Lirliel Armstrong [Done]


***-Warning there is a NSFW pic as soon as you open the gdoc-***​
So Liriel is a boxum babe with a fetish for impolitely poking players with her pretty pole persistently. She'll be a new vendor on Myrellion who sells little green man themed clothes, 3 sets of smexy armor and a TF item that'll make you look like her! This is a commissined project. Opinions, comments and honesty are all welcome but please maintain a certain level of respect and civility.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
 It might be a personal bias towards these kind of names, but "Lirliel Armstrong" sounds like those monikers that attempt to sound cool but they're actually trite, such as, say, "Sakura Roberts" or "Jake Clawthunder".

As per the character itself, it does not interest me, so that'll be all unless it gets inplemented and see if I might want any of the merchandise she sells. But, concerning the TF item... when scales become smooth skin, I can't really muster which kind of pattern is a "tattoo pattern".


 It might be a personal bias towards these kind of names, but "Lirliel Armstrong" sounds like those monikers that attempt to sound cool but they're actually trite, such as, say, "Sakura Roberts" or "Jake Clawthunder".

As per the character itself, it does not interest me, so that'll be all unless it gets inplemented and see if I might want any of the merchandise she sells. But, concerning the TF item... when scales become smooth skin, I can't really muster which kind of pattern is a "tattoo pattern".

Well her name is Liriel, she is one of the creator's pre-existing OCs. The last name seems wonky with the first name being all exotic and pretty, i'll agree, but there is nothing wrong with the names being together.

Also concerning the scales to skin, most people would assume the tattoo pattern mirrors the former scale pattern. I mean there are different types of scales so the phrasing has to be a bit vague to fit shield, diamond and normal shapes scales as well as anything else that comes up in fen's games.

but i will work on her some more in the am


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thanks for the reply. A creator's OC? Now that sounds even more dangerous... But I can't and won't argue about it.

I always assume that a scaled character, unless stated otherwise, is coated with scales/fur from head to toe (or whatever applies to the player's Steele), so I didn't envision the scales could vanish leaving a certain pattern before disappearing.

Ah, here's another thing: I liked the explanation you gave concerning the little green alien stereotype and how it'd still be ingrained in people's head long after knowing that aliens didn't exactly look like that.


Sep 19, 2015
Hi! I am the one who commision Liriel. As mention before, her original last name was a tad wonky. We decide Armstrong would be a good fit as a reference to the first man who landed on the moon.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hi! I am the one who commision Liriel. As mention before, her original last name was a tad wonky. We decide Armstrong would be a good fit as a reference to the first man who landed on the moon.

So, out of curiosity, what was her original last name?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
yes...   but there is a huge difference in how they sound and what kind of syllables they use and trust me as someone who lives in a part of my country so close to Italy that listen radio news on Italian daily. =P

so even if I don't understand the language I'd still recognize it everywhere.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
First of (please just read whle post Foxx to get picture) she's not my fav type of characters but...

...dunno somehow you wrote her this way I not mind this and would be up to interact a lil bit after she get ingame. You got gift to make all you write so damn good and that jogurs milk hue hue. And it makes me ponder what flavor that jogurt is...since it only say pink jogurt without meantiong it flavor....unless it mean just ordinary flavor of jogurt that only is pink and not white. Or it's some flavor that match it color like dunno maybe cherry the pink jogurt milk? :p


First of (please just read whle post Foxx to get picture) she's not my fav type of characters but...

...dunno somehow you wrote her this way I not mind this and would be up to interact a lil bit after she get ingame. You got gift to make all you write so damn good and that jogurs milk hue hue. And it makes me ponder what flavor that jogurt is...since it only say pink jogurt without meantiong it flavor....unless it mean just ordinary flavor of jogurt that only is pink and not white. Or it's some flavor that match it color like dunno maybe cherry the pink jogurt milk? :p

yeah went through and edited/completed the first sex scene.

the yogurt is actually blueberry but i have to go through her stats and put that in there


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If she "was" originally a Terran female and her name happened to come from the Spanish adjective, I guess it'd be "Deliciosa" (unless one applied realism here and you had to go with a "masculine" surname regardless of your actual sex/gender). Since Latin has spawned language after language, certain words are bound to sound "off" to many players... just like when Fen wanted to name some race "Culo".

So I can see why "Armstrong" is the lesser of two evils. I can make a huge stretch and think she's a far relative of Fullmetal Alchemist's Armstrong family. Yog sparkles included.


Cringing intensifies.

