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Aug 26, 2015
945 could simply find the lethicite that belongs to Lethice....It's probably still around somewhere since she was the first one to discover how to make it by doing it to herself iirc. I doubt she let anyone else use it and odds are she'd have it stored somewhere.

Lethicite is consumed by demons for magic power.  In fact this is the reason they originally became demons in the first place: they figured out how to suck out a person's soul and turn it into a crystal that could be used for much more powerful magic than traditional techniques, it turned out a person without a soul becomes a demon.  Demons are constantly in search of fresh victims in large part to take their souls for lethicite.  Whatever crystal Lethice might have originally produced is almost certainly long gone, and they're almost certainly not sitting on a stockpile of any considerable quantity since demons are by nature creatures of wanton impulse.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
In principle, there's no real reason for NOT being able to kill any and all enemies, should you wish to.

That being said, I don't really see a huge upside to it either.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That's like saying tapeworms are forced to keep you thin.

Forgot sarcasm.jpg

Well it makes sense. But I was kind of hoping for the mostly no killing playthrough.

I know it´s off topic, but would anyone who knows be so kind to tell me what affects the fuck up meter? (For ex. Getting slave Ceraph or sand succubus)


Jan 8, 2016
Thank you. Took me a while to somewhat understand it. (Who am I kidding I have no idea what half of this means...)

Flags are used to describe the state of things. So if a flag is equal to 1, ie.

if(flags[kFLAGS.URTA_QUEST_STATUS] == 1)
levelOfFuckedness -= 30;

This (probably) means that 0 means you haven't completed the quest and 1 means you have (the flag is initially 0, and becomes 1 when you finish the quest).

levelOfFuckedness -= 30;

is equivalent to

levelOfFuckedness = levelOfFuckedness - 30;

It's just saying that levelOfFuckedness has 30 taken away from its value, whatever that may be.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Flags are used to describe the state of things. So if a flag is equal to 1, ie.

if(flags[kFLAGS.URTA_QUEST_STATUS] == 1)
levelOfFuckedness -= 30;

This (probably) means that 0 means you haven't completed the quest and 1 means you have (the flag is initially 0, and becomes 1 when you finish the quest).

levelOfFuckedness -= 30;

is equivalent to

levelOfFuckedness = levelOfFuckedness - 30;

It's just saying that levelOfFuckedness has 30 taken away from its value, whatever that may be.

What about this: 

if(flags[kFLAGS.AMILY_FOLLOWER] == 2)


levelOfFuckedness += 10;

Maybe I should just post a new CoC thread about this. For whoever might be interested.


Jan 8, 2016
What about this: 

if(flags[kFLAGS.AMILY_FOLLOWER] == 2)


levelOfFuckedness += 10;

Maybe I should just post a new CoC thread about this. For whoever might be interested.

What Etis said. I don't know exactly how the choices in CoC correspond to their flags, but it's a safe bet that if it's a positive modifier to levelOfFuckedness then it involves corruption. In this case it's probably something like 0 corresponds to Amily not being a follower, 1 corresponds to her being a regular follower, 2 is corrupt follower.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I think I got the gist of it now, thanks. The only thing I´m left wondering over is why killing the harpy queen is a positive thing. Considering how much she hated the demons.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
The likes of Faell and Carver are bad, but they do also have souls and don't necessarily lack empathy.

Hard for me to look at a mass murderer or slaver and say 'that person has a soul and their life has intrinsic value'.

Although letting the player murder their Cousin at a probe and then the rest of the game being in "Murderer" mode, where all the content suddenly gets really nondescript and shallow and the ending just has you getting arrested without disclosure would be funny and make a lot of people mad. So mad.

Rightly so.

In Tits however it doesn't fit as well because of the presence of law, and Steele having far far more to lose by being imprisoned for criminal activity. There's no reason for steele to kill anything except possibly for self defense.....unless it's a parasite. Because Fuck parasites. Steele could kill those while laughing madly and brandishing a flamethrower and still probably go unpunished.

"Presence of law" ... Are we talking about the same game, here? Last I checked, there are violent sentients on every world you visit that want to beat you up, take your money, and/or rape you. Even on Tavros station, armed mercenaries can get in and shoot up the place. Do you get arrested for shooting up the bar's backroom or Deck 92? Nope.

