Lovance Saga (In Rp, NSFW, Group)


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
(Sorry, had a test)

The catfolk watched Cassandra’s blade as she swung it in an attack, as well as Bridget’s narrow block. Indeed, the knight was an impressive fighter, but she couldn’t help but think it lacked the finesse of her own style, even if it had more direct, physical power.

Hearing her question about weapons and power, she answered, “I am a pyromancer who follows in the flame dance style,” she says. “It is a combination between dance, martial arts, and pyromancy that is based on movement and momentum, and requires a high degree of training in all of these arts in order to use it effectively in combat. Thankfully, as a princess naturally gifted with such abilities and tutored by masters of their craft, I possess such capabilities.”

Pausing for a moment, she then continued, “I think I would like to keep a level of distance from the rest of the group, although maybe you can give good reason why I should rather not.”


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Eren kept a mental tally as people weighed in on his query. Consensus seemed to be in favor of “one big group,” despite a couple of small deviations. He wasn’t surprised that the burglar (at least, he was pretty sure Ettrian was a burglar…) wanted things stealthy, but Lady Tremaine did have the better point. There weren’t many threats in Jivalti; but simply having enough people would ward off all but the most brazen.

He did raise an eyebrow at the pyromancer’s wish to maintain some distance. The point of sticking together was that petty scavengers wouldn’t be able to outnumber or ambush them. Even the most capable fighter was still vulnerable to surprise! A good reason why she shouldn’t?

“Well, if the possible threat of gettin’ attacked on your own before we can raise a hand to help you ain’t enough…” He stroked his chin thoughtfully.

“…I don’t know, headpats?" he suggested, "What does Your Highness like?”
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Eren kept a mental tally as people weighed in on his query. Consensus seemed to be in favor of “one big group,” despite a couple of small deviations. He wasn’t surprised that the burglar (at least, he was pretty sure Ettrian was a burglar…) wanted things stealthy, but Lady Tremaine did have the better point. There weren’t many threats in Jivalti; but simply having enough people would ward off all but the most brazen.

He did raise an eyebrow at the pyromancer’s wish to maintain some distance. The point of sticking together was that petty scavengers wouldn’t be able to outnumber or ambush them. Even the most capable fighter was still vulnerable to surprise! A good reason why she shouldn’t?

“Well, if the possible threat of gettin’ attacked on your own before we can raise a hand to help you ain’t enough…” He stroked his chin thoughtfully.

“…I don’t know, headpats?" he suggested, "What does Your Highness like?”
Fiara bit her lip, crossing her arms and looking to the side after hearing his suggestion. “…I’ll consider it,” she said. “Just…try to be careful and don’t touch my belly…”

She paused for a moment, before saying, “there is also another thing, although I don’t know if you could help with it…”
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"Well, I suppose I can't argue with that Lady Tremaine. Hopefully we don't come across too much trouble." Ettrian said with a nod.

Admittedly he rather not travel in a large, very attackable block but the knight did have a good point. As much as he rather not draw attention a big group could better defend. His ear's perked up upon hearing the noble woman speak. Maybe he was mishearing things but the High Elf could have sworn he heard the phrase princess. But what would a princess be doing here? Nobles were usually kept safe and sound in their ivory towers, well, at least the ones he had met. Ettrian couldn't help but be curious as to what led her there, after all meeting royalty wasn't exactly an everyday occurrence. While he very much wanted to inquire he simply held his tongue, deciding it would be better to listen to the two speak before he made any quick assumptions.

With that his eyes made their way to the priestess. Bridget, if he had recalled correctly. Surely she must have been a bit shaken up after nearly being cleaved in two. He was typically the type to mind his own business but...

Falling back a bit he turned to Bridget and spoke.

"Are you alright? You handled that rather well but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask."

Worrisome as a father always was, even to strangers.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Bridget smiled at Ettrian, grateful for his concern. She was still calming down from what had just happened, and was doing her best to steady her nerves by rubbing her holy symbol. She certainly wasn't expecting Cassandra to do that, especially to someone she had just met, but she understood the reasoning behind her actions. It was blunt yet tactical and in a round about way she was concerned for Bridget's safety. It wasn't exactly the best first impression the knight could have made, but Bridget wasn't the type to hold grudges, she always did her best to see the good in people.

