Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Heeding Wendy's advice, Umi kept her head down and her eyes open. Being a Zil meant she had a wide field of vision with her large black eyes, not only did she keep and eye out for movement, but she also had to make sure nothing caught her sundress. she wasn't sure how tough it was and she didn't want to be naked in a place like this.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy lead her deeper into the forest, keeping her spear tightly gripped in her hand. On several occasions she stopped and slowly moved around a vine that actually was a snake being tricky. Sadly, Umi was forced to stop several times to untangle the back of her sun dress form one plant or another. Thankfully it seemed rather strong so it didn't rip... but everything seemed out to grab it.

"Look, see those platforms up above? That is where the badger people live." Looking up showed lots of wooden platforms and bridges. "I have no idea where your friend is though..."
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked up at the platforms above intently. "Maybe... if we watch a little we might get a clue to where she is... Maybe the place with the most commotion would be were she is.", Umi whispered.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I suppose we could... but it has been a while so... I doubt they are still fighting over here. One of them has most likely claimed her and is well... fucking her brains out right about now." She gives her an apologetic look and moves on deeper, trying to find a commotion. After dodging more snakes they eventually hear some sort of commotion from above. "well. something is going on up there... but how can we get up?" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
The texture of Busco's dragon cock was a new, strange but wonderful experience, and Melanie shuddered in pleasure as his hands moved to penetrate her deeper. She breathed in the savory scent of Samara's waiting pussy and dove straight in, plunging her tongue into her cunt as she moved her snout to rub her clit. Melanie shifted her legs, letting gravity do the work as she slid further down onto Busco while his girth forced her to open up. Licking the walls of Samara's cunt tenaciously, Melanie moaned, feeling his cum trickle into her ass.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Samara let out a girly squeal of bliss as her pussy was attacked by Melanie's persistent tongue, her walls gripped down tightly on the wiggly appendage to seek out more contact with it as her lubricant began to leak from her pussy. Busco gave a grunt and started to bounce Melanie on his cock, taking her down to his hilt before lifting her back up only to do it all again. His tapered tip made sliding deep inside of her very easy and as his pre cum leaked out it served as extra lube for her ass. 

"Ffuuuuck! Melanie! your ass is the tightest I have ever been in!" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
With the added lube, Melanie bounced down harder on Busco. Each roll of her hips brought her closer into Samara's pussy, while dragging that thick dragon cock hard across her tight inner walls. With her mouth, she formed a vacuum around Samara's clit, sucking away while her tongue poked and prodded what it could reach. She reached back, removing the leverage of her arm and forcing her to use her legs, as she fondled Busco's four balls with passion. Her own cock was well and ready to have a certain someone testing it out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a frustrated groan Samara pulled her pussy away from Melanie, spun around so the two girls were face to face and quickly sunk that huge avian cock straight into her pussy. "Yes! I need this dick in me so bad! It feels so good!" Her walls clamp around Melanie's cock as she takes it to the hilt, quickly moving her hips in a circle to make it grind against her walls. The added weight means Busco basically drops Melanie back down onto his cock, loud slaps ringing out between them along with lewd wet sucking noises as his cock slips out and pushes into her ass.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Her natural bioluminescence kicked on once she entered the darkened staircase. Unta picked her way carefully down the steps; having six legs helped, but she had never been good with stairs. Steadily, keeping her friends in bodily contact so she didn't loose them, they made their way down.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The stairs go down for a long time, Unta's natural glow being the only thing keeping them from stumbling down to a painful end at the bottom. Both Binx and Greta hold onto her hands tightly as they make theri way down and finally come to the floor at the bottom. the landing below was just another hallway that only went forward a short distance before they come face to face with another door. 

Binx: I don't know why... but I was actually hoping for something other than a door. Not like our first door lead us astray... I was just thinking this place could do more than doors."

