Lirliel Armstrong [Done]


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
She's in game for quite a few builds so yes she is in current public build. Look in Myrellion Golds city around main plaze rooms near great lift.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Is she in the most recent public release yet?

So why are you necro-ing this thread instead of asking this (something that was already answered in this very thread) in a post of your own in the main TiTS forum?


Active Member
Jan 31, 2016
So why are you necro-ing this thread instead of asking this (something that was already answered in this very thread) in a post of your own in the main TiTS forum?

I agree with Kirovreporting, making a whole new thread seems silly when there is an existing one on the same topic. Some one else could just as easily complain, "Why are you making a new thread for this, when ther already is one?" Perhaps a better question is, why waste your time replying to a thread you seem annoyed at being ressurected? lol 

And my question had not been answered earlier in the thread. The last post before mine was made in March, prior to the most recent public release. At that time, she had only been released for backers, and since then, no one in the thread had mentioned if she was publicly available.


She was added a bit back. You find her in the gold ant city on Myrellion.

I waited around in the top left corner of the Mushroom Park for over a day, and she never showed up. I'm playing the most recent public build, 0.6.70.

So... I went back again, after having clicked rest at least a dozen times, clicked it once more, and boom, there she was. LOL

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At that time, she had only been released for backers, and since then, no one in the thread had mentioned if she was publicly available.

But there has been several public builds since then. It wasnt answered because it didnt need answering 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Why waste time making a thread. It's not like one of those "Yes I concur" posts that add absolutely nothing.
I agree with Kirovreporting, making a whole new thread seems silly when there is an existing one on the same topic. Some one else could just as easily complain, "Why are you making a new thread for this, when ther already is one?" Perhaps a better question is, why waste your time replying to a thread you seem annoyed at being ressurected? lol 

Except, that making a new thread isn't mach harder than writing question here. You just press the big orange "Start New Topic" botton in the TiTS  general forum instead of clicking the "reply to this thread" box here. The only additional "effort" being maging up a title and typing it out in the designated box.

Also this:

But there has been several public builds since then. It wasnt answered because it didnt need answering 

it would be enough to look at the dates of the posts and note for any recent public build posts on the main blog to figure out the answer to the question.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Why waste time making a thread. It's not like one of those "Yes I concur" posts that add absolutely nothing.

I agree that there isn't really need for an entire new thread for such a question, but its still weird to see a 4-month old thread pop-up.

Also nice name, yay for C&C Red Alert!