[Implemented] Fisianna: The VERY Shy Nekomata


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Which version are you going to do though? I imagine that you'll need a tree like system branching out for pure male/pure female/herm and that there'll be alot of purring involved. :smuggo:

On a serious note I'll likely just keep it simple and make male and female versions of some scenes (with male scenes having small blurbs if they have a vagoo as well). And yes, lots post coital purring, least with the more intimate stuff :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What about a pure cuddle scene similar to Erra's? Though that might be close to copying Hugs's work but dammit if she 'd make a good cuddle scene.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
What about a pure cuddle scene similar to Erra's? Though that might be close to copying Hugs's work but dammit if she 'd make a good cuddle scene.
It would, but I do want to avoid using another writer's style too much. I do like to view other writer's styles for reference since I'm a noob writer, but I don't think I want to make a scene too reminiscent of Hugs's style. I think if I were to make cuddle scenes for Fisi, as I mentioned before I might make them similar to how it could be if when you give Saendra a kiss while she is at high affection, but several small randomized variations each time you do cuddle her at the plaza. I also have at least a good small one planned post vaginal scene as well. Ya don't wanna over-cuddle now. XD


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Over cuddling is physically impossible
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Ooook... so writing these sex scenes is gonna be a lot harder than I was initially thinking at first. Mainly considering parcer calls in mind. I have a general idea of what I want to do for scenes, but I wind up looking up parcer examples, look at other docs for examples, change music, get distracted by a youtube recommendation, slap myself, rinse and repeat. I imagine this will be a problem that will go away on its own once I'm more used to using parcers, but for now... it's kinda a bastard to use em just starting out haha!

Edit: I'm probably making this out to be more complicated than I should be... now that I look at some other documents in comparison. I think I'm mainly worrying myself over the consideration of the PC having multi-penises or multi-vagoos and other unknown variables and was trying to see how I could cover all bases but... I think I over-complicated things thinking that was when looking at other submissions that seemed rather simplified by comparison. Oh well, I will figure it out as I go. :p

On the plus side, I'm starting to get your advice on how I should approach this @shadefalcon and it's definitely helping! Now... if only I could stop being so distracted... :confused:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Considering the route your taking, I suggest locking the more lewd sex scenes behind the milder ones to simulate Fisi coming out of her shell so to speak. Like having the initial tail job scene as being automatic upon opening her sex menu for the first time. Then after that have Tailjob and the oral scenes unlock. Then have the initial vag or anal scene be unlocked. You could even have those locked until you've done a arbitrary amount of the previous scenes first to simulate her getting used to it before branching out to the more proper sex.

This however just a suggestion and continue in your glorious work.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Considering the route your taking, I suggest locking the more lewd sex scenes behind the milder ones to simulate Fisi coming out of her shell so to speak. Like having the initial tail job scene as being automatic upon opening her sex menu for the first time. Then after that have Tailjob and the oral scenes unlock. Then have the initial vag or anal scene be unlocked. You could even have those locked until you've done a arbitrary amount of the previous scenes first to simulate her getting used to it before branching out to the more proper sex.

This however just a suggestion and continue in your glorious work.

Yup, that's how I feel @Captain Kiera suggested I do it anyways, and I'll pretty much structure it that way with that in mind!

Also sorry for the lack of updates lately. Work is draining my energy... a lot :confused: Plus I had to test my streaming craps with some friends from another community. On the plus side, break's coming up after tomorrow so I can make heads and tails of parcers then :p

Also, I feel I can do this now anyways, but I'll open the gates for any editors that are brave enough to flood the 40k words that this document holds so far, especially pre-sex scene stuff. I am still going to proofread the doc myself when I am done the document, and I know my uses of brackets and slashes are off, so the main purpose of that is just a potential time saver, if anything. So much appreciated if anyone takes on the daunting task, but I won't require it of anyone. Thank you all for the wonderful suggestions, ideas, critiques, comments, etc. so far in making this character awesome, and thank you to those that already helped with small edits and my constant repetitions of words! I'm still of course open to said things as well!
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Captain Kiera

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2017
Also sorry for the lack of updates lately. Work is draining my energy... a lot :confused:

Hey, don`t worry about it. You`re not on a schedule here, so take your time and update when you can. If you need a break, take a break. You don`t want to work on something like this when your tired and stressed, as that will only make it so you don`t enjoy it as much.

