Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looks herself over and nods timidly. "I-I guess this will work....its p-pretty comfy.", She said as she walked over to the airlock. She thumbed the control and cringed at the creaky sound of the stairs lowering. "the ship really could use some work....", She thought as she exited. She adjusted her glasses as she asked  "o-ok penny where do we go?". it was funny saying we When Mika was wearing penny like that,


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well...i guess you need clothes, though I would prefer if you didn't wear any. So we should head to a clothes shop. You also need some of that moisture cream just in case you start to dry out and I can't get to you for some silly reason. I don't know what else you feel you need and I only have so much money so try not to get carried away. Um, I remember there being a mall toward the center of this city. So head that way. Should be a map around here somewhere!" Penny had handed Mika her credit chit before shape shifting. 

With a big of exploring Mika does find a direction board at the exit of the space port. Seems she needs to head north for a while and she should reach the large mall complex in just under thirty minutes of walking. This place is huge and the board shows that they have pretty much any shop she can think of. Sadly for Mika, people have already noticed her slightly transparnt outfit and while not cat calls have been shouted she can certainly feel their eyes exploring her body.

"Oh yea...get me a pair of pants and a tank top while you are at it!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika felt uneasy as she had in the space port on Ma-Joon. She could feel the eyes looking her over, so she moved briskly northward, avoiding eye contact as she turned a slightly darker crimson red. A part of her wished that penny could walk with her so she could feel safer but she didn't want to run around naked even though laws didn't prohibit it here. Thankfully it didn't take Mika long to reach the mall and she moved inside quickly. she could see all kinds of races here and there while many were human and squiliden. She even caught a glimpse of a rare dinosaur like Allosain. "huh....neat...", she said as she watched them go by. she moved her way over to the clothing department hoping to get into some real clothing soon. Not that she wasn't thankful to penny for helping her out like this. But she longed to be properly covered by clothes that didn't have a habit of giving here the occasional squeeze her and there.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Alright here we are! Go ahead and pick out some clothes....if you want to...." It is painfully obvious that Penny prefers her naked and exposed, but at the same time is not saying it out loud as she knows how Mika feels.

The clothing store is rather large with clothes compatible with every race known in the galaxy as of right now. Thankfully Mika has a mostly human body shape so her options are large and varied. There are T shirts, long sleeve shirts, tank tops, bras and panties, pants, skirts and all sorts of accessories to pick from. A galora girl is currently behind the counter and when Mika steps inside she gives her a knowing wink, clearly knowing that her current clothes are not clothes at all.

Suddenly mika can feel a very familiar pressure in her ass and pussy as gooey horse cocks push deep inside of her at the same time and begin to wiggle and warm up against her walls. At the same time she can feel her sundress getting shorter and shorter until it just barely hides her pubic mound. The top part of her dress constricts and shrinks into a revealing belly button shirt that is mostly see through. Her shoes lift her up more as they become high heels that force her to walk with a sexy strut that makes her ass sway with every step. The bow on her back straitens out and wraps around her legs in a fish net style.

"Sorry Mika...but I am feeling a tad petty right now. Replacing me with these basic unloving clothes....I'm afraid I am going to have to play with you a bit since this may be the last time you wear me!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika almost screamed out in surprise but covered her mouth to stifle it. Her "clothes" had shifted into something......quite a bit more...reveling. not to mention she had stuck two cocks in her at the same time. "P-P-P-Penny?!" she whimpered, her face going almost white in color. ""I-I-I-In Pu-public!?". her hands darted to her lady bits her knees buckling and quivering. She looked around hoping to god that people weren't all staring at her and she hadn't made a scene. She didn't shrink down like she normally would because she didn't want to fall over with the new raised heals. Mika then noticed that she could see her nipples through the goo and her eyes widened "P-Penny are you l-listening to me? P-penny?!", she moved farther into the store the heals making her walk in a sexy but hurried catwalk.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Such a sudden change and reaction could not go unseen. The girl at the desk was watching the entire time with a lewd stare. One hand had slide under the counter as she rubbed herself to Mika's plight and was visibly disappointed when she moved deeper into the store. There are only a few other people in the store and they have thankfully not noticed...yet.

