Hn0's Custom Image Pack [Version 6]


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Not dumb at all. You'd have to edit the code directly though. Add in a couple of lines and you can view them.

If you think it's worth it. It looks more daunting than it is.

To set everything up:

Once it's working, open /img/images.xml. This is the master list of all the images. Just add the names of the images you want to the list. and save.

Now CoC will register the image when the game loads.

You now need to tell it when to load the image. In this case, open in FlashDevelop, /classes/classes/scenes/NPCs/ You'll need to be intuitive at this point and find a section which starts decribing the sex act in question. function maleFuckCeraphsPussy will do for this example. Before it starts writing about the sex, just add the line:

Save, and that should be it. Build the project and save an image in the img folder titled ceraph-newseximage or ceraph-newseximage_1 or ceraph-newseximage_2 or what have you and CoC will load it next time it comes across that scene.

It's only 4 lines but coding can be finicky, you might get an error for seemingly no reason. You can google-fu your way out of it or decide it's not worth it. Good luck.

So, if I...hypothetically...went through all of the code and found what was and wasn't tagged, (in terms of scenes, characters, etc, etc) then tagged easy would it be to reincorporate that to the Revamp mod itself?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So, if I...hypothetically...went through all of the code and found what was and wasn't tagged, (in terms of scenes, characters, etc, etc) then tagged easy would it be to reincorporate that to the Revamp mod itself?

Make PR to revamp mod github. That's the easiest way to do it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
PR -> Pull Request. Then Kitteh can simply merge it with revamp code. You need to have github acc and fork revamp github repository first to be able do this. Plus know at least enough of using github to make proper PR.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
PR -> Pull Request. Then Kitteh can simply merge it with revamp code. You need to have github acc and fork revamp github repository first to be able do this. Plus know at least enough of using github to make proper PR.

Thank you! I'm going to at least try and make it with my own version of the game before attempting to make a request.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Thank you! I'm going to at least try and make it with my own version of the game before attempting to make a request.

Np. It was actualy similary how I started with making PR's to Revamp and later moved to make something on my (semi)own *chuckle*


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Lol, I just ran through the Amilyscene-document and it alone took me several hours to parse through and find out \/\/hat scenes needed/didn't have tags already. I sincerely hope the majority of the major characters don't have so many variables associated to their scenes--Amily has at least 8 tags of: "Pure," "Corrupt," "Furred," "Not Furred," "Has Dick," "Has No Dick," "Slightly Pregnant," and "Pregnant" for almost each of her scenes, nevermind if her scenes at the river take into account any of those things (haven't checked yet).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well i think Amily is one with many tags...but then again I not think many npc especially camp follower would have little all others may have at least similar amount of tags and etc. to amily scenes. Well coc orginal code is a lil messy brave and not give up too soon looking at it ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Lol, I just ran through the Amilyscene-document and it alone took me several hours to parse through and find out \/\/hat scenes needed/didn't have tags already. I sincerely hope the majority of the major characters don't have so many variables associated to their scenes--Amily has at least 8 tags of: "Pure," "Corrupt," "Furred," "Not Furred," "Has Dick," "Has No Dick," "Slightly Pregnant," and "Pregnant" for almost each of her scenes, nevermind if her scenes at the river take into account any of those things (haven't checked yet).

Generalising the images might be an option. An image for every function would probably be as long winded as Amily's. Slightly pregnant and pregnant for instance could be merged into one.

You could try generating a variable each time Amily runs. so have

var amilyStatus:String = ""

if amily has a penis { amilyStatus = "_herm" }

else { amilyStatus = "_female" }

if amily is preganant { amilyStatus = amilyStatus + "_pregant }

Then whenever you need to call an image

outputText(images.showImage("amily_appearance" + amilyStatus));

Might simplify things. If it works. Or it'll do the opposite.

Glad to hear you've started though. Could i request the new image names to be descriptive. For instance, current names like "scylla-help-round-five-sex-pt-three" need to have me look through the code to figure out what the hell it's describing.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Generalising the images might be an option. An image for every function would probably be as long winded as Amily's. Slightly pregnant and pregnant for instance could be merged into one.