Also on the note of parcers. The fact that you`re adding them already is good, but may drain you as your writing. It could be better to just finish the scene once(the standard if you will), then go through it afterwards to add in the parcers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Hey, don`t worry about it. You`re not on a schedule here, so take your time and update when you can. If you need a break, take a break. You don`t want to work on something like this when your tired and stressed, as that will only make it so you don`t enjoy it as much.

Also on the note of parcers. The fact that you`re adding them already is good, but may drain you as your writing. It could be better to just finish the scene once(the standard if you will), then go through it afterwards to add in the parcers.
Thanks for the tips and the encouragement! Even in stress and tiredness, I'm still enjoying the heck out of making this character! Hehe :p

The parcer tip's definitely helping, though I somewhat got used to them for the time being, or at least I made the best judgements I could using the more simpler parcers. Someone can correct me later on if there might be an issue with one or if there is a more useful parcer I can possibly use to portray what I wanted.

Also, tailjob sex scene done (variations made it longer than I was anticipating... but that's nothing new by now), and 5(?) more scenes to go! Let's do this! :D
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Alrighty, three change of plans I thought of as I'm working on the doc.

Firstly, I shortened the initial number of sex scenes planned to 5 for now. I felt having a catch oral scene would get a bit redundant when I got to writing the 69 scene (I don't think I'm THE most creative when differentiating the two), so I'll likely incorporate what I want to in the 69 scene.

Secondly , and I hope this will go well too, is I'd like to make both a prehensile tongue and regular tongue variant of the Eat Her Out scene to let those with the long wiggly tongues get some love! :p Idn how far I'd get into it for the 69 scene, but... we'll come to that when we come to it I guess.

And third, although it pains me to do it, I've decided to make the non-sexual cuddle scenes with Fisianna part of her expansion pack instead of for her base content. Fisianna's base content is already HUGE for a first time project, and getting bigger with the sex scenes still needing to be done. It's already past the 42.5k word barrier and nearing 90 pages, which is likely going to surpass my previous estimate for the length of the doc. I don't wanna scare off Fenoxo by submitting a mini-book, even though it already is! Still, most of the space of this doc is dialogue based anyways so it HOPEFULLY shouldn't be a big issue.

On the whole expansion idea, I... feel I might likely divide her potential expac ideas into two parts. Meaning I'll have her base content down, and likely go into two expacs with what I have planned. Fisianna's quest, sexual shell-breaking and non-sexual cuddle scenes would likely take up the first expansion, and with a second expac, I would likely make that centered around her being a possible crew member (and BIG and I mean BIG maybe on getting her to be able to complete her mods to turn into a fully anthro kitty kat. This will largely depend on how much work I'd have to do to redo certain scenes that I'd have to add NPC flags to based on her changes. If its too much I might not go through with it.)

Thought I'd keep everyone updated on that! Thank you all! :)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
To be honest, I've always been wondering what a feline tongue would even feel like against private parts... (I mostly mean for the sake of sex scene purposes on TiTs, not forreal!) Would it feel like rubbing on sandpaper or would it actually be pleasurable? Lel


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I could've sworn there's and npc that gives you head/eats you out with a cat tongue but I can't seem to find one. But here's an excerpt from Katherine "her softly bristled tongue", and here's the milodon fertility priestess "It’s soft but just a little rough around the tip", "t’s just the right combination of rough, wet, and soft to make you shiver and gasp with pleasure". So to answer your question its rough but not so rough as to be painful but rather it adds extra stimulation.

Captain Kiera

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2017
Firstly, I shortened the initial number of sex scenes planned to 5 for now. I felt having a catch oral scene would get a bit redundant when I got to writing the 69 scene (I don't think I'm THE most creative when differentiating the two), so I'll likely incorporate what I want to in the 69 scene.
"Initial Number of sex scenes".....I`m listening:cool:.

