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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I can just see it now, Penny is going down on Steele when the latter says. "I found a dozen bodies in the deep jungle today, Xenogen crew by the looks of them... Oh fuck thats good, do it again."
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Speaking of that camp, I'm now wondering why we couldn't report the deaths to Penny.

As far as I understood the authorities of the town are only active within the actual town. The people who walk into the clearly dangerous jungle are on their own. Isn't there eve a sign that basically says as much as :"Beyond this point there's no safety. If you go there you better git gud or get raped."


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
As far as I understood the authorities of the town are only active within the actual town. The people who walk into the clearly dangerous jungle are on their own. Isn't there eve a sign that basically says as much as :"Beyond this point there's no safety. If you go there you better git gud or get raped."

I'd say, there are no place where that bubble of happiness is stable enough. Even Mhen'ga has Xenogen with experiments on locals, Penny with her cumslut path, and massacre in jungle camp clearly done by Vanae.

Well, if nothing else, it'd probably play nicely into the faction content I saw mentioned not to long ago. Doubt they'd take kindly to exposing illegal operations. Probably should leave it there before I derail the thread. > .>


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
But perhaps the most important two reasons are this: Batman does not kill the Joker because it's society's job to decide the Joker's punishment, and he does not kill the Joker because we the audience want to keep reading more stories about the Joker.

Batman probably also realizes that it's pointless to kill the Joker, because in classic comicbook fashion he'll probably be back alive 3 issues later anyways.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Welp. I thought Ted was going to be locking this thread based on what he said in his last post, but apparently it's still going. Make up your mind, Ted. Is it OK to discuss this topic or not? We are just discussing philosophy, here, regardless of where the subject matter drifts. Nobody is actually suggesting that anyone should become a real-life vigilante and go out vigilante-ing real supposed bad guys.

So your solution is to line up everyone you personally consider a "bad person" and shoot them in the head? Lovely. I see no way this cleverly thought out way of dealing with human lives could possibly spiral out of control. Also do we have any proof that the prison system in the TitS universe is as crappy as the one in DC-comics? Because currently I can't remember anyone we do get arrested returning later. (But I might very well be missing something.)

Also, I just want to reiterate, that when I said "bad people", I meant murderers and slavers. People nobody should be feeling any sympathy towards. So please get off my back.

The death penalty is not effective at detering the crimes it is meted out for. Also, this statement is worrying for just so many reasons.

In its current form, you're right, it's not. We put people in a comfy room and strap them to a table and inject them with a drug that makes them go to sleep (more or less). At the risk of once again having people accusing me of being some kind of bloodthirsty psychopath, if that's the worst murderers etc. have to look forward to, it's not much of a deterrent.

You can justify vigilante violence in comic books and cartoons, where the villains are colourful psychopaths who can always escape prison/government intervention because otherwise plots wouldn't happen. Without wishing to patronise you, your statements and arguments do suggest someone who is applying superhero logic to real life, and it is no longer obvious whether you really think killing sprees are an effective deterrent of crime or whether you're just arguing that because you really want to murder Jack/Jill.

I think maybe one of the problems this thread is showing up that is actually relevant is the question of tone in TiTS. Most of the time you're in a soft, slightly cartoony world where everyone's pretty and if you get involved in fights you knock the blaggards out and either tie them up or give them a friendly bump. But then there is the undercurrent of corporate brutality you quickly discover underpins everything, and you can do things like destroy Tarkus and nuke Myrellion, which are such horrendous "options" they don't seem real. Part of this problem has to do with there being so many different writers, all with their own idea as to what TiTS ideally should be. Perhaps it is not surprising you've got people asking why they can't go around murdering everyone that makes them unhappy, even though by rights that option should be so absurd for a game like this that it shouldn't even occur.

Well, that's about it, yeah. If you're going to include elements in your story where you're rescuing damsels from space pirates blasting their ship to ribbons and she loses an arm from the ordeal, and have pirate bosses that you allow to bleed out once defeated, it makes the other times when you have no other option than to tie up/knock out your equally-violent opponents seem out of place... cartoony. Ideally, I think, you'd be able to pick what you want to do with your fallen foes, similar to how you can choose the fate of mimbranes and cuntsnakes and cockvines.

I can just see it now, Penny is going down on Steele when the latter says. "I found a dozen bodies in the deep jungle today, Xenogen crew by the looks of them... Oh fuck thats good, do it again."

A big part of the appeal of this game, for me, is that it's not just sex all the time. There's drama and consequences and morality to be considered. And, yes, violence. If the game was just all sex and cartoons all the time I don't think it would be nearly as good as it is. Plus, if there weren't boner-killer moments, I think we'd have people literally wanking until their dicks fall off, and that would be unfortunate. :p

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
For the record, Trogdor is on vacation. For going back to discussing that thing I said not to discuss while directly referencing I said so in the first place. 

This might be kinda off-kilter from the discussion. But I've been thinking about this for awhile now as I've revisited TiTS. The weapons they often use... Well especially some of the firearms on Myrellion. If you didn't have a shield up and you took a high cal rifle shot wouldn't that kinda... Kill you? I know the game isn't aiming for realism but I've wondered why they don't have more star trek styled stun weapons so that it's not like. Oh I just took this alien down with a rifle. Then I'm gonna pounce on them and shag their brains out forgetting about the fact that a rifle firing bullets are going to leave holes in whatever they hit. Technically unless we're talking lone ranger-esque and old western style shooting the weapons out of the hands. Perhaps that's the implied combat method that Steele takes with her opponents. I dunno that takes a huge load of skill though to actually use a lethal weapon to disarm and or disable in a non-lethal manner. I would think that the chaos of combat might lead to a lot of accidents where someone got killed during the struggle. That doesn't mean that either party really had that intent to start with. Just bullets tend to be unforgiving when they punch through body armor and you don't have shields to stop them anymore. Most combat scenario's would end with the incapacitated opponent in need of serious medical attention to avoid dying (Steele too after some of those encounters). I do agree though that TiTS took a very refreshing and even sensible turn in the direction of having people with agendas that aren't necessarily the bad guys that we all wanna kill. I do like lust battle options though. I tend to favor that because it reminds me of the old Vulcan sleeper hold from Star Trek (except sexier). 

I pointed this out in the conceptual stage, but a lot of RPGs tend to do "ugh, I am beat up but actually okay." CoC, for example, already did that, leaving your opponent absolutely no worse for wear despite dropping a warhammer on them, plinking at them with a bow or unleashing your full kitsune on their ass. They - or you - just groan like they got laid out from a punch to the gut. Sadly it's just something you gotta roll with, it just feels a little more "Um???" with something relatable. Like firearms!

My impression is that the bubble isn't supposed to be 100% stable at any given time or place.

The bubble might be somewhat arbitrary, with the things in question written months to years apart. Whatever feels compelling and interesting, really.
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