You could try generating a variable each time Amily runs. so have

Then whenever you need to call an image

Might simplify things. If it works. Or it'll do the opposite.

Glad to hear you've started though. Could i request the new image names to be descriptive. For instance, current names like "scylla-help-round-five-sex-pt-three" need to have me look through the code to figure out what the hell it's describing.

Here's what I have so far for Amily (very much prototype)

So, for example, these are the image tags for PURE FOLLOWER AMILY SEX OPTIONS+ FUR:

[SIZE=9pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Take Charge – Anal[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]                                [/SIZE]                <ImageSet id="amily-anal-fuck">

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amily-anal-fuck</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amily-anal-fuck_1</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]</ImageSet>

[SIZE=9pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Take Charge – BJ[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]<ImageSet id="amily-bj">

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amily-bj</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amily-bj_1</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]</ImageSet>

[SIZE=9pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Take Charge – Trib[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]<ImageSet id="amily-trib">

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amily-trib</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amily-trib_1</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]</ImageSet>

[SIZE=9pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Take Charge – Eat Out[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]<ImageSet id="amily-eatenout">

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amily-eatenout</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amily-eatenout_1</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]</ImageSet>

[SIZE=9pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Amily Leads - Tailjob[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]<ImageSet id="amilydom-tailjob ">

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amilydom-tailjob</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amilydom-tailjob_1</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]</ImageSet>

[SIZE=9pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Amily Leads – BJ/Handjob[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]<ImageSet id="amilydom-bj">

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amilydom-bj</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amilydom-bj_1</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]</ImageSet>

[SIZE=9pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Amily Leads – Face Sit[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]<ImageSet id="amilydom-facesit">

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amilydom-facesit</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amilydom-facesit_1</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]</ImageSet>

[SIZE=9pt]·         [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Amily Leads – Cowgirl[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]<ImageSet id="amilydom-rides">

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amilydom-rides</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                                [/SIZE]<ImageFile>./img/amilydom-rides_1</ImageFile>

[SIZE=9pt]                                                [/SIZE]</ImageSet>

View attachment Scenes to Add - Amily.docx
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Here's what I have so far for Amily (very much prototype)


Strewth. You have been busy. Well done. That would definately take hours to do. I recommend merging slightly and very pregnant. Any images found of a pregnant mouse could be used for either.

Most of the other major characters wouldn't be as time consuming. It'd mainly be the followers with alot of customisation available. Like Amily and Ember.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Strewth. You have been busy. Well done. That would definately take hours to do. I recommend merging slightly and very pregnant. Any images found of a pregnant mouse could be used for either.

Most of the other major characters wouldn't be as time consuming. It'd mainly be the followers with alot of customisation available. Like Amily and Ember.

A lot of it is just copy paste and using the "Replace" function in MSWord, I've found. The big issue is trying to standardized everything for ease of eventual transfer and insertion into the code itself. I'm running through the Scene files alphabetically (looking at Anemone atm) as I go, so let's see how it really takes in the end lol.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2015
So I continued with my efforts to create humanoid image packs for potentially humanoid faced characters. For some reason Kiha had a few dragon snout images

I also decided to share my collection of generic monster girl images since I noticed a few gems that haven't been used in any image packs yet. It's about 750 images so putting it all in one imgur album seemed a bit much.!m8cUQJJL!GFk3pKFT6J0mcVF0Llobkd90qnQVXwSdD6PICHtQ1Ec


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So I continued with my efforts to create humanoid image packs for potentially humanoid faced characters. For some reason Kiha had a few dragon snout images

I also decided to share my collection of generic monster girl images since I noticed a few gems that haven't been used in any image packs yet. It's about 750 images so putting it all in one imgur album seemed a bit much.!m8cUQJJL!GFk3pKFT6J0mcVF0Llobkd90qnQVXwSdD6PICHtQ1Ec

Wow. There's so many. This isn't a kosha thing i should be doing on a bank holiday.