Secondly , and I hope this will go well too, is I'd like to make both a prehensile tongue and regular tongue variant of the Eat Her Out scene to let those with the long wiggly tongues get some love! :p Idn how far I'd get into it for the 69 scene, but... we'll come to that when we come to it I guess.
Good, the more variations you put in the better,(Maybe not for the coders) as it will make it easier to see the Steele that we(the player) have made for ourselves on the journey interacting with the Fisi.

nd third, although it pains me to do it, I've decided to make the non-sexual cuddle scenes with Fisianna part of her expansion pack instead of for her base content. Fisianna's base content is already HUGE for a first time project, and getting bigger with the sex scenes still needing to be done. It's already past the 42.5k word barrier and nearing 90 pages, which is likely going to surpass my previous estimate for the length of the doc. I don't wanna scare off Fenoxo by submitting a mini-book, even though it already is! Still, most of the space of this doc is dialogue based anyways so it HOPEFULLY shouldn't be a big issue.
:negativeman:NOOOOO......Understandable, but nooooo.....:(:(:( It better be worth the wait.;):p

On the whole expansion idea, I... feel I might likely divide her potential expac ideas into two parts.
Da This is Good. More Fisi is Good.
On the whole modding Fisi into a full furry, I`m all for it. I`d love you forever if you did it the way Jade`s mod content is done, with Steele being there as she undergoes the transformation. But I can see how it would be a lot of work. One thing that can make it easier, you as the creator can decide when it becomes accessible to the PC. You could put it after most of the other her other content(the quest and crew recruitment) so that you don`t have to make two variations of those. Then most of it, besides the flavor text(which you as the creator dicide on how much to put in) comes down to coding her repeatable scenes.

To be honest, I've always been wondering what a feline tongue would even feel like against private parts... (I mostly mean for the sake of sex scene purposes on TiTs, not forreal!) Would it feel like rubbing on sandpaper or would it actually be pleasurable? Lel

That could be quite the funny Silly Mode variant, but really you should just go with it, I mean it is for a Porn Flash Game.

On a side note, it`s becoming harder and harder not to spoil myself with this submission.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2016
And third, although it pains me to do it, I've decided to make the non-sexual cuddle scenes with Fisianna part of her expansion pack instead of for her base content. Fisianna's base content is already HUGE for a first time project, and getting bigger with the sex scenes still needing to be done. It's already past the 42.5k word barrier and nearing 90 pages, which is likely going to surpass my previous estimate for the length of the doc. I don't wanna scare off Fenoxo by submitting a mini-book, even though it already is! Still, most of the space of this doc is dialogue based anyways so it HOPEFULLY shouldn't be a big issue.

Getting something done is more important than getting everything done.

To be honest, I've always been wondering what a feline tongue would even feel like against private parts... (I mostly mean for the sake of sex scene purposes on TiTs, not forreal!) Would it feel like rubbing on sandpaper or would it actually be pleasurable? Lel

I imagine Kaithrit/modded cat-tongues would be made more pleasurable than real-life cat tongues. (That's a weird sentence to write.)

Looking forward to it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
I could've sworn there's and npc that gives you head/eats you out with a cat tongue but I can't seem to find one. But here's an excerpt from Katherine "her softly bristled tongue", and here's the milodon fertility priestess "It’s soft but just a little rough around the tip", "t’s just the right combination of rough, wet, and soft to make you shiver and gasp with pleasure". So to answer your question its rough but not so rough as to be painful but rather it adds extra stimulation.
I imagine Kaithrit/modded cat-tongues would be made more pleasurable than real-life cat tongues. (That's a weird sentence to write.)
Yeah, I mostly wondered for in case I go through with the whole Fisi turns furry thing :p For now, she just has a normal human tongue :p

:negativeman:NOOOOO......Understandable, but nooooo.....:(:(:( It better be worth the wait.;):p
I'll try my best to make it worth it anyways! ;)

Da This is Good. More Fisi is Good.
On the whole modding Fisi into a full furry, I`m all for it. I`d love you forever if you did it the way Jade`s mod content is done, with Steele being there as she undergoes the transformation. But I can see how it would be a lot of work. One thing that can make it easier, you as the creator can decide when it becomes accessible to the PC. You could put it after most of the other her other content(the quest and crew recruitment) so that you don`t have to make two variations of those. Then most of it, besides the flavor text(which you as the creator dicide on how much to put in) comes down to coding her repeatable scenes.
Yeah, that would likely be the very last thing I'd work on with Fisi for the time being should I go through with it. I'm just hoping it won't affect too many repeatable scenes, but it would likely just affect sex scenes if I save it for last, which should make the burden of doing that much easier. (I also kinda had a bit of a thought of her getting a slight addition to milk as a consequence of her full catgirl transformation... :smuggo: Could open up to some potential breastfeeding scene or something. Again, just a thought :p)

Getting something done is more important than getting everything done.
This is true, don't want to spoil everything at once! Speaking of spoiling...