Heck, public nudity is banned, and yet half the shopkeepers are partially or completely nude. And you can walk Reaha right out the front door of the Brothel and you don't get arrested.

If people are getting away with this stuff on a heavily populated space station, what makes you think Steele would get charged with murder from an act carried out in some backwater armpit? I think you're being generous in assuming that anyone would even find the body.

Your rival certainly doesn't seem to care, considering he tries to kill you with his gunship after your fight with Dane.

About the only reason I can think of as to why you wouldn't want to shoot your attacker is because some of them have been written as repeatable encounters, like the Myr deserters and the female Naleen. And those could easily be preserved with a 'they scramble away at the last second' dialogue; it would be better than just 'well, I know this girl is going to keep attacking me and probably anyone else she happens upon, but I really should let her go.'


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think I got the gist of it now, thanks. The only thing I´m left wondering over is why killing the harpy queen is a positive thing. Considering how much she hated the demons.

They inhabit "the ends justify the means" mindset, which is why I discredited them and the Sand Witches when I said the Champion was the sole voice of resistance. The Harpy Queen captured Hel's father, allegedly after asking him. What's the enslavement of one person to field a hybrid army? Well, that added up to a childhood of pain and suffering for Helia. And if Valeria's words were an indicator there were others that were captured and used as breeding stock for the rest of their lives. The Sand Witches have taken to open-house slavery and using their magic to transform other people to suit their needs, typically involving lots and lots of lactation. The Champion could only talk (and buy) sense into one of their Covens.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
I very much agree with what Trogdor said. The law rarely seems to catch up to people in TiTS' story, and when it does it's generally due to the PC's direct involvement. Clearly, the law does not care what happens to you, either. There isn't much of an establishment of law on some of the planets we've been to, so that makes some amount of sense. However, even in places like Tavros it seems like the Black Void can do what it wants to you if you can't fight back.

Had they, indeed, put in some finger-wagging scene on Mhen'ga where you get arrested for killing your rival in the middle of a jungle on an almost completely uncivilized planet, it would only appear more and more ridiculous as Saendra's quest and other similar events were added to the game to compare it against.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Had they, indeed, put in some finger-wagging scene on Mhen'ga where you get arrested for killing your rival in the middle of a jungle on an almost completely uncivilized planet, it would only appear more and more ridiculous as Saendra's quest and other similar events were added to the game to compare it against.

I'm pretty sure that the black void (read as: influential space mafia on steroids) can probably get away with sending death squands after some random relaitively unimportant girl easier than Steele (a currently not overly rich or influential heir/ess) with murdering her/his cousin. Especially since said Steele has a clear motive and said cousin a father (who is currently much richer and more influential than Steele) that will probably want to make sure you spend a long time in prison.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
I'm pretty sure that the black void (read as: influential space mafia on steroids) can probably get away with sending death squands after some random relaitively unimportant girl easier than Steele (a currently not overly rich or influential heir/ess) with murdering her/his cousin. Especially since said Steele has a clear motive and said cousin a father (who is currently much richer and more influential than Steele) that will probably want to make sure you spend a long time in prison.

The problem, I think, would be the inconsistent application of realism. Or "realism", depending on your disposition. I can accept a new Wild West where people live hard and die hard, or I can accept something more grounded in reality where killing people has consequences. However, I dislike the idea of violence being treated in a more realistic fashion in one instance while, on Tavros, being rich and powerful enough allows you to send armed squads of mercenaries to kill and kidnap people in civilized space with little apparent consequence. That's not particularly realistic no matter how much money you have unless you're a dictator of some sort.

They didn't do this, however, so I have nothing to complain about. I'm really just sharing my thoughts on the matter, and reading others' thoughts, as well.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I'm pretty sure that the black void (read as: influential space mafia on steroids) can probably get away with sending death squands after some random relaitively unimportant girl easier than Steele (a currently not overly rich or influential heir/ess) with murdering her/his cousin. Especially since said Steele has a clear motive and said cousin a father (who is currently much richer and more influential than Steele) that will probably want to make sure you spend a long time in prison.

Sure, if you just shot him in the face somewhere on Tavros station or even in a town. But we're talking about a smouldering crater deep in the middle of a jungle, here. All you'd have to do is huck the bodies to the side, smash his codex, then call for your probe pickup. Surely something in the jungle would eat the corpses long before anybody would come along and find them.