''I admit I was a bit.... taken aback.... but rest assured I am completely fine! I look forward to working with you all going forward!''

Bridget said a silent prayer to the gods at that, entreating them for safety and prosperity for the whole group.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Fiara bit her lip, crossing her arms and looking to the side after hearing his suggestion. “…I’ll consider it,” she said. “Just…try to be careful and don’t touch my belly…”

She paused for a moment, before saying, “there is also another thing, although I don’t know if you could help with it…”

Eren blinked at the catfolk's response. He hadn’t expected his idea to be taken seriously, much less given her tentative approval. As for her other matter: he shrugged, “Maybe we could, and maybe we couldn’t. We’d have to know what it is, first.”

He glanced around the courtyard, which seemed to be emptying fast.

“But before that, I have a couple pressing questions I want to ask the Castellan before he leaves on official business or whatever. Swear I’ll be right back-” he excused himself, bowing in apology before heading off to find the man.

While capturing Grantham Wayfort was their stated focus, Eren didn’t like the idea of ignoring the other missions completely. What he wanted was a bit more information: a description of the missing Prince and a report of his last known whereabouts, to start with. Or an account of the Governor’s symptoms and the particular demon that had placed the malady on him. The missing and sick were usually lost causes, in Eren’s experience, but that didn’t mean they should be ignored out-of-hand. Any leads at all could make a difference.


Well-Known Member
"As do I." Ettrian said with a smile.

His head tilted curiously watching Eren run off to find the Castellan, wondering what pressing questions he could have had. Truthfully Ettrian had questions of his own, but didn't think to ask at the time with his mind occupied. A missed opportunity in his eyes for certain considering they didn't have a lot to go off of. His eyes did linger a bit, taking in the looks of the people he would be traveling with in detail.

The knight was of average height, but the power in her swing was no laughing matter! He felt he definitely would have to treat her with respect and tread on careful ground, she didn't seem like the type to be trifled with. The nun herself was not too dissimilar from his own height, despite so her bubbly optimism was something to admire in these dark times. It was adorable, really, given he could hardly muster a genuine grin with everything going on. Both the scarred man and the catfolk noblewoman shared an air of mystery. She was the tiniest out of the four but the gait in which she carried herself seemed to suggest her abilities were nothing to scoff at.

Seeing as though there wasn't much else to do but wait, he decided to make a bit of idle conversation.

"So, what brings you all here? I myself am...searching for something. And thought a journey afar would be a good place to find it."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
“I am here for the same reason I require assistance,” she said. “Of course, whether or not you are able to assist me in this matter is something I am hoping to see, as what I ask would be an incredibly difficult task putting us in a highly dangerous area crawling with powerful demons, which is why I am cautious to ask.”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Bridget's eyes widened at that, before a knowing smile became plastered across her face. Her companions were searching as she was, though the end goal was different the fact that they had this in common was no coincidence as far as she was concerned. Clearly, the gods had brought them together to help one another, and hopefully the rest of the kingdom along the way. Bridget stowed her holy symbol for now, turning to Fiara.

''I am searching for something myself, or rather someone, and along the way I plan to do as much good for as many people as possible, spreading the light of the Suntear Orthodoxy across this benighted land! Let us aid one another, in fact if there is anything I can do to assist you need only ask!''

Bridget said this in a tone filled with both kindness and conviction. The potential danger did worry her of course, but such concerns were outweighed by her religious duty and desire to do good.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I'm here because this is one of the last bastions of order in the land. If a concerted effort to fight the demon's is made, it will be made from here, and I plan to be a part of it. I also have a... personal issue that needs adressing," she finished slowly, not sure why she had let that out.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
As they all interacted an notice was found describing the Demoness Rubilax who attempted to seduce and assassinate him after posing as his wife. An demoness who was rumored to be in the subterranean caves of Grantham. Using captured mortals to mine and provide weapons of war for the demons.
The prince was an dark haired youth, an young adult with an somber expression of the biographical portrait displayed in an old painting. Possibly in the vacinity of the Grantham area.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Once our companion gets back, I suggest we head out," Cassandra said.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Sure enough, Eren returned not long after bearing the information he'd sought. He gave them all a quick apology for having rudely slipped away.

