Hello! My name is B.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Yeah that's who I'm talking about, if you lose three times to her, she collars you as her property. I purposely lose so she does collar my Steele.
I didn't know that. I only lose to certain enemies to see certain scenes. I'll check it out sometime.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Polls over:

Egyptian Queen = 456 votes, across all polls
Naughty Schoolteacher = 246
Sexy Panther = 211
Witch = 111

So I'll be writing Lorelei as an Egyptian Queen for this Halloween
Yessssss...I do hope there will be a bust to accompany this event. Or perhaps a CG inserted into the page.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
New project!

For this coming Halloween, I'm writing another dress-up scene for Lorelei - this time, as decided by YOU, the community, she dresses up as an Egyptian Queen!

Public doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FCze0g4Ms3QF7596mVOgepKBry45pVqLNi5vZIE0ieY/edit?usp=sharing

Full doc in the $10 tier on my Patreon: https://patreon.com/TheLetterB
Lorelei lounges on her side, her left hand trailing down the broadside of her thigh while she errantly picks at a plate of assorted fruits (on a gold platter, of course) with her right. Her eyes narrow on you, judging you from her distance – given what she’s wearing, and what her man servants are wearing, and what <b>you’re</b> wearing, you can’t help but feel a little… undervalued.

“Approach,” she commands, crooking her finger at you. You’re still a little gob-smacked by the total transformation of not just the room, but of herself and her appearance, but you comply, approaching her lounger as directed.

“Kneel,” she commands again once you’re before her.

// Continue here if Obey

You do as you’re commanded, and you slip to one knee, and then the other, placing yourself at the mercy of Lorelei. From that position, you place your hands on your knees, and you lower your head while still keeping your back straight, bowing in reverence to her and her opulent glory.

After a moment, you feel her gentle fingers come to your chin, lifting your eyes back up to hers. On her face is a self-satisfied smirk, reveling in the control you had just given her.

“Good and obedient,” she muses to herself, her eyes staying locked onto yours, holding your stare in place and <b>daring</b> you to avert them. “A face as [pc.mascFem|handsome|beautiful] as yours is wasted in menial slavery. You already have some of the best qualities of a personal servant.”

// Continue here if Disobey

You neither do nor say anything, other than to clench your hands into fists at your side. Your eyes hold onto Lorelei’s gaze, matching her self-righteous conviction with your own. You take a deep breath, puffing out your chest, and you remain standing before her. She should thank you for approaching her lounger at all when she asked.

In response, her mouth crooks to one side as she considers the implications of your disobedience – before breaking into a wry, toothy, playful smile.

“She said ‘<b>kneel</b>,’ you lowly ingrate!” the ausar man to your left demands, raising his hand to you like he’s about to backhand you.

“Stop,” she says once, firmly and loudly, and her lapdog stops immediately, lowering his hand back to the leaf in his hands to continue fanning her. “There’s a spark in this one. A certain strength that most of my slaves wouldn’t dare display to their queen.” She bites into her lower lip as she judges you. “Someone of my stature can appreciate that sort of… individuality.”
Lorelei takes a deep breath through her nose, adjusting the nemes on her head before addressing you. “You are in the personal chambers of your queen, Lei Loraidice the Second,” she introduces. “{first time|I have never before invited|It’s not often that I invite} a lowly slave from their menial brickwork to my chambers. I <b>do</b> hope you appreciate the scenario you find yourself in.”

She smiles, almost giggling, at her sentence. She’s trying to introduce you to the setting of her roleplay: you are her slave, one of probably many thousands, and yet she has summoned you to her personal chambers – and then she got you naked.

You introduce yourself as [pc.name], lowly [pc.mf|son|daughter] of Vic – uh… of… Victye, a farmer living in the fields of the… (what did they call it on Terra?) the Median of Terra. You {obeyed|thank her for pulling you from your back-breaking brickwork and }ask her why she’s summoned you here.

