Hilda's Misadventures (For Floozer)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She blushed and looked at Tamara. "Wow... that stuff really works. Is it permanent? Cause I am going to leave wet spots everywhere now..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, it is a gene mod so, yeah it's permanent. I imagine the effects will be a bit less pronounced once you get those toys out of you," she replied.

Before the two could continue their talk, the main entrance opened, and in walked Freya, accompanied by the house keeper, Jenny. In a flash of motion, Tamara snatched the medipens and hid them between the couch cushions. Fortunately, the princess didn't seem to notice.

"Hilda, my room, now," Freya stated flatly, before she and Jenny walked into her chambers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gives Tamara a worried look before getting up and following her into the room. Despite her concern, she doesn't speak up until spoken too.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Freya was sitting at the foot of her enormous bed with her legs crossed and arms folded when Hilda entered. Jenny stood by the door with her hands folded in front of her. "You will not be needing your underwear anymore," said Freya. Before Hilda could respond, Jenny was behind her. Without a word, the smaller woman drew Hilda's panties down slowly, letting the golden dildos slip free with an audible slurp. Jenny's face took on a concerned look when she realized just how wet the one that had been inside Hilda's pussy was, not to mention the twin streams of that were currently trickling down her inner thighs. "Jenny, take those to be cleaned. As for you, Hilda, have a seat, and tell me exactly what happened at the bathes earlier today." Freya motioned to the floor in front of her when she told Hilda to sit. Jenny took her leave quickly, leaving Hilda alone with the princess, who was eyeing her the way she might a disobedient puppy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a heavy sigh, Hilda moved and sat in front of Freya on her knees. "I am from a place called New Texas. That place is kept alive by using this drug called "The treatment". It makes men virile and women fertile... but at the cost of our minds. The men are brutes who do nothing but fuck, while the women are bimbos who want nothing more than to be fucked. Not to mention is makes women lactate and men produce cum like a factory. It doesn't matter how smart you think you are, the moment you are treated it is like a mental death sentence. I got extremely lucky when I was treated and got one of the rare mutations that made me a herm... and somehow dodged the mental degradation... for the most part. When I get very aroused, I slip into the same fuck happy sense that most trated women do... and most everything is suddenly ok no matter what my real feelings might be."

"If people found out that I was still normal... they would have treated me again to make it stick... and I didn't want that. So put up an act, pretending to be like all the others. However, when I became of age they wanted to breed me and had set up a date for my first time. I panicked and lashed out, kicking my partner where it hurts most and ran for it. I jumped ship with a cargo freighter and never looked back."

Sh pauses for a moment before continuing "I am so... scared... of what might happen should I get pregnant, that I didn't let anyone use my pussy... until I didn't get that choice any more."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yet, from what Eros tells me, you didn't put up a fight when he took your maidenhood," Freya stated flatly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Because he isn't a Texan! he looks nothing like them, doesn't act like them either. Eros actually gives a shit about how I was feeling where you just were going to have this guy breed me like a common animal!" She says in a huff "I am not... an animal to be bred!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Freya's eyebrows rise a bit at the outburst, but beyond that her business face is like a mask. "No, but you are a comfort slave, here to tend to provide pleasure to those whom my brother and I decide to provide you to." Freya rose from her bed and took the few steps needed to close the distance between the two of them. She reached down and placed a gentle but firm hand under Hilda's chin, and forced her to look up at her. "Let me reiterate that. If you find yourself having sex with a man, it is not because he has the right to, it is because he is being allowed to. Do you understand?" Despite Freya's domineering position, Hilda could clearly make out a hint of concern in the princess' voice. Almost like a parent trying to teach their child about the dangers of using a gun.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda looked up to her and met her gaze with a level one of her own. Then, she rises up to her full imposing height. "I understand what you are saying... but it isn't what caused the problem before. Weather or not that texan man fucked me would have been fine. The issue that happened, the thing I couldn't allow despite the wonderful pleasure of the situation... was your words. 'I am going to let this man mate with you' said in such a manner that I took it as him getting to knock me up. That was the problem."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Freya looked up at Hilda. "Then we need-" She took a step back so that she could see over Hilda's breasts. "Then we need to fix that problem," she said, holding Hilda's gaze with a stern look of her own. "As you will be serving guests of this household, and some of those guests may bring slaves of their own that they may wish to watch you couple with, we can't have you flying off the handle and offending someone simply because they used a certain word." Frey crooked her finger, motioning for Hilda to bend down.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She remains standing "It is only a problem when you hand me out like a toy. I have been serving well enough up to this point but everyone has a breaking point.. my lady" She says, her voice heavy with venom "Everyone has a limit, limits should be respected. If you push and push and push... something horrible could happen. Break downs, physically lashing out and so much more. Compared to all that, today was just a simple rush of words."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Freya begins tapping her foot on the floor. "Hilda, come down here. Now!" she commanded, pointing her finger downward with each word to drive her point home.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She stares at the entitled woman before her. There was a difference here... Hilda has combat experience and reach advantage. The only thing stopping her would be the guards when they showed up. She sighed and kneeled down again... it wasn't time yet, not without Beatrix.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As soon as Hilda was back at eye-level with her, Freya's hands shot forward... And cupped her cheeks, pulling her into a kiss. Freya's lips pressed against Hilda's with a tenderness that she had certainly not expected. When she finally pulled away, Freya looked at her with open concern on her face. "How do you do it, Hilda? Every time you speak, you make me want you just a little bit more."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
To say Hilda was surprised... would be a massive understatement. She staggered to return the kiss and stared at Freya in a daze. "I... umm... excuse me? I'm sorry, can you maybe run that past me again? I thought you were going to be furious with me..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"No, Hilda, I'm not angry. To be honest, I'm amazed that you still manage to hold onto this level of resolve, despite being made a slave. Most people would have given in completely to the role, even knowing that one day they will be free. Yet, you've managed to hold onto certain principles. It's a strength that I find admirable; when you are made free, you'll still be you, and not just a slave who's had their shackles removed. And, Hilda, I really do like you. So, how can I help you get passed this stigma that you have with that word?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sits down the floor with a heavy sigh, a weight taken off her shoulders as she looks up at the ceiling. "I don't know my lady... these are old and deep wounds. Things have that steered my choices since I was old enough to understand the world. Breed, Mate, Reproduce... anything that has to do with getting pregnant sends fear down my spine and paranoia through my head." She shakes her head and looks back to her "Maybe I am just broken like that... a limit that I can't get past. Everyone has issues right?"

