favourite and least favourite character in tits.


Well-Known Member
I personally think that people in TiTS in general, and Steele in particular, are so hyper-sexed compared to modern day people that being raped doesn't really have any long-term impact* on them (e.g. they're not traumatised by it), and so they don't view it as being much worse than being beaten in the first place.
*Aside from potential pregnancy, but it's the same with consensual sex.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I absolutely hate Vanae encounters. They stunlock you and dish out a bunch of lust damage in the process. My poor, poor noob Steele. Annoying creatures.
At least until you manage to bumrush to get the lust resistant armor at the taxi, then they are a little more bearable.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Like I said, maybe, there's always gonna be min-maxers. Yet there's literally someone saying how getting raped on their first character made them start stat grinding last page.
my very first character in this game went up against him and got ass-raped for her trouble.
I bet they're not alone in that sentiment, either and I'm not even including myself in that bet. They even call it what it is, too.

Hell, I'll admit that my later characters are all maxed to hell just because I wanted a higher likelihood of not being rofl stomped into a sex scene. I spent obscene amounts of time and hundreds of in game days stat grinding just so I would be more likely to not have my choice in whether or not I have sex taken away by maxing out all of my stats and, even then, I had long resigned myself to the fact that it was just something that was going to happen, 'cause that's the game.

Like I get it, it's ok, some things just do that and that's the draw. What's not ok is not acknowledging it for what it really is.
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May 22, 2021
You want the combat losses to be more like actual rape? You want the protagonist to explicitly not like it and want it to stop? Think about what you're asking for.

The change from CoC was one the staff deliberately made, and while the current model is by no means perfect it's better than any alternative so far tried.
i personally dont necessarily have a problem with it beyond the fact that at any moment my Steele can miraculously become a slut for dick and having eggs layed in him when he'd expressly avoid such things in prior dialogue and encounters but im fully aware that given what the game is and is trying to do ill just have to live with it and never lose.

my thing is that people should be aware of what they try to argue when talking about aspects of this game. lets take my thing about Riya for example, someone said in response "you cant just rape Riya" and the question becomes why can you and a number of other characters get "raped" but Riya cant? "rape" is a staple of the game so that argument makes no sense. if they meant it along lines closer to the "we want murder gang" then the easy solution would be to just make her like it because that's the thing, nobodies preferences really matter because you can just be "raped"


May 22, 2021
it's more like they don't want to make a habit of fulfilling some random player's petty revenge fantasies.
and i can respect that. its their game and they CAN do what they want, id just prefer that when people criticize a design choice people dont challenge it with double standards that make no sense. you cant catter to everyone nor should you.
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Rainy Daze

May 17, 2021
Just to throw my two cents in, I think a lot of the encounters fall under 'ravishment fantasy', which is what makes it fun. Steele being secrelty into everything that happens is a lot better than just them gritting their teeth and bearing it, surely? Esp in a porn game. That said, obviously the stuff involving indentured servants, trench wives, etc, make it a bit too 'real' and, for me personally, very uncomfortable. which is probably why, to get back to the thread subject, carver and lieve r some of my least fave characters. Just can't get into it.

EDIT: gastigoth staff too. Its only fun when the public use is happening to me
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May 22, 2021
i also like the LG-BT primarily because it delivers you a short stack that you are justified in retaliating against. yeah you might feel bad for cucking the guy but if a tourist couple just rolled on me while i was waling down the street, said "ooooohhh a native", and then proceed to arm their mech with the intent to "bag" you id feel it was my right to get a piece of either one's ass. its basically a normal encounter but with a mech named LG-BT its frickin iconic

Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
A society that treats a quintillionaire-heir futa like shit gets what they fuckin' deserve! blasts Gabilani with Aegis MG on a live connection to Gabilani High Command

Also, I like how Kimber's mindset reminds us that not all stereotypy is true, even in a universe full of sex-happy aliens created by le horny precursors. Her stories are hot as well, along with her scenes. Gonna try to unlock all of 'em!


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
You want the combat losses to be more like actual rape? You want the protagonist to explicitly not like it and want it to stop? Think about what you're asking for.

The change from CoC was one the staff deliberately made, and while the current model is by no means perfect it's better than any alternative so far tried.

In the game, you can lose a fight in two ways: By being beaten into a pulp or by being too aroused. It makes sense for the latter to lead into a sex scene as it is, but the first being enjoyable to Steele? I think is really weird.

What do you think about the pokemon approach? if the captain was beaten by damage they black out and wake up later. No sex scene, just a timeskip with all the applied status effects from the loss. Also we already can force a loss in the game by fantasizing until your arousal reach 100%, so everybody get happy.