Also, what motive? Rival's dad can't reveal the motive without admitting the scheme they hatched, even if he did somehow find out that he's dead and that you killed him.

And before you suggest 'well, Rival's codex is linked to his vitals and will identify his attacker and send a message over the extranet saying blablabla Steele killed me'.. even if that were possible, it would be equally possible that your Codex would be set up the same way, making it ruinous for him to try to kill you with his gunship, or send his bodyguard after you. After all, even though he tells Dane not to kill you, a lot of things can happen in a fight when guns and swords are involved, and it's very possible that he might kill you accidentally.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Sure, if you just shot him in the face somewhere on Tavros station or even in a town. But we're talking about a smouldering crater deep in the middle of a jungle, here. All you'd have to do is huck the bodies to the side, smash his codex, then call for your probe pickup. Surely something in the jungle would eat the corpses long before anybody would come along and find them.

Also, what motive? Rival's dad can't reveal the motive without admitting the scheme they hatched, even if he did somehow find out that he's dead and that you killed him.

And before you suggest 'well, Rival's codex is linked to his vitals and will identify his attacker and send a message over the extranet saying blablabla Steele killed me'.. even if that were possible, it would be equally possible that your Codex would be set up the same way, making it ruinous for him to try to kill you with his gunship, or send his bodyguard after you. After all, even though he tells Dane not to kill you, a lot of things can happen in a fight when guns and swords are involved, and it's very possible that he might kill you accidentally.

Currently you don't have anything with enough firepower to turn anything into a smouldering crater deep in the middle of a jungle I think. Also pretty muach all things in the jungle seem to prefer sexing up living things over eating dead things apparently, so there's that. But I'm not saying that someone would definitely find out about it. All I'm saying is that the black void in general probably gets away with arson murder and jaywalking much much easier than a random (currently) not overly rich semi-celebrity like Steele.

Your motive is obviously that your cousin is currently trying to stop you from obtaining a huge pile of money (and maybe your very apparent murder-boner). Also what exactly can't your uncle reveal? He and your cousin aren't even doing anything illegal by trying to obtain Steeles inheritance. The pods and the inheritance is pretty much legally up for grabs to anyone with enough Steele DNA to open those pods as far as I unerstood that. The only criminal thing was spying on you in the beginning of the game, which probably will be incriminating enough to make them pay some sort of fee at best.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF

Reasons not to kill Beth Carver:

1)We have not exhausted other means of dealing with her and her slave trading empire yet. Even without their inheritance PC is somewhat rich and influential, not a dowtrodden poor sod who has to resort to vigilante justice.

2)Killing her most likely won't be the most effective way of dismantling her organization.

Reasons not to kill Amara Faell:

1) Shade and Kaede (and Zeke if we ever get to meet him).

2)If you think that every boss of an orginized crime syndycate has to be rounded up and shot, you are literally being more extremist than Stalin on the issue.

3)Both of the reasons listed for Carver also apply. Junior will have to be killing non-stop from here to the last planet to even make a dent on the Balck Void that way.

As for Rival, what exactly do you propose? Killing him during the first encounter, when he has yet to do anything that would threaten PC's life?  Or on Tarkus, a couple hundred meters away from a bar full of chilling UGC officials? On Myrellion, when both he and Dane are imprisoned and defenseless, while you face a whole bunch of rape-y bug people?

Most importantly, you've said yourself that Rival is doing whatever they can to avoid killing PC, and only their brash nature coupled with their incompetence leads them to actions that put PC's life in danger.


I hate to side with the murder boner brigade on anything, but unless the devs decide to ignore in-game logic in order to drive the point home, PC will probably be able to get away with a lot of things. Depending on how much money they got up to that point and whether or not Steele Senior instructed Maki's firm to provide any legal help, Captain Steele can potentially slip away through the cracks of judicial system.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Some of you are trying way too hard to justify killing.

This is not real life, or a game trying to emulate real life in any realistic way. Killing doesn't (commenly) happen because killing doesn't happen in porn. It kills boners.

