Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"C-course." Melanie hummed with a quick stutter. The sensitivity from her previous orgasm was just too good, while the haze in her mind only grew from the lust fumes as she gripped Umi's hips. Slowly, she pushed forwards to the hilt, sinking all fourteen delicious inches into her bee babe's stretched, supple cunt, uttering a string of short moans and she drove forwards and back, already moving in shallow thrusts, as Korlish still fucked her hard from behind.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta went rigid. She had never taken a dick so big that it had penetrated her womb before, and the sudden rush of new sensations flooding her body lit the fire that she thought had been burned out for the day. "Greta!" she cried.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta snorts awake and sits up, rubbing her eyes sleepily "Hmm? What is it? What did I miss?!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Sweet pleasure filled moan rang out from Umi as her Pussy was filled, then pistioned into. once again the feeling of Mels nice long cock rubbing her walls filled her mind and filled her body. She frankly was unsure how she was able to even stay conscious after the fuck that Busco gave her let alone the kind of fucking that was going on now. Maybe her venom had given her enough pep to last... or may her Zil libido was awakening. Either way Umi was still horny and Mel was giving her what she needed.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"At this rate, you will master this piece by the end of the day!" Elmyra happily said as she continued to play her part.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Lina smiled and blubbed happily at her, playing her part of the song near instantly when Elmyra ends hers. The two of them practice again and again, three hours trickling by before.... they sync up. The song plays without a hitch and echos thorugh the halls of the massive manor. As the last not fades, A soft click is heard and a secret hatch opens on the side of the piano.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"She's so deep inside me!" Unta cried. "And she won't stop squirming. But, my clit needs some attention to," she mewled, as she tried desperately to rub her entrance with her tail, but it just wasn't prehensile enough.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Lina moves over to investigate as well. Inside they see a star made of gold with a topaz in the middle. It is ornately crafted and could be worth a fortune!

Greta looked at Unta and her eyes widened "Wait... You put Binx inside of you?! Why would you... but that wasn't..." She sighs and shakes her head. "Never mind" She gets up and moves behind Unta, instantly droping down and rubbing at her clit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Lina shrugs her shoulders and grabs the star, lifting it up and examining it. She seems to be in intense focus.... before she tries licking the gem in the center.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Um... Okay, I don't know where you are going with this..." Elmyra said while watching Lina lick the gem


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
It is pretty darn clear that she doesn't have a single clue what to do with the star as she licks it and and then moves to just rolling it around in her hands.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta lost her breath as Greta's hand wrapped around her engorged clit. Her tail lifted up between Greta's legs; pulling her closer, as Unta just lay there gasping.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie only proceeded to nail Umi harder, driving in deep, with her hips moving in a blur as the lust fumes drugged her mind and left her more eager than usual to rut. Her fat, bulbous balls were already rushing back to near-full capacity, gaining their fair share of pleasure as they smacked noisily against Umi's clit on each heavy thrust. Suddenly, a low whine escaped Melanie, and Umi surely felt her hands on her hips, trying to turn her over onto her stomach. "Mmhm I've just gotta try this ass. Umi, you've gotta let me do it!" She said, pulling out, and grinding frantically against her thigh, while looking pleadingly at the Zil as she bit her lip


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
After constant wiggling Unta can feel her cervix slowly slide closed as Binx gets settled inside of her womb. Her hands rub, her tongue licks and she does everything she can to tease from inside. Meanwhile, Greta is rubbing Unta's clit with both hands before a grin spreads across her face and she slowly drags her tongue up it.

