Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Bolter grunted angrily as Penny B jumped onto him and just as expected, the dull witted Bolter punched himself right in the helmet! wile he didn't really hurt himself with the punch itself, the electricity running through his gloves discharged into his helmet and then throughout his entire body. He roared as he stumbled backwards almost falling over. he shook his head before trying to go for her again. this time with much more ferocity as he flat out spirited towards her.

Blondie was annoyed by the goo girls agility but, he had little time to think about it as Penny A threw the ball of goo at his face. He raised his arm reflexively to shield his face so the goo hit his left hand instead. "Ah! Whaat? really?!" he said as he shook his arm trying to get the goo off.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny A dashes forward at the distracted Blondie and does a repeat performance...she lines up a strong punch going right for the nuts!

Penny B runs around as Bolter chased after her. "Missed me! Woop! Too slow!" Taunting him the entire time. The next time he grabs at her she jumps up and lands on his for arm. She thrusts her butt in his face, slaps it a few times and quickly jumps off before he brings his other hand down.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Bolter in his rage, didn't learn from the first shock so he stupidly tried to swat her when she landed on his arm. and once again he shocked himself. But this time it was much worse! All because he had touched one glove with the other causing them to sort circuit and give him a very powerful shock. He staggered around dazed, his footing uneasy. After a second he regained his balance and looked quizzically at his hands, confused at their lack of sparks and arching currents. he then clutched his fists in in anger and howled at Penny B. This time charging at her only using his brute strength.

Blondie was a rooky and man did it show.......taking his eyes off his opponent was a bad move. and now he could feel it! as she struck him right in the nuts his eyes bugged out and his mouth hung open as his hands covered his groin in agony. as he fell to his knees clutching his family jewels, his baton fell from his grasp and landed in the sand. still in pain he reached out to pick it up only to find it missing! "uuuuuungh....what where in the.......hell?!", he said in a pained voice. "p-penny I g-got it!", Mika said as she seemingly appeared next to her. (Penny A that is)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny A casually reaches over and take the baton from Mika, then plants a kiss on her cheek. "Thanks love, Where would I be without you?" She turns back to blondie, turns on the baton...and proceeds to beat the ever living tar out of him with it.

Penny B was having maybe a little too much fun as she dodge around Bolter, weaving between his massive arms and taunting him every time he failed to make contact. Seeing that blondie was done for, she knew it was time to stop messing around, so she ran over to the wall of the arena and wiggled her hips at Bolter. "Over here big guy!" If this worked, he would charge head long into the wall, giving her enough time to reform with Penny A.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
It only took about maybe, four swings before the fight was both shocked and beaten out of blondie. He then fell to the floor he face scorched and bruised. Mika had covered her eye not taking any pleasure out of such a sight.

Being the big dumb lug that he was, Bolter ran head first into the wall as Penny easily moved out of the way, dazing himself from the impact. Mika looked his way and once again tired to formulate a plan. lets see.....Uh-uh his gloves are short circuited, but I think a see a battery back on his back......Uh-uh....well, if that was powering his gloves there must be some charge left in there.......The wiring is shot in his gloves so that's not going to be useful, but the wires on the battery itself look intact! if we can cross those wires we should be about to shock him into submission! Mika then looked up having thought of this in a few short moments of staring at Bolter's back as he stumbled around dazed. As he shook his head once more to clear his vision he turned back around to look for Penny B. Mika looked to penny A and said "Penny! the battery pack thats the weak point!". But wait! How is Penny going to get to it if Bolter is going to be facing her this whole time and always moving around?....I-I could distract him..... Mika then looked at her body and remembered what penny had said about her, about just how good she did look......could she really use that? would that work? She had to try. "H-H-H-HEY! over here!", she shouted. "hrmmm?" Bolter said as he laid eyes on her. Mika really didn't like what she was about to do..... she bent back a bit so her lovely D-cups jutted out in front of her, she then put her hands on her spacious boobs and began to squeeze, rub, and pinch her nipples. Trying to remember what penny had taught her in the shower some days ago. This display actually stopped Bolter in his tracks! He looked on, hypnotized by Mika's lovely breasts. Mika was so embarrassed by what she was doing in front of so many people she felt like she could faint, but she held on doing this all for Penny's sake.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny A ran over to Penny B and together they went behind Bolter as he oogled her pod mate. 

"Hmm, how are we going to do this?" Asked Penny B

"Duh, let's just use this!" said Penny A as she held out the shock baton.

