Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Hey! You seems to have not wasted your time over here!" Luna shouted to both woman enjoying each other.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Her eyes skimmed across the strange insect man. With caution surrounding her choice of words, Melanie poked her head into the ant man's field of vision with a wave of her hand and spoke. "Hi... this seems to happen to me a lot, but I'm more than just a little lost. You've got a sweet set of chitin by the way, I just happened to get some of my own on the way here, but uh... yeah. The one tunnel led me here."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"MMM?!" Seeing Luna there both embarrassed but also made her happy to see she was ok. But, she could see she was no longer cat like but more like a badger! She was so surprised/embarrassed that she inadvertently jammed her tongue further into Wendy. She was treated to even more wetness now the Umi's arousal was being fueled by embarrassment.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Far to the north? Are we talking days, weeks, should I just pack a lunch? Help me out here," said Unta, trying to get a feel for the woman.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy squealed but quickly regained herself. She lifted her head up and lets Umi rest for a moment while looking over to Luna "Hey! I knew you would escape... though you are decidedly more badger now. It looks good on you though if that helps at all. But that is for later, want to eat this zil pussy with me?"

The ant man wailed in terror, dropped his basket and curled into a ball. "Oh please don't hurt me! I am just a gatherer! Not a soldier! Please just let me go!" he shook like a leaf on the ground, his eyes squeezed shut.

the matron chuckled at her. "Well then, you are a cheeky one arent you? I am talking two days travel... and you would have to find a way across a lava lake. The door is on the other side of it. So several lunches would be best to pack."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"No sorry, no more sex for me. I won't tell you what I did to escape these badger. But at least I know where the door is!" Luna walked toward the water and started to wash herself. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy just shrugged her shoulders and dove her tongue back into Umi's pussy, lapping at her walls and sucking at her clit as fast as she could all while pushing her own cunt down onto Umi's face. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I don't suppose you have a merchant in this town then do you? Or, a general store? Or, maybe just a friendly farmed?" asked Unta.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"No we don't have a merchant or general store. If you want food you need to work for it just like everyone else here. You could work on the farms, help repair damaged houses, help organize the supply house... or if you really just aren't up for manual labor, present yourself for the town to use. Sex is always welcome here, especially if it doesn't risk our population going up." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie was more than a tad confused by the reaction. Sure, four arms and glowing eyes might be a little weird on the surface, but not if she was a mirror images of him in that specific regard. The ant man was wailing like a kid. Melanie didn't like kids, or more realistically, had no idea what to do with them. As a start, she cleared her throat, forcing a softer tone onto herself. "Hey pal... you gather things? I like to gather things too, and I'm not gonna hurt you." She never did make the smartest decisions, but for whatever reason, it felt necessary to make herself seem like less of a threat to convince him to pipe up, and so she patted herself down thoroughly. "Look, not a weapon on me. Now if I could help you to your feet, you could give me an idea of where I might find my friends."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
His head perks up and he stops shaking. "Oh... your a gatherer as well? Sorry about that, I just took you for a solider and lost it." He stands up again and grabs his basket. "you lost your friends? Did you go down a different tunnel? That happens a lot, you could just back track to find them." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Jeez, these people are worse than those horses. "A supply house, you say?" Unta asked.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes. We have a large supply house just inside of the village were all the farm bring their crops for storage. It takes a lot of work to keep everything organised and in order, I am sure the people there would love some help getting things all caught up. It would be simple work, just carrying the supplies and putting them with the others of that type. I would say.... three days of solid work would earn you two days of travel supplies."

Binx: "Three days of work?! We can't stay here for three days, we need to keep moving!"

