Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"O-oh what could they do? W-well, they increase your a painful degree.", she said as she blushed a bit making one wonder if maybe she had gotten a small taste of its effects before. "If you see a yellow flower don't mess with it....", she said in warning. she then stopped and crouched down, looking for something on the ground. "Ah yes, we're heading the right way", she said as she pointed at the ground. "There is an ancient stone walkway that leads to the ruins, but its mostly covered by dirt and small plants.", she said as she cleared some of it away, reveling what looked like a stone brick in the ground. Mika was unaware of penny as she closed in on her as she was to busy explaining things.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny carefully drops the small blob into Mika's pants before backing off. The blob flattens out and rests against Mika's panties, unnoticeable for now. Penny backs off with a smile before talking again."So, they can make you lust addled, but what do the yellow ones do? Also, how do you know all of this? Find some book on plant life? Maybe some tips from the locals? either way, I would hate to think that these plants could cause us harm. Not sure how much you know about Galora, but our near immunity to physical damage comes with some hefty weaknesses. Anything that gets into our bodies is absorbed and the effects are boosted. Hmmm, so if one of those flowers got stuck in me I would probably go primal!" The goo in Mika's panties slowly heats up a bit.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh my! well then we should be extra careful", Mika said with a worried look on her face. she stood up and began walking again keeping a careful look out for the yellow flowers. The shy squiliden didn't want to bring up that she had in fact, first hand experience with the effects with the yellow flower. She had at one time accidentally bumped into one of the flowers when she was first scouting the area and had gotten hit by the pollen causing her to have to masturbate furiously until its effects wore off. The memory embarrassed her to no end so she changed the subject quickly by saying, "umm, anyway the ruins have to be quite old by the look of them but I still haven't been able to pinpoint their exact age. But by my estimates.......I'd have to say they're about somewhere around 10,000 years at the very least.", she said as she scratched her chin in thought. It was then that she noticed that she was getting warm in her pants. she wondered if maybe it was some residual arousal for earlier still in her system. "not much farther.", she said in a slightly uncomfortable voice.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny continues to follow Mika, a smile on her face as she leaves the blob at a toasty warm level of heat. With a bit of focus she commands it to move with Mika's legs so it rubs against her thighs and out lips ever so gently with each step. "Wow, ten thousand years! That is a long time to be left forgotten. Only makes me more excited about what could possibly be in there! I hope it is treasure, my ship needs some new parts and those don't come cheap. Oh man, I am so excited! I could just....woo!" She suddenly picks Mika up in a hug while twirling around...but her real motives are to use the surprise to her advantage, sliding the small blob inside of Mika's vagina.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Penny's efforts to turn Mika on where starting to have a noticeable effect on her. She began to breath heavily feeling her arousal grow, "What the?! did I inhale some pollen again?!", she thought as she felt her pussy rub against (what she assumed to be) her panties. Just then Penny grabbed her into a gooey hug as she spun her around. "Woah! P-penny?!", she said in surprise as her hair tentacles gripped onto her for support. She could swear she felt a strange sensation in her vagina as the twirling came to a stop. "What was that?", she thought, but bushed it off rationalizing that it was just her imagination. "A-Ah, um, Penny......i know your exited and all but um, can you put me down......" she asked, her face stuck between penny's goo boobs.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Sorry! It has just been so long since I have come across anything really interesting. Now I am on my way to ten thousand year old ruins with an archaeologist who knows about them AND she is my new friend! All on the same day! how could I not be excited over this?" She gently puts Mika down on her feet and takes a step back. "Ok...ok, I got this, deep breaths. Sorry, won't happen again. i promise." She smiles and nods her head affirmatively. At the same time, she orders the goo to warm up again, trying to keep Mika at a stable area of arousal.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika actually smiled for once, did she actually call her a friend? People always seemed more interested in her work, or in most cases her lovely figure. Never really trying to know her as a person. At the same time, again she felt her groin heat up and her smile was once again replaced by her usual worried expression. "God what is with me.....", she said under her breath as she shook her head. "A-Anyway, the ruins are right up ahead, hidden behind that real thick underbrush there.", she said as she pointed ahead. "I'm actually only the third person to explore this place! its a very new discovery!", she said as she began to work her way though the thick plants. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Wow, has anyone gotten inside and looked around or are you still trying to find the entrance? Either way, only the third person here, that is a great find!" While she follows Mika to through the bushes she orders the blob to move very slowly upward inside of Mika, hunting for her cervix the entrace to her womb. She tries to keep things slow and mostly whenever Mika takes a step to hide the slow movements inside of her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
    As they moved through the thick brush they began to see what looked like strange rectangular pillars jutting out of the ground. More appeared as they continued forming two long rows that lead to a what looked like a single large door seemingly carved out of the the very rock of the mountainside. The door its self was grey and color being constructed out of granite, its surface covered in the strange flowing symbols of a long forgotten language. While most off the pillars where covered in blue vegetation, the large ancient door stood oddly clean in stark contrast. 

