[Implemented] Another Cowgirl, Brandy the Moo


Jul 11, 2016
I put one of my terrible Ideas into action and ended up writing it, unlike my last terrible Idea.

After viewing the work of an artist I enjoy I've gotten over my previous disdain for cowgirls and actually like them a bit now. This has led me to want to write a character that will end up a bit different than the rest of the cowsluts on New Texas.

Brandy is a girl who was born and raised on New Texas. When she received her treatment something went a bit awry, leaving her larynx unable to receive electrical signals from her brain properly. She cannot verbally communicate aside from mooing, which she attempts to avoid doing. Although the Treatment had similar effects on her as it does most other girls, her disability led to her being a bit less outgoing, and a bit more reserved with her sexual advances. Big Idea being she'd be less "cowslutty" than the rest of New Texas.

I've already written Brandy's scenes up, but I plan on a future expansion that would include:

  • Relationship/Affection meter, eventually granting access to more talk scenes, sex scenes, and new opening scenes.

  • Yeah that's about it.

Someone did mention Reaha in the document, which I included, I don't know if I'm allowed to do anything with Reaha but hey, maybe a cowgirl threesome in the far-future.

Latest update:

Look who's happy you've come to visit again, or visit to come again:
(Thanks to @FubMistress for the art!)

Brandy has been submitted and is now on the code pile.

Brandy the Moo (Now easier to navigate!)
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm gonna have to say no, I mean seriously a good 5th of the content in the game is cowgirls and guys on NT, other areas of the game could use some love, Hell other area's of the game are parched for NPC and content. This is my own opinion but there's too many cow this and cow that. How about spreading the love around with some of the other races.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Nothing wrong with more cowgirls. But if you're going to make a slutty bimbo character why not a different race?

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm gonna have to say no, I mean seriously a good 5th of the content in the game is cowgirls and guys on NT, other areas of the game could use some love, Hell other area's of the game are parched for NPC and content. This is my own opinion but there's too many cow this and cow that. How about spreading the love around with some of the other races.

Other planets have combat, leveling, sidequests, and NPCs. Out of those 4 things so far all there is on NT is NPCs and like 1 sidequest, being Gianna's silicone. And frankly, wouldn't that mirror the enticement of New Texas, a metric fuck ton of slutty and horny Cows and Bulls ready to fuck at any time, suitable, no?

I say go ahead and write it Hugs. Regarding her mooing, do you think we'll be able to make her more comfortable with mooing? So that say, for example, her normal greeting would be her blushing and waving at you, and when she's more comfortable with her moos her greeting would be a series of overjoyed moos followed be a big tittied hug?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The time has come yet again for me to put another one of my terrible ideas into action only to stop writing halfway through out of boredom. 

Maybe not, this idea is more than a bit simpler than my last one and should be easier to write than an entire event. 

After viewing the work of an artist I enjoy I've gotten over my previous disdain for cowgirls and actually like them a bit now. This has led me to want to write a character that will end up a bit different than the rest of the cowsluts on New Texas.

[Name not decided] is a girl who was born and raised on New Texas. When she received her treatment something went a bit awry, leaving her larynx unable to receive electrical signals from her brain properly. She cannot verbally communicate aside from mooing, which she attempts to avoid doing. Although the Treatment had similar effects on her as it does most other girls, her disability led to her being a bit less outgoing, and a bit more reserved with her sexual advances. Big Idea being she'd be less "cowslutty" than the rest of New Texas.

So if I actually end up doing this thing it'll be pretty simple, an introduction (one for first time and a repeatable one), some "talk" scenes, an appearance page, and some sex scenes. It seems like it'd be easier to write seeing as only the PC would have dialogue, but I wouldn't know until I try.

Also any name Ideas would be helpful, bonus points if it ends in an "ee" sound.

I'd really like a link to the art that brought you into the fold of cowloving. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Give her alcohol lactation and call her Brandy :p  

I'd love it if we got an exhibitionism scene, where you can make her moo in public.

I'd really like a link to the art that brought you into the fold of cowloving. 

Me too...for research purposes.


Jul 11, 2016
I say go ahead and write it Hugs. Regarding her mooing, do you think we'll be able to make her more comfortable with mooing? So that say, for example, her normal greeting would be her blushing and waving at you, and when she's more comfortable with her moos her greeting would be a series of overjoyed moos followed be a big tittied hug?

Yeah that's the plan later on down the road. For now I just wanted to write the opening stuff and a few sex scenes.

I'd really like a link to the art that brought you into the fold of cowloving. 

I found this guy's stuff recently: http://theycallhimcake.tumblr.com/tagged/cowgirl

Not normally into the mega-boob stuff, but I like his art a lot. 

Unfortunately for most, his main OC is SFW, all the time, no exceptions. She's not a cowgirl though.

