Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was held in Penny's embrace kissing her, Mika's tongue tasting Penny's unique flavor. Her muscles were rather sore with how much she had to run from those terrible people back at the ruins, so she welcomed the massage that penny was giving her legs. the whole experience was rather sensual causing Mika to breathe deeply. Then Penny inserted, this caused her to gasp a bit breaking the kiss she didn't move to resist however. she instead put her hands on penny's back into a hug. resting her chin on her shoulder. She wasn't sure how to feel about it but her body told that it felt good. Her ass clenched when her pussy was inserted into making it hard to get in there. Never before had Mika feel this kind of love and care for her body so her mind was lost in a sea of stimuli and pleasure.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Seeing Mika's reaction made Penny very happy. She slowly rolled them over so Mika was on top. Penny allowed more of her body to go blob form and absorb Mika all way up to her neck, leaving her head resting between Penny's large breasts. Now completely encased in Penny's goo body, it is like a full body hug, on a water bed, in a goo blanket, mixed with a full body massage. The amount of stimuli being gently and lovingly applied to Mika is probably an overload for her mostly ignored bodily needs, but with Penny's tender care it all flows smoothly over her. The amount of goo inside of her vagina begins to increase, growing from four inches to five, six and eventually coming to a stop at eight inches long and two inches thick. Slowly that lovely goo cock inside of her begins to move, grinding and pressing against her walls. Meanwhile another small goo cock pushes into Mika's ass, sliding deep inside, focusing more on length than thickness to avoid causing her discomfort. Even more goes on up above with Penny's goo groping, squeezing and fondling Mika's breasts while simultaneously kneading and pinching her nipples. "Loose yourself in my body Mika...give yourself to me and experience the pleasure you deserve."  


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was Just stuck going along for the ride at this point. Her body could barely move now covered as she was, the waves of pleasure crashing against the shores of her conciseness. Her eyes lost focus making her look like she was under the effect of some kind of drug. When the goo in her pussy begins to grow and move her eyes snap back into focus, her attention brought back from the pleasure filled oblivion to feel this new sensation. at the same time she felt something in her ass this was an alien feeling for her for, as she never did do anything with her ass. she actually cried out. Not in pain, but the surprising levels of pleasure she was getting form the double penetration. A small part of her was scared of what this could all mean for her, was she a slut for giving in? Would she turn into some kind of sex crazed person? but these questions were all drowned in Penny's ocean of bliss. At the same time Penny saw a wondrous sight! Mika was flashing all sorts of vibrant colors She was apparently showing off the female squiliden mating display unknowingly. The patterns and colors were rhythmic and hypnotically complex.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She watched the amazing display of colors with silent awe, never before seeing something so complex. For some reason she can not explain, it makes her desire Mika even more. The goo cock inside of pussy begins to move faster, setting into a rather face paced piston as it also gets a tad bit thicker to make sure Mika is stuffed fulled. Meanwhile the cock in her ass slowly fills out as well to see how much Mika can take and how much she likes it from behind. The rhythmic groping of her breasts also increased in intensity. Penny slides her top half, which is really just her boobs and up at this point, around to Mika's front where she looks down at the squilidan with lust, desire and even a little bit of love. Slowly leaning forward so they are inches apart she speaks again. "Cum for me Mika." It is more of a command than anything else as she quickly closes the gap to reclaim the lost kiss.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
With the goo penises pistoning her in both holes, and her beasts getting groped with such intensity she wouldn't last long. While her pussy opened itself further, her ass resisted. Probably do to her never having had anal sex before. Most of her attention was focused on her pussy anyway with the feeling of the gooey cock sliding against her inner walls. When she closed in on Mikas face her eyes had once again lost their focus unable to compensate with all that penny was doing. She snapped back when penny told her to cum and kissed her. She just about came on command as her pussy forcefully shot out a stream of girl cum into Penny's gooey body. she cried out in pleasure as her orgasm caused her to shudder, shaking Penny's goo body.