"I hear you Mika! Yea, in public! I am barely moving my cocks and you are practically drooling juices! It's almost like the more embarrassed you are the more aroused you get. Like a little exhibitionist. Is that it Mika? Do you want people to watch while I have my way with your amazing body?"  Penny giggles and starts slowly thrusting her cocks out and in of Mika's holes. "No need to worry Mika, I can solve all your needs." 

It happens again, her clothes begin to shrink and change. The miniskirt changes into a simple bikini bottom that leaves little to the imagination and the fish nets vanish completely. Her top turns into a slinky bikini top that really only covers her nipples and areola, leaving the rest of her breasts in full view. As if this wasn't embarrassing enough, her heels get even higher and close around her feet turning into gooey pony boots that force her to walk slower so her ass really swings with each step.

"There you go dear. Perfect attire for you! Now you can shop in style!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gasps as she is so brazenly exposed, and the cocks doing their thing certainly wasn't helping. Mika couldn't voice her dismay as she was trying to keep a low profile. She wanted to duck down behind some of the racks but she was afraid she might topple over with how high the heels were getting, so she stayed upright. She wanted to say that she wasn't like that, that she wasn't such a lewd person, but the words couldn't leave her mouth. It was at this point she figured penny just wasn't going to listen to her so, Mika had to use her amazing mental capabilities trying to power through her arousal though sheer willpower. So she slowly went about the store finding some outfits for herself all the while trying to not only stifle her arousal, but stay out any of the other patrons line of sight.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Oh no, Penny wasn't having any of that.  When she felt Mika trying to simply power through her ministrations, she picked up the pace. Her cocks piston in and out of her pussy and ass at great speeds. Even more so are her clothes, they shift to nothing but straps that cover nothing. Mika is now wearing the lewdest 'bikini' she had ever seen. Thin golden straps run between her ass cheeks, up her back, over each shoulder, around the sides of her breasts and then tug tight at her crotch, exposing her clit at the same time. She might as well be naked. But where is the rest of Penny going...that answer is almost instantly answered as Mika feels more and more of penny's goo pushed inside of her pussy and ass filling her up like never before.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika covered her mouth as small moan escaped. She looked down to see how exposed she was with her clit in the open air, her hand shot downward to cover her button. Her pussy was leaking at this point as penny thrusted into her so quickly. she breathed heavily and she slowly worked her way to get penny her clothes. now she really didn't want anyone to see her not like this! They would think she's some kind of slut! she had to get this over with before she came all over the floor! The call of penny's pleasure has very strong and Mika had to use just about every bit of her willpower to hang on to her conciseness. she then remembers what penny wanted and snatched up the the tank top and some rather good looking jeans for her. Mika had grabbed herself some t-shirts, all of them in the blue range of color. and some  pairs of shorts all of them black with lots of pockets. she could feel her pussy (and ass) ache with pleasure as penny continued to piston her. she realized she had to go up to the counter where it was much more open and she would have to stand right were the clerk could see her. she visibly stutters at the prospect. she gulps and hopes that penny has mercy on her as she walks over to the counter.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the Galora clerk simply smiles at her as she approaches. Without a word she takes the clothes from Mika's hands and starts scanning them...slow....way too slowly! She is deliberately taking her time, pretending to drop things to take even longer, all of which means Mika has to stand out in the open even longer! It would also seem that Penny is not going to show mercy on her. Those little straps quickly withdraw as well, leaving Mika with only the pony boots that slow her ability to walk and what looks like to large dildos thrusting into her ass and pussy. Completely exposed she is forced to stand at the counter in broad view of anyone inside and outside of the store. The other people in the store can't help but notice what is going on and look at Mika. Two of them blush and look away, while the other three watch with smiles on their faces as Mika is ravaged by Penny. 