On a side note, it`s becoming harder and harder not to spoil myself with this submission.
Muahaha... :yes: :catte:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(I also kinda had a bit of a thought of her getting a slight addition to milk as a consequence of her full catgirl transformation... :smuggo: Could open up to some potential breastfeeding scene or something. Again, just a thought :p)
I'm lactating already.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Alrighty, three change of plans I thought of as I'm working on the doc.

Firstly, I shortened the initial number of sex scenes planned to 5 for now. I felt having a catch oral scene would get a bit redundant when I got to writing the 69 scene (I don't think I'm THE most creative when differentiating the two), so I'll likely incorporate what I want to in the 69 scene.
Awww I like to stare at my lovers while they squirm from my oral skills. Oh well...


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Awww I like to stare at my lovers while they squirm from my oral skills. Oh well...

I think you're confusing that for pitching oral :p Catching would be when they would suck/lick you :p Also that isn't to say that I won't make a catch oral scene during the expansion if you get her sexual confidence up :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I think you're confusing that for pitching oral :p Catching would be when they would suck/lick you :p Also that isn't to say that I won't make a catch oral scene during the expansion if you get her sexual confidence up :p
Well derp. It did sound like that, my mind thought "catching" was their junk in our face. Thats how it is in the gym at least, "catch vaginally".
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Well derp. It did sound like that, my mind thought "catching" was there junk in our face. Thats how it is in the gym at least, "catch vaginally".
Haha, well, you would likely catch something if you work at them hard enough. :smuggo:
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
And with that, the "Eat Her Out" scene is done! Three more scenes to go, then I can finally move on to editing for now. :catte: I think I really like this scene if I say so myself, especially the prehensile tongue variant :p

Also just now getting into a month of working on this project now, and I have to say I've enjoyed every moment of it! Hopefully I can get all of the scenes done by next week! :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Mmmm progress on your work makes me so optimistic we would see soon title change to submittted and then to implemented ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
And with that, the "Eat Her Out" scene is done! Three more scenes to go, then I can finally move on to editing for now. :catte: I think I really like this scene if I say so myself, especially the prehensile tongue variant :p

Also just now getting into a month of working on this project now, and I have to say I've enjoyed every moment of it! Hopefully I can get all of the scenes done by next week! :D
Another event I'm gonna enjoy. I can't help the thought of a silly mode, as our tongue elongates over her body, her look of surprise is met with a wet boop on the nose. :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Mmmm progress on your work makes me so optimistic we would see soon title change to submittted and then to implemented ^^
Should everything go smoothly, I can hope to have it ready for submission in about 2 week's time! Unfortunately a game that I've really been looking forward to playing with my friends just came out so it may hamper the speed of my progress, but I'll still work at it a little at a time! Should be done no later than the end of next month if it gets too distracting! (Accounting for the editing and adding other character stats I can use for future expansions)

Another event I'm gonna enjoy. I can't help the thought of a silly mode, as our tongue elongates over her body, her look of surprise is met with a wet boop on the nose. :D
I kinda wanna do that, I'm just unsure of how long a prehensile tongued Steel can actually reach. Fisi's about 5 foot nothing so from the waist up I'd imagine that's like give or take 3 feet? If it's around that then I can throw that in there :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I kinda wanna do that, I'm just unsure of how long a prehensile tongued Steel can actually reach. Fisi's about 5 foot nothing so from the waist up I'd imagine that's like give or take 3 feet? If it's around that then I can throw that in there :p
Dragon tongues of CoC reach 4ft, so tongue sizes may vary but there are types that reach incredible distances like dragon and Lucifer Candy Apple demon tongues.