Also why am I the only one here?
Too much cuteness, if I don´t take it in small doses I risk an overload of hnnnnng.
Also why am I the only one here?
[...] I risk an overload of hnnnnng.
Also been thinking about writing a scene for the seemingly neglected taur community by adding a scene when the PC and Brandy take a trip to the stocks where the PC can bend her over and do the hing diddly in her hoohah with their wangdangler.
Any help would be appreciated, I'm also going to take a look at other submissions to try to get an idea.
(Actually I think I get it now, I was overthinking it, a lot.)
Also since you mentioned taur community, are you thinking off writing that scene with a variant for taur npcs?
As in for specific taurs that can be the bent-over-ee in that scene?
Or just nameless ones? Because I'd be willing to write it, also thinking of writing a taur variant for the missionary scene, and a naga variation for the cuddle scene.
Just clearly state what you want in a comment.
Hey Hugs, I just went through the entire Doc and left a few suggestions. Just a few grammar fixes and variations, but otherwise a great job. Can't wait for it to be approved; you can't go wrong with cowgirls![]()
Edit: Perhaps I went a bit overboard with the comments; I'm a bit of a perfectionist. :$
Hope you guys like it!
No I don't...I LOVE IT!!!
Hands down one of my favourite cows.
Or a generic location with a line or two of location blurbs referring to the brewery could work too, I think.
(Though I noticed within her sex scenes, she lets taur PCs do her in the pussy right away, but with bipeds, they aren't allowed to. Damn you taurs! lol But no seriously, I find that kinda odd. A first I found it understandable for her to be 'saving' herself for someone special or something the very first time I read that bit, but then I actually went and checked the taur scenes for the hell of it and noticed she doesn't stop them from doing her vag in some way like she does with those that aren't tauric, and my brain basically went "Well that's kinda unfair for us non-taurs players ain't it?" Unless that's for when the affection statistic comes into play later, but I still can't help but feel it's a little inconsistent because of that. >w<")
Fear not, bipeds vaginal scenes will come, eventually(tm).
Maybe she was born with this disability? Or perhaps she was a mute until the treatment gave her the ability to moo?
She wasn't happy with her looks after the treatment, and took another experimental bovine TF?
I would probably go with the latter one, unless I can think of a reason for her being born with incurable muteness.