She smiles once more, her lips curling into something both appreciative, yet possessive, marveling at you as if you were a jewel on display. “It’s simple, [pc.name], [pc.mf|son|daughter] of Victye{obeyed|. And I believe I’ve told you before}. A [pc.manWoman] of your <b>distinguished</b> countenance shouldn’t be spending their time toiling away in my dirty streets, aiming to make them cleaner. They should be entertaining their queen.”

Lorelei turns away from you, bending at the waist to pick up the platter of fruits she had placed down. The black, flowing fabric on either side of her pelvis only <b>just</b> covers her anus and her pussy, leaving the rest of her ass bulging from either side of it.

“Please, sit,” she says, gesturing to the end of her massive, pitch-white lounger. As you do, she hands you the platter of fruits and take her seat beside you – and she turns and lowers her head, resting it on your lap. Her hair flows down your [pc.legOrLegs] “Tell me more about yourself, [pc.name], [pc.mf|son|daughter] of Victye. Your queen loves a good life’s story.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
I love Lorelai's character and my Steele's love being collared by her.. but the option to talk about the collar is always greyed out..


Well-Known Member
I love Lorelai's character and my Steele's love being collared by her.. but the option to talk about the collar is always greyed out..
I don't think there is a talk scene about the collar; the code for that particular part of Lorelei's talk menu is comprised entirely of
if (isLoreleisBitch()) addDisabledButton(5, "Collar");
with no alternatives for the same button. The previous three lines of code are for the "Go Futa" talk, and the next line is for returning to her main menu. Maybe such a talk was planned but never written?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
You should be able to ask her about removing it, which has a minor Willpower check. Maybe it was dummied out? I don't know the specifics and it's been three years.


Well-Known Member
You should be able to ask her about removing it, which has a minor Willpower check. Maybe it was dummied out? I don't know the specifics and it's been three years.
It must never have been coded in; there are no instances of pc.willpower() or pc.WQ() in Lorelei's file in the code, nor is there any way to enable the "Collar" talk option. Maybe it wasn't included because her collar can be taken off at any time?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Queen Lorelei with 2,000 words! This finishes the scene where she lays on your lap and you feed her fruit, and it gets into the scene where she, well, gets a mouthful of something more succulent.
She lowers her leg by dropping it off the side of the lounger, and she pulls herself up into a proper sitting position before she stands. “The truth is that while you may think that life as queen affords me untold freedoms and flexibility… I am all the same as bound in a cage as you are. The only difference is that my bars are made of gold.”

She steps away from you, her back to you, her hands toying with something underneath her hair. She lifts it out of the way, giving you a free look at her naked back. “My personal and romantic lives are just as restricted as your own. Who I choose to be with is a forgone conclusion – my father had my marriage arranged when I was much younger. A prince who’s name I do not know from an empire I have never visited.”

She turns her head, peering over her shoulder to you. Her one visible eye locks onto yours like a weapon trained on a target. “But now I’m the queen.” You hear a snapping noise, like a clasp coming undone – and her entire cloth outfit falls away[pc.reflexesRange 0 60|| (before getting sucked back up the front side of her legs, the nanites retreating back to her collar out of your sight)], instantly leaving her naked, save for her golden jewelry and her nemes, but it, too, is removed as she tosses it aside with little care to wear it lands. She wasn’t wearing a lot of clothes to begin with, but now you can see every inch of her back side, and every intricate tattoo she has. “And he’s gone forever.”

Her hands lower to her sides, her hair following suit with them. As she turns her body, she brings her hands to her breasts, pressing them together and deepening their cleavage for you. Her fingers press into her button nipples, flicking them as she applies pressure, and her thighs press together in a vain attempt to hide just how aroused she really is.

“If we must be locked in cages, [pc.name], [pc.mf|son|daughter] of Victye, then I would wish we be locked in one cage together. As equals.”

She lowers herself in front of you, dropping to her knees and, with perhaps a bit more slutty eagerness than a queen should display, she forces your knees apart.

“And I’m in the mood for something more succulent than some fruit.”

