Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Umi and Wendy made it back to the beach and over to her hut where the otter plopped down on her butt. "I know Umi... but that place is just too darn dangerous. The badgers have speed, power, numbers and terrain on their side. But keep your chin up... those badgers are also fairly stupid... I bet she has thought up an escape already!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Thank you Winston for all you've done for me, so I think it's time for me to leave" Luna said while taking back her clothes


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Winston nods and gets a length of vine before waiting for her to dress. Once she has her clothes on, he pulls her arms behind her back and wraps the vine around her wrist nice and tight. however, he presses the end of it into her palm so all she has to do is let go of it and the entire thing will fall off. "Well, if you will excuse me, I am going for a nice long walk." He stands up and puts down a bunch of 6 bananas "I am also just going to leave these here.. hope no one takes them." With a final wink he walks out of the shack. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Resources? Then the rest of this place isn't as desolate as out there?" Unta asked, hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna quickly got out of her binding, took the banana and left Winston house by one of the window. All of this was done in the most silent way possible.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Not if you know what you are doing. The rock creatures are meaty on the inside, Cinder melon and Magma root grow quickly with the right ash mixture. You just have to be very careful about how you tend to everything. Being immune to fire, heat and lava really does help though." 

Luna slips out of the window and finds herself on the wooden platform. There is no obvious way back down so she will have to get creative. There are no badgers currently near her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna decided to as she alway did back on her home planet, climb her way back to the ground on the main tree of the platform.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the vines around Luna were too thin to climb down but she should see a thick bunch of them just to the north. Issue is, two badgers are grunting at each other directly in her path to freedom. 

Wendy nodded her head. "I just did the old 'what is that over there?!' and they all fell for it long enough for me to get back to the beach and dive into the water. Like I said... real stupid." She wraps her arms around Umi in a comforting hug.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Is there any chance that you'd be willing to take us to your village?" asked Unta.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna took a branch lying around her and threw it in the forest below right beside the two badger right before hiding. She was hopping that sound would bait them out of her way.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Aug nodded with gusto "Yes! I would be happy to take you and your friends to our village. you would just have to meet with our Matron first thing since she is in charge and it would be rude not too."

The two badgers snarled and quickly slid down the nearest tree to check out the sound. Her path is clear!


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna quickly rushed down the tree. When her feet where on the ground she ran in the opposite direction of the village as far as she could.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
If the bagders were that dumb Luna might just have a shot, so she had hope. her face softened up at this and she clearly enjoyed the hug... more then she would like to admit. this girl appeared to be from somewhere where the didn't quite know about the zil, and even if she was she didnt seem to judge her at all. most people always immediately though she was some kind of nymphomaniac just because she was a zil. but this girl didn't... like chak she just seemed to like her...(at least she hoped she did.)

Being hugged by a cute naked girl like Wendy was quite arousing but before she could notice it a decently sized cloud of lust fume had wafted it way out of her pussy. she gasped when she smelled it and put her hands under her sundress. she felt some wetness on her pussy under there and blush heavily. "Oh shit I-I'm sorry! you were hugging me and- it was very comfortable and-and-and-" she said tripping over her own words.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As Luna ran along she was soon heard the tell tale sound of badgers chasing after her! They grunted and snarled as their new found prety was making her escape and were rather upset about that. Luna has to think quickly, they are gaining on her!

"Well alright, if you three are ready then." He turned and lead them back out of the cave, the hot air buffering their faces as he rolled the boulder out of the way. Once out they took to another path, heading further into the lava fields with Aug in the lead. Every time a geyser would hiss out gas Greta would squawk and grab onto Unta for dear life, shaking like a leaf. They soon see a large village built from magma rock and lit by ever burning torches. It stood out from the rest of the lands as long fields of gray ash are being used to farm while dragon folk walk and fly about.

"Don't worry, outsiders are welcome here."

