[Implemented] Another Cowgirl, Brandy the Moo

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
...From you?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well getting Brandy ingame first is a must asap. Option to take her home or...getting her to our car(/space camper) can come later :smugdog:


Jul 11, 2016
...From you?

Do you plan on shitposting at all on your date? 

Well getting Brandy ingame first is a must asap. Option to take her home or...getting her to our car(/space camper) can come later :smugdog:

If only it were so easy to focus on one thing without receiving so many good ideas, but yes, SOON.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If only it were so easy to focus on one thing without receiving so many good ideas, but yes, SOON.

LoL and so you felt that feature creep is strong in this one too hue hue. That hard art to say no to more feature creep liek you got now with Brandy. Or jsut keep wirting thwm down somewhere in seperate place than Brandy main gdoc to be left to be worked on at later date when she get ingame so it will be only expanding her mroe than adding more to base before she was even added.

So...what you thought about my idea of Brandy been able to talk but under great mental and physical burden to do it so she saving it for people she really likes?


Jul 11, 2016
Or jsut keep wirting thwm down somewhere in seperate place than Brandy main gdoc to be left to be worked on at later date when she get ingame so it will be only expanding her mroe than adding more to base before she was even added.

I've been keeping a .txt doc of all the things I want to write, it keeps getting longer.

So...what you thought about my idea of Brandy been able to talk but under great mental and physical burden to do it so she saving it for people she really likes?

I like the Idea a lot, it's just that all the revisions and stuff that needs explaining because of it I don't like.

Also I could use a small bit of help; you guys think it'd be better if Brandy just gestured as to what this "other mod" did, or if she should show Steele some sort of poster or advertisement for it? Technically this TF would have been taken off the market quickly after it's side effects were discovered, poor Brandy being one of the first to actually use the commercially available version. So I don't know where the advertisement would be.  
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Also I could use a small bit of help; you guys think it'd be better if Brandy just gestured as to what this "other mod" did, or if she should show Steele some sort of poster or advertisement for it? Technically this TF would have been taken off the market quickly after it's side effects were discovered, poor Brandy being one of the first to actually use the commercially available version. So I don't know where the advertisement would be.  

She can always use gestures to ask PC to hand over their Codex for a moment, space Google an article about the mod and/or the incident and hand it back to them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
She can always use gestures to ask PC to hand over their Codex for a moment, space Google an article about the mod and/or the incident and hand it back to them.

I second this. This makes it a whole lot easier to explain how her predicament came to be with the least amount of gestures possible.

I feel bad for Brandy now...and it was my idea. I'm such a horrible person.
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Jul 11, 2016
Brandy's backstory is now that she came too hard and lost her voice.


She can always use gestures to ask PC to hand over their Codex for a moment, space Google an article about the mod and/or the incident and hand it back to them.

Thanks for this dude, very good idea, wrote up a quick little thing of the PC reading an article on the mod, had to give it a stupid name though.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
How about she saved a cowkid from getting attacked by a Varmint and got her vocal chords scratched in the process?


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
How about she saved a cowkid from getting attacked by a Varmint and got her vocal chords scratched in the process?

I think that's a little too violent, to get to the vocal cords you'd have to cut through half the neck. And can't wounds be heals quite easily with their modern medicine?
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I can't for the life of me figure out a backstory that doesn't make shadefalcon out to be a monster, isn't sad or violent, and still keeps Brandy endearing.


Jul 11, 2016
Well technically I'm the monster for creating Brandy with a disability (and for that exhibition scene), but yeah whatever shadefalcon's a monster.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I can't for the life of me figure out a backstory that doesn't make shadefalcon out to be a monster, isn't sad or violent, and still keeps Brandy endearing.
Well technically I'm the monster for creating Brandy with a disability (and for that exhibition scene), but yeah whatever shadefalcon's a monster.

...Which I suggested...(All credits go to you for writing it of course :p )

*Looks at avatar. Well I've already been established as a harpy in this forum, and harpies are technically a monster species. So I guess I can live with it :p  

Personally I think it's the best option so far. It's the closest to the authors original idea after all.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Well technically I'm the monster for creating Brandy with a disability (and for that exhibition scene), but yeah whatever shadefalcon's a monster.

The former is cute and endearing, and the latter is okay because cuddles. But yeah whatever shadefalcon's a monster.


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Reviewed a goodly chunk.

Theme & Tone: Booby Brewery is pretty cool and lines up nicely with Kally's content. Selective "Moo"teness is adorable, though the cause is a bit of a stretch, particularly when the conflict is apparently something as simple as "bovine hormones" and not a deep restructuring of host DNA via microsurgeons. It's odd for the conflict to be with a breast mod instead of something else. Something that mods the throat or tongue would make more sense. A mod to improve her voice that she had taken pre-treatment would make sense. Or something to eliminate her gag reflex.