Korlish grins as Melanie so desperately tries to get into Umi's ass and slowly pulls out as well before pressing his cock against Melanie's ass "Oh, are we switching this to an anal rodeo now? Fine by me... up to Umi now though." He says teasingly as his hands move around cup Melanie's breasts while still letting Walsh gulp down her nectar and thrust into her hand. that all comes to an end though when he suddenly pops off and howls, blowing his load all over Melanie's thigh, cock and stomach, and then promptly falling backwards.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was twisting and turning and generally squirming around as Melanie jack hammed her puffy Zil cunt. sweet honey was leaking all over Mel's thighs and cock and Umi was moaning out loud with her long yellow tongue hanging out of her mouth. but suddenly, Melanie stopped and pulled out and Umi gave a whining sounding moan. But then she was able to thunk again for secound and she felt Melanie's hands on her waist and trying to turn her on her stomach they she herd she wanted to go into ...her ass... Umi snapped out of her lusty haze. "You-You... wanna go in..... m-my ass?", Umi said her expression uncertain. then Mel started grinding against her with her long peen and she soon felt a bit of Walsh's cum splatter on to her legs, this made her shiver. "s-she wants to go in my ass.... I've-I've never had my ass used before....." she thought hesitation all over her face as well as deep bronze blush. Then she saw Melanie pleading look and she didn't want to say no to her.... "A-Alright..... bu-but i-it wont hurt w-will it?", Umi said in a slightly worried tone, all the while honey continued to leak out of her pussy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie brightened up, already scooping up globs of Walsh's cum from her thigh and pressing it against Umi's asshole for lube. "Oh thank you! Thank you! Gah this is gonna be great! I'll be gentle, I promise. Stop me if it's too much." She ranted, reaching back to guide Korlish to her own butt, and lining up with Umi's tight rim as her tapered tip poked around experimentally. She swiped her hand across Umi's wet slit, collecting the sweet honey, and slicking up her own length. Then, unable to wait any longer, she pressed the first two inches forwards, stretching the Zil wide with that slight penetration alone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Korlish grins behind her and slowly beings to press his cock into Melanie's ass as well, moaning at the much tighter and hotter hole squeezes around his cock.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The stimulation of her clit is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Unta clenches up, tightening as much as she can, before releasing and spraying Greta's face and chest with a shower of femcum.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi's abdomen shot straight up as a loud gasp flew out of her mouth. There was some pain to the stretch but the pleasure she felt out weighed the discomfort. Her anal wall clamped down on the invading member almost as it it didn't want it to leave and again Umi's tongue rolled out of her mouth. "O-Oh f-f-fuck!", she shouted as her waist shook. "...Its....its...ok....go...go on...."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta sputtered as she was showered in fem cum, but it was cut short by Binx being forced out of Unta's womb and pussy by her clenching muscles, sending the two cum soaked girls sprawling over backwards.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie pulled out, half to tease her, but also to smear some more of the copious makeshift lube along her cock. She leaned forwards, getting a quick grope on Umi's breasts as she whispered in her ear. "Relax, alrighty? Just loosen up, and whatever you do, don't think about how everyone is watching you right now." She said, bringing a cum-soaked hand down to rub Umi's clit. Contrary to her own words, Melanie's well-trained ass seized up tight around Korlish, bracing herself as she drove the first four inches back home, starting with a few slow and shallow thrusts.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Telling Umi not to think of everyone watching her was like telling someone not to think about a pink rhinoceros. She could feel the eyes on her drinking in her buxom nude body. But, she did try, she shut her eyes and tried to only think about her and Mel together right now. When Melanie went for her cunt she gave another moan and more honey leaked out to meat her fingers to make sure she had plenty of wetness to work with for lube. Then when Mel pushed her minty fuck stick back into her tight pucker again Umi made a gasp but thankfully her ass had relaxed enough for her to take the long shlong's first four inches without much strain and the few thrust gave her brand new pleasure and bliss to feel, to with she gave a moan for. She put her hands over her face as she thought "Oh god she's using my ass and everyone can see!"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx coughed and nods her head "Yea... as much fun as that was... maybe we should just shelf that idea for now. I think I will be smelling like you for... possibly the rest of my life."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Nope! Not at all!" She reaches out and rests her hand on Unta, changing her pussy and womb back to normal again "Geeze, you two are really crazy to try something like that."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
With a grunt, fucking herself back onto Korlish's hard cock, Melanie drove in another two inches before drawing quickly back. With a few more of the shallower thrusts, she stilled behind Umi, gripping her luscious ass hard as the glaze in her eyes spurred her on. Deeming her ready for the real penetration, she spread her cheeks wide, slowly spearing Umi to her core with her slippery rod as another five inches disappeared in her tight ass.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Well give me that I will see if I can make something out of it" Elmyra said while taking the gem from Lina hand