Lovance Saga (In Rp, NSFW, Group)


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
When she saw Eren running up, she let out a sigh. "Bout time. Got everything you need?" she asked, looking at the small sack he was carrying.
Eren quickly nodded to Cassandra as he arrived, confirming his readiness. "Everything 'cept the garlic cloves and silver arrows, but I think we can do without 'em." A joke, judging by his grin, especially since neither were known to have any effect against demons.

He was about to comment on the apparent gaps in Ettrian's provisions when Bridget ran up, bursting with enthusiasm like always, and interrupted his train of thought.

The priestess was the one Eren was most concerned about. Lady Tremaine knew damn well what they were in for, and the elf seemed appropriately skeptical at least. Even the catfolk seemed to have had some experience with the enemy, but Bridget? The overeager types always seemed to break the hardest when they saw what it was really like out there.

On the other hand, he was just as excited about the prospect of slaying a demon or two dozen, so perhaps he didn't have room to judge...

''So we are just waiting on Fiara and Eren eh? I hope their preparations went well!''

"They did." said Eren, stepping into Bridget's line-of-sight. "Sure sounds like someone's eager to get goin'. You that burnin' to kill, Sister, or is it just your nerves makin' you jittery?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Bridget jumped slightly, a bit surprised by Erens presence, making her breasts bounce up and down as she did so. She blushed at that and turned to him with a grin.

''A mix of my desire to do good, excitement at the prospect of adventure and, um well, the latter if I am being honest. I am rather new to all of this, which is probably quite obvious, but I will do my best to adapt. I know it will be dangerous and difficult at times, but I am sure I can handle it!''

Bridget gave a bashful smile, a tad embarrassed at her own inexperience compared to her comrades, but no less dedicated to the adventure she was about to set out upon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Fiara had woken up less than an hour ago, with her self-care products kept in a pouch she kept tucked under her coat. She walked out on to the balcony of her room before taking a leap on to the side of a nearby building, sliding down it before springing forth onto the rooftops. She moved quickly between them as she moved towards the group, before finally leaping off a nearby shop, flipping in the air, and landing on her feet with a twirl and bow. "Fiara, at your service," she said, before standing up straight.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Casandra looked between the group, and nodded, before turning on her heels and heading out the open gates. "You will all get used to it soon enough. Now, let's get moving, we have a lot of ground to cover."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Right behind ya, boss!" Eren called after her, before turning back to the others. "C'mon. If there's anythin' to say, you can talk about it on the march."

He strode off in Cassandra's wake, whistling to himself and checking over his shoulder to make sure the rest were following.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''On my way! Come along everyone, adventure awaits!''

Bridget began following Eren, remaining a couple of paces behind, as she mumbled a quick prayer to the gods. She attempted to join in Eren's whistling, but despite a valiant attempt, it rather fell flat. Smiling sheepishly, she cleared her throat and remained quiet for the moment. Like Eren said, any conversation could occur on the march. Bridget looked forward to getting to know everyone during it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Fiara followed the group, sticking behind Bridget for the time being. As they walked, she asked, “so, is this your first time going outside of the city?”


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Ettrian stuck to the back. Not with his head in the clouds as per usual, instead watching over the environment as they all headed out. It was his first time outside of the kingdom's safe walls in years. Strong as his will was he did feel a tad nervous. His eyes flitted around taking in the sights as the territory became less and less familiar. Before anxiety could endanger swallowing him whole he decided to speak up and distract his thoughts from shifting. This was something he had to do, for her.

Catching up with the group, he turned to Cassandra and Eren.

"You two have been outside of the kingdom, right? Any advice for the road ahead?"
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''Not quite, I once visited a nearby village to heal a sick man, but that's about as far as I've ever gotten haha. This will be a new experience for me in more ways than one I wager.''

Part of her wanted to bring up her sister and how she was always the more adventurous of the two of them, but she held her tongue. It was too early to talk about such things and would just spoil the mood.

''How about you? Are you well travelled or are you a city girl like me?''

Bridget gave a smile at Fiara, chuckling slightly at her own bad joke, if one could even call it that.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Eren considered the elf’s question.

“There’s the obvious ones: boil the water before drinkin’ it, don’t sleep in the open, don’t wander off alone, uh…”

He stroked his chin while he thought further. Basic survival tips were fine, but advice regarding demons was significantly more difficult. No two expeditions were ever quite the same. The enemy learned and adapted, changing their strategies frequently. Advice that worked last time might not be relevant anymore.

“Oh, do not trust anyone you meet out there – or at least be careful about it. The friendlier they're actin' or the more helpless they seem, the more likely it is they’re just tryin’ to make you lower your guard. Always be wary."


