[Implemented] Another Cowgirl, Brandy the Moo


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
[...] I risk an overload of hnnnnng.

You gotta be terribly careful with those. Also don't hnnnnng and drive! I'll stop shitposting now, possibly eventually maybe.


Jul 11, 2016
Well I read the guide on how to format and present a submission and I can safely say that I'm pretty stupid.

I'm not getting any of this, it may have something to do with my mind already being filled with several hundred different ways to calculate the number of electrons going through an electrical system. I'm unable to absorb most of it from just reading the document. I understand parsers pretty well, and I fixed the ones in the doc. When it comes to trying to figure out how to link scenes and set requirements for scenes I'm pretty lost. 

Any help would be appreciated, I'm also going to take a look at other submissions to try to get an idea.

Also been thinking about writing a scene for the seemingly neglected taur community by adding a scene when the PC and Brandy take a trip to the stocks where the PC can bend her over and do the hing diddly in her hoohah with their wangdangler.

(Actually I think I get it now, I was overthinking it, a lot.)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Hugs and snuggle scenes ... TiTS needs more of this. Loving the character so far. Can't wait to meet her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Also been thinking about writing a scene for the seemingly neglected taur community by adding a scene when the PC and Brandy take a trip to the stocks where the PC can bend her over and do the hing diddly in her hoohah with their wangdangler.

That would be awesome. I´ve secretly been hoping for some miscreant manor content, where you aren´t the person bending over.

Also since you mentioned taur community, are you thinking off writing that scene with a variant for taur npcs?

Any help would be appreciated, I'm also going to take a look at other submissions to try to get an idea.

(Actually I think I get it now, I was overthinking it, a lot.)

Well, just ask for help and you will receive :)  


Jul 11, 2016
Also since you mentioned taur community, are you thinking off writing that scene with a variant for taur npcs?

As in for specific taurs that can be the bent-over-ee in that scene? 

Or just nameless ones? Because I'd be willing to write it, also thinking of writing a taur variant for the missionary scene, and a naga variation for the cuddle scene.

I could also use a little help figuring some things out, if anyone knows. Let's say after a sex scene I want the [next] option to return the player to outside Big T's ranch. How would I go about doing that, do I just leave a comment under the option? Or if I want the talk menu to have a return button to bring you back to Brandy's main menu, would I need to mark her main dialogue page as [return], or would I just write it as a comment? 
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Just clearly state what you want in a comment.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
As in for specific taurs that can be the bent-over-ee in that scene? 

Or just nameless ones? Because I'd be willing to write it, also thinking of writing a taur variant for the missionary scene, and a naga variation for the cuddle scene.

Any taur content would be much appreciated within this community xD  

But what I was specifically wondering about, was whether or not the stock scene was gonna have a normal PC variant, with the addition of a different taur PC variant. Where in both cases the PC bang Brandy while she´s locked up in the miscreant manor.

Just clearly state what you want in a comment.

This. If you´re uncertain and any parser or formatting guide given by Ted and Geddy doesn´t make anything clearer, just make sure you clearly state your intentions.


Jul 11, 2016
Beep boop, another update today.

Wrote out one of two taur-specific sex scenes. The one done today is a breeding stall scene, don't worry, the miscreant manner scene is on the way, eventually. Also done today are the taur sex opening scene and a description for the Brewery area. 

I'm pretty sure I did okay with parsing and variants so far, and got a lot of work done with that stuff. Please, don't hesitate to scream at me if something's wrong. 

Hope you guys like it, and let me know if you have any feedback. 

Brandy the Moo

Snusnu Schnitzel

Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
Hey Hugs, I just went through the entire Doc and left a few suggestions. Just a few grammar fixes and variations, but otherwise a great job. Can't wait for it to be approved; you can't go wrong with cowgirls :)  

Edit: Perhaps I went a bit overboard with the comments; I'm a bit of a perfectionist.  :$
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Jul 11, 2016
Hey Hugs, I just went through the entire Doc and left a few suggestions. Just a few grammar fixes and variations, but otherwise a great job. Can't wait for it to be approved; you can't go wrong with cowgirls :)  

Edit: Perhaps I went a bit overboard with the comments; I'm a bit of a perfectionist.  :$

All good, thanks for taking a look at it, of all the changes that need to be made, I'd say mechanical ones are the most prevalent, so thanks for that. 

Gonna get to work on fixing this up and look at the other suggestions there.


Jul 11, 2016
Update comin' to ya.

Finished up the miscreant manor scene, again it's taur-specific, but I might write some variants in the future, but I really only wrote it so taur players could have an exhibitionism scene with Brandy.

Also made a TON of mechanical fixes to the doc thanks to Snusnu Schnitzel. 

I wrote up a scene to show a disheartened Brandy if one chooses the [return] option in the sex menu, might leave it out though, it seems a bit too sad. 

Hope you guys like it!

Brandy the Moo


Jul 11, 2016
Alright, I think I'm finally done, I resisted writing more sex scenes and debated if I want to put the Relationship/Affection in now or wait until an expansion or something. I'm waiting until an expansion, I feel like I've already written this thing to hell and back. I made a few minor changes since the last update.  