Greta: Well... really we don't have much to move for... though this place is really scary..." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Seeing him spring back so quickly was a good sign, and Melanie allowed herself to breathe a bit easier. "Well, I'm not exactly from around here. I ate a few berries on my way down that tunnel actually, which is why we kind of look alike. Do you know anything about the labyrinth? It's what brought me here, and it's what separated me and my team. Three big wolf people, about yea big, and a boar man with a war hammer. Hold on, that's probably a lot to spring on you, so we'll backtrack real quick and start small. My name's Melanie, what's yours?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The ant man did look confused at all the questions but perked up when she went backwards. "My name is Tomlin! You can call me Tom! Nice to meet you Melanie! Now... one questions at a time please."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Indeed I did. While the stone we use to make our homes is sturdy, it is also brittle so when damaged it cracks and chips away rather quickly. So several of the houses around here need blocks chiseled and replaced around their homes. This is more atrisan work so one full day of work would get you your supplies... assuming you are skilled in that area." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Okay, let's hear it," Unta said, with a sigh. "You mentioned something about sex work?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well, we need to keep our population in control around here which means sex can be risky since we need to avoid having too many children. So when outsiders like you come around we make the offer of sex for supplies since you can't get pregnant with us. Same as the stone work, one day will get you two days supplies and all you have to do is fuck and be fucked. Very easy yes?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"So, just walk around town lifting my tail for anyone who asks?" Unta was surprised to find herself growing moist at the though.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"If you want to, yes. Or you could simply sit in the village center here and wait for people to pull up and use you freely. All depends on if you want to expedite your sex or remain stationary. If your friends here pitched in as well we would owe you six days of supplies... that would get you places I would like to think."

Both Binx and Great blushed before looking to the side, unsure if Unta wanted them to help out or if she was just going to shoulder the burden. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta looked back at her friends. "Well, if you two wouldn't mind helping out, you could walk around town and let people know that I'm up for grabs," she said, giving them a playful smile.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx and Greta both nodded happily.

Greta: Yes! We can do that!

Binx: don't worry, we will spread the word loudly and proudly!

With that the two of them scurry off to spread the word that a free fuck hole is up in town center!

Matron: "Well, if that is the path you pick... might I go first?" She reaches down and removes her loin cloth to reveal a genital slit, a huge dragon cock slowly growing out from it and stopping at 36 inches long and 5 inches thick. "I am too big for my clan... but you look sturdy enough to take it." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Jesus, honey, it almost touches the ground," exclaimed Unta, reaching out and gripping the base with her hand. How did you end up with something like this, and where were you hiding it?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I am the matron of this clan, all Matrons are hermaphrodites! We are the pinnacle of life after all, both mother and father. As for where I was hiding it... genital slits are a wonderful thing!" She chuckles and pushes her hips forward a bit, rubbing her cock against Unta's hands. "In fact, the average dragon cock is 24 inches long."  


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, this should be fun then," replied Unta, standing up and leaning in to plant a small kiss on the matron's lips as she slowly slid her arms around her shoulders. "I should warn you that, when I get turned on, I become a bit of a nymph. So, why don't you take me to this town square, because I can't wait for you to fuck me in front of your people," she cooed into the matron's ear.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The matron smiled at her and gave her breasts a quick grope. "you might want to turn around then...." Upon turning around Unta remembers that they are basically in the town center and there is already a large crowd of maybe twenty dragons waiting for a turn with her. Taking her arm, the matron walks her down to the center and to a large rock sitting near by. "Here, use this rock to steady yourself if you like... other wise, simply lift your tail for me." She plants a kiss on Unta's lips before moving around behind her and spanking her ass. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta rested her body on the low stone table until her backside was about even height with the matron's dick, before she looked back and gave rueful smile. "Shouldn't a matron take her prize?" she asked, keeping her tail clamped tightly over her pussy, but swaying her massive ass in front of the big herm.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh? you like it a bit rough do you? I can oblige that request." She suddenly grabs Unta's tail and yanks it aside, exposing her nethers to the entire village square. "Here me my people! This girl is, for the rest of this day, your personal fuck hole! Cum in her, cum on her, use her as you see fit! I will be sating my lust first to... introduce her to her new position!" Unta can feel dozens of eyes on her ass as the matron steps forward and quickly sinks her massive tool straight in to the hilt!