“This taste…” she sighs. “This is what a <b>[pc.manWoman]</b> tastes like.” She leans forward, her tongue extending to [pc.hasCock|rub at the underside of your shaft|rub its broad side along the full length of your cunt’s gash]. She moans and her nostrils flare. “This is what I’ve been missing. This zest. This….”

Her left hand releases your thigh and dips down and lower, between her own. Her forearm hooks in between her heavy breasts, and you distinctly hear the wet sound of her fingers ‘schlick schlick schlick’ing into her own soaked honeypot.

“No,” she recants, [pc.hasCock|lifting her head to slip your tip in between her lips once more and swallow your pre|leaning forward and planting her upper lip against your clit, panting with her open mouth against your wet pussy and tasting your moisture in the fraction of an inch between your pussy and her mouth]. “It’s not just the rank taste. It’s… this primal <b>urge</b> I’m feeling. To kneel to someone else. To feel my mouth on someone else. To [pc.hasCock|feel them get hard because of me|feel them get wet because of me]. There’s liberty in being a base, wanton slut for someone and I never knew it existed until now.”

Her eyes go up to yours, narrowing in a way that makes you think she’s about to beg for something – like she’s a thirsty woman asking for a glass of water.

“Allow your queen to indulge herself, [pc.name], [pc.mf|son|daughter] of Victye,” she pleads. But she doesn’t continue what she’s doing – in fact, she just sits there, her watery eyes on yours for a moment longer. It takes you a second to realize that she’s asking permission.
It must never have been coded in; there are no instances of pc.willpower() or pc.WQ() in Lorelei's file in the code, nor is there any way to enable the "Collar" talk option. Maybe it wasn't included because her collar can be taken off at any time?
Like I said, it was a long time ago and I don't remember the specifics :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Lorelei with 740 words! Today was my day off but I wanted to put a bit of extra time into her since she's on a time limit. She needs to be written, reviewed and coded well before Halloween!
She goes down on you ravenously, like it’s everything that she could have wanted and she’s worried she’ll only have it for a moment. Her eyes [pc.hasCock|[pc.cockRange 5 12||water as they ]]lift up to yours, her cheeks lifting high enough to cause her eyes to arc into crescents, wordlessly asking you how she’s doing. Her hips continue to sway behind her, almost hypnotically, and the second loudest thing in the room right now is the sound of her fingers viciously pounding into herself as she goes down on you.

Lorelei is going down on you with such fervor and intensity that you almost forget that this is Lorelei – the woman that prides herself in being in control, in being on top of everything around herself. She went through the effort of setting up an elaborate roleplay scenario where she’s the queen of an ancient Terran civilization, and here she is, on her hands and knees, [pc.hasCock|blowing you|eating you out] like she has something to prove.

Although, knowing her –
This is Lorelei’s fantasy – and a part of that fantasy is being the queen of a kingdom and getting on her knees to debase herself to a slave. But you’re not about to just sit there and be the lame, along-for-the-ride party where ‘Queen’ Lorelei does all the work. She knows what she asked from you.

She leans in, her nostrils flaring as she takes in your scent… but that’s as far as she gets without your input. Without any forewarning, you grab her by the head [pc.hasCock|with your right hand and you lift your flaccid-but-hardening cock with your left, and you press them together forcefully, thrusting your quarter-hard [pc.cock] into her gaping mouth|with both of your hands, and you thrust your hips forward as you pull down on her, pressing her face harshly and firmly against your crotch and grinding the lips of your dry-but-moistening [pc.vagina] against the ones on her face]. Her lipstick smears on your pelvis as you [pc.hasCock|buck|grind] against her, taking all the pleasure from her for yourself: in a matter of moments, [pc.hasCock|your flaccidness is no longer an issue, and you’re standing at full mast, buried [pc.cockRange 0 12|[pc.hasBalls|balls-|root-]deep into her mouth|as deep into her gullet as you can go before she suddenly fights back]|your dryness is no longer an issue, and you’re leaking rivulets of your pussy’s juices across her lips and down your chin, making a mess of her mascara].
Queen Lorelei? Mander queen?
Egyptian Queen


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Updated Lorelei with 740 words! Today was my day off but I wanted to put a bit of extra time into her since she's on a time limit. She needs to be written, reviewed and coded well before Halloween!

