Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I... um... right!" She lays down and gently moves her feet up to Unta's sex, rubbing her padded toes over the wet slit a few times before gently pushing them in. Again waves of pleasure flow through Unta as they easily slide in to her stretchy body. "Oooooh... it's so warm!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Wo-hey now Wendy! There's room for two, one nipple each, see?" Melanie held both tits in her hands, somewhat trying to prove her point, but more so to entice the otter girl back into their session. "Just figured Umi needed a little priority, with the lust venom and all. C'mon back! We can totally get this to work!" She called.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx shuddered lightly and pushed herself forward a bit more, sinking in to her knees. With a light moan she moves a bit more, sliding in to her hips. "So hot... Unta.... little help back here please."

Umi stopped and turned around with a grin on her face, sauntering back over to the two of them. "I was hoping you would say that! Come on Umi, you go first then girl!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Ummm.... ok....", Umi said her face still hot with the effects of the lust venom. She then let herself be guided down and waited for Melanie and Wendy to get situated.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie sat down, legs crossed, and rocking eagerly as she guided the two to sit next to her. "C'mon, don't be shy about it. Hop right in, two tits and two lovely gals." She chimed, giddy with the thought of both mouths on her at once.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy moved for her left breast, quickly pulling Melanie's legs out straight and graabbign her cock with her left hand. She quickly starts stroking while she buries her face into the plush breast, sucking the nectar out in big gulps.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked at how Wendy went after Melanie's breast and cock so brazenly and looked between the two skittishly. Umi on the other hand slowly and gentaly pull out Melanie's leg to sit on then she put her plush black lips around Melanie's nipple and began to suck. her face was very flushed, she was still under the effects of her lust vemon and she was sucking on a breast were everyone could see her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"That's more like it." Melanie moaned, letting the lovely sensations of the mouths on both nipples and the hands on her cock mix together as sweet nectar flowed from her breasts. To reciprocate the pleasure, she let her hands trace down across both girls' thighs, slipping a finger into their wet sexes as she massaged their inner walls gently and slowly. "No need to rush. You're in no hurry, right Umi?" Melanie smirked at them both.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy gradually slowed down her suckling, taking slow but long sucks of her nectar while her left hand siwtched between stroking and squeezing Melanie's cock. She opened up one eye and gave umi a playful look, hoping she would go after her balls.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi would be ashamed to admit that she liked the wonderful sweet lusty taste of Melanie's nectar. And that some part of her deep inside like the way Mel played with her pussy in front of everyone else. Melanie's leg was soon getting wet with the honey leaking out of her puffy sex and Umi's clit was still nice and erect. Umi may have been... oh what was the phrase... a tad sexually repressed. But, even she could see were Wendy was trying to lead her. And so, down her hand went as she sucked on the lovely teat. eventually one of her hands found its way to Mel's sizeable balls. She then gently caressed them in her hand cupping the warm orbs in her hand and rolling them a little. even if she was kind very embarrassed by all of this she didn't want to disappoint Mel and Wendy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"See, that's more like it!" Melanie chimed, a quick spurt of precum dousing the tip of her smooth cock. "Ugh, yes! This is so great." She declared, happy to spend some quality time with the two newest members of their team. Her fingers moved faster, more deliberate, as she sank another two into the hilt. While thrusting up into Wendy's soft hands, she savored the feeling of filling the two of them up with her sweet nectar. It almost felt motherly, in a strange way, but she just loved the shifting fluid flowing to hungry mouths from her breasts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy suddenly pulls off of her nipple with a smack of her lips and turns around, bending herself over and wiggling her hips at Melanie "Enough teasing... come and get it big girl! I need that candy flavored cock!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi cooed when Melanie pushed another two fingers inside of her and Mel could feel just how wet Umi was down there. Umi continued to suck while Melanie gave her a good fingering. But when Wendy git and presented her pussy and ass that made Umi pop off the lovely teat. she started at Wendys lovely assets for a second, then to Melanie's cock, then to Melanie's face. With her face quite flushed and looking to the side she asked, "so... what do you wanna do Mel?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Oh Umi, I know what I wanna do. What I wanna do is bent over right in front of me!" Melanie licked her lips, closing the gap between her and Wendy with a smack of her ass, lining up her throbbing candy cock with the otter girl's slick pussy as the pressure on her slit grew. "Don't fret Umi, there's still plenty to go around. You can get right over here and keep suckling my boob. I bet one of the wolves would lend you a hand too. They're probably watching you as we speak."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy moaned as her pussy was stuffed full of hard candy cock, her pussy tightening up around her cock and tugging it in further. Before they could question any more, Walsh had his lipped wrapped around Melanie's breasts, sucking the nectar out while his tail wags.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta blinked for a moment, unsure exactly how she was supposed to help, before an idea popped into her head. Keeping her forelegs folded underneath her, she slowly stood up with her hind ones, lifting Binx into the air and angling her body so that gravity could help pull the little bunny down the rabbit-hole. "God, I've never felt anything like this. Your legs feel like fuzzy fingers, and your hips feel like a knot," she moaned, doing her best to describe the indescribable.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"See? Atta boy Walsh!" Melanie said, celebrating the moment with a rough thrust into Wendy. Her tight cunt was delectable, silken and slippery as more of her length was fed inside. Slowly, as she worked more into her, her hands crept forwards to play with Wendy's breasts, hoping to quell any size-related discomfort as with a rock of her hips, she drove in almost to the hilt. "Don't fret Umi. As you can see, there's plenty of cock on board. Just say the words." She winked and rubbed Walsh on the head, even scratching him behind the ears as he suckled her teat.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With the better angle to help her, Binx wiggles and slowly sinks down to her neck, her squishy breasts making her moan as they slip into the warm of Unta's body. "Ooooh good. I need to be inside... I need-" She is cut off by her head finally slipping inside of Unta and finally her floppy ears slip inside. Unta can feel every movement she makes, every breath she takes, and they all send pleasure rocketing up her spine.

