[IMPLEMENTED] Feline TF (feline-morph/feline-taur/chakat)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Back on the old CoC forums I belive that Fen once said monkey morphs rub him the wrong way because there is little grey area between them being monkey enough that it's basically straight up bestiality or them being so human that they barely count as a morph. 

Monkeys are residing in an uncanny valley, and many TiTS "races" are somewhere there too as for me. And bestiality... As I said, there are nothing wrong with sentient with feral body type. Erm... Not sure is bestiality theme is in "no discussion" list here.

Sapience and consent vs form, let's just leave it at that.

Is term "consent" applicable without sapience? Hot theme, though, consent and animals...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Is term "consent" applicable without sapience?

That's a debate I'm not qualified to comment on. Would need an animal behaviorologist to answer that and even then most people wouldn't take it.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Monkeys are residing in an uncanny valley, and many TiTS "races" are somewhere there too as for me. And bestiality... As I said, there are nothing wrong with sentient with feral body type. Erm... Not sure is bestiality theme is in "no discussion" list here.

Is term "consent" applicable without sapience? Hot theme, though, consent and animals...

Beastiality is talked about directly in the rules. It's cool to talk about, but you have to know that there will never be any in the games.

That's a debate I'm not qualified to comment on. Would need an animal behaviorologist to answer that and even then most people wouldn't take it.

I'd have to say that since Sapience is literally just being human, only sentience which is decision making should be required. If you can't make a decision you can't consent after all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sapience is reason, sentience is awareness, essentially. There's more to it, but it boils down to whether a being can think vs whether it can make informed decisions not based on own experience.

@Etis That is rape...
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
No, actually. "Sapient" is basically a synonim for "intelligent".

This raises another question - can someone other make this decision for them.

Sapience is reason, sentience is awareness, essentially. There's more to it, but it boils down to whether a being can think vs whether it can make informed decisions not based on own experience.




adjective: sapient

  1. 1.


    wise, or attempting to appear wise.

    • (chiefly in science fiction) intelligent.

      "sapient life forms"

  2. 2.

    of or relating to the human species ( Homo sapiens ).

    "our sapient ancestors of 40,000 years ago"


noun: sapient; plural noun: sapients

  1. 1.

    a human of the species Homo sapiens.


Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You guys get way too serious about these topics, if you read the second line of my post again you'll realize that Fen doesn't give a fuck. Besides, it's only 50% bestiality if the NPC has humanoid features, and only 25% if they also have noticeable sapience. Here's another 4chan example on fetish mathematics:

2 Guys: 100% Gay
1 Guy, 1 Girl: 50% Gay
1 Futa, 1 Girl: 25% Gay
2 Futa: 12.5% Gay
2 Girls: You would think it's 0% Gay but actually it's 100% Lesbian so it comes back around to 100% Gay.

I have a PhD so I know what I'm talking about.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
You guys get way too serious about these topics, if you read the second line of my post again you'll realize that Fen doesn't give a fuck. Besides, it's only 50% bestiality if the NPC has humanoid features, and only 25% if they also have noticeable sapience. Here's another 4chan example on fetish mathematics:

2 Guys: 100% Gay
1 Guy, 1 Girl: 50% Gay
1 Futa, 1 Girl: 25% Gay
2 Futa: 12.5% Gay
2 Girls: You would think it's 0% Gay but actually it's 100% Lesbian so it comes back around to 100% Gay.

I have a PhD so I know what I'm talking about.

2 Futa would be 100% gay since they're both the same gender.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
That's still up for debate in the field of Theoretical Fetish Mathematics.

In before "Is Trap or Shemale a gender?"
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Eh, if you want to get really technical (and I mean unnecessarily so):

Penis: Male
Vagina: Female
Penis, High Femininity, Small/No Boobs: Trap
Penis, High Femininity, Big Boobs: Shemale
Vagina, Low Femininity, Small/No Boos: Cuntboy
Penis and Vagina: Futa
Penis, Vagina, and Balls: Herm

Also, having a penis implies you also have a prostate, regardless of whether or not you have balls or a vagina. This is roughly the way it works in CoC and TiTS and roughly the way it works on the internet. But most people don't give a shit and it boils down to "What do I type to search for the porn I want?" You can trust me because I have more than one PhD.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh dear, here we go again...

Sex=/=gender, lets get that across right now.

Shemale is a body type arrangement classification, most often they assume feminine pronouns. Even this is subject to change as language evolves and societal views on the dichotomy change.

Traps assume a female form, with or without breasts, but assume masculine pronouns. This doesn't change with the individual else they stop being trap and fall into shemale territory.