Also not really sure about her job. She's supposed to be "free samples" but tries to avoid attracting attention to herself. She doesn't really make much offer to the PC to take one either, being unable to talk and trying to stay busy with some barrels. It's like hiring a sign-spinner to stand on the corner, and then having them stand behind a dumpster smoking. Doesn't make much business sense.

Not 100% sure how I feel about how unhappy she is with her lot and life. Treated folks don't really have a ton of room for malaise.

Grammar: Lots and lots of comma splices. Writing is otherwise serviceable but repetitive. Definitely overuses the "You <verb>" sentence structure in places.

Character: Cute as fuck design. Would love to see art of it. Adorable interactions.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I like the Idea a lot, it's just that all the revisions and stuff that needs explaining because of it I don't like.

Ok well I was worried it was too absurd so you not even comment on it. Maybe for some other npc it would be used by you or some other writer. Would be nice to see such concept used for some future npc not specialy one of NT ones.


Jul 11, 2016
Selective "Moo"teness is adorable, though the cause is a bit of a stretch, particularly when the conflict is apparently something as simple as "bovine hormones" and not a deep restructuring of host DNA via microsurgeons. It's odd for the conflict to be with a breast mod instead of something else. Something that mods the throat or tongue would make more sense. A mod to improve her voice that she had taken pre-treatment would make sense. Or something to eliminate her gag reflex.

Yeah, that's why I wrote "cheap" into the description of BestBreast, because that was the only way I could think of for the hormones to fit in. Now I'm thinking maybe she was born mute, received a gene-mod to fix that which then clashed with her treatment.

Also not really sure about her job. She's supposed to be "free samples" but tries to avoid attracting attention to herself. She doesn't really make much offer to the PC to take one either, being unable to talk and trying to stay busy with some barrels.

Free samples was her old job, she works the stockyard now. In my head canon of a so far non-existent character: Brandy originally took up that job, she enjoyed all the sex and suckling but felt something was "off" about it, and attributed her inability to speak out to part of that. She put in for a transfer to work somewhere else and got placed in the stockyard, where she meets Steele, of course. 

Not 100% sure how I feel about how unhappy she is with her lot and life. Treated folks don't really have a ton of room for malaise.

I just sort of went off how I think most people would feel if the one thing meant to turn them into a sex-happy social butterfly suddenly ripped away their main ability to communicate with others.

Grammar: Lots and lots of comma splices. Writing is otherwise serviceable but repetitive. Definitely overuses the "You <verb>" sentence structure in places.

Me no write so good, me work on it, thanks a bunch for the edits in the doc.

Character: Cute as fuck design. Would love to see art of it. Adorable interactions.

Thanks! One of my first thoughts when writing this was a commission for some art. 

Man, this is getting a lot more difficult to write than I originally intended, I wonder why tha-

I put one of my terrible Ideas into action and ended up writing it


Anyways, thanks for all the feedback everyone, it helps a lot. 
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Jul 11, 2016

Yeah, as SoonTM as I get rid of all the repetition, comma splices, and fix up the back-story on Brandy.

I actually went through the Maid Scene doc and tried to do the same. 

There's probably a Bioshock joke in here I'm not seeing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Brandy has a yes/no pillow in her bedroom, which she puts in front of her blushing face when she's very embarrassed, but still want to answer you.
Just a lovely thought I had in the middle of class :oops:
Not a real idea :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Brandy has a yes/no pillow in her bedroom, which she puts in front of her blushing face when she's very embarrassed, but still want to answer you.
Just a lovely thought I had in the middle of class :oops:
Not a real idea :p
What are you talking about? That's a lovely idea. :smuggo:Though it'd make more sense for her to have that after interracting with Captain Steele the Kink Fiend.


Jul 11, 2016
Brandy has a yes/no pillow in her bedroom, which she puts in front of her blushing face when she's very embarrassed, but still want to answer you.

Amazing. (Silly mode pillow just has "moo" written on both sides.)

We're breaking the hnnnnnng threshold, though.

Just a lovely thought I had in the middle of class :oops:

Funny thing that, I get most of my Ideas in longer classes, except my ideas end up pretty terrible.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
We are approaching the hnnngularity.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Perhaps the Steele in us that throws money to solve all the waifus problems can buy Brandy a CODEX.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Maybe better than buying a CODEX. Well since we already helped one npc became fully girl then other get real/robotic 4th arm why not tosh dosh to do same here. Unless using credits to fix her issue will be totaly crushing Brandy core idea (it may I suppose with such option).