Walsh could not stop his dog side from kicking up and his leg soon started kicking at his side while Melanie scratched his ear. He sucks harder and her tit and his tongue lashes at her nipple at a near constant rate. Wendy on the other hand is moaning like a whore as she takes Melanie's entire cock inside of her, her walls tight like a vice around her and constant flows of girl cum drip from her needy slit.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi finds her hand stroking herself at such a display but she quickly realized what she was doing and stopped. Then she lowered herself down and with her eyes down and to the side, her zil tongue slipped out of her mouth and began to suck with is hollow point. She then settled herself down next to Wendy on the other side and then put those plush black lips of hers back around Melanie's tit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Holding tight to Wendy's hips, Melanie started a brisk pace with her cock. An audible slap filled the air as she drove home hard, sheathed fully, and then sheathed again the next second as she pulled back and plunged home again. The wetness of Wendy's pussy was indescribable, and Mel could only grip her hips tighter as the silken vice held her firmly. "Didn't forget about you two!" She managed through a moan, a pleasant warmth in her stomach growing as Walsh and Umi suckled her breasts. Like an overdramatic action star, she whipped out her lower pair of hands like pistols, jerking off Walsh and fingering Umi at a frantic pace to match her thrusts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Walsh moans into her breast, thrusting his hips forward and into her hand to eagerly accept the jerking she was offering. Wendy started to push back against Melanie's thrusts, increasing the impact of every motion two fold, moaning loudly in bliss as she does. Melanie suddenly feels someone behind her before a cock is slipped into her pussy and Korlish's hands wrap around her stomach as he matches her thrusting pace, a coy grin on his face.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi's eyes had shut to try and not see the eyes of the others on her but, as soon as Melanie stuck her fingers inside her eyes snapped open. She gave a surprised "mmmphf?!", sound as her legs opened themselves wider of their own accord, driven to do so by the remnants of the lust venom. It was still nice and slick in Umi's pussy so Mel's fingers easily slid inside and made a lewd "shlick shlick shlick" noise as she fingered her bee babe.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Well, well I could I refuse this?" Elmyra said has her hands started stroking Lina cocks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Lina smiles happily and slowly eases her cocks into Elmyra's ass and pussy at the same time, sinking them in all the way to the hilt as she wraps her arms around her shoulders and starts fucking her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"And thaaat's more like it. Still tight enough to enjoy?" Melanie moaned, drawn out, and interrupted by the constant smack of her hips against Wendy's ass. She didn't wait for an answer, as only a moment later, she was cumming hard. Regardless of whether or not she was tight before, she seized up around Korlish's thick cock beautifully, still plowing into Wendy with reckless abandon as a thick splash of minty cum shot forth and painted her inner walls white. More and more of her frothing cum surged from her cock, sure to put a slight swell on Wendy's womb as hearty streams of nectar fell in mirth from her breasts. Sensitive though she was from her orgasm, and panting hard, she held two thumbs up in the air with a smile, sweat beading at her forehead. "Keep going, it's all fine. Good stamina training, right? Samara, I know you want in. Busco, how'd you feel about round two?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Yes! It feels as good as last time. I think we both deserve a treat for such a day of work" Elmyra then started to kiss Lina


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Off to the side Busco was already rutting Samara with heavy smacks of his hips against her ass "Sorry Mel... this one is all mine right now!" He grunts as she squeezes around his cock and he moves faster in return.

Wendy wails in pleasure, her pussy tightening up even more and soaking her cock with girl cum as her belly pushes out form her truly massive load of cum. Walsh keeps on fucking her hand as fast as his hips can move while gulping down her nectar even as his belly starts to swell out. Korlish nods at the thumbs up and keeps on plowing her pussy, his cock hitting all the right places as he goes to down.

Lina pushes into the kiss, her gooey tongue slipping into her mouth and wrapping around Elmyra's tongue. Her hips move at a steady pace, fucking her pussy and ass, their two gooes mixing together to make some rather lewd noises.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I hope no one is hearing us like this" Elmyra then got back at kissing Lina liking the feeling of the soft gooey tongue.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Lina's hands move up to grope her big breasts and tug on her nipples getting the milk flowing so her gooey body and soak it up. Her pace picks up the speed, fucking her eagerly as the goo girls pleasure rises.