Penny's cocks are throbbing inside of Mika with every thrust, her pleasure reaching is max capacity. In a final act of teasing Mika, two slimy tenticals reach out and grab her by the wrists, firmly pulling her hands behind her back and down a bit which causes Mika to thrust her chest forward, really showing off her breasts. Another one slides out and absorbs Mika's clit, sucking and twirling it to add even more to this pleasure hell she is stuck in. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"N-no! Penny!", she cried as she was stripped bare. With her hands tied, her holes getting hammered, and people watching her, the arousal was becoming to much to bear. "Penny! I-If you keep doing that.....I'll....I'll....I'LL.......", and with that she could hold back on longer and she came right there, in the middle of the store. she fell onto her lovely butt as she lost her balance. she sat there breathing heavily as her mind got itself back on track. She then looked around seeing those looking at her and so she quickly covered herself with her hands. "I-I...I'm so sorry!", she said as she looked about. She was so embarrassed that she couldn't stand back up, her whole body turning red.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
In response to Mika slamming face first into her orgasm, Penny quickly returns the gesture, pumping load after load of goo cum inside of Mika while also soaking up her girl cum and ink. The cocks slowly come to a halt. The store clerk just giggles and finishes scanning Mika's items quickly now that the show is over. However, one of the other customers approaches Mika, the bulge in his pants obvious as he clearly intends to get more than just a show. 

When the man is in arms reach however, a golden tentacle flies over and slaps him across the face so hard that is sends him staggering backwards and her topples onto his ass. Penny slowly lets herself out of Mika's ass and pussy, reforming into her intimidating seven foot tall amazon build. She has an angry look on her face as she glares at the man. "Don't even try it punk! This girl is mine! You can look all you want but if you try to touch I will slap you around so hard you won't be able to tell up from down!" The man stammers an apology and runs from the store as Penny kneels down and helps Mika to her feet. Penny walks over to the counter and takes the bag after paying for it. She puts on her knew clothes and helps Mika into a set of clothes as well. With an apology for causing a scene, she puts an arm around Mika and leads her out of the store. 

"Sooo, how did that feel? Amazing right? To be so lewd out in the open. Exciting right?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was afraid when the man went for her she curled up defensively saying "ah! N-n-n-no! stay back!" but she didnt have to do a thing as penny came to the rescue. She looked so strong and powerful when she got mad like that, she seemed like some warrior goddess! She blushed, was she smitten by her? After finally getting some clothes on her she quickly bows in apology with penny for the scene. "S-so sorry....T-thank you", Mika said as she left the store with penny.

Mika simply looked back at Penny unsure of how she felt about the whole thing. it was extremely embarrassing for sure, but she couldn't deny how aroused she got. all she could say was, "I-I..........dont know........." as she looked down timidly. At the same time a wash of relief hit her face as she was finally clothed after running around nude for just about four whole days. She looked back at the store hoping anyone they saw there wouldn't meet them again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny hugs Mika tightly and strokes her tentacle hair. "I might tease you, push you to great pleasures and cling to your sexy body...but I will never let harm come to you Mika. I promise you that. So no matter how public things get, no one will touch you...but they will look!" She giggles and lets go of her, holding her hand gently as they walk.