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
As they cross the through the main gate they enter the Scorched Fields of Alsador, countless arrows were fired, collected, and reshoot again as now most demons were imps still picking the field for scraps of slain soul remnants of those lost in the early days of push after hard push of conflict. Many.lessons learned, to fight together reduced the likelihood of losing your composure and giving in to lust. Nobody wants their comrades to laugh at them for stripping and jacking off in the middle of a battle line.

Cassandra's Platoon sets out as they see small groups of imps, 3 to 5 a piece. They seemed quite weak, so quickly dispatching them before more gain courage would be wise.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Cassandra would loose several arrows at the groups, pinning some to the ground, and driving others off. "Miserable vermin," she muttered.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Fiara didn’t waste her time-with a swift motion, she drew her pair of scimitars, fire trailing behind her as she dashed towards the group of imps Cassandra had fired upon. As she drew closer, she prepared to engage in a dancing movement where she would use a continuous spinning movement, so that as she moved she would maintain momentum, with her flames burning anyone who was out of reach of her blades, making it more difficult for her opponents to dodge.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Bridget took a deep breath and muttered a quick prayer to the gods, closing her eyes as she did so. Pointing her quarterstaff at one group of imps, a burst of flame suddenly emanated from the air around it, and then was shot towards the hapless creatures. The fire set them ablaze, their screams echoing through the air as they struggled in vain, before dropping to the ground dead. Bridget had to hold back a retch at the scent of burning imp flesh but she remained focused on the task at hand. Readying another fireball to help support her companions.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Cassandra looked over to Bridget, and arched a brow. Maybe there was more to her than tits, and ass.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Eren whistled appreciatively from the sidelines as they dispatched the first couple groups, watching the others’ techniques with a bemused expression. Cassandra’s archery was quick, efficient, and unsubtle – much like the Steel Countess herself seemed to be. The catfolk’s style was flashy, but beautiful, even if he felt a bit dizzy watching her whirl through the wretched creatures. Bridget’s fireball was… rather plain by comparison, but no less effective. At least she had the right idea.

Except these were just imps. And not even clever ones. He almost sighed as he struck down a stray that flew too close to him - nearly bisecting it with his heavy blade. There was no sport in it - no satisfaction.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
As they worked on the imps, Bridger felt something grab her foot, as the bodies and skeletons of slain warriors begin to rise, somehow having forms that were pleasing to the eye with hard-ons and phallic bones ever erect as they ready blades, spears, and what weapons they held in their life. There was almost 30 of them! And about half as many imps left too! This was getting a bit dangerous after all as they rise and give the imps courage as they ready lust draft filled Shatter glass.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Bridget let out an eep of surprise and fear as the skeleton grabbed her foot, before using her quarterstaff to smash its skull in. She shook the dismembered skeletal hand that was still clinging to her leg away with a shiver, and smacked away another that was getting a bit too close for comfort. She did her best not to stare at the incongruous hard ons between their legs and sent another fireballs careening into their ranks with a hastily muttered prayer. The sound of bones crackling in the fire was disconcerting, as was the acrid smell it produced.

''Stay back! In the name of the gods stay back you... you... boneheads!''

Bridget inwardly cringed at her own insult, more a bad joke than anything else. She shook her head as she tried to stay focused on the fight at hand. She was a bit scared, but she knew that she and her companions could handle this.


Well-Known Member
Before Ettrian could so much as fire a single arrow his companion's had singly handedly decimated the small gathering of imps before them, letting out a low whistle seeing the short work that was made of the creatures. He was about to make a remark about how deceptively easy that was but decided not to speak on it. Thinking it was a shame he didn't get to pull his weight, not wanting to be seen as a layabout. Until a distinct shambling sound caught his ears. Confused as Ettrian was to see the particular forms the undead warriors were sporting, he wasted no time readying his great bow. And here he thought demons would be the strangest thing he'd see...With great proficiency he took aim with a set of three arrows instead of one per shot, multi-shooting not usually used for more than a stunt, but he had found more practical use for the skill. Letting loose a flurry into a crowd of undead. Keeping an eye to make sure the priestess was not too overwhelmed.

"Alright, a tad unexpected I do admit! At least they're quite slow, but their numbers seem to be...a bit more than ours."
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Eren’s boot came down hard on a rising skull, shattering it underfoot.

“Hah! Numbers is all they got goin’ for them,” he commented offhandedly, as though they were discussing a mildly interesting rock. “See how brittle they are? You could probably punch them and they’d fall to pieces. And now they’ve gone and surrounded us, the daft bastards.”

He pointed out one of the imps holding a vial filled with pink fluid. “That’s what you ought to worry about – keep shootin’ those!

