "Oh G-god they're all looking me like this! I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN DO THIS! I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN DO THIS!", she thought as penny moved her through a sensual dance. she sucked it up however and copied penny movements trying to do her best. she didn't expect the crowd to be so supportive however. They cheered and called out to her in encouragement, she expected them to be far more demeaning and out right rude. but that simply wasn't the case. Mika looked to penny as they showed their asses and pussies to the crowd. Mika's face was quite purple at this point and she was slightly panting. Just then a single drop of wetness fell from Mika's pussy. She looked back ashamed of herself, but she found the crowd clapping and cheering at her for it. This created some hefty mental dissonance for her, causing her to leak even more.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The drive to summon up a cock and simply claim her here in front of the crowd as burning in her mind but dancing was one thing...blatant sex was another. Seeing Mika dripping on the stage she just had to have some of that girl cum. She changed her moves to sliding her hand along Mika's slit, her gooey body soaking up her juices as it passes by. She spreads Mika's pussy lips wide open for the bar to see while her other hand gropped Mika's tits one after the other. For her own display she summoned up her horse cock and grinded it against Mika's ass, never penetrating but coming oh so dangerously close. She would add exaggerated movements, making her large gooey tits jiggle and sway in the air, push her rear out toward the patrons and spread it open to show off all she had.  


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gasped in pleasure as penny played with her slit. her clit peeked out immediately as her nipples hardened. As her pussy was spread open it lewdly oozed more wetness. the crowd oooowed at the sight of Mika's open leaking hole causing her to shudder. "T-There looking inside of me!" She thought as she looked over her shoulder at the crowd. Here pussy flexed and contracted, trying to grab hold of Penny's fingers but ultimately being unsuccessful. Seeing how dexterous her pussy was the crowd again clapped and cheered her on. When penny pulled out her horse prick they gasped in wonder and cheered her on as well. "Oh girls......ngggg~" Nala said as she was starting to reach her limit. "You're doing fine! upf~ Just, now bring on home!", she said as she fingered herself furiously. Mika was string to turn purple all over as Penny grinded against her ass with her horse prick. Mika was embarrassed by the situation, but she wanted to contribute somehow, after all she had to hold up her end of the deal. so being the honest goody two shoes that she was she had to try something. So after she managed to pull her mind out of a lusty fog, she tried manually changing her colors. Choosing to go for the purple and blue side of the spectrum and making stripes slither across her body in an undulating pattern. the crowd was mesmerized by the display and fell silent taking in her hypnotic patterns.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
At this point,s he just can't take it any more. She grabs Mika from behind, wraps her arms around her thighs and picks Mika up so her legs are up and spread wide open. She takes Mika's hands and has her hold her own pussy wide open, giving the entire place a perfect view of her insides. Her arms then reach up and grope Mika's tits from beneathe, pushing them up and giving them a tad bit more volume by proxy. Her cock lines up with Mika's ass and with a quick thrust she bury's herelf to the hilt inside of Mika's tight rear. Her last effort is to lock lips with Mika as her already sensative and lust fueled body pushes her to climax after only three thrusts into her favorite girl in the galaxy, flooding Mika's ass with hot goo cum.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika's face was stuck in an expression of surprise and lust as she was lifted and made to spread herself open for all to see. her pussy continued to leak as she was held there making the stage slick with her fluids. When penny brought her gooey penis into her ass she cried out her eyes rolling upward her built up lust taking hold of her once more. When penny came into Mika's supple ass she wasn't far behind. With all the people looking at her and the feeling gooey cum inside her, it pushed her over the edge. A stream of girl cum shot out of her like a faucet, spattering on the stage and the people in the front row. She convulsed as her tongue hung out of her mouth. The crowd cheered loudly at the spectacle seeming to praise Mika and Penny for a great show. Mika was exhausted by this she she simply hung there in Pennys grasp. "Oh my god.......what is happening to me.... w-why would i cum so much?" she thought as she hung there breathing heavily. 

Nala had apparently cum as well as there was a wet spot on her uniforms crotch. "oooh god! that was great.....come on down and talk to me when you're ready ladies" she said as she leaned back with a pleasant smirk on her face.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny lets out a deep sigh, her body finally coming down from its sexual high. She cups Mika's pussy and soaks up her leaking fluids with her hand while she uses a gooey foot to clean the first! With that she pulls her cock free of Mika's ass and changes her hold on her so she is cradling her in her arms, a much more modest pose as her pussy now pushes into Penny's arm. She gathers up Mika's clothes and takes her back over to Nala's table, saying thanks for the support. She gently sets Mika on a chair and helps her get dressed once she stops leaking cum. Once they are both decent again, she sits down with Mika in her lap.