Egyptian Queen
D'oh! Confused this thread with another, my mistake.

Halloween event, right?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Egyptian Queen Lorelei with 1,900 words! This update finishes the scene where you fuck her face, and it gets started on the next scene, where you can choose which part of Lorelei to worship: all of it, or just one spot in particular.
You grab a fistful of her hair and pull her off your crotch with a yank[pc.cockRange 0 9||. It takes her a moment for all of your throbbing meat to slip free from her throat]. She takes a long, deep gasp, her mouth spread into a wide ‘O’ shape with her tongue lolling out. Her mascara runs down her face, staining her cheeks blue from the eyeliner.

“Good Gods,” she gasps, her fingers clenching into balls, gripping tightly onto the couch. “[pc.name]… [pc.mf|son|daughter] of Victye,” she tacks on, as if she had forgotten that she’s roleplaying, before harshly swallowing. “What <b>beast</b> have I–”

You silence her by shoving her back down now that she’s had her breath, planting her face between your [pc.thighs] where it belongs, and she eagerly gets right back to work picking up where she had left off. [pc.hasCock|[pc.cockRange 0 4|Her tongue lathers against your crotch worshipfully, bathing your pelvis and the whole length of your cock with her spittle; she grinds and shifts your small dick against her tongue over and over, trying to ensure that there isn’t any part of it left untouched by her tongue as she goes, and given that you don’t have a lot of surface area, it’s pretty easy for her.|She sucks down your cock, going right back to where she had left off[pc.cockRange 9 12|, and with an extra inch on top of that|, even taking in a few more inches than she had before]. She bobs her head with enough vivacity that you hardly need to move her head for her anymore; the only real reason you keep your hand locked in her hair is to keep it out of the way. She’s doing a fine enough job loudly slurping and gagging on your dick by herself.]|Her tongue surges into your box, her lips opening wider to cover as much of your vulva as she can while her tongue thrashes about inside of you. She rotates it in wide circles; she thrusts it in and out; and she waves it up and down, trying to touch every nerve and muscle inside your cunt, leaving no corner untouched and no drop untasted. With the way she’s going, you’d think she’s a bona-fide cunt addict, unable to satiated her need for your particular feminine flavors.]
Eventually, Lorelei pulls away, whipping her hair back and over her shoulder. She brings both of her hands to her hair to set it properly behind herself so that it doesn’t drag on her shoulders.

“I feel… imprinted, [pc.name], [pc.mf|son|daughter] of Victye,” she says, sitting upright on her knees and baring her full, firm, heavy breasts to you. Her skin is flushed with sweat, rivulets dripping down her in different places; you watch two of them streak across the globes of her tits and disappear into the cleavage between them. “The heat of your body… the taste of your flesh and the scent of your musk… I may never forget them, now.”

With a smile, you ask if that’s a bad thing.

“Not at all,” she smiles back as she pulls herself to her feet. With shaky knees, she spreads her legs and straddles your lap, facing towards you. You can feel the wet heat of her exposed pussy dripping onto the [pc.skinFurScalesNoun] of your lap. Her breasts[pc.cupRange flat B| are|sit heavily atop your own,] dangerously close to your face, her erect nipples staring at you daringly: all it’d take is for either of you to lean forward, and you’d start motorboating them then and there.

“But I also think I ought to return the favor,” she says. “Few in my kingdom have enjoyed the caress of their queen, [pc.name], [pc.mf|son|daughter] of Victye. And fewer still have sampled her perfume… or her tang.”

She sits on you, patiently waiting to see what you’ll do next now that you have the whole of her body to yourself. The choice is yours….