It would have to suffice for explanation; the zombies were getting a bit too close for comfort. Eren smiled humorlessly as he hoisted his greatsword and charged them, smashing aside a couple undead with his first blow. He carried the momentum into the second sweep, and the third, until there was a small half-circle of fallen bodies and bones lying between him and the shambling horde.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Cassandra dropped her bow, and drew her weapons, sword in her right hand, and mace in her left. Channeling holy power into them, she stalked forward, a sweep of her mace scattering the bones of three skeletons, and a thrust of her sword impaling a zombie that fell to ashes. She stood in front of Bridget and engaged any foes that drew near. "Focus on the imps!" she barked at the priestess.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Fiara continued her dance, lethal plumes of flames following the movement of her blades, as she weaved through the undead towards the remaining imps. Any zombies in the path of the fire were burnt to their blackened bones, and crumbled into scorched heaps as she leapt in the air and, with a swirl of her blades, decapitated two of the imps. Landing on her feet, she did one final twirl before letting the flame go, the plumes of fire forming into a ring about her until bursting forth around her, incinerating any of the imps or zombies who were unfortunate enough to be standing within the radius of her fiery blast.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
They were mostly burned, cut, and crushed by your attacks as they fall away before your strength and magics, the scarce few imps that escaped your rage retreated towards the treeline as victory was sweet and relatively painless.

Among the fallen if one cared to look was armor and weapons of felled soldiers and woefully unprepared heroes shed to taste and feel imp cock.


Well-Known Member
Ettrian solemnly looked upon the bodies of the fallen. A great shame seeing all those who lost their lives just from being ill-prepared. A reminder that soon he'd need some proper provisions of his own, lest he end up the same.

"If you would Miss Leclair, could I request a prayer? A grim sight this is." Ettrian asked Briget shaking his head.

Normally he wasn't the religious sort, at least not of human custom, but a bit of pity wouldn't stop being felt seeing the sheer number of undead. Once vivacious lives rendered to nothing but shambling bones. It was something he was not used to. But he needed to suck it up. This was something he'd most likely see plenty of on his journey to find Sumina, no time to better adjust than now, however much his stomach turned picking the arrows from their pierced armor. His resolve steady recollecting his arrowheads. Waste not, want not.

A shining dagger stood out amongst the carnage. Guilty as he felt Ettrian still took a cautious look around. Seeing no prying eyes as he slipped it into his boot. A tad backhanded on his part but he
did need it. Was it really looting if it was only a dagger? Maybe it would even count as avenging the lost soul, using their very weapon to reap the lives of those who stole theirs, all coming full circle.

Seeing a few of Lady Tremaine's arrows he held one up, turning to her.

"Would you like these returned, Lady Tremaine? Or would it be alright if I prehend a few?" His servile professionalism impeccable as always, never taking without formal permission.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Bridget nodded solemnly, glad that she and her companions had made it out alive, but sharing Ettrians feelings of sympathy and compassion for who their enemies once were in life. She bowed her head, muttering a prayer in the divine tongue, beseeching the gods to grant the souls of these unfortunates eternal rest and blessing the bones of the fallen with her hands. Once finished she gave a serene smile, certain that her words would be heard. Bridget was proud, both of the others and herself for their performance thus far.

''Wonderful job everyone! I know that it will probably get a lot tougher than this but if we can keep working this well together I know we can overcome any future threats just as well!''

Bridget beamed happily, her eternal optimism seeming unflappable even in these rather odd circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Oh, you can count on that, Sister. This was as easy at it comes.”

Eren planted his greatsword in a fallen corpse and left it there while he searched over the remains. Despite the simplicity of their first foes, he was impressed by this team's capabilities. He had wondered, as they set out, if some of them would be all flash and no fury, but it seemed that wouldn't be an issue. Hell, Fiara's fighting style managed to be both at once.

Bones and bodies crunched underneath his feet until he knelt down and started digging through them.

“…Where do they even get these ridiculous things?” he said, holding up what had been a skeleton warrior’s boner. “This ain’t part of a normal anatomy. I’ve checked.” He haphazardly discarded it over his shoulder and continued poking around until he found what he was looking for.

“Ah! Here we go…" He stood up again, holding several glass vials in his hands: each one filled with a strange, pinkish fluid. "Not a bad find for the first skirmish. And we managed not to break any of 'em on accident!”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Cassandra took her arrow back with a nod of thanks, and then turned to Eren lifting the vials. "Be carful!" she shouted. "If one of those things breaks, we could all end up under the effect, if the wind catches it the right way."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Oh, like I don't know that already..." muttered Eren. He pulled out a few spare rags to wrap them in. "It's only dangerous if it gets on you, y'know. Fumes alone just makes you feel a bit woozy, in my experience."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"And I'd rather no be woozy in demon country, if you don't mind," Cassandra stated, firmly. In truth, the last thing she needed was a to be caught under the influence of any kind of narcotic, and let her inhibitions slip; especially with that nun bouncing around.