Hopefully he hadn't missed anything important...


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
"Your intentions are good," Fiara said, as she glanced at Bridget. "However, intentions can only go so far, and if you wish to assist me in my own personal matters, you will need strength and power." She then shrugged. "Well, I suppose it would be helpful to have a healer with me. So, I suppose you can help me, if you so desire."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Bridget nodded a smile at Eren's return, before turning back to Fiara. The catfolk was clearly not used to asking for assistance, and Bridget could tell that this was rather difficult for her. Bridget would have liked to ask everyone about their troubles in more detail, to provide as much comfort as she could and at the very least a friendly ear. Doing so didn't seem appropriate at this stage however, it would just look like she was prying into their personal business. Which technically she would be but it was for a noble purpose! Better that they got to know each other first before anything like that happened. Regardless, Fiara was in need of help and Bridget wasn't about to deny her.

''I assure you, I am stronger than I appear in all the ways that count. I will do everything in my power to assist you! Nothing would please me more!''

Bridget gave a pearly white smile at Fiara, which seemed even more pronounced in the sunshine.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Eren raised an eyebrow at the priest and the pyromancer’s discussion. For some reason, the phrasing of ‘strength and power,’ ‘my personal matters,’ ‘a healer would be helpful,’ and ‘nothing would please me more’ conjured up some very strange mental images.

He decided not to comment, instead turning to Cassandra and Ettrian.

“So, any last matters to settle? Supplies to grab, plans to make, or farewells to say? Like any expedition, either we ain't comin’ back for a while, or we ain't comin' back at all.”


Well-Known Member
Ettrian paused for a moment considering Eren's words. Looking back towards the courtyard he slowly began to shake his head. The only thing of value that he truly cared for was running off somewhere about to make the worst decision of her life. He had packed plenty of his ill gained gold, considering it may come in handy with how loose morals had become all over, and a few foodstuffs for his journey settled before meeting the group. It seemed almost everyone was searching for something or someone, perhaps they had more in common than he had first assumed.

"No one to say farewell to, and nothing I prefer to run back for." He shrugged. There was a certain melancholy to his tone, however the smile on his face suggested he must not have been too bothered.

"I'm ready as well, and honored to be travelling with you all."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Fiara nodded. "I am not connected to this place; it is merely a resting place, and while it provides a measure of safety, I must abandon it for the present time as there are things more important than staying safe," she said. "Although, I may need time to gather my own supplies-while I am used to traveling lightly and have managed to become accustomed to the conditions of these harsh times, I still wish to bring along some amenities, even if not all of them are particularly necessary."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Okay, so you two are good, you still need to find some things – I’m sure someone will gladly help you with that if you want it.” Eren pointed at each of them as he went over their preparedness, before considering his own.

I just need to stop by a friend’s house for the rest of my gear; which I can do on our way out...” Should also return her spare key and pay for the lodgings. Maybe include a note, if she’s not in.

“That just leaves you, Sister,” he said, turning to Bridget. “Any final arrangements of your own to make, or are you just eager to get underway, already?”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''I have everything I need right here, so I am ready to leave when you all are. Fiara if you need any help with those things you mentioned I would be glad to lend a hand, you just say the word. I'm sure between the two of us we can make light work of it.''

Bridget saw the opportunity to help her new companion both as a good thing in its own right, and as a chance to get to know her new ally. From both a personal and practical perspective, this would help them both.


Well-Known Member
It didn't seem entirely wise to Ettrian to leave the two women to their lonesome. Considering the way Fiara spoke it seemed peril may follow her like a dark shadow. All the talk of danger did get him worrying, even if it was a small trip to gather supplies. Ettrian didn't doubt their abilities, but the more idle hands the quicker the work would go and they could begin their journey.

He turned to Fiara and Bridget and spoke. Clearing his throat as he did.

"I wouldn't mind accompanying you two, if you desire of course. These lands are treacherous indeed possibly even whilst gathering simple goods. If not, I shall remain here with Lady Tremaine, considering we have nothing else to pack ourselves." He would offer a hand to the scarred man, though he seemed more capable than the High Elf himself, especially with the impressive sword at his side.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''How kind of you to offer! The more the merrier as far as I'm concerned, we would be most grateful for your help!''