They both nodded and Penny B crouched down, cuping her hands together. Penny A ran at her and put her foot in her cupped hands as Penny B hurled her up through the air. With all the might she could muster she slammed the shock baton into the back pack before going soaring clear over Bolter and landing in Mika's arms with a smile. "Hey good looking, you miss me?" In her current state, Penny is smaller than Mika and much lighter. Mika can hold her without much effort.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
With the impact of the shock baton on Bolters exposed battery, sparks of electricity arched all across his body. He shook as the electricity caused involuntary muscle spasms throughout his body crying out in pain. Finally he stopped moving as smoke wafted of his body as he fell to the ground defeated. 

Mika had seen penny falling towards her so, she held out her hands to catch her. She was a little surprised by how small Penny A was and how light she was. she looked back to Penny B, then Penny A, and briefly wonder what it must be like to split you conciseness in two like that....Penny A could feel Mika's nipples poking her side as they were rock hard from being played around with like that, her face had her telltale signs of purple arousal on the sides of her cheeks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny B ran over to Mika as well with a big smile on her face. "Good catch Mika!" Penny A slides out of her arms and the two mini Pennys hug each other, melding back together and forming normaly Penny again. "Phew...that is always a strange thing to do. thanks for the help love." She leans forward and plants a kiss on Mikas lips while giving her breasts a quick squeeze. Remembering exactly where they were though, she turns to face the throne again.

"hey ass hat! You done yet? We beat your lizard and your peons!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Some of the pirates around the big horned boss man got up as penny insulted their boss, but hey motioned at them and the sat back down. "Ah, now that was fun, a good display of might!". He then pointed at penny. "You are just the kind of person I could now you have a choice: You could join my crew and go on glorious raids! or............ you could go back to your cell with that bitch-coward. The choice is yours". He then bent forward in his metal throne watching penny's reaction intently.

That quick kiss and breast squeeze had turned Mika on a bit more, causing her clit to engorge and her pussy lips to spread open a bit. "oh come on body! now is not the time!", she thought as she herd the boss mans offer to penny. Again he saw her as nothing more then a coward and a sex toy and it really did make her feel terrible. She looked off to the side and then saw penny still had the baton. Her eyebrows raised as she had yet another idea! but wait, were could she hide it.......She felt her pussy flex wanting attention.....She then frowned. Why did all her good ideas also have to be really embarrassing ones?! she didn't have time to clue penny in so she simply snatched the baton out of her grasp, and after making sure it was thrummed off.....She shoved it as stealthily as she could up her pussy! Her eyes watered at the insertion but it didn't really hurt as it wasn't too wide or too long. She was sure everyone would be to focused on penny answer to pay attention to her, she was also sure that penny would reject the offer and they would go back to the cells. Once there she could tell Penny about her plan.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny scratches her chin in thought at the offer presented to her. "Hmm, join your crew and go on 'glorious raids' or go back to a cell with my adorable, loving and all around perfect pod mate? you make a terrible offer good sir. Kindly shove a pistol up your ass and pull the trigger." She flicks him the bird and goes over to Mika, taking her hand and walking with her back to the cell block.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The horned head honcho (Try saying that five times fast!) gave a short laugh at Penny's retort. "Very well......I will even allow you to share a cell with your good for nothing cock sleeve, you've earned that much....but just think about my offer as you stew in your cell, hmm?", he said as he motioned them away. the walls opened up to allow them back into their cells but this time Mika and Penny when the down the same dark hallway and were moved back to the cell by the convenor. When they got back to there cell Penny could see Mika's pussy leaking. she sat down quickly with her legs spread open. "P-Penny....I-I......stuck the baton......In there.......could you get it out......", she said as she looked away in shame.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiles happily and approaches her pod mate. She gently strokes her fingers over her pussy and gives her a lewd grin. "Was being naked in front of the entire crew and distracting that lug so arousing you had to shove a baton inside you?" She teases while moving her face closer to Mika's. "Such a naughty girl you are Mika, but you are my naughy girl." She pushes into a kiss while one hand slides inside of her to find the baton


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As Penny kissed Mika she felt allot better. Penny's soft touch soothed her mind and body. She began to breathe allot slower now as she began to work her hand into Mika's pussy. Hers finger soon found the baton wedged inside of her. As much as her body wanted to sit there and feel Penny's ministrations she had to tell her gooey lover her plan. so she reluctantly broke the kiss and said "T-That can help us get out.....i think if we strike the barrier with it we could disable please get it out of me......I don't like were its been...." she said meekly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nods and backs up a bit. Gently taking the baton in her grip she slowly begins to drag it out of Mika, being super careful to not turn it on or move too quickly and hurt her lover. After a few slightly tense minutes, it comes out of Mika's pussy with a wet slurping noise. "Here we are, good work love!"