Wendy smiled and silenced Umi with a soft kiss to the lips while her hand slid down to rest over her wet pussy. "Stop worrying so much and just come here. I told you a bit of lust fumes won't addle me... but they sure got me in the mood." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna decided to use her small body to her adventage. She decided to go in a far more dense part of the jungle. Her small size would mean an easier time for her to pass between the roots and branch, while their bigger size would hinder them much more than her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her plan is not really working out as intended as the badgers have been living here long enough for the terrain to not make much of a difference to their movement. The gap gets smaller between them but Luna can see the beach off in the distance! All the stands in her way now is a big tangle of hanging vines!


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Maybe I am faster then them at climbing" Luna said. Right before crashing on the vine Luna decided to jump and then grasp the vine and climb them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gasped as she gasped out as she felt Wendy's hand touch her black lower lips. Umi looked away but she didn't move to resist. It felt good to have her hand there even if she did feel very embarrassed. Wendy could see Umi's nipples hardening poking through her sundress, and feel her clit poking her hand.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta reached down and put a comforting hand on Greta's shoulder before walking into the village.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Luna climbed and climbed only to notice that the badger people took a few looks up at her and promptly scattered away. The reason why quickly became obvious as one of the vines wrapped around her middle and pulled her up into the air! It's no vine, is a very long green snake! It's body coils around her again and again, getting a bit tighter with every pass.

Wendy used her other hand to pull the sun dress off of Umi and quickly pushed their lips back together, her tongue slipping into Umi's mouth pleayfull while she moved both hands up to grope and fondle her breasts firmly but tenderly. 

Inside of the village was a sigh to behold as red scaled dragon people moved too and fro on their daily business. Many of them stopped to wave at the new comers before flying off or turning back to their work. The buildings blended into the ground a bit but they stood out because of how smooth the rock has been polished. The roof of each house was a light gray and kidn of reminded Unta of hardened clay.

Aug: "All the houses are around the outside while the matrons house and gathering center is directly in the middle of the village. The farms are just outside to the east as you saw on the way in. come along, the matron would want to meet you."

He leads them deeper inside and into the meeting center which is simply a large circular area with a big fire pit in the center. At the back of the center is a large house that stands out among the rest. he knocks on the door and soon the matron steps out. She is MASSIVE, standing at 10 feet tall, built like a weight lifter and her scales are painted with white tribal tattoos. 

Matron: "Aaaah, outsiders grace our humble village once again. Welcome to our home." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna was fighting against the snake but already much of her bad was retsrained by the snake. "I hope this thing doesn't try to eat me!" Luna said  


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Er, greetings," replied Unta, wondering if this was in fact the matron.

[What, if anything, are these people wearing?]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The snakes head comes down to peer at Luna and her body. She feels it shift about before suddenly, two smooth cocks of 10 inches long suddenly slip from it's genital slit and push into her ass and pussy! They are both dripping with the snakes juices and slide in without any friction at all!

The giant woman nods at Unta "I am the matron of this village. Tell me young one... are you a dragon?"

[They were loin cloths and that is it, even the ladies.]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Mmmphf?!" went Umi as she was stripped naked, had her breasts handled, and was being kissed, all in one fell swoop. Umi's hands tense as she is hit with pleasure she wasn't expecting. Unable to help herself her long tube like tongue shoots into Wendy's mouth as her lust began to take hold. Her hands finally find themslevs grabbing onto Wendy's firm athletic butt, giving it a good squeeze.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The matron looked confused. "I have never heard of a leithan before, but you look like a dragon so I suppose that is good enough. What can I help you with today?"

Wendy's ass has a bit of squish to it, but her over all body tone keeps her from being jiggly in the slightest. She gropes and squishes those lovely zil breasts while she pushes and plays in their tongue battle. After a minute of this she carefully slides one hand down and dips a finger into her waiting pussy, sinking it in to the knuckle. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, Augustus here said it was common courtesy for newcomers to stop by and introduce themselves to you. I'm Unta, and this is Binx and Greta. Beyond that, we were wondering if you could show us where any other passing travelers might have gone after stopping by.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ah, Augustus is right, it would be horribly rude to show up and not give me a greeting. We do not get many of your outsiders i'm afraid, and all the ones we do get simply want to know where the exit is. I will tell you the same thing I have told them. It is far to the north past the great lava river. Normally I would offer to fly you there but you are most likely over my weight limit to carry and fly at the same time... no offense meant."