You can make a million escuses of "but they totally deserve it" or "we can get away with it", but ending a life is a serious thing that doesn't fit in a world with laser shooting goo-babes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The problem, I think, would be the inconsistent application of realism. Or "realism", depending on your disposition. I can accept a new Wild West where people live hard and die hard, or I can accept something more grounded in reality where killing people has consequences. However, I dislike the idea of violence being treated in a more realistic fashion in one instance while, on Tavros, being rich and powerful enough allows you to send armed squads of mercenaries to kill and kidnap people in civilized space with little apparent consequence. That's not particularly realistic no matter how much money you have unless you're a dictator of some sort.

They didn't do this, however, so I have nothing to complain about. I'm really just sharing my thoughts on the matter, and reading others' thoughts, as well.

Welcome to corporative distopia. It's quite clear, that within TiTS setting corporations are true power and law.

Sure, if you just shot him in the face somewhere on Tavros station or even in a town. But we're talking about a smouldering crater deep in the middle of a jungle, here. All you'd have to do is huck the bodies to the side, smash his codex, then call for your probe pickup. Surely something in the jungle would eat the corpses long before anybody would come along and find them.

Also, what motive? Rival's dad can't reveal the motive without admitting the scheme they hatched, even if he did somehow find out that he's dead and that you killed him.

And before you suggest 'well, Rival's codex is linked to his vitals and will identify his attacker and send a message over the extranet saying blablabla Steele killed me'.. even if that were possible, it would be equally possible that your Codex would be set up the same way, making it ruinous for him to try to kill you with his gunship, or send his bodyguard after you. After all, even though he tells Dane not to kill you, a lot of things can happen in a fight when guns and swords are involved, and it's very possible that he might kill you accidentally.

I'm quite sure, that codex is always connected to extranet and logs everything around, so it would make sense to backup data in realtime, so destruction of codex would do nothing with data.

It's your initiative to attack your rival, BTW. You have option to just pick up coordinates and leave without a fight.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Some of you are trying way too hard to justify killing.

This is not real life, or a game trying to emulate real life in any realistic way. Killing doesn't (commenly) happen because killing doesn't happen in porn. It kills boners.

You can make a million escuses of "but they totally deserve it" or "we can get away with it", but ending a life is a serious thing that doesn't fit in a world with laser shooting goo-babes.

 Boner killing argument obviously stays strong, but it got brushed aside when the discussion shifted towards pure in-game logic. 

However, there are a lot if serious and potentially boner killing issues that constantly surrounds the player in this game. So you can't exclude something completely based on just that without being hypocrytical.

Welcome to corporative distopia. It's quite clear, that within TiTS setting corporations are true power and law.

I'm quite sure, that codex is always connected to extranet and logs everything around, so it would make sense to backup data in realtime, so destruction of codex would do nothing with data.

It's your initiative to attack your rival, BTW. You have option to just pick up coordinates and leave without a fight.

Yep, my initial expectations when it came to the tone of TiTS game-world got subverted pretty hard as early as Mhen'ga/early Tarkus. I'm half tempted to try and force the rose-tinted glasses back on.

Our extranet bills must be astronomically big. And our connection surprisingly stable.

You can also roleplay losing your temper and lay in some verbal smackdown, which results in a fight you technically didn't start.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Boner killing argument obviously stays strong, but it got brushed aside when the discussion shifted towards pure in-game logic. 

using in-game logic is fine and all, but I think most people are forgetting that this world runs on sexy.

And I'd be more impressed by those claiming we could kill for the sake of good, if most people who actually ask to kill somebody weren't doing so because they really, really hated said somebody. Like Kelt, for example. I don't recall there being a big push to purge the bazaar.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's important to note that Steele isn't supposed to be 'Action Jesus' of the universe, unless the player chooses to go paragon or renegade there's never really a reason to get involved in anything.

Why would someone like Steele go after the leader of a pirate army or sex slave ring? Unless they go after you (Which they usually don't) there's no reason to get involved, unless the probe is at the end of it. 

In CoC there was plenty of reason, we were the champion, but in TiTs we're just an heir to a fortune.

However if given reason, such as (Hurting -insert waifu here-), hindering our journey, or shooting down our ship because space raiders/pirates. As long as it isn't mindless killing AKA "This is a bad guy, I'm gonna blow this fuckers brains out" then sure it's aight.

But if we do go down that path, how long until our original goal gets muffled out? (Take fallout 4 for example, like who the fuck is Shaun? I'm the general! Destroyer of the brotherhood! Ass-taker of raiders! And annihilator of the institute! You've done so much good but your original goal is an ember among the fire. TiTs goal being almost literally 'Fuck everything, get money')

Then again, player choice yadadada we can be 'Action Jesus' if we want to because fuck, are we awesome.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Welcome to corporative distopia. It's quite clear, that within TiTS setting corporations are true power and law.

