Hn0's Custom Image Pack [Version 6]


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
I've already got quite a few more images. Probably release though until either a final CoC week finishes the official game or the Revamp mod adds more image hooks. Mainly because it's a large download, so it'd be stupid to make a version 6.5 to download that only adds a few more images. The Lethice in the official version may look different than the placeholder one in Revamp as well.

Or i guess if the HTML Edtion gets image pack support (good luck Kitteh).

I noticed you didn't mind if people went and got a few images for you. 

I've done quite a bit of image gathering when I was helping develop a few slaves for Slave Maker 3. I can get together some images sometime and send you them. 

I've also noticed that your images vary in size, and you code it to re size the image during gameplay. I have photoshop, and if you want I can scale down your images to not be as large. It might or might not make much of a difference in the download size, but it might help. I just need to now what scale the game uses for the images.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

I don't mind. No guarantee i'll like them all though. Don't worry about resizeing it. CoC already has code built in that does it for you.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
I don't mind. No guarantee i'll like them all though. Don't worry about resizeing it. CoC already has code built in that does it for you.

Well resizeing could lower the download size.

If I get a chance I'll get together some images and upload them to you. Currently I've been refreshing my html knowledge. 

Practically created an entire website just to make sure I still remember everything. xD  


Active Member
Oct 19, 2015
how do i install all photos into this game.. and this new update for the mod... how do i do that?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I spy a Jay Naylor pic.

A keen eye. He's one of my favourited artists.

how do i install all photos into this game..

For immediate use, just drag the img folder into the same location as the .swf file. It can only be used if you download CoC rather than playing it from the site. The folder structure should look like:

<CoC Folder>





                    ...and so on...

and this new update for the mod... how do i do that?

Update? Do what with it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hum if you mean how you can start play version for ex. 1.3.12 when you got only 1.3.11 atm it mean you need download new version of the mod and use this file to play not the oned after older version. There is not other way to play newer versions of mod (or vanilla version when it were still comming out).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Okay, to finally get something concrete, is it even possible to use an image pack with the Android version. I don't have an android so i can't test this. And i've seen many people ask if it's possible and few definitive answers for them. Even if you don't know how, has anyone ever heard of someone being able to do it? I'd like to mention a disclaimer about it so at least somethings written down.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
Okay, to finally get something concrete, is it even possible to use an image pack with the Android version. I don't have an android so i can't test this. And i've seen many people ask if it's possible and few definitive answers for them. Even if you don't know how, has anyone ever heard of someone being able to do it? I'd like to mention a disclaimer about it so at least somethings written down.


Perhaps try creating the same code for the APK version and see if it will work. Though you will have to find someone with an android willing to test it. 

If it doesn't work then I don't know. 

On another note. You said at one point you dislike being the only provider of the Image Packs. I thinks this maybe in part due to people not knowing how to code it into the game. 

Maybe if you created a image script that is easily editable that people can use to create their own image packs. If you think its possible. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I thinks this maybe in part due to people not knowing how to code it into the game. 

Maybe if you created a image script that is easily editable that people can use to create their own image packs. If you think its possible. 

There's no code needed for it. You just have to title the image correctly. That's it. CoC handles the rest.


New Member
Mar 15, 2016
Hi Sorry if this is a dumb question but I have downloaded img pack 1-5 now and no img,xml file to speak of,

Do I need it or did I miss something?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I've came across these images saved in Google Drive if you wanna add some.

I especially liked those Valeria arts in there.

There's some amazing stuff there. Do you know who made it? Looks like a collection of art actaully made for CoC. I especially liked the consumable images.


People, look at those! I'd just been imagining some goop your characters just scrape off defeated enemies with a spatula. Now these look appealing. And at the end of the day, i get an important science lesson.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I remember having seen the Equinum one on the Fenblog back in the day :D Is there a way to browse every image without having to check a folder at a time?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If I recall, someone named Tom Borneman on Google Drive made the collection.

I do remember a link somewhere in the old forums. I've forgotten though.

EDIT: Found the link to the thread in the old forums.
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New Member
Mar 30, 2016
I tried adding imp-win-male-fuck_1.jpg to the img folder, but it doesn't appear ingame. Any idea why?


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
This is rather a dump question, but is there anyway I can add the image of my character in the Appearance information? If I can, how should I rename the image? Cause Appearance.jpg didn't work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015

The .xml files in the download have a list of the possible names you can use. Unfortunately, something that shows up on the Appearance screen isn't one of them.


New Member
Apr 11, 2016
I would've assumed the same way you would with windows. Mac's look pretty compatible nowadays.

Okay so i think i did it. I added each pack and I'm getting images now. I added all 6 packs. do I only need the xml file on version 6 and does that go in the image file as well?Kind of confused about the xml files especially on v6 since theres two now. I now see the images, should i assume all the images are added as well?

Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 4.44.59 PM.png
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Okay so i think i did it. I added each pack and I'm getting images now. I added all 6 packs. do I only need the xml file on version 6 and does that go in the image file as well?Kind of confused about the xml files especially on v6 since theres two now. I now see the images, should i assume all the images are added as well?

View attachment 3213

The xml file isn't needed. Each file just lists the image names that the different versions can use. For if you want to rename something or add your own image.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how would I go about adding images for scenes not on Image ID Github? Stuff like Ceraph as your slave or having sex with her, for example.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not dumb at all. You'd have to edit the code directly though. Add in a couple of lines and you can view them.

If you think it's worth it. It looks more daunting than it is.

To set everything up:

Download FlashDevelop, the games source code and the Adobe Flex SDK. Install and open FlashDevelop.

Open existing project and click the standalone.as3proj file in the source code

In Project > Properties, go to SDK's and click manage. Click the 3 dots to the right of Installed SDK's, and select the Flex SDK folder you downloaded.

Back in Project > Properties under Output, the Platform should be Flash Player. Not sure if the version number matters. If it doesn't compile, try raising the version a little. You can also change the name of your build here next to Output file.

Now test if it works via Project > Test Project. Don't try changing anything until you know you've got it working.

When you've finished editing what you want and Test Project still runs, Project > Build Project will make the completed .swf file.

Once it's working, open /img/images.xml. This is the master list of all the images. Just add the names of the images you want to the list. and save.

<ImageSet id="ceraph-newseximage">

Now CoC will register the image when the game loads.

You now need to tell it when to load the image. In this case, open in FlashDevelop, /classes/classes/scenes/NPCs/ You'll need to be intuitive at this point and find a section which starts decribing the sex act in question. function maleFuckCeraphsPussy will do for this example. Before it starts writing about the sex, just add the line:


Save, and that should be it. Build the project and save an image in the img folder titled ceraph-newseximage or ceraph-newseximage_1 or ceraph-newseximage_2 or what have you and CoC will load it next time it comes across that scene.

It's only 4 lines but coding can be finicky, you might get an error for seemingly no reason. You can google-fu your way out of it or decide it's not worth it. Good luck.