Greta: "It's a labryinth, it is trying to confuse us, so everything is supposed to look the same."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The handle was heavy and seemed a tad sticky, but with her strength it went down easily enough. The door unlocked and ready to open. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The moment the door cracked open a wave of heat rushed forward and met their faces. Behind the door was a vast volcanic land, charred black and made hostile by rivers and puddles of lava. Geysers of green gas would occasionally blast into the air in the distance. the group now stood on a flat area surrounded by two lava streams, the door slamming shut behind them.

Greta shook in place and squeezed Unta's hand while Binx just looked surprised. "Wow! I was not expecting this!" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The first order of business was getting out of the active volcano. Unta looked around frantically, looking far a path through the lava fields.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked around and pondered how they would indeed get up there. She then looked to some of the vines hanging around them. "Say, could we maybe use these vines as ropes to climb?" Umi said as she looked at the vines intently. She really did want to get Luna out of there... she didn't deserve this... nobody did.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
There was a narrow path to their left that led down and further into this zone. Large rocks of all shapes were dotted about as well.

Binx: "I guess we have to go single file now huh?"

Wendy looked about and nodded. "Yea, I suppose so... just watch out for the snakes as per usual. We won't really be able to fight while climbing up vines." She located a thick cluster of vines, grabbed on and started climbing up first.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Alright, everyone, nice and easy, just keep your eyes on the person in front of you," said Unta as she took the first few steps down the path.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta wen't after Unta with Binx taking up the rear. the path was just wide enough for Unta to walk through though her feet got very close to the edges at times, mostly during the turns. Eventually the path widened out again and they were met with a four way split.

Greta: "Which... which way do we go? There are so many paths!"

Binx: "take it easy girl! It's not like the paths are attacking us!" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The path led them further into the hot unforgiving land and Binx was already sweating buckets. Up ahead was a large round area free from lava with a huge rock in the middle. Before they could get much further, the sound of large wings flapping in the distance could be heard getting closer and closer before a dragon man landed in frotn of Unta. He stood maybe seven feet tall, Covered head to toe in red scales, With a drgon muzzled face, four long horns, quills for hair, large wings on his back, a spikey scaled tail above his bum and clawed dragon feet. He was only wearing a a kilt for clothes. 

"Halt outsiders! The land ahead of you is too dangerous. Please, turn around now." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta looked down at the drake, with a relieved smile. "Oh, good, there are natives in this place. Hey, buddy, you wouldn't happen to know a good place to get out of this heat would you?" she asked, in a friendly tone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the dragon man looked over Unta and smiled happily! "Oh! A sister of the scales! Yes, I do know a place to escape the heat though you and your friends are going the wrong way. Please, turn around and I shall guide you!" He beat his large wings and hovered near by over the lava, his attention on Unta for the most part. "You are lucky I found you, Un'bunga would have made quick work of you three as you are now... naked and unarmed."

Greta: "What is un'bunga?"

Dragon: "That large rock over there is actually alive... and very cranky."

he leads the group back and down a different path, this one not as wide but still doable by Unta. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Down the path they go until the dragon man lands in front of a large boulder marked with image of a tree. He grabs it and uses some surprising strength to roll it to the side, revealing a light cave behind it. he waves everyone in and closes the boulder behind him before leading them down a short cave tunnel and into a large cave. It is much cooler in here, light by glowing blue crystals and even has a large pool of water large and deep enough for Unta to gget into!

Dragon: "This is a rest stop! My people mark them with trees so we always know what is a save cave and what is not so friendly. Please, drink the water and rest for a while."

Binx: She runs over to the water and dunks her head into for a few seconds before pulling out with a gasp. "Oh that is so much better!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta turned to their escort. "I'm sorry, I don't believe we got your name. I'm Unta. This is Greta, and the one with her head in the water is Binx." She motioned to her friends in turn.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
He smiles at her "I am Augustus! Or you can just call me Aug, lots of my friends do because it is shorter. a pleasure to meet you all. I must ask... how did you aquire such an exquisite form Unta? I thought the time of large bodied dragons was over."  
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