Bridget smiled at Ettrian, glad to see that he was a gentleman in more ways than one. She hadn't met many High Elves in her life, most of the people she tended to were humans due to simple geography, but she was happy to meet such a fine representative of their race. She also couldn't deny that he was..... pleasing..... to look at and Bridget shook her head to clear it of any impure thoughts that might come about, blushing as she did so. She then cleared her throat.

''Well then, shall we be off?''

Bridget cocked her head at the others, waiting for a response as the sun bore down on them all.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Place I’m goin’ to is right by the market, actually,” said Eren, falling in behind her, “so we’ll be headin’ the same way regardless."


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Fiara shakes her head. “It’s nothing you need to worry about; just some personal grooming items to maintain my appearance. Also, I think it would be a bit difficult to find some of it in the market, especially with the current state of affairs.”


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2018
Our heroes carried out their business, the cat to acquire her amenities, Eren to the market, and the others assessing their items and gear before the big trip.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Eren’s hostess wasn’t in, unsurprisingly, which meant he could get straight to his preparations. Everything he needed had been left in the guest room, so it was just a matter of compressing it all to fit into his knapsack.

“Let’s see: tent, waterskins, soap-on-a-rope, bedroll, hand-ax…”

It took some effort, but soon he had it in order. The housekey he left in her kitchen, next to a modest pouch of coins – the only acceptable way of showing gratitude in this city.

He left behind a note as well, scrawled on a spare parchment in his own questionably-legible handwriting:

Am off to Kille Daemons. Very fhort notice
elfe I woulde have said Fare-well in perfon.
it if unlikely that I wille return any time foon,
so your Key if on ye counter, along with pay-
ment for ye room. Thanke again for letting
it to me thif paft week.

Be welle, stay safe,
Hope to come back alive,

With his final preparations complete, Eren hoisted the pack across his back and his sword across his shoulder, and set out to rendezvous with the group, ready to depart for real.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Cassandra stood at the gate leading out of town, her foot tapping the ground rapidly as she waited for everyone. "Honestly, it's only a three day trip. You'd think they were preparing for a siege," she muttered, as she set her light pack down; it contained a bedroll, tent, food, and a change of clothes. When she saw Eren running up, she let out a sigh. "Bout time. Got everything you need?" she asked, looking at the small sack he was carrying.


Well-Known Member
Ettrian scratched his chin in thought seeing the goods everyone else evidently packed. Perhaps he did travel a little too light. But you couldn't say it didn't fit a rogue. Goods could always be...'acquired' later.

"I probably should have packed a bedroll myself, in all honesty. Though it wouldn't be the first night I've spent on dirt. I'm sure the cool air will be refreshing." He said to Cassandra with a chuckle, light-hearted at the thought of his days spent before becoming an 'indebted servant.' The help wasn't always treated with the most luxurious amenities so it was nothing he couldn't handle.

Opening his pack he checked over his things one last time. At least he wouldn't go hungry judging by how much he overpacked in the event of finding Sumina.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Bridget had packed rather lightly for this trip, in addition to her trusty quarterstaff and holy symbol she had brought with her a simple bedroll, enough rations to last a week (better to be safe than sorry) and a change of clothes. She wasn't exactly used to ''roughing it'', sheltered thing that she was, but she was at least familiar with the basics. She smiled as she approached the others, shifting her small pack slightly on her back. She caught the tail end of Ettrians conversation as she approached.

''I am here, I hope I did not keep you too long my friends! This is rather exciting isn't it, braving the elements as part of a noble quest? I'm feeling quite excited!''

Bridget said this and had to suppress a frown as thoughts of Rebecca came unbidden to her mind. She would have loved something like this, she was always the more bold and adventurous one, and Bridget wished more than anything that she could be here. For now, she tried to not let herself be distracted by such thoughts. She would save her sister, this she had sworn to both the gods and herself! Realizing she probably looked lost in thought, she shook her head slightly, face a bit flushed, and beamed back at the others.

''So we are just waiting on Fiara and Eren eh? I hope their preparations went well!''

Bridget kept an eye out for her other two companions, grateful for the distraction from her sad thoughts.