[=Body Worship=][=Pussy Worship=]


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Sorry for missing yesterday, but updated Queen Lorelei with 4,000 words! This update has Lorelei fuck YOUR face, followed by you two getting in a milk bath, enjoying each other tenderly, and then Lorelei giving you an ultimatum.
“Y-you should consider yourself very <b>privileged</b>, [pc.name], [pc.mf|son|daughter] of Victye,” Lorelei says, her voice – and her legs, particularly her knees – shaky as could be as she saunters her way to the raised bathtub sitting against the far wall. She leans onto the tubs edge, her hand gripping onto the silk-satin covering keeping the entire tub covered, as she turns to face you. “I have something very special in mind for us both. Tell me, slave: when was the last time you had bathed?”

{PC has any ‘musky’ status ailments|Truth be told, probably not recently enough – there’s a certain stank that clings to your body that your pretty certain isn’t yours. You probably should have taken the opportunity to clean it off before you had shown up to Lorelei’s room, but, in the end, you’ve hardly heard any complaints. In fact, she seemed pretty into your ‘realness’ earlier on, saying that her normal suitors were too ‘clean.’

But that’s getting a bit sidetracked. }Whether or not you tell the truth, Lorelei’s still playing up the whole queen/slave dynamic, and she’s looking for an answer befitting a slave. You answer that the last time you had the pleasure was before you were made a slave for her kingdom – which would have been before your adult life, now.

“You poor thing,” she winces. “And I assume it was with cold water. Or dirty water. Or both, knowing the squalor my slaves live in.”[silly|

You know, if she knows that her slaves live in such shitty conditions, she could try and be a greater ruler by making their lives a little better. She could start by making sure her subjects are getting enough food and water to survive, much less make her buildings and pave her roads. Then, she can look into removing the slavedrivers and their whips, to make the work atmosphere less oppressive. And <b>then</b> she can consider paying her workers a half-decent wage.

Lorelei hesitates, then pouts, clenching her hands at her sides. “Stop ruining my sex fantasy with your political activism, [pc.name]!” she hisses.

You laugh – and shut your mouth. You don’t want to press your luck.
“You know,” she starts. Her head leans against your collarbone. It’s tough to tell where her white hair ends and the milk begins. “I’ve never quite had a… suitor like you, [pc.name], [pc.mf|son|daughter] of Victye. Every suitor I’ve had, it was always something that we understood to be… temporary. A one-time thing. A fling. The last time I had someone in my entourage for as long as you was when I was… a princess.”

You hook your left arm around Lorelei, your hand coming down at the curve of her hip and holding her to you while you both soak in the milk. Although her words are keeping up the immersion, you imagine that the meaning behind them is a bit more purposeful.

“Don’t get me wrong, being the queen has its perks,” she says with a little giggle. “This isn’t a life I can give up, not that I want to, but it means I have such precious few intimate connections with my… applicants.” She turns her head to look you in the eye. “It seems I was, perhaps, searching in all the wrong places until I found you.”

You don’t break eye contact with her. Her face is close enough to yours that your noses are about to touch. She holds your gaze for a long moment, both of you just staring into each other’s eyes and enjoying the feel of being so close to each other in the milk bath. There’s nobody else in this world right now but you two.

“I should thank you for tended to your queen’s selfish fantasies,” she continues. Her body leans harder into yours as she closes what little gap remains between you, and her head tilts backward, craning her mouth up and towards you. “And I think I know just the reward. Fit for a [pc.mascFem|king|fellow queen].”
When she pulls away, her teeth nibble on your bottom lip for just the briefest of moments before she settles on you, relaxing her posture and keeping herself upright. “[pc.name],” she starts breathlessly, “your queen has needs.”

You feel the nail of her index finger gently trace down your temple, going from your scalp to your jaw. “It’s against the law for the queen to be with anyone other than royalty. But to hell with it. I’m the queen. I make the rules.” She smiles. “If anyone asks, we’ll just say that Victye was of noble blood, and your journey to inherit his royal fortune had brought you to my kingdom, and mistakenly into my employ.”