    As Mika walked she was beginning to wonder if she was ok. Her pussy continually nudged at the edge of her mind, begging for some attention, unaware of the intruder that lied within her. Her pussy's muscles began to contract as if trying to warp around something. "naaa, come on ...please leave me alone...not now vagina.", she said under her breath, hoping she could push though her arousal through sheer willpower. Mika no doubt fit the stereotype of what humans called a thight squid, as in a squiliden that was much more conservative when it came to sexual matters (much unlike most of her race). her hair tentacles rubbed themselves together nervously as she tried to get her mind back on track. "W-well here we are the unknown ruins of Ma-Joon", she said almost like a teacher would to a student. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Wow...these are amazing! Though I am curious as to why the door is completely clean but everything around it is over grown." She walks forward while looking at the pillars. She looks like a child that just walked into a new toy store, her eyes wide open and constantly looking around for anything to point out. As she moves around, sh ekeeps issuing orders to the small part of herself inside of Mika. The slime finally reaches its destination, Mika's cervix, where it begins to gently poke and rub at it, trying to get her to relax.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mikas knees buckled slightly as she suddenly began to feel very weird (at least by her standards). Her vaginal walls began undulating as if trying stroke something that simply wasn't there. she quickly straightened herself up when Penny looked at her. "Y-you know I asked the same question myself, it is very strange. I have taken scans of the door itself.", she said as she pointed to her glasses. "My glasses do more then just help me see. I can scan certain things with them. My initial findings showed that there is some kind of strange EM readings coming for the door, perhaps that has something to do with it. i cant say for sure, I'm no biologist." she said as she looked the door over. The heat and stimuli in her groin was still trying to edge its way into her mind, but every time she pushed it away harshly with thoughts like: not now, leave me alone, no! that's too lewd. she walked over to the door as casually as she could with longs steps. Tiring her best not to let her pussy lips rub together. "A-anyway, I have been inside once. One day the doors just opened on their own when I touched them, also confirming my theory that these ruins are much more advanced then they appear", she said informatively. "The first camber is very plane looking inside, made of the same material as the door, with the same symbols. There was another door inside that I couldn't open. And when I touched that one, the whole place started shaking.....and I ran out of there.........", she said, visibly shaken by the memory. "I haven't been able to open it since.....". 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The little blob inside of her starts working even faster, getting annoyed at her surprising resilience to direct simuli. It pushes lightly against her vaginal walls while continuing to stroke and tease at her cervix. Meanwhile, Penny continues to act like nothing is happening. "Electric magnetic readings? Yea that would certainly keep plants off the door...maybe. But you said it just opened up on its own one day after you touched them? Boy that sure is strange. I am guessing the room you say is some sort of antechamber, which would explain why it is empty. Just there as an entrance or maybe a gathering point before going deeper inside." She scratches her head and starts poking at the door. "Honestly, I am not that good with all this detailed stuff...a bit too impatient to sit down and study these things ya know? I get all fidgety and feel this burning need to move around isntead."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"I guess I'd have to agree with you there...I really want to see more of the inside if I can....", she said trailing off wondering about all the interesting findings she could unearth. As she pondered for a second her hand unconsciously placed itself over her crotch and gave it a few strokes. Noticing what she was doing she jumped with a small yelp. for some reason her pussy was getting very active, she could feel it. Every so often her pussy would start to move on its own causing her to get turned on, but nothing like this. She knew that her race did tend to have a higher sex drive then some. But she began wonder if there was something about her squiliden body that she didn't know about. In truth it was all Penny's doing but she didn't know it, she did have a habit of worrying about things a little too much. Her eyes shifted nervously as she said "uh, Penny I have to the restroom....I-I'll be right back.....". She didn't wait for a response and quickly moved in to the foliage just far enough away to not be herd. "oh god why now...", she said as she quickly dropped her pants and panties, exposing her pussy to the open air. Her lower lips glistened with wetness and she quickly began to rub herself. "Come on god damn you......", she said in frustration. she quickly looked back to make sure penny didn't fallow her. she really didn't want to be seen.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny isn't behind she is in front of her! A smile across her face as she slides across the floor in a mostly liquid form. She must have ditches her clothes in order to slide around like this as she stops just in front of Mika. "I was wondering how long you were going to last. To be honest, I was starting to think I wasn't going to see that ittle piece of me for a while!" She doesn't let Mika respond as she slides forward and holds her hand out. The small blob inside of Mika makes a quick escapes, dropping out of her and back into Penny. She giggles and lightly traces a finger over Mika's moist lips. "I could tell almost the moment I saw you, that you had troubles I figured I would give you a little push!