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny moans along side Mika as her body absorbs her girl cum seconds after it enters. Her body, now spurred on by the prospect of such a fresh and tasty meal, goes even faster inside of Mika's already sensitive body. The cocks move faster, her breasts are constantly groped and fondled while the rest of her body is caressed and massaged trying to keep Mika at peak pleasure and ensure she orgasms quickly and plentifully. " are delicious! Cum more for me, give me everything you have!" she pushes back into this kiss, this time her gooey tongue pushing into Mikas mouth and licking at hers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika's eyes had roiled up at this point her face lax with with so much stimuli. She wasn't prepared for them to start up another orgasm. Spasms could be felt here and there as she was once again thrown back into the ocean of bliss. As they kissed Mika could only weakly move her tongue around, only vaguely aware of what was going on at this point. As the cocks moved even faster her whole body felt hot and her breathing became very fast. Mika only had enough steam to last one more orgasm as she fired of another shot of girl cum, this one much more forceful then the last. she cried out one more time before she just about fainted there on the spot, her inexperienced body only able to handle so much.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Knowing Mika is just about spent, she quickly stops resisting and hits her own orgasm, spraying hefty amounts of goo cum deep inside Mika's pussy and ass. With a satisfied sigh she breaks the kiss and licks her lips, thoroughly enjoying Mika's unique taste. She takes a moment to look at Mika and decides that any more will probably break the poor girls mind. She slowly removes her goo cocks and soaks up the rest of Mika's girl cum. she stops groping and massaging her body and simply lets her float there, at peace inside her warm goo. She shifts back around to let Mika use her breasts as a pillow while the exhausted Mika recovers her senses. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika just floats there in the afterglow as she slowly gets back to her senses. Even though she was already awake she felt like she was just waking up. While she did feel exhausted she didn't feel sore all over like she did before. Mika blinked a couple times before she was back into herself. she could feel that most of the tension had left her body and she really did feel relaxed. Her glasses had fogged up because of all the action so she instinctively moved her hand to get a rag from a pants pocket that wasn't there. "oh yeah. no pants...." she said sleepily. So she just wiped them with her tentacles. "There we go... Uh Penny? do you have a shower or something?", she asked hazily her eyes only half open.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She giggles playfully. "Yes, I do. Down in the bathroom...but who says I am going to let you go? I have you in my goo now and there is no one around to free you! Muahahaha! you have fallen for my trap Mika! Now you will be stuck here forever!" She gives a dramatic pause before dropping the act. "Or you could just tell me when you are feeling up for it and I will let you go." She plants a light kiss on her forehead and Mika can feel the goo around her tighten a bit in a way that feels like a hug. "I happen to really like being around your body, makes me feel so close to you! ..more than the obvious physical way of course."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika raised her eyebrow quizzically when Penny did her evil super villain shtick, but then gave her a weak smile in response. Her color had finally stabilized back into her default red and pink color, her color changing cells (chromatophores) taking a rest. "oh, well, uh, thank you?", she wasn't sure what to say. "You are.....very....accommodating." she said unsure of how to say that she made her She wanted to hug her back but she couldn't really figure out how one hugs someone while they are inside them. so she just moved her arms in such a way that she was hugging a mass of goo in side her, she no doubt would understand the meaning if the gesture.

After a few minutes of gooey cuddling Mika was ready to get up and take a shower. Getting up and out of penny she looked back at her and said "uh, if anyone calls my terminal just let it go to voice mail. uh ok?", she said as she when into the bathroom. she took off her glasses them being her only real piece of clothing and stepped into the shower and started getting herself clean. As the water ran Penny could see Mika's terminal start ringing. On the screen she could see the name Mira Maxwell, could this be a relative of Mika's giving her a call?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks at the terminal, then the shower, then back to the terminal. she is obviously fighting her inner demons before ultimately losing. She picks up the terminal and answers it. "Hello! You have reached Mika's terminal, Penny speaking!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh? hello. This is penny?" the voice said she sounded like a much older woman. "well, this is Mika's mother speaking. So, are you a friend of hers?" she said her voice having just a hint of excitement in it. On the terminal she could see a picture of Mika's mom next to her name and number. Penny could see where Mika got her good looks from. her tentacle hair was colored green while here eye were the same color as Mika's. Her voice was very smooth and extremely pleasant to the ears.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She giggles playfully. "Yea! I am her friend! Such a pleasure to meet you ma'am! Is there anything I can help you with while we wait for Mika to get here?"