You smile back at her silly joke.

“Until then, you have your queen’s permission to take her, [pc.name],” she says once more, grunting slightly as she grinds forward again – a long, drawn-out, intentional and determined grind. “However you like. Love me like a queen or treat me like a slut. I need to know the touch of someone I deem worthy.”

The choice is yours….

[=Make Love=][=Make A Mess=]


May 22, 2018
Sorry for missing yesterday, but updated Queen Lorelei with 4,000 words! This update has Lorelei fuck YOUR face, followed by you two getting in a milk bath, enjoying each other tenderly, and then Lorelei giving you an ultimatum.
damm i hope this is repeatable? because both of those sound great.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Queen Lorelei with 4,000 words! This finishes her two sex scenes, and it does up the epilogue to the content as well as the hook to start it again. This completes the Egyptian Queen expack!
Your grinds and jerks against each other are disrupted by the weight of the milk you’re pushing against. Every time you buck, the liquid surges around you both, disrupting its surface, but not so violently that it spills over the sides of the tub. Lorelei gasps in pleasure as her eyes close, and she can’t help but arch her back slightly, lifting her breasts just high enough out of the milk that you can see the cap of her nipples rise from the surface.

You can’t help but glance down at her breasts unsubtly – their weight and immensity create such a dissonance compared to the smooth, white milk that you can’t help but find them distracting out of the corner of your eye… and their buoyant bouncing doesn’t help. But she hardly seems to mind: on the contrary, as soon as she realizes where you’re looking, her right hand surfaces from the milk, cupping as much of it as she can in her palm, before she pours it over them, the liquid leaving white streams arcing across her dark skin as they rejoin the pool.[silly| You wonder how much milk is in them… and if the milk you’re bathing in doesn’t have some of hers mixed in.]
Being gentle or methodical wasn’t the prompt: Lorelei wanted you to fuck her like you paid for it. Once [pc.hasCock|your dick catches snuggly inside her pussy|your pussies press firmly together], you start rocking your body, [pc.hasCock|feeding more of your shaft into her cunt and stretching her out, reshaping her cunt into a pocket for you to slide into|the pressure mounting against your clams as you grind harder and more forcefully against Lorelei]. Her ass drags against the floor of the tub and her fingers clench onto its rim for stability, not that the slippery porcelain gives her much.

“That’s it, baby,” she sighs, her teeth biting into her lower lip. Her half-lidded eyes stay on yours, her pupils dilating from the pleasure. You buck forward once again, more forcefully than before, [pc.hasCock|[pc.cockRange 0 12|bottoming out inside of her[pc.hasKnot| save for your [pc.knot]]|cramming as much dick into her as you can before she bottoms out]|bearing more of your weight onto her and pressing your pussy harder against hers]; the milk sways and roils around you with the motions, with some of it splashing over the sides of the tub and raining down on the floor around it. Lorelei’s tits sway with the momentum, clapping against each other with the movement and spraying more of the milk into the air, against your face and her own.

She sighs through her nose, her nostrils flaring. Her right hand dips underneath the surface of the milk, and you can feel her fingers [pc.hasCock|splaying across the width of your shaft, pinching together slightly to maximize the friction you feel every time you buck into her|rubbing at her diamond-studded clit, the digits occasionally grinding against your own when you lean forward, as she frigs herself]. She doesn’t do a lot of movement back against you – although you’re fucking her like a slut, she’s still the queen and against manual effort, it seems – but from the flushed look on her face, she doesn’t want you to stop.
“That was fun,” Lorelei says, giving herself another once-over with the towel. Once she’s done, she tosses it aside, leaving herself totally nude… until her nanomachine suit starts pouring from the collar around her neck, reforming into the formal dress that you’re more familiar with. “Thank you for indulging another of my wild fantasies, [pc.name], [pc.mf|son|daughter] of Victye.”