Futa(nari) is a specific form of hermaphrodite, a overall feminine form and pronouns with the addition of male genitalia, testicles optional. In some cases shemale is placed in this category.

Hermaphrodite only concerns sex-organs, requiring both capable of siring or mothering children both. Secondary and tertiary physical characteristics can be anything along the spectrum.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
I'll just stick to using He/She, and not caring about the fine lines between the many possible genders or sexes. However they identify I just won't call it into question.

I'm not nearly intelligent enough to remember so many unimportant things that are all right smack in the middle of what could just be called a gray area.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Goosh I kinda sad seeing another thread drift dangerously close to talk about besiality or gender vs sex and so on stuff.

Etis said his stance on Monkeys and since it's about his TF there is no need talking now more about it. If you want then make some thread in general tits section. And that is me be kind to you all as if it would continue mods could jump here and things would be not as bright then.

On subject...I not think I seen it anywhere meantiond: Etis what your thoughts on using that system to pick which body part will TF to your new TF you may make or to add code for it to some of existing TF items?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Goosh I kinda sad seeing another thread drift dangerously close to talk about besiality or gender vs sex and so on stuff.

TBH - the original theme is already exhausted, so I don't see any reason to keep it on rails anymore.

On subject...I not think I seen it anywhere meantiond: Etis what your thoughts on using that system to pick which body part will TF to your new TF you may make or to add code for it to some of existing TF items?

The idea of controlled TFs has both positive an negative sides. It is too... Mechanistic. For the specific TF, it is justified by being designed species from the very beginning. But for many people living things should be unpredictable and imperfect to a certain degree. Being able to just create your character like a lego... Can use save editor as well. Quest for a perfect form is a part of TF game idea, after all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Some of poeple still aren;t against been it My perfect Lego DNA constructor :p

But I do too also feel it would make making my perfect steele a little boring if only with few clicks I would get what I want. Unless I would have some like metamorph perk I want add to my coc mod where it's possible to make perfect chimerical champ at endgame it still need to unlock all body part by using  various TF items.
May 17, 2016
Hmm. ‘spose that I can rise from my bastion of laziness and offer my experience as a writer for any potential projects you have in mind.

I for one would like to see more transformative substances with an animalistic bent added to TiTS – ones that do not simply happen to be ordinary humans with animal ears/tail. There is certainly a vacuum to be filled in this category!

Give me a nudge on the forums if you want some assistance. Right now I am going to collapse on my bed. Have some serious amount of sleep to catch up on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hmm. ‘spose that I can rise from my bastion of laziness and offer my experience as a writer for any potential projects you have in mind.

I for one would like to see more transformative substances with an animalistic bent added to TiTS – ones that do not simply happen to be ordinary humans with animal ears/tail. There is certainly a vacuum to be filled in this category!

Give me a nudge on the forums if you want some assistance. Right now I am going to collapse on my bed. Have some serious amount of sleep to catch up on.

I definitely can do some collab work as coder. But as writer you can just follow general submission rules as well, unless you want something specific which is tied to some of my (few) works.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
yes i am so looking forwards to foxfire >x3 though will you give the item its own topic or edit this one to be both feline tf and fox tf


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
yes i am so looking forwards to foxfire >x3 though will you give the item its own topic or edit this one to be both feline tf and fox tf

It would have own topic later, when there would be something to actually show.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's fox TF with a twist like that cat one or kitsune with a twist (or not) TF?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's fox TF with a twist like that cat one or kitsune with a twist (or not) TF?

If used accordingly to instruction it is a straighforward vulpine-morph TF. Though not without weird side effects. Had to cut off expenses to make it cheaper... But documented bugs becomes features, right? If misused... Yes, I like things which can be misused :ph34r:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh ok. Well than maybe would be still place for that SIonach TF and...something else more fun too that would req. sionach TF to exist first ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ohh ok. Well than maybe would be still place for that SIonach TF and...something else more fun too that would req. sionach TF to exist first ;)

I really want true kitsune TF, but it must have some actual and notably usable perk. Just kitsune-morph... Well, nothing wrong with having one too. But it is like fake Christmas ornaments - looks all the same, but have no true joy in them (translating anecdotes is really thankless job).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Also, that price. It says "affordable," you say "cheaper," implemented Catnip is 2000 creds |^P

Yes, but Catnip requires 10-15 doses to get full effect, which would be 20-30k. And here you only need one potion to get warranted full effect.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ah, so this is gonna be one time like Panda-pro, Horse Pill, or Ovir Positive?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah not fan of having fake stuff of some things. But then again Sionach TF would be nly stepping stones to what i want to see ingame.