Hello! My name is B.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
I have no further plans for Frosty and her story, but things may change. As always, additional sex scenes are a possibility. The only guarantee is that there will be no further pureblood Frostwyrms (that are sexable, anyway).

My current project is Kailani, a vulperine woman for CoC2. She's meant to be a lawyer-friendly Krystal expy: a tribal hunter that speaks a different language, is a fox, is very fluffy, has a bunch of tattoos, wields a staff (not magical)... you can learn more about her in my CoC2 thread here.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
New Lorelei content already public! Go and get yourself infested with her symbiotic eggs!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016


New Member
Feb 5, 2024
Loving your work! Especially Paige and Lorelei!!

Would love to see you expand on Azariah and Salacious Sally and all the other sexy sneks in future updates :) They are quite intriguing but definitely feel a little underdeveloped and would benefit from some more scenes and stories from you!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Loving your work! Especially Paige and Lorelei!!

Would love to see you expand on Azariah and Salacious Sally and all the other sexy sneks in future updates :) They are quite intriguing but definitely feel a little underdeveloped and would benefit from some more scenes and stories from you!
Thank you, I'm glad you like them!

Azariah and Sally are two of the characters that I'd like to write more of, yes. They were both very much 'for me' characters. At the very, very least, Sally should probably have more options as a prostitute than the one that she has, haha. One thing I'd like to write for Azariah is that, if your rapport with her girls is good enough, she invites you into her personal backroom for some one-on-one fun time, and if you treat her right, she can actually be a very tender lover.

Speaking of Sally! I got a comm of her not too long ago, featuring her and the artist's OC.



New Member
Feb 5, 2024
Thank you, I'm glad you like them!

Azariah and Sally are two of the characters that I'd like to write more of, yes. They were both very much 'for me' characters. At the very, very least, Sally should probably have more options as a prostitute than the one that she has, haha. One thing I'd like to write for Azariah is that, if your rapport with her girls is good enough, she invites you into her personal backroom for some one-on-one fun time, and if you treat her right, she can actually be a very tender lover.

Speaking of Sally! I got a comm of her not too long ago, featuring her and the artist's OC.
View attachment 33783

View attachment 33784
Thanks for the reply! The Azariah plot you mention fits very with the vibe of a very protective dommy-mommy I get from her, so the whole tender lover route makes sense to me. I could definitely see her growing close to Steele if her and her harem are treated well, and maybe offering some unique choices if that stage is reached such as becoming her full lover/partner, or working in her harem/attending to her. I'm sure you'd be able to come up with some much better ideas than me though haha
Great art too!


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Thank you, I'm glad you like them!

Azariah and Sally are two of the characters that I'd like to write more of, yes. They were both very much 'for me' characters. At the very, very least, Sally should probably have more options as a prostitute than the one that she has, haha. One thing I'd like to write for Azariah is that, if your rapport with her girls is good enough, she invites you into her personal backroom for some one-on-one fun time, and if you treat her right, she can actually be a very tender lover.

Speaking of Sally! I got a comm of her not too long ago, featuring her and the artist's OC.
View attachment 33783

View attachment 33784
You have no idea the terrible things I'd do to make this happen.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2022
Can we hope have a slyveren mate in our ship in the future or a quest with the slyveren story to have more lore. With information we can have, the slyveren situation in tits are very bad because goo poeple make them down in the story, so why not a quest to help her and in that way have a slyveren companion or maybeee a harem like harem kat in Coc2.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
A crewmate slyveren is asking a lot, especially since my two girls are very much, uh, not seaworthy, haha.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Revealing a new project: Lorelei's yearly costume content! I wanted to try and get ahead of it. This year, she's dressing as a worker in Santa's workshop. If you've been nice this year, she gives you such wonderful gifts - but if you've been naughty, well, she fucks your face.

Public version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sVHRT1M3uMkyTlsGlX9Xl0coXuzm7iSQjdwYTimgwiQ/edit

All updates will be on my Patreon! https://patreon.com/TheLetterB

The Patreon version currently has about 1,000 words of additional content!

Since Lorelei isn't a commission, she's currently not under any time constraints, so updates will be a little more sparse. I'm hoping for a few thousand words a week. She'll be ready by Christmas at the very latest, of course.
“L-Lorelei?” you ask, rubbing at your arms to try and get the heat back into them.

The woman jolts in place, taken by surprise by your voice calling out in the dark. She has to squint to see you in the pitch blackness surrounding the cabin to see you, and when she finally does, she starts in place. “Goodness!” she exclaims as she quickly makes her way towards you. “You poor thing! What are you doing out in a place like this in the middle of the night? You’ll freeze!”

As soon as she’s in your personal space, her arms wrap around you, holding you close to her. Her big tits press into your [pc.cupRange flat D|[pc.chest], squishing into you as she holds you tightly against them|own [pc.chest], compressing their weight into yours own heavy set as she tries to hold you tightly to herself]. As soon as she manages to get her arms [pc.cupRange flat D|around you|as far around you as your combined titflesh will allow her], she starts rubbing at your body with long, slow strokes. It’s not meant to be an amorous or affectionate motion: she’s trying to share body heat with you.