"I won't hide it though... when I was first assigned to Eros... I was starting to slip away. I was turning into that submissive little slave who jumps at commands and started to think that it wouldn't be so bad with him." She chuckles and shakes her head "Thankfully, I snapped myself out of that one. This place has already made me do things I don't want to do... but I won't let this time break who I am." She stands back up and looks at Freya "I am Hildegard Vesyr, Explorer and star traveler. Former captain of the Stormwuuld... and I plan to remain that way."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well said," replied Freya. "And, hopefully, when you are free, you won't think too ill of Histara, or her people. However, in the meantime, you still have your time here to serve out. And, we can't have you performing your duties with the threat of a simple word sending you into a frenzy. If that happened, the results could be quite dire; the laws regarding the behavior of slaves are quite clear. So, we need to find a way to get you past this word association." Freya put a finger to her chin as she thought, before her eyes lit up. "And, I think I know a good way to start."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I'm afraid first impressions are rather important to me, my lady, and all that I have been forced into has already mired my views of this planet and her people. If you want me to hold a more positive outlook... then much damage would need to be repaired. So far I can forgive what has been done to me... I can only hope that I can still say that when I eventually get out of here."

"Ah, but what does it matter? Just another slave running her mouth yes? What is this grand idea of yours?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, perhaps a change of perspective would help you see things in a different light?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Freya reached down to Hilda's neck and gently removed the lace trimmed collar. Then, to Hilda's surprise, the princess gingerly secured it around her own neck. Once the collar was in place, Freya flexed her shoulders until the robes she was wearing slipped free and pooled at her feet; she wore no underwear. Freya stood before Hilda completely naked, her trim body seemed to glimmer in the fait light being given off by the candles in the room. Leaning down, she cupped Hilda's cheek in her right hand, and leaned in close; a gentle smile on her face. Allow me to help you understand Histaran culture by giving you a taste of what it feels like to be Histaran. While we are in this room, you are the princess, and I, your comfort slave." Freya took a step back and knelt before Hilda. "Now, what is thy command, Mistress?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
hilda could only stare in awe as the princess willingly collared herself and took the role of a comfort slave. She just willingly gave Hilda some mode of control for the first time since she has been here... and the sudden freedom of her collar was like a great weight lifted from her body. "I... I don't even know what to say, let alone what to do. A taste of what it feels like to be histaran? To own my own slave? How odd... never really thought about it."

She slowly walked around Freya, examining her body in detail before walking over and laying down on the bed like she owned it. "Freya, come here, I desire the warmth of your body."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Freya got up and moved to the foot of the bed. Climbing up, she seemed to glide across the sheets as she made her way up to Hilda, and took her place at her side, draping one leg over her thigh, and wrapping her arm around her torso, just below her breasts, before resting her head n the crook of her arm. "Does this please you, Mistress?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mmm, yes, it most certainly does. Hmm, drink from my breasts Freya... a gentle pair of lips feels better than hands any day and I still have plenty to give."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Smiling, Freya reached up and took Hilda's right nipple between her thumb and finger, rolling the sensitive nub between them and giving it a few gentle flicks to get it to stand at attention, before getting to her knees and looming over the offered breast. Her tongue flicked out to lap at the nipple, rolling it from side to side and swirling around it. Finally, after a thorough teasing, Freya's lips closed around the nipple, and she began to suckle; moaning as the first drops of milk turned into a steady stream.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hilda sighs happily and reached up to pull Freya down on top of her, keeping the contact while she drinks from her breast. Warm and sweet milk flows into her mouth easily after only a few sucks. "Mmm, that is perfect... make sure you drink as much as you can."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Freya straddled Hilda as she continued to dink, supping from one breast, then the next. They lay like that for some time before Freya finally has her fill, her stomach beginning to swell a bit from its contents. Pulling her lips away with a loud pop, Freya rested her head between the mountainous bosoms and looked up at Hilda. "Mistress, that's about all I can handle. Was that satisfactory?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mmm, yes, I suppose that will just have to do, I don't want you getting hurt because you drank too much." She rolls over and pulls Freya up against her gently. "Mmm, such a good girl you are." She pulls her head back and looks over Freya's lean frame. "Though... you could do with a bit more padding about your body."