Mm, fair point. Though, I still maintain that the law generally does not seem to overly care about what happens to people wandering around on dangerous planets. If you go into the dark, unexplored jungle on Mhen'ga and don't come back, I'm not sure anyone in the outpost would go looking for you, or how well they're even equipped for search and rescue in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Currently you don't have anything with enough firepower to turn anything into a smouldering crater deep in the middle of a jungle I think. Also pretty muach all things in the jungle seem to prefer sexing up living things over eating dead things apparently, so there's that. But I'm not saying that someone would definitely find out about it. All I'm saying is that the black void in general probably gets away with arson murder and jaywalking much much easier than a random (currently) not overly rich semi-celebrity like Steele.

I was referring to the smouldering crater left by the probe when it crashed. And as much as everything in the jungle loves fucking, everything needs to eat, and surely there are some non-sentient beasts or insects who would be more than happy to dispose of the bodies for you.

Your motive is obviously that your cousin is currently trying to stop you from obtaining a huge pile of money (and maybe your very apparent murder-boner). Also what exactly can't your uncle reveal? He and your cousin aren't even doing anything illegal by trying to obtain Steeles inheritance. The pods and the inheritance is pretty much legally up for grabs to anyone with enough Steele DNA to open those pods as far as I unerstood that. The only criminal thing was spying on you in the beginning of the game, which probably will be incriminating enough to make them pay some sort of fee at best.

Everything about the probes and their DNA locks revealed in the beginning of the game was revealed in your father's will, and part of a will is deciding who gets what, and who gets told what. Therefore, the only person who should know about them is you, The fact that your rival knows  about them proves he was spying on you... and the fact that he's on Mhen'ga opening a pod proves that he is actively stealing from you. In some places, that's sufficient justification to kill in the eyes of the law, and that probably holds true in a universe where space pirates regularly board traders to steal their cargo.


Reasons not to kill Beth Carver:

1)We have not exhausted other means of dealing with her and her slave trading empire yet. Even without their inheritance PC is somewhat rich and influential, not a dowtrodden poor sod who has to resort to vigilante justice.

2)Killing her most likely won't be the most effective way of dismantling her organization.

Reasons not to kill Amara Faell:

1) Shade and Kaede (and Zeke if we ever get to meet him).

2)If you think that every boss of an orginized crime syndycate has to be rounded up and shot, you are literally being more extremist than Stalin on the issue.

3)Both of the reasons listed for Carver also apply. Junior will have to be killing non-stop from here to the last planet to even make a dent on the Balck Void that way.

As for Rival, what exactly do you propose? Killing him during the first encounter, when he has yet to do anything that would threaten PC's life?  Or on Tarkus, a couple hundred meters away from a bar full of chilling UGC officials? On Myrellion, when both he and Dane are imprisoned and defenseless, while you face a whole bunch of rape-y bug people?

Most importantly, you've said yourself that Rival is doing whatever they can to avoid killing PC, and only their brash nature coupled with their incompetence leads them to actions that put PC's life in danger.

Re Beth Carver: True, we could invest a sizeable fortune into the creation of a device that would brutally torture her whilst keeping her alive for years. But frankly, as satisfying as that might be, one must consider the harm she'd do whilst we're earning up the cash for such a project. As for killing her not being an effective means of dismantling her slave empire, well.. gotta start somewhere, right?

Re Amara Faell: SHE TRIES TO KILL YOU WITH A CHAINGUN AND A FLAMETHROWER. If Shade doesn't like it, too bleeping bad. Maybe don't be friends with pirate bosses? As for Kaede, well, sorry kid, but mum's an evil bitch and has to go.

Re Rival: He's a dick. He proved that on Tavros Station. Killing him on Mhen'ga would prevent any possibility of him taking control of Steele Tech and misusing its resources. I might even go so far as to say that this would be WORTH getting caught over.