Aug 27, 2015
Yeah. I wouldn't have even mentioned CoC if I didn't like the way they handle it there more...

What @Rainy Daze describes as 'ravishment fantasy' is fundamental to the CoC/TiTS model and is extremely popular. Whole AA franchises like Monster Girls have been built upon the premise of the PC being overpowered and used by exotic, sexually aggressive beings. It's not realistic, of course it isn't, are you complaining why your character doesn't scream with pain, keel over and then spends six months in rehab every time they get shot in a FPS? Does this strike you as 'slimy', that the developers of those games are not properly articulating what violence, war and death are really like to their audience?

I also don't think there's the significant difference between CoC and TiTS that you're positing. Some of the scenes in CoC are a little rougher, particularly the older ones, but the same mechanic of 'you basically enjoy being sexually used' is in effect throughout. I certainly wouldn't hold anything up within it as an unflinching portrayal of rape.

I think what you're angling for is a separation of this content from the game mechanics themselves, such that you aren't 'forced' into the stuff you don't like because you lost. I'm afraid what you're after there is a different game entirely. The frisson of risk, a contest with actual stakes on the table, is I think the very essence of the core mechanic of these games. There is a way to avoid the loss sex scenes in TiTS without min-maxing though, inserted for players just like you: It's called easy mode. Turn it on, forget the content you don't like is there, and have fun.

Lovely to see love-hate for the LG-BT, btw.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
What @Rainy Daze describes as 'ravishment fantasy' is fundamental to the CoC/TiTS model and is extremely popular. Whole AA franchises like Monster Girls have been built upon the premise of the PC being overpowered and used by exotic, sexually aggressive beings. It's not realistic, of course it isn't, are you complaining why your character doesn't scream with pain, keel over and then spends six months in rehab every time they get shot in a FPS? Does this strike you as 'slimy', that the developers of those games are not properly articulating what violence, war and death are really like to their audience?

I also don't think there's the significant difference between CoC and TiTS that you're positing. Some of the scenes in CoC are a little rougher, particularly the older ones, but the same mechanic of 'you basically enjoy being sexually used' is in effect throughout. I certainly wouldn't hold anything up within it as an unflinching portrayal of rape.

I think what you're angling for is a separation of this content from the game mechanics themselves, such that you aren't 'forced' into the stuff you don't like because you lost. I'm afraid what you're after there is a different game entirely. The frisson of risk, a contest with actual stakes on the table, is I think the very essence of the core mechanic of these games. There is a way to avoid the loss sex scenes in TiTS without min-maxing though, inserted for players just like you: It's called easy mode. Turn it on, forget the content you don't like is there, and have fun.

Lovely to see love-hate for the LG-BT, btw.

No, I'm not complaining about that every time my character gets shot for a few reasons. One being they don't try to pretend away the bullet wound. They don't go "You were totally shot, but don't worry, it doesn't hurt! In fact, you even like it! You want to be shot more!" Why don't they? Because they know that'd be absolutely insane to say, kinda like getting beaten bloody and then forced into a sexual encounter would be silly to just pretend away. Do you have any idea how much that sounds like the aggressor justifying doing it? "Oh, they wanted it. They enjoyed it, I made them cum a whole lot, they LOVED it. It doesn't matter that I had to beat them into a pulp before hand, they loved it so it's perfectly ok!"

Secondly, back to the point about getting shot, when this happens you're on a battlefield, it'll take one shot, maybe two, possibly three if you're the luckiest bastard in the game or have some sort of special ability, to kill you. So if you do get shot you're kept going by the fact that you don't wanna do that again. If you manage to survive the match, round, mission, etc there's no time scale on how long it takes that character to recover, assuming they even do! You could be a whole different random person the next time around. Simply put, that's just a bad comparison to what's going on here.

And yes, there is a significant difference. If you got beaten down they didn't try to hide the fact it wasn't consensual. You lose against a horde of demons? Grats! You're getting forcibly used for a while. In this game we pretend the rape away with a "Oh well, I gave consent by even attempting to save those people's lives/make a difference/wear the clothes I'm wearing, etc, etc, etc." You see how that's slimy? How we're suddenly "giving consent" simply by virtue of existing in the presence of someone who wants to violently assault us?

Sure I don't like losing, yet that's my issue. What isn't, however, is the fact that the writing both tries to pretend the rape away and blame the victim for it. "Oh, you dared oppose this shitty thing I was doing or the fact that I just aggressively attacked you the moment I saw you? Well time for probably rough "consensual" sex, because if you dare oppose me then you're auto-consenting should I beat you!" Sure, let the character enjoy themselves, let it be a kinky fun time, but my angle is that in a game where you can literally choose to submit if you choose not to submit it shouldn't be written as if you did, as if you put up a fight just so you could be all "Eh, I change my mind. RAVISH ME!"

