Report the user above you.

Blackened Angel

Active Member
Mar 25, 2016
Title says it all.

Anything goes.

Don't be afraid to wash the dirty loundry out in public.


I don't think I need to actually explain this, but I'll be explicit: by "report" I mean write a post with the supposed report, not actually submitting an actual report to the mods.
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Aug 27, 2015
Dear Mods: A guy with a handle screaming "I'm fifteen years old" just washed up on our forum, and his very first thread is HEY EVERYONE, BE A DICK TO THE PERSON DIRECTLY ABOVE YOU. This seems like the kind of unmitigated jackass you should permaban out of hand.

Am I doing this right? Also, fuck off.

Blackened Angel

Active Member
Mar 25, 2016
It just seems to be a thread that wants to create unnecessary drama.

Only if you have paper-thin skin and take what a stranger on the internet says seriously. I didn't say "go at each other's throats", the idea was to just be silly about the reports filled with asinine stuff like "Reported for voting Bush in 2004" and everyone assumed it was to create actual spite and grudges between forum members with personal attacks.

Really, take the seriousness down a couple notches. The meme war thread's still going strong despite it being just pictures people find online and think they're funny.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I see these kind of thread all the time in other forums, they always end the same. Someone takes it to far then the bannings began.
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