Into the Grey (for Archangel99)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Amana had to scramble raise her defense in time. She backed away while fending him before pushing him back with the force to give herself some breathing room. "Oh fuck no. Not going to be that easy.", she thought, a look of defiance on her face.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He stumbles backwards, but grins to himself. She was finally learning! He presses his offense, striking at her legs and arms as much as he could.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
This time she was ready her feet stable and her saber at the ready. She met his attacks each time trying to find an opening, her baby blue eyes searching for some moment for her to take advantage of.....

She decided to take a chance and make a move! she smacks away one of his strikes and closes in and the pulls one of her arms to hook around his neck so he couldn't move enough and so she could score a hit. It was far outside of her to normally do something like this, but she really didn't want Kil to throw her to the ground and roughly fuck her.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hey, not bad! But you know that what the downside of doing that to a bigger guy is? They can just do this!" He yells, before jumping with the force, tilting so his back is towards the ground, and falling with all his weight on Amana!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Amana yelps as she falls with him, his body on top of hers and landing with an "Oof"! She didn't expect that at all and she is momentarily stunned at this reversal. She then let go and struggled trying to keep his arms away. Meanwhile Saashi let out a little chuckle as they were so entertaining to her.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She was struggling to keep his arms away... But forgot he had legs. He wraps those legs around her waist in a crushingly tight grip, keeping her held still as she tried to wriggle away. "Nuh-uh. Not that fast." He says, smirking as he pins her arms down with his hands.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Amana struggled more in his grip trying with all her might to get our from under him. "Fuck fuck fuuuuck! this is not good!", she thought as she looked around frantically. If she could just get her hands to face him she could force push him but she had her pinned! Not only that but.... she could feel his dick pressed against her though it wasn't hard it made her blush. at frist she was sure she was out of options but then it hit her.... lust force? maybe she could use that! So she tried using her own skin as a contact point she started pushing lust into him, using the arousing feeling of his dick on her skin to fuel it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He lets out a moan, before narrowing his eyes at her. "Clever. But not exactly the smartest idea given the situation you're in. I wasn't hard... But now I am." He says, grinning as he slams his dick right into her pussy without hesitation and starts pumping away.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Amana's intention was to try and surprise him enough to weaken his grip and escape but clearly she didn't commit enough energy to it. Instead she found herself in an even worse situation then before! Amana grits her teeth and grunts as blush fills her face. She felt so dumb for letting this happen! Her pussy was already getting wet for Kil.... well its always kinda wet her being a aquatic race and all... suffice to say it was getting wetter.

She struggles sill, unwilling to submit but it felt good.... his dick was now quite familiar to her, the barbs always rubbed just the right way to make her feel good and lusty. She gives a whine of a moan as her body heats up.

"So my dear~ what now? Do you submit to him? Let him have his way with you? I'm sure it will feel great.", Sasshi said in her mind as she watched grinning. "....Or do you still have some fight left in you? He hasn't actually won yet you know... I said who ever lands the frist hit wins, and well he hasn't landed a strike yet has he?", she thought at her, her arms crossed under her big bust as she looked down at the struggling Nautolan.

She looked at Saashi as she tried to resist the pleasure building in her gut. She looked back to Kilarus, a look of defiance on her face even through that adorable blush. But what could she do? her hands were and her whole body were locked by Kil... then it hit her. "Oh for fucks sake I'm an idiot why didn't i think of this?!", she thought as she pushed her training saber into the air with the force flinging it upward with what control she still had. She couldn't guide it back down but gravity would do that for her. The aber then began to fall, heading stright for Kil pointing down.

(I'll leave it up to you weather of not it hits Kilarus. It all depends on if you wanna give Amana a win or not.)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[I've screwed her over enough times already. I think I'll let her have this one. :p]