She does her best to dry it off and make sure it still works. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
during the strange erotic display the cyber faced girl was watching, and by the look in her glowing synthetic eyes she was happy to see them. Her robotic limd was unconsciously playing with her C-cup breasts at the sight of Mika's leaking pussy. But when she caught Mika looking back at her with an embarrassed look on her face, the cyber girl looked away as if to say oh sorry for staring..... Mika was breathing a bit hard do to how arousing it was to have something pulled out of her pussy like that, but she was glad to have it out of there. "*pant-pant-pant* Ok. *pant-pant-pant* Now we just need to hit that barrier With it and make a run for the ship. *pant-pant-pant* It should still be attached by the umbilical.....", she said as stood back up slowly. Hearing this the cyber girl stood up and hit her cells barrier to try and get their attention. she pointed to her self and then put her hands together as if pleading to them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looked at the cyber girl and then back at Mika. "We can't leave her here...look what they have done to her. Maybe we can find her help somewhere..." Penny turns on the baton and looks at Mika. "You ready love? Our barrier, her barrier, back to the ship. Shame about my duster but i am sure my dad will understand."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Y-Yes I agree! there's no way we'll leave you here ok!" she said to the cyber girl. It only took one swipe of the baton to make the barrier fizzle out. they did the same to the cyber girls cell and as soon as it to fizzled away ran out and hugged onto penny tightly. she looked like she was trying to say something but all that came out of her was allot of breathy sounds. She noticed this herself and hung her head sadly. She perked back up quickly as if remembering that she was at least free from the cell. "Ok i-if we are quiet enough we should be able to t-to get far enough", Mika whispered. With her colors matching the green metal of the ship laid prone on the ground and peeked her head around the corner to see that no one was really guarding them right now, no doubt still at the arena perhaps watching another fight. The cyber girl stayed close behind penny watching her back as they went up the stairs as quietly as they could. Mika peeked over the opening to the holding cell area to see that only a few pirates were hanging around most of them drunk. She looked back down to penny and asked "Y-you think we should just make a break for it? i could try and sneak p-past."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny shakes her head and smiles at Mika. "Sweety, you have been leaving a fine trail of gush everywhere we go. I have been soaking it up so they can't follow it...I am sure they will notice." She points at Mika's leaking cunt. "So, let's just make a break for it. See that junker over there? That is my ship ok? On three we run for it. sound good?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked back to see that she was indeed leaking a bit, her face flashing purple for brief second. "U-Uh yeah o-ok.....", she said as she put her hand over her oozing crotch. The cyber girl nodded silently and grabbed onto Penny's hand firmly. "Well ok on!" and then they bolted with all of there might! the two smaller girl were easily out sped by penny so they both grabbed onto her arms so that they could keep up. It took the pirates a full three seconds to react. But eventually three pirates came running after them as they headed towards penny's junker down the umbilical.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny grips both of them firmly in her hands running as fast as she can. She slides to a stop in front of her ship and quickly opens of the hatch. She tosses the two girls inside and throws the baton she was still holding at the chasing pirates before jumping on herself and slamming the hatch shut. "Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!" She runs into the cock pit and starts booting up the ship. "Come on baby, don't fail me now!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
When penny threw the baton it slammed itself into the front running pirate causing him to stagger backwards, witch also made the pirates behind him run into him and they all fell forwards rather comically. As the two girls thrown into the ship they landed right on to of each other, with Mika on the bottom and cyber girl on top. At fist they tried to get off of each other but when the ship started moving they cilnged to each other in fear. Penny's ship shuddered to life as they started up the engines. The umbilicals fasteners were torn clean off as Penny's ship broke free. the pirate ship was only just beginning to turn as they made there way away from them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny steers the ship, setting a lock for the squilidan home world before shouting over the intercom. "Grab something and hold on as hard as you can...also, don't report this to the authorities!" she pulls a hidden switch under the commanders panel and a secret button is revealed next to the controls. She hits the button and the ship suddenly darts forward going way faster than any junker should be able to go. The sudden increase in force pushing Penny back into her seat a fair ways. "Hoooooooooly craaaaaaaaaaaaaap!" she screamed as they rapidly put distance between them at the pirate ship. After twenty minutes there is a loud bang and the ship suddenly lurchers to a much slower speed, throwing penny against the front window with a splat. ".....ow...."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika finally let go of her seat after the sudden stop while the cyber girl ended up with the a chair on top of her. after Mika helped her out from under it she ran over to the cock bit to see penny spatted on the front window. "P-Penny! Are you Ok?!", she said with a worried look on her face.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiles at her happily. "Physically yes, but my pride is hurt...a little help please?" With Mika and the cyber girls help, she is peeled off the window and reforms her body. They all move to Penny's lounge where Penny grabs Mika up in a huge hug, squeezing her and holding her close enough for Mika's breasts to sink into her body. She goes on and on about how sorry she was, about how she failed to protect her from such a scary situation. It is nearly an hour later when she calms down and simply lets Mika sit in her lap.