{Collared by Lorelei|You respond that it wasn’t exactly a big stretch of the imagination, for her to roleplay as a queen being serviced by a lowly commoner.

“Oh, don’t sell yourself short like that, [pc.name],” she responds, placing a finger on your chin and lifting it. She starts to scratch it very gently, as if you were a cat. “You and I both know that you’re of a social standing a little higher than that. After all: you’ve always been my concubine, from the very beginning. I’d <b>never</b> see you working manual labor when you could be tending to me instead.”

Well, that’s reassuring, at least.|You respond that it was pretty fun – you doubt you’ll be able to experience this kind of aesthetic with anyone else, and you’re lucky to know someone as affluent as her to make it happen.

“And <b>I’m</b> lucky to have someone so willing to play my little games with me,” she laughs. Her hand reaches forward to cup your cheek, her palm gently running down to the underside of your chin. “You’re good to me for playing along, [pc.name]. My fantasies are much more entertaining when they’re made real and they aren’t just wistful daydreams.”

Honestly, you’re more than happy to play out the occasional fantasy with her. They’re nice breaks from reality.}


Active Member
Jun 1, 2016
I got art of a very buff, very well hung cat man
Daddy? Sorry..Daddy? Sorry…Daddy? Sorry…


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
I never thought we'd actually follow up on this. Writing for Tits beyond a few one shots seems sparce since the Java hiatus.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
I never thought we'd actually follow up on this. Writing for Tits beyond a few one shots seems sparce since the Java hiatus.
It really does feel like that doesn't it? I think this is because the focus has been on the port for so long, followed by the wait for parity, followed by the extensive bug hunt. I take the return to writing by such a well known and liked writer such as B, to be a very good sign.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
I don't think William ever stopped but with such a long time away it'd be understandable that others went on to do other projects.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Announcing my new project: Panther Lorelei for this year's Halloween!

I'd write a more thorough synopsis but I'm currently in the middle of Hurricane Fiona and I don't know how much power I have to last me. Lorelei is a kitty; main fetish is predator/prey relations.

Public version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zdU3zlr5Lowq8ymWg2sObOHg-DXS_cLg/edit

All updates will be on my Patreon, in the $10 tier: https://patreon.com/TheLetterB
You enter Lorelei’s chambers… you think?

What you expected was an opulent bachelorette pad, with gems studded into the walls; its own bar, fully-stocked in the corner; and a lavish bed pushed against the farther wall. You had expected a dim room with mood lighting, plush carpets, and no shortage of places to sit.

And what you got is… a literal jungle.

Instead of marble floors and thick carpets that look like they cost more money than your ship, there’s dirt – fine, loose dirt that hasn’t been packed down yet, causing you to sink about an inch every time you step forward. While Lorelei kept a few plants around the room as dressing for the aesthetic, the room is positively overgrown with tall trees, each of them bearing leaves large and thick enough that they look like they could support your weight and each of them covered in a thick layer of moss closer to their trunks. There is no clearly defined pathway through her room: wherever there isn’t a tall tree, there is underbrush that you’re forced to wade through, and the few open clearings for you to stand in are a blessing.

To add to all of that, the lighting’s been shifted to emulate nighttime: there is one lamp hanging off the ceiling, broadcasting a pale white light that reminds you of Terra’s Moon as seen from the surface. And the numerous, brightly-colored gemstones had all been replaced with clear diamonds that twinkle like stars.

You call out Lorelei’s name as you arduously make your way through the brush. Whenever you [pc.skinFurScalesNoun] brushes against a tree trunk or a bush’s leaves, you have a tough time discerning whether they’re real or fake (knowing Lorelei, though, they’re all real). There’s no response. In fact, the room is deathly quiet and still – the ventilation’s been turned off. You’re alone in the room.

Or so you think. With every step you take deeper into the room, there’s an undeniable feeling hanging over you that you’re being watched. More than that: you’re being followed. <b>Stalked.</b>
For a moment, you both stare into each other’s eyes, sizing up the situation you both find yourselves in. There are just as many human qualities as there are panther qualities… but the depth and intensity of the eyes are a dead giveaway. And so are the breasts[silly|. Well, as is the fact that you’re in Lorelei’s room].