“You must be very brave to come this far north,” she says into your ear. She steps her legs into your space as well, wrapping them {pc.hasLegs|around yours|around your waist}[rel.hasCock|. You can feel the obscene weight and rotundity of her package through her miniskirt as she grinds herself against you]. Although the body language implies urgency and seriousness, there’s no way <b>this</b> one isn’t intentionally sexy. “My name is Relioel. What’s yours?”
“I know it’s a bit tight in here,” Relioel says over her shoulder as she tends to the tea kettle. “We don’t have visitors this far north very often, but Big Man has a strict policy about not letting anyone deeper into the workplace. He says it’ll ‘ruin the magic’.”

Having only just come in from the cold, you’re still rubbing at your arms to try and work the chill out of them. You’re quick to take a seat next to the fireplace, feeling the heat of the fire seep into your [pc.skinFurScalesNoun] to ward off the freeze. Your eyes naturally wander, but there’s not much to see in the foyer, aside from the door that, for all you know, leads nowhere. You ask Relioel who ‘Big Man’ is.”

“You don’t know?” she asks with genuine surprise, looking at you with a raised brow and widened eyes. “Every year, he travels the world and brings gifts to those who had done well by themselves and by others. People nowadays say that he travels by faster-than-light capsule, large enough for himself, a partner, and his bottomless bag of gifts, powered by tholettobimium, or TLB, for short. Although people always come up with some new excuse to explain his miracles when the truth is far simpler.”

You ask her what the ‘truth’ is, then.

“Magic,” she answers with a smile as she pours the hot water into two cups, followed by several helpings of some brown powder and a fistful of something large and white each. She adds a spoon to each cup and she hands you one. “Cocoa?”
Relioel thumbs the rim of her mug in silence. “Not <b>every</b> kid,” she says solemnly. “Just the good ones.”

Just the good ones? That invites an ugly discussion on what a ‘good’ kid is.

“Pfft, no it doesn’t,” Relioel says flippantly, using her free hand to brush a lock of her snowy white hair aside. “Some kids can be rotten. Even toddlers understand some basic empathy and the concept of sharing. But,” she continues, pointing her index finger at you, “rotten kids aren’t born – they’re made. A poor child is a product of poor parenting. Parents that have done poor parenting don’t deserve gifts either.”

She uncrosses her legs, then crosses them again, the left leg on top of the right this time[rel.hasCock|. The motion inadvertently draws your eyes to the huge swell of her exposed balls underneath her skirt once again, jostling from the motions. When her legs were straight and uncrossed, you had unimpeded eyesight to them both]. “But you’re right: that <b>is</b> an ugly conversation, and I wouldn’t want to stale the air by talking about something so foul. At the end of the day, it’s Big Man who decides who’s been nice and deserves a gift. And if they’re naughty…” She smirks at you, but half of the devilish little grin is hidden behind her flowing white hair. “Well, the ‘gift’ for the naughty ones is decided on a case-by-case basis.”

Her posture relaxes. “It used to be coal, but nowadays some kids have friends with high-powered three-dimensional pressurizers that could turn the coal into diamonds, so… now the standard go-to is granite,” she laughs.
She narrows her eyes and takes a quick sniff of air. “That’s true. Knowing that you’ve done a good deed is, itself, a reward.” [pc.isBiped|Both of her hands go to your legs, and she gently pushes them apart; as soon as they spread, she sidles herself between them, falling to her knees|She falls to her knees in front of you]. “But every good deed deserves to be rewarded.” She licks her lips slowly, opening her mouth and rimming her lips with just the tip of her tongue. “And I have such gifts to give.”

[pc.isNaked|Without further ado, Roleiel|Roleiel’s fingers begin deftly working the waistband of your [pc.lowerGarments], worming underneath the rim of its top and easily worming them underneath the swell of your [pc.ass]. It only takes a bit of effort until they’re pulled down past your crotch. Without further ado, she] leans forward, nuzzling her nose [pc.hasCock|underneath the wedge of your [pc.cock] and into the cleft where it meets your [pc.hasBalls|[pc.balls]|crotch]|up against your [pc.vagina], lightly teasing the vulva and wedging her nose [pc.hasClit|up against your [pc.clit]|ever so slightly in between them]. [pc.hasCock|You’re not hard yet|You’re not that wet yet], but that’s changing in a hurry – you can stay only so stoic when someone buries their face into your pelvis.

Roleiel’s eyes stay on yours as she extends her tongue, [pc.hasCock|dragging it along the length of your shaft, rousing it higher and harder|dragging it along the length of your gash, tasting both the salt of your skin and the dew of your honey]. She hums to herself, her eyelids fluttering, as her tongue lingers on your skin. “I know we just had some cocoa,” she says as she kisses the length of your [pc.hasCock|dick|pussy], “but I’m in the mood for something sweeter.”