Give her alcohol lactation and call her Brandy :p  

I'd love it if we got an exhibitionism scene, where you can make her moo in public.

Me too...for research purposes.

Heh, nice Idea for the name, maybe she can work at a brewery or something.

The whole Idea is that she would moo a lot more during sex scenes, so that exhibition thing wouldn't be a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Give her alcohol lactation and call her Brandy :p  

I'd love it if we got an exhibitionism scene, where you can make her moo in public.

Me too...for research purposes.

Ooh, I really like both of those ideas. Though the name should be Cherrie, and the exhibitionism scene should probably feature some tourists, since it'd be harder for New Texans to properly play the role of the onlooking crowd to get embarrassed about, on account of them not giving a fuck.

Also, I'd really like for a Silly Mode scene to have Cherrie conversing with the normal cows, pouring her heart out.

It seems like it'd be easier to write seeing as only the PC would have dialogue, but I wouldn't know until I try.

I honese can't see why you'd think that. PC is usually the one whose direct speech in scenes most authors try to bring to a minimum, since they are vaguely defined, unlike the NPC you have full control over. And having two characters interacting with each other using almost no dialogue will be even more challenging, since you'd have to convey the tone and every little detail through the narration.


Jul 11, 2016
Also, I'd really like for a Silly Mode scene to have Cherrie conversing with the normal cows, pouring her heart out.

Another good idea.

I honese can't see why you'd think that.

Because I'm not the smartest guy. I'm going to try to stay pretty neutral with the PC's lines to a point.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
As good as the character looks, we have a bit too much cowslut content.  Perhaps you could rewrite her into a moosetaur from new canada.  I'm sure they have plenty of new texas parallel rituals you could make use of. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As good as the character looks, we have a bit too much cowslut content.  Perhaps you could rewrite her into a moosetaur from new canada.  I'm sure they have plenty of new texas parallel rituals you could make use of. 

We have a lot of cow sluts because we have a lot of fans of cow sluts. Heh the demand for more is still there and if this writer has his boner worked up to give us another we'll gladly take her.

Trials in Tainted Space: More Cowbell Edition


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Though the name should be Cherrie

But we already have Carrie. Cherrie would confuse people. New Texas is complicated and troubling enough on the moral ground, we do not need similar names if not necessary. I think 'Brandy' is fine.

I will always be joyous for new cow-girls and the mooing sounds adorable. I also like what you've written so far.


Jul 11, 2016
Got another update today, first sex scene and a new talk option, feel free to take a look and give feedback:

Brandy the Moo

(Thanks again to Shadefalcon for the wonderful idea)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Got another update today, first sex scene and a new talk option, feel free to take a look and give feedback:

Brandy the Moo

She´s so CUTE!!! 

The time has come yet again for me to put another one of my terrible ideas into action only to stop writing halfway through out of boredom. 

Don´t you dare!!!  :p  

(Thanks again to Shadefalcon for the wonderful idea)

No problem. I was only half joking at the time, didn´t think you´d actually go through with the lactation thing, you absolute madman xD  

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I am on board with this. Now you can tell your friends about the day you won the approval of me, Captain Shitpost.


Jul 11, 2016
Coming to you live and direct from the middle of nowhere, the center of everywhere. 

Got another update today, finished up the missionary scene, (stupidly called moosionary in the actual doc) along with the sex opening scene, and some of the repeatable intro scenes. 

Brandy the Moo

Let me know what you think!

And thank you captain for your boon, I will not waste it, I assure you.


Jul 11, 2016
Another update for you all today, wrote up the exhibitionism scene, as well as the scene where you ask Brandy a bit about herself.

I hope you guys like the Exhibition scene, because it hurt my fucking soul to write. 

Here's the doc in case ya forgot: Brandy the Moo

Starting to think I might write a "revenge" exhibition scene.

P.S. Does anyone at what point I should move this thread to the submissions page as a work in progress, or is Brandy not good enough for that yet?
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I just want to hug her and brush her hair.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Throw some headings in and ask to be moved to Submissions when you're ready.

Dear Smut God: Thank you for sending us a new competent writer.
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Jul 11, 2016
Yet another update for my new favorite cowgirl. 

Wrote up the titfuck scene, as well as a nice little scene for the tender souls among the community. 

Time to start editing, formatting, and parsing, only to be distracted by the prospect of writing more sex scenes. 

Here's the doc, give it a read and let me know what you think:

Brandy the Moo

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015

Oh god please make the scene longer cuddles are my fetish y'all don't know bout dat oxytocin.
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Jul 11, 2016
Super sneaky late night update here.

Just needed to get this new scene down on digital-paper before I stop writing for good tonight.

Be warned, it's not for the faint of heart. lol jk it's cuddling, enjoy you faint-hearted bastards.

Brandy the Moo

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015

Also why am I the only one here?