Just gonna pop this out. Not really any new content, just a pile of bug fixes/revisions. Feel free to skip if already played through 4.0.
4.2 Download link:
Change log:
-Edited some shirts to raise their hemlines (to fix a graphical bug)
-Fixed status mods not affecting fight and mystic stats
-Reduced criteria for police woman scene trigger
-Fixed a game crashing bug when changing from magician top to something else
-Fixed bug where getting milked didn't increase your bust size
-Remapped entrance to Succubus Tower to be more suspicious
-Fixed a bug where wearing the Waitress Skirt could make you be treated as being dressed indecently
-Fixed a bug where lactating/covered in slime graphics weren't showing correctly
-Fixed a bug where going to the police station from the slums wouldn't change the location name
-Remapped bathhouse to allow entering the room in the back, as well as hinting to how to get the bathhouse girl's scenes.
-Added a hint to explore the wilderness after arriving in the city.
Thank you,,, found it,,, still have problem with breast tf though,,, or all tf??? Because i just try breast tf and both parasite and milk store basement can't enlarge the breast,,, even with all bells enabled,,,
Edit : Found bug,,, or not,,, work at Roxie's Diner with Tophat, Round Glasses, Bowtie Collar, Magician Top, Sleeve Cuff, Bondage Belt Boots, and Flashlight will be auto close with the warning "Unable to find file: Graphics/Faces/1wlower-Waitress Skirt-1-5"
The parasite enlargement is random, but yes, there was a problem with the milk store enlargement, which is fixed now.
Also fixed the waitress skirt problem, thanks for bringing it up!
Hi a bug a missing head image after surrender at the city sewer (game crash)
What does the error say? Can't seem to replicate the issue.
A hint to the succubus tower would be nice (also via PM if you don't want to spoil it here),
Is the fact that my character gets treatet like a nudist while wearing the waitress uniform (with panties beneath) a bug or was that planned?
The area you need to search was remapped to be much more suspicious now, so try out the latest release.
That waitress uniform being indecent is definitely a bug, and should be fixed now. Thanks for the notice!
Thanks for the hint! Found the place. I think it would be a lot more obvious if the "discolouration" was a colour that wasn't the most prevalent one in that area- not sure if anyone would stumble on that without being told to look for it.
Anyone found the lethargic tree girl in the forest yet? Woman just won't wake up, so I figure it's either a stat check I don't meet or an item is required.
Edit: Also, Rinny is adorable
It's definitely more suspicious now. Should be okay, maybe?
Nothing to do with tree girl just yet. I've closed off her area for now. Will reopen when she's ready!
And yes, Rinny is adorbs