Edit: Well that was an experiance. The comics were cute...and odd as hell.


Oh hey, funny to see myself in the image pack.

Really? As who? Going by your user, the black herm dragon?
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Active Member
Dec 5, 2015
I forgot about those. I didn't even include my weird porn archive or my eye bleach archive, never go to /d/, it will ruin you. Recently there have been a lot of monster girl themed manga. Bless Okayado for paving the way. There's Bird Cafe, Centaur's Worries, Ika Musume, and a dozens of Fantasy WN adaptations thanks to SAO that overlap with CoC. I thought the more recognizable ones wouldn't work too well because they break immersion so I avoided them.

A lot of it is just copy paste and using the "Replace" function in MSWord, I've found. The big issue is trying to standardized everything for ease of eventual transfer and insertion into the code itself. I'm running through the Scene files alphabetically (looking at Anemone atm) as I go, so let's see how it really takes in the end lol.

Much obliged! You're taking on a big job though, I think you should do some strategizing before you dive in head first. I'd touch base with Kitteh just to make sure your workflow is as efficient as possible. I definitely think you want to standardize filenaming nomenclature at least.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
I forgot about those. I didn't even include my weird porn archive or my eye bleach archive, never go to /d/, it will ruin you. Recently there have been a lot of monster girl themed manga. Bless Okayado for paving the way. There's Bird Cafe, Centaur's Worries, Ika Musume, and a dozens of Fantasy WN adaptations thanks to SAO that overlap with CoC. I thought the more recognizable ones wouldn't work too well because they break immersion so I avoided them.

Much obliged! You're taking on a big job though, I think you should do some strategizing before you dive in head first. I'd touch base with Kitteh just to make sure your workflow is as efficient as possible. I definitely think you want to standardize filenaming nomenclature at least.

View attachment 3768


Due to various things--moving, end of the semester, no internet, etc, etc--I've only managed to finish Amily, Anemone Kid, and all of the creatures in the Bog as far as image tagging goes. Right no\/\/ I'm looking into minimizing the amount of \/\/onky tags every\/\/here--even those already in e)(istence--by using the follo\/\/ing format:

1) All Victory and Loss scenes not associated to Named characters are tagged as "Victory-MonsterName-Act," and "Loss-Monstername-Act," respectively. For those belonging to named characters, the format is some\/\/hat the same, but s\/\/itches the first and second bits so that the image used \/\/ill be associated to the other images belonging to said NPC.

2) All tagging of se)( scenes for NPCs is going to be specific, so things like "NPC-Does-You-In-The-Butt-On-Tuesday-And-You-Are-A-Naga"--for e)(ample--\/\/ill no\/\/ become: "NPCName-Anal-Naga," or "NPCName-Act-OtherTagIfNecessary." (This \/\/ill probably require a bit of mass file-name editing to have older images fall in line)

3) All tagging of Intro scenes to unnamed characters \/\/ill fall under the "Intro-Name-Scene," format--so for e)(ample: "Intro-Satyr-Stuck,") and NPCs met that are possible to meet in different places \/\/ill follo\/\/ a format of "NpcName-PlaceName-Dialogue." or NpcName-PlaceName-Scene." (Most of the previous filenames follo\/\/ this convention, but some don't.

I'm also in the middle of compiling a list of scenes that are either MISSING ALTOGETHER from some encounters, or scenes that could be slapped onto a bounty-board for other \/\/riters to pick up and add to the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
1) All Victory and Loss scenes not associated to Named characters are tagged as "Victory-MonsterName-Act," and "Loss-Monstername-Act," respectively. For those belonging to named characters, the format is some\/\/hat the same, but s\/\/itches the first and second bits so that the image used \/\/ill be associated to the other images belonging to said NPC.

The unedited setup is MonsterName-Victory-Act, so that alphabetic-wise, the scene names can be found together as images, as well as in the xml. Is it better to arrange them by fight success instead?

