Hey Scarebear, I'm checking on your issue right now. Do you recall seeing the message about your pay accumulating when sleeping in the cabin? I made some changes to the sleeping script with this last version and I might have fucked something up. It's working on my end right now so I hope it's just a matter of the game chugging briefly and missing the check that's supposed to increase the pay and reset the one-week timer. I'm making some minor tweaks that should take care of the issue.
There was no message. I went all the way to day 15 before stopping.
Starting a new game in version 0.1.12b, I was unable to collect pay.
Okay, I just thought that it would be a cool scene for public humiliation scene for the PC.
The slave is supposed to automatically trigger a scene where he's returned to Nortenborg on the next day but I've been messing around with the sleeping part so much trying to fix this pay bug that I may have inadvertently changed something in regards to that scene as well, will check on that today.
Are you supposed to go on patrol for that to happen? I went straight to town through the map and nothing happened.
Also, is there a way to improve your fighting chance? The last play through I did I lost every battle (so like 4 or 5) which was super frustrating.
I have something similar in the works for the second quest, not based off of that specific scene though. And, of course, the necklace blowing text has been cut off for whatever reason.
will there ever be M/M?
Hey, Sherlocho. Is there any other scenes that are suppose to come after the final glade scene, where you agreed to continue visiting?
No, there aren't supposed to be any other scenes but I see now that accepting incorrectly removes the glade from the map. What's supposed to happen is that you travel there via the map and get a brief generic text saying that you feed the plant. I'll get that fixed for the next update, didn't see it before releasing version 0.1.13 or I would have done it today.
Okay, thank you for replying, since Tentacles are one of my biggest fetishes when it comes to porn. And so, I was hoping for more. Oh well. Good luck on your continued work on the game. Loving it so far.![]()
Thanks for the kind words! While I'm certainly open to adding more tentacle content in future updates, it'd probably have to be be as part of a new encounter or a quest since I could easily get stuck writing samey scenes that eventually become so similar that it might as well be one scene repeating endlessly, something I've already found myself doing with certain encounters. Gotta mix it up a bit!