Now that Penny has had her fun, the next stop is a complete different story. After walking around and asking for directions, they find a store that sells the squillidan moisture cream and Penny buys Mika several bottles of it as well as promising to help her put it on whenever she wants. Now that business is taken care of, Penny treats Mika to lunch at a lovely little seafood place by the giant man made park in the city. Over all it was a very fun little adventure but now the two are back on Penny's ship.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika sat on Penny's couch as she began typing away at her terminal. Mika had a serious look on her face as she looked up the system they needed get to. after a bit of searching she found the planet that was shown by the ancient hologram. "Penny! I found were the hologram was directing us." she held up her Terminal so penny could see. "It's called Zeedum, its a new colony world discovered by the la'cotum. You know, those insectoid looking people that have all those extra limbs sicking out of their backs". she showed a picture of one. Penny could see a tall thin creature with two long, antennas four green eyes, and exo-skeletal plating across most of its body. it was mostly humanoid in shape but had many long spider-leg like limbs sticking out of its back. over all though its face was rather human but with blue skin and it lacked a nose. "A-anyway we should head there! i really want to see whats there!". Penny could finally see what Mika looked like when she was exited, a big smile on her face with her eyes full of hopeful possibilities. "T-these discoveries could be BIG!". All in all it could be said that she was incredibly cute like this.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
A huge smile spread across her face to see Mika so animated and happy. She tried to resist but soon had Mika in her arms as she squished her into a great big hug. "how could I say no to that face?! Alright, I will set a course to Zeedum!" she put Mika down and went into the cock pit. A few minutes later Mika could feel the ships engines boot up and the ship leave the ground. With a wobble and a few engine coughs the ship was back into the stars, a course set to Zeedum. Penny soon rejoins Mika in the lounge, sitting on the couch with a happy sigh.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika sighs as well glad to be back on track again. "the problem is going to be in finding whats out there, no one has made any reports of ruins or the like on Zeedum" she said pondering. "well, we will just to have find it on our own. hmm." . It wouldn't be the first time she had made a new discovery, as she had in the past found artifacts hidden in a human colony world that actually made the news. She of course, was interviewed on camera but she had trouble answering the stream of question from the reporters. So Mika was a little bit famous in the archeology world, she even published a few papers. of course none of that really mattered to her, she did what she did for her own purpose: To fill in histories blanks.

"it should only take about a day or so to get there from here... I'm going to start recording what I found back at the ruins on Ma-joon." she said with a twinkle in her eyes. "just wait till Dorma hears about this!" she said as she being typing away.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a lack of things to do on her won, she scoots over to Mika and lays her had down on her lap. "Who is Dorma?" Her voice sounds mildly concerned. "Also, are there any hints on where we can even start?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"oh Dorma? Hes a friend of mine from the university we graduated together. i guess you could say hes kinda like a brother to me. hes a squiliden like me, and he is an archaeologist too. oh, he also got into paleontology as well. we try to share finding when we can." she said as she continued typing away. "Lets see I've herd a mine was shut down on Zeedum for unknown reasons....I have a hunch that we should check that out." she said as she rubbed her chin in thought. She then looked down at penny seeing a great opportunity to ask her something. "So penny I have to wonder......just what do you do for a do you make money?" she hoped she wasn't being rude. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh. Nothing real fancy. sometimes I work as a cargo ship, hauling stuff from one planet to the next. Other times I pawn off scrap that I find on junk worlds. I also...well, some times I prostitute myself out. People pay a lot and as a Galora I can do things for people that most others can' you have experienced time and time again. Very rarely I take bounty jobs that don't seem to dangerous as well. Basically, I do a little of everything!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
mika listened intently as Penny told her about her ways of getting cash, when she told her about prostituting herself out she jerked slightly but said nothing. "Oh w-well, have you ever though about working for an expedition team?", she asked. "Uh, well, in my opinion I think you'd be perfect for it!", she said with a nod. "J-Just something to think about...I guess".
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Oct 1, 2015
She smiles up at Mika and playfully reaches up to toy with her tentacle hair. "That really does depend, is it YOUR expedition team? If that is the case I would happily sign up!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked back, her eyes sifting "O-oh well once I get one......then .....yeah?". she said unsure. "W-Well anyway, I'll see if Dorma is in the area so he can scope it out for us. can't be too careful" she said as she quickly typed out a message to Dorma. And after a minute he replied with Sure sis. I can scope it out but you really think something is there? she replied with Yes my source is very sound! you don't have to go inside just tell me what it like over there! and the he wrote Ok I'll take a pic and send it to you.