2) All tagging of se)( scenes for NPCs is going to be specific, so things like "NPC-Does-You-In-The-Butt-On-Tuesday-And-You-Are-A-Naga"--for e)(ample--\/\/ill no\/\/ become: "NPCName-Anal-Naga," or "NPCName-Act-OtherTagIfNecessary." (This \/\/ill probably require a bit of mass file-name editing to have older images fall in line)

Jubly. Good luck when you get to Scylla's scenes.

I'm also in the middle of compiling a list of scenes that are either MISSING ALTOGETHER from some encounters, or scenes that could be slapped onto a bounty-board for other \/\/riters to pick up and add to the game.

Yay. I've already a folder for images that there aren't any hooks for. All-in-all, good work. My condolances for not having interenet. Nobody should be in that situation.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2015
Sounds good. Did you also decide on filetype? Some scenes only have calls for .jpg, others .png, and I even found some .gif which I'm not even sure if they display animation correctly.

Also I missed something, the succubus gardener uses art from An Elder Sister which just got serialized. There's two H-doujins by the original author and two vanilla chapters out so far. Here's some more:



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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
The unedited setup is MonsterName-Victory-Act, so that alphabetic-wise, the scene names can be found together as images, as well as in the xml. Is it better to arrange them by fight success instead?

\/\/hoops, lmao. I overlooked this when typing up my post--I'm going to keep it as MonsterName-Victory/Loss-Act in that case. 

Sounds good. Did you also decide on filetype? Some scenes only have calls for .jpg, others .png, and I even found some .gif which I'm not even sure if they display animation correctly.

The filetypes involved right now are: jpg, jpeg, png, and gif. I'm going to eventually do a batch auto-save/overwrite of the entire folder through photoshop to make them HQ jpeg images, though, because saving the images as jpeg (even if it's not the highest quality) will cut down on file-bloat/size and downloading time. (I might resize the images to a uniform standard as well.)


Active Member
Dec 5, 2015
Hmm last thing I can think of is if you want to standardize dimensions. It's not particularly important to me but some users on smaller screens might find it crucial. There's also the issue that on longer scenes the image is only visible for the first 2 paragraphs or so because you have to scroll down. I think the best solution is to have the text overlayed on the image when you scroll but then you have to play with the opacity and some images might not look very good with certain backgrounds. Maybe even leave an empty column just for the scene image. If you're adding them to the entire game, it makes sense to do that. It was considerations like this which made me want to ask Kitteh for input.

Oh also forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't you also need to make a call for each alternate image for a scene. As in "ember-examine-appearance_1", "ember-examine-appearance_2", etc? How many would you add or is there a smarter way to code it so any files with the correct filename prefix for the scene can be chosen as in "ember-examine-appearance_*"
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sounds good. Did you also decide on filetype? Some scenes only have calls for .jpg, others .png, and I even found some .gif which I'm not even sure if they display animation correctly.

It should be able to load any of the file types when an image is called. While it's set up for .gif though, i've never maanged to get one working

Also I missed something, the succubus gardener uses art from An Elder Sister which just got serialized.There's two H-doujins by the original author and two vanilla chapters out so far. Here's some more:

Oh lovely. I had trouble finding a gardener image i liked.

(I might resize the images to a uniform standard as well.)

Hmm last thing I can think of is if you want to standardize dimensions. It's not particularly important to me but some users on smaller screens might find it crucial. There's also the issue that on longer scenes the image is only visible for the first 2 paragraphs or so because you have to scroll down. I think the best solution is to have the text overlayed on the image when you scroll but then you have to play with the opacity and some images might not look very good with certain backgrounds. Maybe even leave an empty column just for the scene image. If you're adding them to the entire game, it makes sense to do that. It was considerations like this which made me want to ask Kitteh for input.

I don't know how effective it is, but the has some kind of resizing option built in.

outputText(images.showImage("image-name", "don't resize"));

It should resize automatically, unless you add a string ("don't resize" in this case) to the end.