Then, calling him on it, even if you don't directly threaten him, causes him to get mad and sic Dane on you. Then you beat Dane and the gunship thing happens. At that point, there should be no question that you need to ice that motherfucker at the earliest opportunity. Tarkus probably wouldn't be a good idea, since like you mentioned, there are UGC and other non-natives milling about. But Myrellion, definitley. They've both been relieved of their equipment at that point - no guns, no shields, trapped in a cage, Rival probably doesn't have his codex, and no witnesses that you're not going to ice immediately afterward anyway - that would be an ideal opportunity to cleanse the galaxy of their filth. Not to mention make your life a whole lot easier and allow you to take time out of your quest to help more people without the constant pressure of your Rival beating you to the next probe (not that that actually happens because RPG, but it's strongly suggested that you're under time pressure to beat your Rival to each stage so that the trail doesn't go cold).

Also, pfft, you say "the Rival is doing whatever they can to avoid killing you' like they're actually concerned for you. They don't give a fuck about you! Rival just wants to keep rubbing your nose in his victories!

I'm quite sure, that codex is always connected to extranet and logs everything around, so it would make sense to backup data in realtime, so destruction of codex would do nothing with data.

It's your initiative to attack your rival, BTW. You have option to just pick up coordinates and leave without a fight.

Again, then Rival would be in just as much trouble for killing us, since our Codex would be doing the same thing. Yet he does it anyway.

Yes, it FORTUNATELY TURNS OUT that the information on the data chip your rival tosses turns out to be genuine, but it could just as well been blank, and your rival would have left you high and dry.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
And I'd be more impressed by those claiming we could kill for the sake of good, if most people who actually ask to kill somebody weren't doing so because they really, really hated said somebody. Like Kelt, for example. I don't recall there being a big push to purge the bazaar.

Well, you should know, that true paragon of light can't hate someone who is not horribly bad! (sort of sarcasm here)

Kelt is corrupt asshole, and even he recognizes that. Bazaar... It is sort of neutral ground.

It's important to note that Steele isn't supposed to be 'Action Jesus' of the universe, unless the player chooses to go paragon or renegade there's never really a reason to get involved in anything.

Ants in the pants is enough reason for my Steele... Even if they doesn't wear pants :)

Mm, fair point. Though, I still maintain that the law generally does not seem to overly care about what happens to people wandering around on dangerous planets. If you go into the dark, unexplored jungle on Mhen'ga and don't come back, I'm not sure anyone in the outpost would go looking for you, or how well they're even equipped for search and rescue in the first place.

Yes, but rival has corporation behind them, which do care.

Again, then Rival would be in just as much trouble for killing us, since our Codex would be doing the same thing. Yet he does it anyway.

The problem is - rival has corporation behind them already. Steele is alone. Yes, can pull some strings, yes, some employees can help in hope of future reward, but basically Steele is just another adventurer.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Yes, but rival has corporation behind them, which do care.

I'm actually kind of curious how deeply involved other people are in the rival's schemes. I know that Bess/Ben's content mentions some people are invested in it, but nothing else seems to reflect that at all. The rival travels with a single mercenary instead of a team, and it's possible to outbid the rival for the probe on Tarkus.

It didn't seem like he (or she) was particularly well-funded, and it wouldn't have surprised me if nobody even knew what our rival was up to or where he or she goes, if not for a few lines at the end of Bess/Ben's storyline.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm actually kind of curious how deeply involved other people are in the rival's schemes. I know that Bess/Ben's content mentions some people are invested in it, but nothing else seems to reflect that at all. The rival travels with a single mercenary instead of a team, and it's possible to outbid the rival for the probe on Tarkus.

It didn't seem like he (or her) was particularly well-funded, and it wouldn't have surprised me if nobody even knew what our rival was up to or where he or she goes, if not for a few lines at the end of Bess/Ben's storyline.

It seems like uncle is not actually in raptures about rival's plans, but after some moans gave some pocket money and said "do whatever you want just leave me alone". But this doesn't mean that he would take kindly excessive violence.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
One night when Jill thinks you're sound asleep, her head tucked in your chest. You could swear you heard her say "I love you."


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
It seems like uncle is not actually in raptures about rival's plans, but after some moans gave some pocket money and said "do whatever you want just leave me alone". But this doesn't mean that he would take kindly excessive violence.

True. I imagine he, at least, would care if the rival went missing on some strange planet. Hrm, why do conversations about the rival get so involved when he has such a small presence in the game? Maximum controversy with minimal effort. I suppose I can respect his efficiency, at least.
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