So I guess we can call this [Finished] besides minor mechanical errors that are probably still in there, any help finding those errors would be greatly appreciated. 

I have to say, it's been a lot of fun writing this.

So do I submit this whole doc somehow or just mark it [Finished] for the time being?

No I don't...I LOVE IT!!! :D

Hands down one of my favourite cows. 

Thanks! It's nice seeing people enjoy this. 
Nov 27, 2015
Hey Hugs, I just wanted to say I love your Moo Moo girl. You write as professionally as the rest of the authors on this site, and I'm hoping Brandy makes it in!


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
At first I didn't check the doc since cowgirls aren't exactly my interest and find there are many in the game is it is, but then I did a complete' why not?' and decided to give it a read.

Holy fuck she is so cute. Never thought someone would try to do a 'mute' character in the game. The mooing is actually kinda adorable in a way, certainly better than her being completely silent. It gives some character... or something like that? I don't really know how to explain it but what I'm saying is it's a neat quirk.
Also I'm very much loving that hug scene and cuddle scene, but then again I love fluff scenes to hell and back, so moment I saw those scenes I pretty much smiled like an idiot.

I like her, I like her a lot. c:

(Though I noticed within her sex scenes, she lets taur PCs do her in the pussy right away, but with bipeds, they aren't allowed to. Damn you taurs! lol But no seriously, I find that kinda odd. A first I found it understandable for her to be 'saving' herself for someone special or something the very first time I read that bit, but then I actually went and checked the taur scenes for the hell of it and noticed she doesn't stop them from doing her vag in some way like she does with those that aren't tauric, and my brain basically went "Well that's kinda unfair for us non-taurs players ain't it?" Unless that's for when the affection statistic comes into play later, but I still can't help but feel it's a little inconsistent because of that. >w<")
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Snusnu Schnitzel

Active Member
Oct 22, 2016
Glancing through the Gdoc with a once-over pass everything seems to be perfect. It's ready for submission, though I think since the Brewery needs to be written for her to be added it might get less priority until Fen or co. has time to do that. Or a generic location with a line or two of location blurbs referring to the brewery could work too, I think.

tl;dr Brandy-moo best cuddlefu :)


Jul 11, 2016
Or a generic location with a line or two of location blurbs referring to the brewery could work too, I think.

That's what I tried to do with the opening text, it's supposed to be the location blurb.

Location is the only thing I've been unsure about this whole time, but those first line with the description of the Brewery is supposed to be the location blurd. The Brewery wouldn't be an actual location you could go inside of, just a tile on the map, seeing as Brandy herself is out side.

(Though I noticed within her sex scenes, she lets taur PCs do her in the pussy right away, but with bipeds, they aren't allowed to. Damn you taurs! lol But no seriously, I find that kinda odd. A first I found it understandable for her to be 'saving' herself for someone special or something the very first time I read that bit, but then I actually went and checked the taur scenes for the hell of it and noticed she doesn't stop them from doing her vag in some way like she does with those that aren't tauric, and my brain basically went "Well that's kinda unfair for us non-taurs players ain't it?" Unless that's for when the affection statistic comes into play later, but I still can't help but feel it's a little inconsistent because of that. >w<")

Yeah, the main reason behind this is my stupid brain going "Taking a taur cock up the arse seems a bit painful, let's just make these scenes vaginal." So I just decided it was for Brandy's sake you put it in that hole.

But then I realized this is TiTS and the PC can take a 2 foot dong up the ass with their organs intact. 

Unfortunately I realized that after writing the two taur scenes. 

Fear not, bipeds vaginal scenes will come, eventually(tm)


Jul 11, 2016
Well it seems that according to the story of the game (and fen), The Treatment alone could not cause Brandy's disability, but another gene-mod or something working in tangent with The Treatment could. 

So I'm just brainstorming right now so I can fix that little detail and revise the "Disability" talk scene. 

Any ideas you guys have would be greatly appreciated. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Got weird idea so you may not agree with me.

So that goes liek that: she not fully incapable of talking normaly due to this additional mods jsut it take great physical/mental effort for her to talk normaly so she usualy not bother to do this and sjut mooo-ing all the time. And given she living on NT most people around are about get good fuck so she even less inclined to bother to talk. And here come PC that would actualy with enough persistance find out that Brandy CAN talk but it's so taxing on her she jsut not doing it often and only for people she considered as "close" in her opinion.

I know it may mean you must rewrite much of already existing stuff but maybe something here will give you some other useful idea you're looking for now.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Maybe she was born with this disability? Or perhaps she was a mute until the treatment gave her the ability to moo?

She wasn't happy with her looks after the treatment, and took another experimental bovine TF?

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Jul 11, 2016
Maybe she was born with this disability? Or perhaps she was a mute until the treatment gave her the ability to moo?

She wasn't happy with her looks after the treatment, and took another experimental bovine TF?


I would probably go with the latter one, unless I can think of a reason for her being born with incurable muteness. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
>Can't take her home with you.