{first time|“Lorelei?” you ask.

Lorelei leans in closer until her nose touches against yours. Her eyes narrow slightly, hiding the ends of her slitted pupils behind her eyelids. “Roeliel,” she whispers, her voice coming out throaty and gravelly, as her tail gives a particularly strong flick from one side to the other, causing her whole lower body to swish with it.

Right. This persona of hers is apparently named Roeliel.|You hesitate before opening your mouth to speak. “Roeliel?” you ask.

The only response she gives you is a particularly rough flick of the tail, causing her whole lower body to swish with it.} A low, throaty growl emanates from her neck as she leans in, her nose pressing gently against the nape of your neck and taking a few quick, dainty sniffs, accommodating herself to your scent. And almost as soon as she recognizes your smell, she turns her head and starts repeatedly rubbing herself against your neck, collarbone, and upper chest, pushing against you insistently as she does so.
You can feel her beath wash down between your [pc.legs], the heat and moisture adding to the heat building up at your crotch. Roeliel takes another heavy sniff at the spot on your pelvis just above the dip between your midsection and where your [pc.legOrLegs] meet; with her eyes still sternly on yours, her tongue slips out to brush at the sensitive [pc.skinFurScalesNoun], brushing at it like it’s too hot, but she still wanted a taste.

It’s a game to see how long you can last before you crack. Roeliel is doing everything in her power to make you fidget or flinch or moan, but as soon as you do, you lose, and the punishment is implied to be unpleasant. [pc.willpowerRange 0 50|Unfortunately for you, with one particular, low-angled glance of her tongue, you reflexively jerk underneath her, kicking your [pc.legs] from beneath her body.

Her eyes widen and the growling returns, much louder and deeper than before. Suddenly, you feel a slight pinch on your pelvis, hard enough to make you inhale sharply, but you fight to keep from doing anything more. Roeliel’s upper lip has lifted out of place, revealing a sharp, white incisor that glows in whatever little light there is in her jungle-room – she’s bitten you! Not hard enough to leave a mark, but hard enough to know that she could have done much worse if she wanted.|Fortunately, you’re made of sterner stuff: no matter what Roeliel tries, short of going down on you, you refuse to do anything more than exhale a little unevenly. Your whole adventure up to this point has trained you for this moment.

Not to say that it’s easy. Roeliel is a skilled panther that knows exactly how hard or how light to tease you, so it takes every trick in the book to keep your cool.

Still, Roeliel looks up at you with narrowed eyes, the ambient light of the jungle-room glinting off her irises. She exhales through her nose and kisses your pelvis one final time: she’s impressed, and she’s letting you know it.]

Roeliel pauses her ‘cleaning’ of your upper pelvis, her cheek resting against your thigh for a moment. The bristles of her fur {skin is not fur|itch against your [pc.skinFurScales], but|press gently down against your own;} it’s nice feeling her against you like this.

But, just as suddenly as she stops, she leans back and presses her face in against your crotch, her mouth against your [pc.hasCock|[pc.cock]|[pc.vagina]]. Although you feel the plumpness of her lips against you, she doesn’t move: you’re left to throb against her pursed lips while she does nothing to stimulate you further. Which is all a part of the game: the raw anticipation of what happens next has your heart beating faster than if she’d just start going down on you like a whore doing it for free.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
Announcing my new project: Panther Lorelei for this year's Halloween!

I'd write a more thorough synopsis but I'm currently in the middle of Hurricane Fiona and I don't know how much power I have to last me. Lorelei is a kitty; main fetish is predator/prey relations.

Public version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zdU3zlr5Lowq8ymWg2sObOHg-DXS_cLg/edit

All updates will be on my Patreon, in the $10 tier: https://patreon.com/TheLetterB
gonna get bonnie bovine to do more lorelei?