I don't get this. Like she's not Izumi or Minerva class marysue or a marysue at all for that matter. she's not terribly important to the plot, she doesn't have 5k different arcs... she's just a shop vendor who is going to have all of 2 sex scenes.

Like seriously if you haven't read the gdoc do so before you write down comments like this that may dissuade others from giving her a chance. However if you have read it... then in that case I disagree.

And, not to beat a dead horse, aren't all character's in TiTs someone's OC?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As I see it, there's a difference between someone having an idea for a character and sharing it with a writer (in this case, you, Foxxling) and having a character, comissioning art for it, shove it everywhere... Whilst I suspect that this case is the latter and that *both* cases do speak of an original character, OCs have this stereotype of being nothing but a piece of wish fulfillment. Note that the character might or might not have to be a Mary Sue.  Lirliel doesn't really seem or look like one, and her personality is okay. But let's say I chuckled at "she's just a shop vendor who is going to have all of 2 sex scenes".

What I mean is that... if I ever comissioned a character for a game, I'd rather go for an idea started from scratch and discard this Jirel of Joiry pseudoarchetype I play as a template on fantasy RPG games or something based on the Steele I'm running.
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Aug 26, 2015
And, not to beat a dead horse, aren't all character's in TiTs someone's OC?

Technically yes.  Practically, though, I created Ceria specifically for TiTS and have no plans to do anything with her beyond it, which is very different from if I took my existing character from a different setting and adapted her to TiTS.  Even if the settings happen to be highly compatible, there's often strangeness in the translation.  It's fine for things like a D&D game with your friends, especially dungeon crawlers or one-shots.  I reuse characters from freeform games in those all the time.  When you're working on a publically-facing project like a TiTS submission, though, it's almost always better to start from scratch.


Sep 19, 2015
As I see it, there's a difference between someone having an idea for a character and sharing it with a writer (in this case, you, Foxxling) and having a character, comissioning art for it, shove it everywhere... Whilst I suspect that this case is the latter and that *both* cases do speak of an original character, OCs have this stereotype of being nothing but a piece of wish fulfillment. Note that the character might or might not have to be a Mary Sue.  Lirliel doesn't really seem or look like one, and her personality is okay. But let's say I chuckled at "she's just a shop vendor who is going to have all of 2 sex scenes".

What I mean is that... if I ever comissioned a character for a game, I'd rather go for an idea started from scratch and discard this Jirel of Joiry pseudoarchetype I play as a template on fantasy RPG games or something based on the Steele I'm running.

Hm, not to be rude, but, I am not posting her all over the site. I commision art for her for the sake of showing what she look like and to be consistent whit the rest of the game character who have bust from the same artist. If you dont like her, more power to you, just dont bring down those who do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If you dont like her, more power to you, just dont bring down those who do.

"As per the character itself, it does not interest me, so that'll be all"

"Lirliel doesn't really seem or look like one [Mary Sue], and her personality is okay"
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I do get what you guys are saying, oc is a red flag and I get that but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. Like Kesil said she avoids most of the things that make oc's cringe worthy even if she doesn't appeal to Kesil personally. I also realize that we're just trying to avoid another game breaking, lore bending npc like Excelia (that's probably not spelled right... ftw) but still. I think Liriel is a pretty good character even if she is wish fufillment. Ty

Technically yes.  Practically, though, I created Ceria specifically for TiTS and have no plans to do anything with her beyond it, which is very different from if I took my existing character from a differe nt setting and adapted her to TiTS.  Even if the settings happen to be highly compatible, there's often strangeness in the translation.  It's fine for things like a D&D game with your friends, especially dungeon crawlers or one-shots.  I reuse characters from freeform games in those all the time.  When you're working on a publically-facing project like a TiTS submission, though, it's almost always better to start from scratch.

I have to say that I agree with your statement but only because I see the issues other people have with their own charactes being mistreated or being beaten. Take Izumi for example, whether she was an oc or not the fact that my champion can't "beat" her is some BS, especially since i can practically one shot her with the b-sword at this point.

However I don't have an issue with oc's as long as they don't fall into those marysue, lore bending, op categories


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Person: Hey I just finished a new submission for TiTs.

Fen: *Looks up from his pile of Horse dongs and Cowgirls* Yeah that's great kid.  ¬¬

Person: And it has some art commissioned by Chesire

Fen: Let's code that shit!


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Not too crazy about the whole suprise buttsex but my personal opinion might ve different after the tit fuck scene is completed.