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh well this is good news! my little Mika has finally made a friend out there!" she said gleefully. "Well, tell me is she still on Ma-joon? Did she finally get enough money to leave?", she asked her voice eager. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She hesitates on her response, and decides to leave out the bad details. "No, we are not on Ma-joon any more. Mika showed me her camp and dig site after we got to know each other a little. Sadly due to unforeseen issues we had to leave quickly and Mika could not grab her things. Don't worry though, I have a ship and we are currently on it heading to Tal'rius. She is perfectly safe with me ma'am!" she waits for a second before speaking up again. "Actually...if it isn't too much to ask, has Mika always been so up tight? She is normally rather tense and i have been trying to help her relax with some success. I guess I just want to know more about her...."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"oh well, if you've been with her for any length of time you can no doubt tell that she is a shy one, been that way since she was a kid. Always more interested about learning this or that then playing with the other kids. Not to mention she was picked on allot by some of the other children do to her tendency to stutter her words. it didnt help that when she got older the boys would always tease and mess with her because she's a squiliden that's choosy about who she hangs out with, if you know what I mean. She did make some friends though, That one squiliden boy comes to mind, what was his name?......had blue colors, was a bit of a loud mouth, good kid though....ah yes Dorma! oh but im getting off track sorry." she said with a small giggle. "let me tell you something deary. Once you get her to open up a bit to you wont find anyone more loyal then her, she'll stick with you no matter what." she said with just a bit of pride for her daughter. "Getting her to relax will take some time, just be patient with her. she'll come around", she said reassuringly.


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Oct 1, 2015
"Well, I got her to relax for a while but the moment the mood faded she was right back to her normal nervous self. But that is fine...I actually find myself rather fond of her despite that fact that I just met her this morning! Something about her is very alluring to me...strange I know, but that is just the truth of it. Oh! not sure if you can see me through this thing, but I am a galora! not sure if that is important to you, just figured I would share some info. She is in the shower right now getting cleaned up. She should be back any time now!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh taken a shine to her have you? Well she is just the cutest little cinnamon bun isnt she?", she said giving Penny a hearty chuckle. "so you said you are a galora dear? Well I'll be... Mika always said she wanted to know a bit more about your people. looks like she got her wish I think. You sound like a good girl penny, I have to thank you for giving her a chance, most people don't out there", she said warmly. "And don't worry she always kind of sounds nervous even around me! can you believe it?!", she gave another laugh, " I should tell you that she does suffer for what the humans call "social anxiety disorder" but just remember what i said: patience." 

Just then Mika had come out of the bathroom after putting her glasses back on. She looked at penny, then her terminal. "Penny? who's there?", she was a little annoyed with penny for picking up her terminal, but she figure maybe it was something important. "Oh? is that Mika I hear? oh turn on the camera so I can see my girl! its been to long!" Mira said to penny.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks at Mika, then the terminal...before smiling a huge and slightly evil smile. She picks up the terminal, points it at Mika and turns on the camera! "Hey Mika, you mom is on the line! Say hello!" She angles the camera now so Mika is the center of attention, leaving nothing out of the shot. "You know how I said we have to pack up and leave quickly? that meant even leaving her clothes behind! Not that I am complaining, just look at that body!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Penny could hear Mika's mom give a short laugh. as she saw her daughter standing there naked as the day she was born. "hmhmhmhm~ well mika dear looks like you've found yourself quite the mischievous little friend!". Mika shrunk down her face red with embarrassment. "M-m-mom! I-I-I", she said stammering. "oh, stop it dear. you know I that i know all about what you've got dear. I'm the one that gave it to you after all. Now stand up straight dear I don't wanna have to watch you stay there all scrunched up in a ball.", Mika got back up slowly her hand at her sides. "I'm happy you got off of Ma-joon! i was afraid you'd be stuck there for a whole month, Your father and I were just about to get you out of there ourselves....", Mira exclaimed. "I-I t-told you m-mom, I d-didn't want you guys having to waste all your money getting me back home.....", Mika said with a pained expression. "well that doesn't really matter now does it? what matters is that you found a ride! you really have to tell me all about your new friend later." she said with another giggle. "let me get a look at you penny dear before i have to go!"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh sure!" *She sets the terminal on the table so it faces Mika still. She happily runs over and puts her arm around Mika's shoulder. She is standing completely naked as well in her usual humanoid form, a big grin plastered across her face. "Hi there ma'am! This is me and all my goo glory! If Mika gets this red around just me, imagine if she found an entire pod! Ha! So many naked Galora and whatever else has joined the pod. I think she might faint!" She laughs and gives Mika a small affectionated squeeze.