She looks to their new passenger and cocks her head. "So...who are you? What did they do to you?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
during that whole hour or so Mika continually tried to tell penny that it was ok and she did a great job of protecting her all the while the cyber girl was sitting on the coach looking very relived to be somewhere other then the pirate ship. When Penny addressed her directly she sat back up and and again started making breathy noises after a second she again realized that she lacked the ability to talk and hung her head sadly, pointing with her robot hand to her mouthless face. she seemed quite upset so it seemed like whatever did happened to her it was very recent. After thinking for a second Mika reached under the coach to find her terminal and handed it to the cyber girl and said, "Use my terminal, you can type what you want to say!". The cyber girl's face eye brightened up at Mika's suggestion and quickly snatched it up. First she typed and showed it to them THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH! then typed My name is Emily and I'm a doctor. the she then typed for awhile then showed them. To answer you question while they did make this robotic face...i've had a portsedic face for some time now.....I was attacked by some rather nasty animals on a frontier wold....i wont get into details, safice to say that's how i got a "robot face" in the first place. But not long after that I was captured and in the struggle my prosthesis was damaged and they.....replaced it with this......thing......their second rate engineer made this ....replacement...for the sole purpose of making me some kind toy...........they forced me to things.........with this. i dont wanna talk or should i say type...about the details....but im so happy i could kiss you......if could do that..........
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny listens intently to her story, her hands roaming around Mika's body the entire time. "Where can we take you to get help? Maybe restore yourself back to normal condition? Can we even do that at this point or is the damage done?" Her voice is tinged with worry for their new acquaintance. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika's had a very worried and sympathetic look on her face as she read Emily's message, Penny basically took the words out of her mouth. Emily thinks for a moment the types another message the after a moment shows it to them. I'm sure i can get a new prosthesis.....I still a have a tongue but i lack my lower jaw bone along whit most of my face muscles i also don't have any real eyes, i atleast got to keep my original synth eyes....... the problem is those pirates took all my credits.......I don't think I can pay for a new for were to go? i guess any planet with a good enough hospital...... This really is hell you know.....not being able to talk like this......not allowed to wear any clothes like some sort of animal..........i fell like...I'm a slave in my own body
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looks at Mika and gently sets her down on the couch. She then wraps her arms around Emily and holds her close. "Shhhh, I understand...but things will work out. We are actually going to the squillidan home world. If anyone is smart enough to help you, it is them." She gently pats Emily's back, trying to comfort her as best she can. "If it makes you feel better, Mika and I could stay naked with you!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"H-hey now, I-I do have some extra clothes you know!" mika said as she rubbed her hands together. sure, she was maybe getting a little bit used to getting naked around penny but other people was a whole different story. Emily raised up her hands and waved them in a gesture that looked like oh no no no that's ok! you dont haven to do that. Mika looked around the ship then she saw something familiar "Say that your duster in that box there?", she said as she pointed at a box that had been placed into Penny's ship. evidently their clothes were placed there after they were stripped off of them back at the arena, perhaps to be sold along with the ship.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny turns around to look before squealing in excitement and running over over. She pulls up the duster and quickly puts it on, relishing the feel of the familiar brown leather. "My duster! Thank goodness! I was so worried I would lose this! Stupid no good pirates, making me worry like that." She spends a minute simply enjoying her coat before collecting herself. She quickly gets her clothes back on and hands Mika hers. "I am sure some of Mika's clothes would fit you Emily. No need to be shy! Or if you want...I could be you clothes!" She gives her a mischievous look, one Mika is very familiar with.