He's completely oblivious to what she does, and by the time he notices, it's too late to do anything.
The saber strikes him hard in the side of the face, and lets out a yell of pain as he gets knocked to the side.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Amana quickly rolls out from under him his dick popping out of her. She scrambles to her feet ready to fight, but then it hits her... she just... won? She blinked.... "I.... I got him? I.... won? I've never won againt him before....", she said this feeling of victory completely unknown to her. But then she see's that she got him in the side of the face and she comes over to him now more worried about him. "OH gosh Kil! A-Are you ok!? I didn't get you too bad did i?", she said holding his cheek. "Of crouse he's ok dear hes a Zabrak, burn don't hurt him to much. and they were just training sabers after all...", Saashi said giving Amana a pleased look.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Of course I'm not hurt." He grumbles, a little peeved that he fell for such a basic trick. "But yeah. Quick thinking there." He says, chuckling a little.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh uh, ok...", Amana said shifting uncomfortably unsure of what to do now. Saashi gets up and gets behind her Putting her hands on her shoulders. "Well you've won hon.~ You remember what that means don't you?", she said as she pressed her big breasts to Amana's back. "Now you throw Kil to the ground and fuck the ever living hell out of him.", she said saucily in her ear (hole). Amana blushed very hard at that her thighs rubbing together. "Or maybe you wanna get all dommey with him.. Hmmmm? that could be fun right?", Saashi suggests grinning.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Oh boy. This should be interesting..." He mutters. Either way, it looked like he was winning. He tries to mask his grin, not wanting to tip them off.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Saashi knew he would enjoy it no matter what, the losing condition was made more for Amana's sake then his, a way to motivate her to really, really, try and get a win. "Uh.... D-Do i have too? I'm... I'm not to sure about forcing myself on p-people...", Amana said, her face getting hotter. "Oh honey, he agreed to the terms as did you. You always have to follow through or else people will walk right over you! A woman has to take charge, or else the men will always try to take advantage of you." Saashi said as she rubbed Amana's side and very subtly fanned the fires of her lust through the force. "B-But how do I.... do that?" Amana said meekly. "Simple, my dear simple. You stand over his face look him in the eye and you tell him to eat you out in a strong demanding voice, "Lick!" and you plant those wet pussy lips frimly on his face to show him who's boss.", Saashi said in the way only some one who had done that a lot could have. "No go on.", she said giving Amana a firm push from behind.

Amana staggered a bit, looking back and froth between Saashi and Kilarus biting her lower lip. "No no no honey stand up straight, hands down to the side and walk with confidence! this was your win, not his you earned this. Have some pride girl!", Saashi said firmly. "Uh-Uh.... right!", Amana said as she straightening up and walked over to Kil with as much of a confident and look and walk as she could. she was still feeling a bit nervous about taking charge like this but..... Kil's short lived fuck had made her quite a bit aroused... she puased over him her legs on either side of his face, giving him a great view of her pussy from below. She looked back to Saashi who gave her a look and motioned for her to keep going. She then slowly squat down, her pussy just above his mouth. "Lick!", she said her voice quivered a little but she was trying.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He tried hard not to grin at that. She was just too cute when she was stumbling around doing something she didn't know how to do. He obediently leans his head forward, his tongue quickly slipping deep into her pussy and teasing her sensitive spots.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Amana was nice and wet already from the impromptu session they had a few minutes ago, so he had plenty of pussy juice greeting his tongue as he delved into her cleft. She made her legs shake and and she sat lower so she was sitting on his face. She gave a moan as she bit her lip softly her nipples up and hard.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He grips her thighs, squeezing them hard as he roughly flicks his tongue around her insides. His eyes flick to Saashi, slyly grinning as he pleasures Amana.
"You gonna join or just watch?" He asks, winking at her.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Saashi had her hand under her chin as she thought this over. "I could.... But but Amana won so I suppose you should ask her.", she she thought back grinning. Amana Was starting to make cute little noises as she began to grind his face.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"If I lost, I don't exactly have a right to ask anything of her, do I?" He replies, raising an eyebrow.
Then, he focuses his attention back on Amana, digging his tongue deeper and trying to penetrate her cervix.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Tell you what. Once she takes you're cock into her pussy or ass, witch I'm 100% certain she is at some point, I'll join in. Your cock is her's to use.", she thought back.

Meanwhile Amana seems like she's enjoying his buy the lusty and sexy mewls she was making once he got to her cervix. It quivered at his touch and flexed with each stroke. She was panting and looking off to the side, perhaps embarrassed by how much she was actually enjoying this.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Good idea. She's the kind that gets horny real quick." He telepaths back.

He glances up at her, trying to make eye contact as he eats her out, grinning slyly. Suddenly, he pushes her down onto her back, gripping her thighs as he aggressively starts licking her pussy, his nose rubbing her clit to stimulate her even more.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Amana yelps as she suddenly finds herself on her back with Kil eating her out even more then before. her cute clitty throbbed as she could feel his nose flick it making her moan sweetly. "Oh~! Oh fuck! Kil! s-slow down! EEE!", she squeaked.