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Words could not accurately describe how Mika felt at the moment. embarrassed, afraid, and maybe even turned on. She fell right onto her spacious rump after Penny touched her wet pussy. Her eyes went wide with shock as she stuttered, trying to voice her dismay. She began flashing all sorts of colors, no doubt as scrambled as her thoughts were. The act of her bare pussy being seen alone pushed her over the edge. so she came right then and there. splashing some right onto penny. giving another surprised yelp in the process. After a second of her eyes losing focus, most likely do to her small orgasm. She quickly crawled backwards bumping into a tree. her body suddenly taking on the color of the blue grass and trees around her. Mika wasn't sure if she was exactly mad at her. Her muscles had visibly relaxed, but her face had scrunched a bit. She felt a bit betrayed by penny but then she remembered that she said that she was trying to help her relax. She quickly covered herself back up turning away shyly. She couldn't think of anything to say, so she stood there with an unsure look on her face.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ok...that reaction is fair, but you have my word I did not mean you any ill intentions! you looked so stiff, so balled up that I thought a little sexual relief would help you relax. I admit that my tactics were under handed but I really was just trying to help!" She looks away from Mika, looking rather guilty. "I didn't mean to make you mad. I'm sorry." Penny backs away a bit, giving Mika a weak smile. "I will stay over here until you say other wise. If it helps at really have nothing to hide! Your body is amazing from what I have seen...and felt. Even more taste great! Nice rich flavor to you!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"No, no, p-please.", she said as she actually looked her in the eyes, her face looking quite sincere (well as sincere as she could make it look). "I-its fine r-really you were just trying to help........I mean....people make mistakes with me all the time....I didn't grow up on homeworld. But how would you know that..", she said, trying to keep her eyes on Penny, fighting against her tendency to look away. "Trust me I-I am not mad at you.....but uh.......could you put your clothes on please......", she said as she finally broke eye contact, trying not to let her eyes wonder on her nude gooey body.

Just then in the distance a load rumble could be heard as the door to the ruins opened! Mika looked on in surprise.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh...haha, yea I can do that." she reforms her body so she now stands naked in front of Mika. Her nipples and vaginal slit are the same gray as her hair, a nice contrast to her gold body. She walks over to a bush and pulls out her clothes, quickly redressing as she hears the doors open. "That sounds like the main door! come on lets go!" She rushes back to the ruins, excited at the idea of a new adventure literally opening its doors to her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika quickly followed behind Penny, "W-wait! I don't know if its safe!" she called out. But it was to late Penny had already made it inside. The first chamber was more or less just as Mika described it. Grey and full of wired unreadable writing. Mika had finally caught up with her stepping inside as well. "well...uh, this is it. If only I could find away to open this door at the back.", she said as she pointed to the north end of the room. when suddenly a light shown on Penny its source unknown. Then more lights appeared making a straight line to the other door. "what in the? this is....fascinating", Mika said, her eye alight with wonder. Just then what looked like a small dish slid from under the door. Its surface silvery and extremely glossy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looks around the room in wonder, never having seen anything like this before. She traces the wires around for a while but jumps as the lights filter into the room. In a flash she has two mechanical gauntlets on her fists and is in a fighter pose before realizing that nothing is currently wrong. With careful steps she walks over to the glossy dish, curiosity winning out over cautiousness. She squats in front of the strange silvery dish so she can see it closer. "What is this thing for? Why did it suddenly just slide out from under the door?" She reaches out to pick it up.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
When Penny grabbed it she found that it was stuck to the floor somehow as if held there by some unseen force. It was cool and smooth to the touch, but its purpose unclear. Just then a small drip of Mika's girl-cums fell from Penny's hand, dropping into the plate. After a second or two. the dish quickly slips back under the door taking the small bit of Mika's "juice" with it. Mika was slightly embarrassed by this but also intrigued. "Wait.....why did it take m-my......", she couldn't finish the sentence, it was to embarrassing to mention. Then the door flashed as more lights appeared on its surface. The north door then slowly rose up, opening up the next chamber. From were they were standing they could see a circular room with a smooth round metal table inside with that looked like clear crystals hanging from the ceiling. The dish from earlier was no were to be seen. light then flood the room as if welcoming them in. "This is unreal! How could anyone have had tech this advanced this long ago. This place predates all know Ma-jeem civilizations!", Mika said with a look of bewilderment. She also wondered how it was that her um, "fluids" going in the dish opened up the door.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny frowns before sucking in the rest of Mika's girl cum, realizing she never got to properly absorb what splashed onto her earlier. She stands back up and enters the room, examining the table and the clear crystals with a curious look on her face. "Not sure why your cum opened the door, but I won't complain...much, I was kind of hoping to eat that." She mutters something about not getting such high quality cum for some time but it trails off from there under her breath. "So, this place has some crazy tech inside of it which makes me think that this place isn't actually ten thousand years old, or the tech they did have back then was lost to time for some reason or another. Either way, this is really cool! Wonder why there is just this one table here though...kind of creepy right?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