"So, by the wet spot on your uniform you were  happy with our little dance? I am glad! But next time, just take me to a room, I can do things to you that no normal girl can!" She winks at her and rubs Mika's cum stuffed belly. "So, our clerance?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Nala gave the two a light chuckle. "Heh, i just might have to take you up on that sometime." she then looked to Mika. "You were great babe, you just gotta learn to relax a bit", she said with big grin. "I-I uh, thank you?", Mika said, slightly exhausted. her a tentacle wiped some sweat off of her forehead as she said "But anyway......y-yeah about that clearance....". After giving them a curt nod Nala pulled out two cards for them. "These should get you in, just show them to my boys over at the gate and they'll let you past.". Mika took one and said, "R-right, thanks...". As penny took hers Nala said, "Good luck with that damnable rock." she said as she sat back in her chair allowing them to go on their way. her breasts were out in the open because she never zipped herself back up and she didn't seem to care who saw it. "well i guess we can go now........Please don't tell Dorma what happened......", Mika said with pleading look.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Not a word from me dear. Remember, I like to tease you, not actually cause you harm." She stands up and puts Mika down for once. Before she leaves though, she reaches over and gives Nala's breasts a good squeeze "Don't be a stranger." with that she turns and leaves the room, Holding Mika's hand as per her usual clingy nature. "So, should we report to Dorma that we got clerance or just head there right away?


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"I'll text him as we walk." Mika said as she shook her head shaking any residual arousal out of her mind. She took out her terminal and then held it in her tentacle hair using them to type the message as she walked. After a minute she got a reply back from Dorma that said Alright! so you got clearance! Oh, by the way i found an article on the mine. apparently there have been mysterious mechanical failures for weeks now. If what you said about that rock is true, then that would certainly explain it. ok well I'll meet you at the gate.....i wish i could go with you.....just send me all the details two, ok sis? and then she replied with. yeah you got it.

After a while they made it back to the mine where they found Dorma waiting. "Ah, there you guys are. Hey sis you seem a little tired. what happened?". Mika blushed for a second then said "U-um well we had to negotiate with the boss and uh, it was real tough....But uh penny was one smooth talker....." Mika said as she nodded to penny cluing her into her lie. "really? well you got them so head on in there and tell me all about the findings kay sis?" he said eagerly. He reluctantly stayed behind as the duo got up to the gate. they were stopped by to large la'cutom males both wearing uniforms similar to the one Nala was wearing. "you ladies have clearance?" the one on the right said annoyed.
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Oct 1, 2015
"We sure do big boy!" She shows him their clerance cards. "Straight from Nala herself!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Huh, would you look at that." the one on the right says. "whelp looks like you ladies can head on in....... be careful and dot touch the machinery ok", the one on the left says. "ok we will, thanks", Mika said as she stepped inside eagerly. the inside of the mine is rather dark and cold, with only a few lights every couple of feet. as they descend into the depths they could see miners equipment here and there almost looking sad in their unused state. Finally they come to an end point, finding a large circular room carved out of the rock with a single large white oval shaped stone sitting in the middle.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny steps inside and walks up to the stone. "This is it? I kind of expected something know, glowing runs, radiating power..but this just looks like an egg sort of." She reaches out and picks up the stone.


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Jun 30, 2016
the stone is very heavy and penny was only able to move it a few inches off the ground. when she touches it however, it suddenly lit up with blue lines streaking across its smooth surface. "Whoa! a reaction!" Mika said as she watched it intensely. Amazingly it stayed in floating in the air where penny had held it.Then it began to move towards penny slowly stopping close to her crotch and a blue light shined there for a second the went out. it then did the same to Mika. she eyed it wearily as it "scanned " her crotch aswell. "what in the world?", she said a very confused look on her face. Then the strange glowing rock set itself down again. After a second or two a familiar looking silver plate slipped out from underneath.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Hey! That looks familiar!" She walks over to Mika and the strange stone. "Looks like we need some of your cum Mika! Can you do this yourself or do you need my help?" She smiles happily at this turn of events.