With that the rest of the day was smooth, with Mika having to deal with plenty of teasing from penny while she worked out her report and sent it. then after having a round of card games Mika was ready for bed. she yawned then said "well, I guess we should get some sleep....We should be there by morning at the earliest." she then headed for the bedroom.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny jumps to her feet and follows Mika happily, her eyes watching that wonderful rump move as she walked. "Yea, now would be a good time to rest. Should this turn out to be exciting we will need all the energy we can get!" When they step into the bedroom she casually tosses her clothes aside and slides into bed with a sigh. She then looks at Mika and pats the spot right next to her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika pauses for a second when she realized she didn't get any sleep wear. She couldn't sleep in her clothes because that would be just weird, and Penny would no doubt just find a way to slip them off of her anyway. So with a sigh Mika slowly slips out of her clothing, neatly folding every piece and placing it on Penny's desk. she blushed as she got into bed but it wasn't nearly as bad as it had in the past, only her cheeks turned red. "um well......goodnight..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh don't be silly over there!" She reaches out and grabs Mika, pulling her so her back presses against Penny's front, spooning her happily. She wraps her arms around Mika with her hands coming to rest over her breasts. "There, much better! Good night Mika!" She closes her eyes and snuggles into Mika with a happy sigh. However, in her devious mind she manages to stave off sleep and when she notices Mika does actually fall to sleep, she gently slides a single goo horse cock up Mika's ass. She doesn't thrust or do anything more, she simply desire more contact. With that, she allows herself to fall asleep for real.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Surprisingly Mika had a very restful sleep despite Penny's insertion. the next morning was very amusing, for penny atleast. as Mika awoke to find a "surprise" in her butt. Witch penny no doubt had a good chuckle over. After getting dressed, getting some coffee, and getting a quick breakfast they arrived at Zeedom. Penny's junker landing in the largest of the colony's settlements. It was a bright and vibrant place with the buildings being more like domes and spheres then anything else. And while there was advanced tech everywhere the colony seemed to flow with the nature around it instead of resisting. Strange giant fly like creatures flew this way and that as the they took in the deep blue sky unsullied by pollution. As Mika and Penny stepped out they could see many people out and about though many of them were la'cotum there were other races here and there, many of them trying to make a life for themselves on this new colony. "hey, this place......its pretty nice", Mika said as she took in the sites. "Well penny I got a message from Dorma, He says they aren't letting people into the mine and they wouldn't say why........they also wouldn't let him take pictures for some reason....but maybe we can talk to them and find out what's really going on."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny seems to be slightly in awe as she watches the lively colony all around her. A smile is across her face as per usual as she takes in the livelihood around her. "This place is amazing! It is the most natural looking settlement I have seen so far!" Her attention snaps to Mika when she starts talking. "Eh? They aren't letting anyone in and denied pictures? That is suspicious don't you think? We can try talking to them but I am not that good with words. I prefer to let my body do tha talking." She winks at Mika. "Well, lead the way cutie! let's see what mysteries await us."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked at penny like she was going to ask about letting her body do the talking but she thought better of it and simply led the way. After an hour or so of walking they had to use a automated taxi to bring them to the mining site. As the taxi pulled to a stop they could see another small settlement just behind the mining site. After Mika payed the toll and exited with penny they both walked to the entrance to the mine. The could see a thin squiliden male, with light blue tentacle hair that was tided up in a Ponytail sitting off to the side typing out something on his terminal. He wore black jeans and a red t-shirt with goggles on his forehead. When he looked up from his work he noticed Mika and said "Yo sis! over here!", with an enthusiastic wave. when he saw Penny he said. "Hey, who's that fine lady with you there?", he asked with a welcoming smile.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles at him and wraps her arm around Mika's hips. "Hello handsome! My name is Penelope, but you can call me Penny. I am Mika's mistress and owner. I found her stranded on Ja-moon and took her under my wing...or more accurately, onto my ship. She is such a good little girl." She manages to say all this with a complete straight face and very matter of fact like. "Mika here tells me you are her brother for all intents and purposes, and that you can help us get started on searching these mines?"