It turns out the the crystals inside the circular room were the light source. The place was rather spartan in appearance having only a few oddly shaped chairs set off to the side. the table itself was only held up by a single leg underneath. Mika blushed when penny mentioned her cum, but then she brightened back up when they got inside the room proper. "oh its certainly old all right unless my scans are incorrect.", Mika said as she pondered. When they got close to the table a small opening appeared on its surface. Then what looked like some kind of hologram displayed in front of them. showing them a map of some solar system a circle appearing over one of the planets. "Wow! Incredible! I have to get a picture of this!", she said as she snapped a picture with a mini-terminal she pulled from her pocket. "Say uh penny, does that system look familiar to you?", she asked as she started looking through her terminal.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Not all of it" Penny rubs her chin while looking at the holo map on display before them. "I haven't been to this circled planet but way over here, I know this one! It is a scrap planet. No resources or anything of worth, so people use it as a giant junk yard. I stop by there now and again to hopefully find stuff for my ship or that might actually be worth something!" She keeps scanning the map. "Other than that, I have no knowledge of that system. So unless you want to go scrap diving, I got nothing." She stand back a bit, hoping Mika has more to offer than she does.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika scratched her chin saying, "Hold on I'll try to get the systems name". As she was typing away the hologram flickered away. "What?", she said quizzically. "Uh, good thing a snapped a picture.", she said she continued looking through files. but then a voice could be heard in the room behind them "So you are the ones who opened ze ruins.". When they turned around then would see a figure with a black helmet and black plated armor. Their body looked humanoid enough but the helmet made it impossible to tell what race they were. Two more armored men appeared from behind the first, both wearing the same armor. but there helmets had a single red light in the center. The two were brandishing two electric batons. Mika stepped back in fear her eyes wide. "Now zhen, you vill come with us immediately", the middle armored figure said, his hands behind his back. looking at them there were no obvious sighs as to just who these people were. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny steps forward in front of Mika while bringing her gauntlet covered fists up. Steam hisses from the ports on the back as they wind up into their ready position. "Sorry, but I am really bad at tacking orders. We got here first, so the claim is ours, standard exploring rules. So why don't you and your goons back up before I have to start swinging!" She stands in a combat ready position, keeping all three of them in front of her and in her field of vision.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika's looked to penny in fear. "H-hold on! C-cant we talk about this?!", Mika said as her faced turned purple in fear. the man in the middle scoffed at them. "Hmpf, so you wish to resist? Well, you cannot say zhat I didn't give you a chance....", he said as he motioned towards them. "Get them, knock zhem out and bring them back to ze base!", he commanded. Then the two black clad men moved towards them. One trying to go after Mika, while the other went for Penny taking a swipe at her with his electric baton.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny simply retracts her body downward, letting the baton go over where she once was. She steps forward and throws a straight punch at her attackers chest with her right fist. Should the punch connect, the steam piston on top will deploy at high velocity, essentially adding a much more powerful second hit just above where her fist made contact.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The armored goon was too slow to react when Penny went for his chest. Her fist slammed into his chest armor as the pistons fired throwing him to the ground. At the same time the other one circled his way around trying to corner Mika. she shrieked in terror backing away quickly. "K-keep away from me!", She yelled. Her hand shot into her pocket and pulled out what looked like a small black orb. She tossed the orb straight at the henchman's face. The strange orb spattered into some kind of black goo sticking onto his helmet rendering him unable to see. He stumbled in his blindness allowing Mika to slip by "PENNY! we've gotta go!", Mika shouted as she ran towards
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's right gauntlet hisses as it resets and she turns to Mika. Just in case she jabs the blinded goon in the side with her left fist and turns to run with Mika. " I got you! Just get out of here, I will cover your retreat!" She pushes Mika in front of her while keeping her eyes open for any more threats, namely the guy who ordered the attack in the first place. "Just focus on moving, I will keep your safe! Move move!"