Oh also forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't you also need to make a call for each alternate image for a scene. As in "ember-examine-appearance_1", "ember-examine-appearance_2", etc? How many would you add or is there a smarter way to code it so any files with the correct filename prefix for the scene can be chosen as in "ember-examine-appearance_*"

S'all good. It does load just the prefix and picks one at random.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2015
Btw the Katherine sex scenes for the Suckle option use images of a catgirl giving a blowjob but the scenes are supposed to be of Katherine drinking the breast milk of the Hero.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Btw the Katherine sex scenes for the Suckle option use images of a catgirl giving a blowjob but the scenes are supposed to be of Katherine drinking the breast milk of the Hero.

Huh. Good spot. That ones my bad. I'll probably shift the applicable ones over to her suck and fuck scenes for the next version. I'd suggest either renaming them to katherine-suck-and-fucks-you or just removing them.
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Nov 4, 2015




                    ...and so on...

I have it setup like this but CoC still doesn't detect the image pack. Do I need to change the names you wrote for this to work?


Active Member
Dec 5, 2015
Just to be clear the image directory is named "img" not "<img>" and the image filenames have to follow the naming format like "akbal-deepwoods-female-rapeakbal.png".

That's weird. I was going to make a catgirl imageset for a defurred Katherine but I don't actually have any catgirl images because they're just so vanilla. Ah well.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015




                    ...and so on...

I have it setup like this but CoC still doesn't detect the image pack. Do I need to change the names you wrote for this to work?

The images are all named correctly. And as Ironclad said, the folder will be called img rather than <img>. Have you gone through the things listed in the Issues section?

... That's weird. I was going to make a catgirl imageset for a defurred Katherine but I don't actually have any catgirl images because they're just so vanilla. Ah well.

This tag search would tide you over


Active Member
Dec 5, 2015
Thanks! Like I thought, not too many usable images. I did what I could, found a few that worked. Really hard to find any autofellatio pics understandably. I was more surprised that I can't find many breastfeeding pics. All of them are too busy with a bunch of hybrid characters or a dozen dicks. Everything else is Chen.

While I was at it, I decided to make use of any other monster girl images I had, and I ended up crawling through gelbooru all day as well. I added images for a bunch of random encounters like googirls, harpies, the Naga, sharkgirls, kitsunes, driders, spidermorphs, Izumi, Isabella, and even some for scenes that don't have tags like Breastgartuan (I went with Paimon, the female genie from Magi), Rebecc from Owca, and a bunch of succubus images for the Omnibus, Ceraph, Lethice, etc. but those ones I switched around because they should be distinguishable. I was thinking high tier demons like Lethice and the Omnibus should have wings and more prominent demonic features while lower tier like Ceraph and the Secretary have no wings and I've also separated them by skin color mostly.

Also was anyone working on a Baphomet/little succubus character? I have a lot of those images. Actually, I think I can find pretty much anything female so I'm open to requests. Browse through the image.xml to see what scenes have image calls currently. I picked a couple win/lose images for future updates, but aside from male/female/futa, anal/vaginal don't expect much variety. It dawns on me that I don't know how to extract original filenames from imgur. Can you guys see the filenames or should I just upload everything in an archive again? I didn't want to because I've been making little additions all day, but if you'd need to manually rename everything that's ridiculous. I run out of things I want to add for now at least.
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Nov 4, 2015
Just to be clear the image directory is named "img" not "<img>" and the image filenames have to follow the naming format like "akbal-deepwoods-female-rapeakbal.png".

I see what I did now, I was downloading the grid images from imgur and thought I had to rename all the images to that format myself. I found the correct link to download the pack through mediafire now. Sorry for the mixup, that's my bad.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I see what I did now, I was downloading the grid images from imgur and thought I had to rename all the images to that format myself. I found the correct link to download the pack through mediafire now. Sorry for the mixup, that's my bad.

Wouldn't be the first. Have plenty of downloads on the imgur album. Side effect of not referencing either links anywhere in the topic.