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Penny could see Mira giving her wink as she looked her over. "Oh my! you really got yourself a catch there Mika! looks like we finally know where you stand when it comes to boys or girls. And oh yes, i can imagine! You should have seen her when she had to hit the girls' showers at the gym back on the station. She was as red as one of those earth tomatoes!", she said as when into another small giggle fit.  "M-mom!", Mika said with an annoyed but mostly embarrassed look on her face. "But anyways, you take care of my little cinnamon bun you hear penny? Keep her nice and cozy just for me!", she said with a wink as she waved goodbye, hanging up the call. Mika sighed heavily. "Oh god, what is she gonna tell dad?", she said with a gulp. she slowly picked up her terminal and tried to put it in a pocket that again, didn't exist. "oh right..." she said noticing her mistake again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She scoots up and gives Mika a hug from behind, wrapping her arms around her tummy and hugging her close. "We were just teasing you. Your mom sounds like a great person! I would love to meet her face to face one day. So, feeling better after your shower? A little less tense? I hope so, cause this is only day one!" She giggles and keeps her hold on Mika, enjoying the feel of her body again. "Is there anything you want to do? I know I don't have much on my ship, but if anything comes to mind just speak up!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika thought for a second wondering what she would do now. "Well actually, I would love to know about galora traditions or holidays if you have any....there isnt enough on galora culture recorded.", she said a hopeful expression on her face. While she most certainly wasn't completely relaxed she was very much in a more comfortable state.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles and walks backwards, bringing Mika along with her. She plops down onto the couch again and pulls Mika down onto her lap wher she begins to gently play with her breasts. "There isn't much recorded cause we don't have too much to make note of. We have taken on many of other races holidays such as Christmas, Halloween, Birthdays...things like that. But we do have one festival of our own that I always look forward to. The Grand Moon Festival, a time where Galora are at our When the moon is just right it seems to give Galora a big boost of energy. It only happens once every other year so it is easy to plan around. We set up food, games and dance areas. Everyone attends and brings their pod members. It is a night of complete freedom from all your worries. People dance, they sing, they eat, they make love! This is where many people meet new pod members or find a pod of their own. Words can't really do it justice."

"My people are not much for tradition since we are progressives. We constantly stride for the new biggest thing, which is why we took so quickly to the galactic world when we were picked up so many years ago. Yea, we didn't make it to space on our own, we were discovered by a galactic federation ship. So our tech jumped from swords and spears to laser guns and and crazy electric hammers! It was really cool!"  


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika bites her lower lip as her breasts are handled once again but, she listens very intently to Penny as she gives her the low down on her people once more. When penny finishes Mika seems rather pleased and snags her terminal again. "Now see, that explains why the pages on your people are so....brief. But this is still useful information to, thank you...", she said as she typed something away on her terminal, doing all of this despite Penny's "handling". It seemed Mika really seemed to enjoy the sharing of information. Then Mika thought for a moment wondering what to do next, she then looked back and penny and asked, "uh, you know any card games?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nods happily and gives her nipples a light pinch. "Sure do! I know texas hold'em, go fish, five card poker, black jack and solitaire! What about you?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gave a tiny gasp at penny's little pinch, "I know some of those!" she said happily. "i love card games! so much strategy in some of them." And with that they played some games of five card poker. It turned out that Mika was actually very good at it! Her poker face was actually very hard to read, even if it was really cute! and she beat Penny all three times times they played. "well looks like i win again this time penny, heh heh." she said as she rubbed the back of her head, a cute little smile on her face. "Its been a while since I had a good game like that. T-Thank you." she said with a nod. Mika had begun to feel tired at this point and she really didn't care what time it really was. with a small yawn she asked, "uh penny, im actually kinda tired....would you mind if I uh, could use your bed....."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny...had never lost so badly in her entire life. Three straight loses in a row. Frankly, she was baffled at the timid girls ability to play cards like a pro. "Oh yea, not a problem!" She gets up and takes Mika's hand leading he through the ship and into her bedroom. The room is fairly spacious with a large throw rug in the center, a desk that is mostly empty on the right side and a large bed that could easily fit three takes up the back wall. The bed has dark green sheets on it and looks very comfy. "Here we are. Bed sweet bed. Make yourself comfy." She gives Mika a warm smile.