Ooh boy a controversial debate topic? I love these things!
Killing isn't necessarily out of place in these games, hell it's actually not even that uncommon. MGQ for example, has death in it many of the lose scenes result in Luka's death after being raped(Some of which he's actually
EATEN ALIVE) rather than just enslavement, games like Artifical Academy have yandere's who if you cheat on them will murder you or the person you cheated on them with....or both if they don't get caught after the first kill. The Rance games have killing in them(Rance gives 0 fucks about anyone that doesn't have a cunt between their legs and actually kills a bunch of people in the process of 'saving' girls and usually taking advantage of them. I'm sure there's plenty others. Just generally you aren't able to kill potentially sexable individuals because obviously then you can't see the sexytimes....unless it covers a necrophilia fetish or has undead characters but let's not think too hard on that for now.
in CoC's case killing would be perfectly in line with the harsh and freaky world. Like being in the world of Conan the barbarian but with even MORE sex and drunken orgies and if it had turned out like that I'd have been fine with that. You're dumped into a world where morality is nearly nonexistent and law enforcement isn't really a thing in most places. It's actually odd that there is as little death as there is taking into account things like corruption and minimalist morality it's astounding you don't randomly stumble across rapes and/or murders regularly. I mean the demons aren't going around murdering everyone simply because of lethicite apparently requiring you still be alive to be able to be extracted...since I'm pretty sure dead people can't give in to corruption anymore....well except maybe Shouldra but that's a whole other thing. Everyone else though? there's nothing stopping them from killing each other really.
My CoC characters were pretty varied but my most played char was a brute named Minorous who's idea of problem solving was just beat the unholy hell out of things if they were male and in his way and mounting any female and plowing her till whatever she was bitching about gave way to insensate moans and panting,usually impregnating them in the process(he was highly virile). He was a big(7'9") bull horned mountain of muscle that would've had no problem putting people in the dirt with his minotaur axe or warhammer and in the rare instance a kill option was available it made perfect sense for him to kill a thing that was a problem, except the harpy queen because he'd have rather bred her and built that army.....but I digress. The point is when the option came up I followed what I felt my character would do in that world and I often played more of a barbarian type char. Even my females tended to be aggressive swordswomen what few spellcasters I had probably would've preferred a capture or subjugation option but hey that's not a option usually either.
Regardless of how they act, it's in their nature (for lack of a better term) to corrupt everything they see, man, mineral, or vegetable. you're the sole voice of resistance in a world that is almost entirely cowed with most small pockets of uncorrupted populations hiding for as long as they can
No you're not. The Sand Witches are actively building an army, the Harpy queen was building a army....till Helia decided she had to die to satisfy her anger. There ARE groups of resistance you just don't get to see them fight the demons and some of the demons are quite indifferent.Such as the one who opens a shop outside zetaz lair, Or Vapula who pretty much gives up all allegiance to lethice in favor of you if you recruit her. Sure it's true some of the demons are that way, but this only actually seems to be true of the omnibus class demons the lower ranked demons behave much more like people albeit constantly horny omnisexual people but people. It's never really made clear what it is about sex that allows lethicite to form/be stolen. Only implied that some form of submission or giving in to pleasure and basically willfully letting go of it can it be taken.
Again, think about it. Demons, canonically, have no soul. To redeem Lethice, one of the things you must have is a piece of Lethicite - I.E,someone else's soul. The number of demons doesn't actually go down, because you have to rip out another's soul, turning them into a demon, in order to redeem a demon.
That in turn ensures that the # of demons down the line don't actually go down, you're just shifting things around. Sometime, you need to kill someone.
Or...you could simply find the lethicite that belongs to Lethice....It's probably still around somewhere since she was the first one to discover how to make it by doing it to herself iirc. I doubt she let anyone else use it and odds are she'd have it stored somewhere. But really the question of what happens to all the massed lethicite the demons already have is the elephant in the room, do you just cram lethicite into demons regardless of who they belonged to to 'redeem' them? Is it even possible to put a lethicite back in a body much less one it didn't originally come from? There's no reason to assume you'd have to kill someone to get a lethicite to redeem a demon. they've got alot of it it's just a matter of using their stockpiles and returning those souls to their bodies(the ones that still have bodies to go to) because remember most of the demon horde is the people of mareth at this point. Doing so would save the world and reduce the demons to a managable number if it could be done on a large scale with some sort of spell.....like the one lethice is supposed to have used to begin with to start this mess(can't remember if that story of it being a spell gone horribly wrong was canon or not but I remember she's supposed to have nabbed a bunch of souls at once at the beginning)
Now on the subject of the other game:
In TiTs however killing is more of a risk, there IS law, hell you're constantly brushing up against legalities throughout the game between pirates, illegal mods, drugs and wanted criminals like the two doctors on tarkus. It's clear that if you break the rules there's potential for consequence in the world of TiTS. So it makes sense for simply murdering your enemies not to be your first choice if a choice at all. It wouldn't make sense for a character like Steele who's got oh so much to lose to risk it all by going around murdering people unless he could justify it as self defense. Very few things legitimately try to kill you aside from pirates and robots. So it's more out of place here unless there was an outlet for Steele to become some kind of Criminal or form a criminal network. which there isn't....at least not at present. In TiTs more lighthearted world murder and death don't fit as well as they do in the wild world of Marae. That doesn't mean there's no room for it at all...there's lots of realllllly dark spots if you squint right or think too hard about it but the game intentionally seems to avoid those or letting you think too much about them. From what the doctor on mhenga is doing with his 'test subjects' after you capture them for him to, what the hell is really going on on new texas given at least one character openly warns you not to trust them and another admits a scientist mysteriously disappearred and then there's those icecream girls........don't even get me started on myrellion, which is the one place where deaths could work because you're dealing primarily with soldiers. I imagine there will be killing here and there in TiTs eventually....especially if quests keep having you run afoul of the black void pirates, kill orders are going to go out sooner or later and at that point it's take out whoever gave the order or deal with assassins/pirate attacks for forever.
Then again and I only just thought of this but there ARE things like the cuntsnakes and mimbranes which the PC remorselessly murders because no law protects questionably sentient wildlife from being murdered as long as they're parasites apparently......Soooooooo there's that. If it's a parasite murdering is totally ok in TiTS.....Though I guess we'll have to wait on a "Kill it with fire" option and obligatory parasite cleansing flamethrower.