"Tell me dear... would you be satisfied if you came that way? Are you going to let him take control like that?", Saashi thought to her in a whispering and sensual voice. " No I... I can't cum yet... I-I need more!", Amana thelepathed. She had to summon up some will to take Kil's head and push him back. Then she quickly pushed him on to his back again rather more forcefully then one would expect form a girl like her. "That's the ticket! Now hold his arms and take him, he's your stud isn't he~?", Saashi playful in her mind. Amana was still burning with blush as she pinned Kils hands with her own while she grinded her pussy against his cock lustily, a bit like she had before that one other time. "I'm..... I'm taking this!", she said trying to be dominant but she was so blushy and adorable, she'd have to work on that. But she did follow through and in the end that's what really mattered. She shoved his cock in quickly all the way to the hilt in one go, her pussy wet enough to make that very easy.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He grunts as he's shoved down onto his back, and moans a couple of seconds later as she slams her pussy down on him. He pretends to resist, his arms straining against hers for a moment, before falling back. "Gah! Fine. Take it." He snarls, baring his teeth at her.

"Now are you going to join already? Come on. We still have a lot more corrupting to do with this one!" He says to Saashi as he starts focusing his lust on his dick, giving Amana an even more intense feeling of pleasure.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Thanks for playing along. Force knows the girl needs the ego boost. Anyway sure~.... Lemme see where i should help out hmmm.", she thought to him grinning and pacing around the twosome. Amana seemed conflicted for a moment she didn't like making people mad but her lust and taste of victory made her continue. she lifted her hips his cock almost slipping out before giving him a look in the eyes and shoving back down! She moaned in delight and then did it again this time faster it felt... very cathartic... she finally won one and she was the one calling the shots. She had never felt this way before.... it made her moan blissfully. Parts of her still worried about all this but the lust and feeling of dominating seemed to keep her going, slamming his cock in and out forcefully in her sodden passage.

Saashi soon had herself over his face her legs on either side again giving him another great view of her ass and pussy above him. "Hope you don't mind Amana dear but i want to have some fun too~.", she said winking at her. She then lowered her butt to his face and just about sat on him. Her pussy and ass right there for his mouth to chose from.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Huh. Who would have thought. Our little squid is growing. She's starting to enjoy dominating someone." He says to Saashi, pulling her down and burying his tongue in her ass. He lets out a couple more strained moans, pretending that Amana's riding is annoying him, but of course it really wasn't.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Saashi coos pleasurably as he plunges her butt's inner reaches. "Ah yes, fills my heart with joy to see her explore the ways a woman can take charge.", she said grinning and lowering her butt even closer to his face.

Amana seemed slightly emboldened buy his strained moan, even if they were fake its not like she knew. So, she began add little hips circles here and there to rub his cock around inside wanting to feel his little barbs on her vaginal walls.

"I'm goning to borrow this~.", Saashi said as she took Kilarus' right hand to put it top her pussy, wanting him to play with it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"And of course, I have to be the lab rat, don't I?" He replies, thrusting his fingers rather roughly into Saashi's pussy as his thumb rubs her clit hard.
When Amana starts grinding around, he lets out a groan of actual pleasure, his dick throbbing hard inside her. Then, just to throw her off her rhythm, he focuses his lust on his dick, trying to catch her off guard.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Well yes~! But can you really complain about this? I mean look you smothered in lusty sexy girls.~", she hummed into his head as threw out out a loud very intentionally lewd moan.

Amana gasps and shudders on his dick, her pussy suddenly growing very tight. She clenched down while a moan of surprise escaped her lips. "Are Mmm~! you gonna let him get away with that?~", Saashi said egging their squid on while moving her hips. Amana screwed up her face and then with a pouty and very embarrassed look she tried to force her lust into him through her pussy as she rode him fast and hard!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He lets out a little chuckle as he starts thrusting up into her, trying to slam his hips hard enough into her that she would get bucked off. His hands spank Saashi's ass, and he starts eating her ass out with a vengeance, roughly groping and squeezing her ass as his tongue lashes around wildly inside her.

"True... But this fight isn't over yet."