It's fiction. Even rape can be enjoyable for the player if done right as, in fiction, even it can be a kink. Trying to pretend it away is not doing it right. For those that want ravished, you already gave them that option. You let them submit or you let them be intentionally weak enough for them to know they can't win which is just submitting but with more steps. But for those that legitimately try not to have that happen, and I'm not even talking about the grinders, but those that put their best effort in while trying to play organically, it's more than a little disingenuous to let them fight and then do the whole rapist mentality thing of "Oh, you wanted it all along."

If they're gonna beat me, sure, beat me. Take my money, take a high-value item. Hell, maybe even let me have a chance at beating you back to get it returned.. or not, I lost and it's just gone. Whatever. Heck, even sticking closer to how it already is, how about after the PC is beaten bloody we just don't go and also have to pretend that the character that lost and is getting raped isn't getting raped. You know? Just a bit of honesty of what's actually going on. A little acknowledgement that this is being forced upon you, regardless of how great it all may or may not feel, you didn't consent to it or any forced changes that may or may not happen so you're definitely getting raped right now.

It's a whole different thing when it's a consensual contest between the PC and another or others. IIRC it's one of the reasons I'm pretty sure I've never complained about the mouse pack. They beat you they just take your money, IIRC. Maybe I'm wrong there and am misremembering, been a bit and a half, but yeah. The point is there can be consequences, even sex, to a combat loss but pretending that being forced into sex isn't rape is just as slimy and ridiculous as pretending that you enjoyed being shot."


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Are we really arguing about this again?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
They beat you they just take your money, IIRC. Maybe I'm wrong there and am misremembering
Don't they like forcibly milk you for your seed to sell if you have a dick? Or is that just stuck in the docs and didn't make it in or soemthing?

Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
No fan of bimbos, crazed chemists or playful catgirl princesses?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
To get back on track i am not a fan of Nastizia , Mitzi and Lumi .

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Lumi. She's way too obnoxious and op. I just groan when she shows up and run.

No fan of bimbos, crazed chemists or playful catgirl princesses?

Or goblins and goblin accessories. I hate goblins. Bimbos are cool though. Really cool and enjoyable. Also, playful catgirl princess has a certain tumor attached to her as a requirement.

Imma update my likes and dislikes n stuff!

The more people I like:

Amara is a badass pirate with heavy weapons and power armor. I want to her to bridal carry me on adventures. 10/10, would have one of her many bastards.

Roz. I just really like her design. She's cool but I just really like her design and art. Too bad she doesn't have any female based bad ends. Her bad end makes sense and has a lot I like, but I just don't like being duded out.

Quinn is a warrior queen and I live for that archetype. True she gets manipulated by the escaped prisoner but come one, sexy bee warrior queen. Shoutout to the golden myr war queen and her daughters too. Wish we got more of them

And finally for my las of the additional likes, Briget. Come on, we all know why. She's pure wholesomeness and takes care of the kids unfortunate enough to have a Steele for a parent. Unfortunately for Briget, it seems like she's in a self-perpetuating cycle of dealing with Steeles.

The other more people, but this time I dislike:

I'm gonna make an actually potentially controversial statement here, but I don't like Shekka. She's a thief who got her hands on the Tarkus probe and has the audacity to auction it off to its rightful owner. She's not some backwater pre-bronze age person. She works in a spaceport, so she should know damn well not to steal stuff and not to risk pissing off megacorps in a futuristic setting. Her only redeeming trait to me is that she tries (and kind of fails) to honor best girl Miranda Lawson with her catsuit.

Lumi for the reasons I already stated so eloquently.

And a hard to joke about topic, fuck the red myr field marshal Sellera. I was on the fence on who was right and wrong in the myr war (full disclosure, I'm more sympathetic to the gold myr) until I met Sellera. She's an arrogant war monger who hides behind (legitimate. I'm not gonna downplay trauma even if fictional or used to justify wrong actions) trauma to have an excuse to hate the golds and continue the war. Honestly after meeting her and her reaction to letting the war queen escape, I feel confident in saying fuck the red myr leaders and fuck Sellera. I want to specify it's the leadership I dislike because I like Annarie, Anzhela, and Renvra. It wouldn't be fair to lump in an entire group as bad because of the actions of their leaders. Revolutions are hard. Not everyone can be

Although maybe I'm biased because of a certain plastic field marshal.

Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Lumi. She's way too obnoxious and op. I just groan when she shows up and run.

Or goblins and goblin accessories. I hate goblins. Bimbos are cool though. Really cool and enjoyable. Also, playful catgirl princess has a certain tumor attached to her as a requirement.
Yeah, I can't blame you for disliking Lumi. She's a hell of an enemy to put up with for my semi-bimbo and fuck-hungry characters, I have to avoid Tarkus and thereby lose out on a week of frontier fun with Bianca. Riya's a pain as well, I avoid her at all times outside of the breeding quest unless I want to see how many Void fucks I can beat up on a mission. Zeph (who's another of these abrasive, dommy human futas) can be rough around the edges and in the sack, but at least she isn't a troll and a Black Wing, and shows some tenderness once she's knocked you up.

The one true reason I like Nastizia is her name. Princess Nasti is an iconic designation if I ever saw one.
I've always had a desire to see how kaithrit treat those with the rarer set of sex organs among their species for myself...plus it's free fertile princess pussy. Hopefully Nonesuch gets around to showing us to Tenevo.
Nasti is definitely a name to watch though. Shortened like that, it conveys a bit of her spirit, and could be a nickname for a girl with the given name Anastasia.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Yeah, I can't blame you for disliking Lumi. She's a hell of an enemy to put up with for my semi-bimbo and fuck-hungry characters, I have to avoid Tarkus and thereby lose out on a week of frontier fun with Bianca.

Yeah fuck Lumi! Though to be fair, fighting her with electric weapons is much easier but not worth it for the lust gain after combat.

Riya's a pain as well, I avoid her at all times outside of the breeding quest unless I want to see how many Void fucks I can beat up on a mission.

Hard agree but I skipped out on the breed quest after the first time. She's slightly more bearable there and can be one upped but it's still Riya. I just avoid all content with her now. If there's one positive thing I can say, she's not forced down our throats and can be ignored and not accidentally stumbled upon with no warning. And on the topic of saying nice things about characters I hate, Shekka's not that bad and I'm just salty over the probe thing and I appreciate the reference to best girl Miranda, Shizuya's custom shock gear is my favorite melee weapon until the day I can indulge my inner weeb and get a shock katana that has a built in speaker to play "Rules of Nature", The bad ends in the Pexiga uplift are some of my favorite and those do require Badger, and the mouse girl's art certainly makes me enjoy maus. This positivity sickens me and I require more whining. I will explode if I do not release pressure by obnoxiously bitching.
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Nora Steele

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2020
Yeah fuck Lumi! Though to be fair, fighting her with electric weapons is much easier but not worth it for the lust gain after combat.
I should probably hang on to the Arc Caster in future saves rather than selling it then. And the lust gain sucks ass as well.
If there's one positive thing I can say, she's not forced down our throats and can be ignored and not accidentally stumbled upon with no warning
Unlike a certain overtreated catgirl and her fellow mercs! Though I suppose Shizzy's resemblance to a certain futa I've seen in the works of a futa artist makes me a bit softer towards her.
Shekka's not that bad and I'm just salty over the probe thing and I appreciate the reference to best girl Miranda
The probe stuff is a tad bit of a pain, I agree. It's either shelling out cash for something that is rightfully Captain Steele's, or the Platinum 180, or letting Jill thieve the coordinates to Myrellion. I don't think much of Shekka otherwise unless I want the omnisuit, but now that you mention her outfit is an allusion to Miranda's, I think I like her a bit more!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I should probably hang on to the Arc Caster in future saves rather than selling it then.

Yeah electric damage makes a lot of enemies easier to deal with. Except Feruze. She's just built different. Until the level cap gets increased. Then she's screwed. Again.

Unlike a certain overtreated catgirl and her fellow mercs! Though I suppose Shizzy's resemblance to a certain futa I've seen in the works of a futa artist makes me a bit softer towards her.

I still remember accidentally stumbling onto her distress call. I answer them all usually and had only read about her. When it started I thought "Maybe she's not that bad and it's just a tonal whiplash" but nope. I was wrong. She is that bad, her crew is that bad, the intro is that bad, and every interaction is just that bad. The only positive thing to come out of Shizuya's inclusion is the custom shock gear for us melee lovers. But it's a wonderful positive for my Steele. If they weren't so out of place, we had the option of not being stupid and defending our ship against a tough boss ship encounter, and weren't forced to deal with them and their cringey sexual predator antics, it might not have been so bad.

I don't think much of Shekka otherwise unless I want the omnisuit, but now that you mention her outfit is an allusion to Miranda's, I think I like her a bit more!

Miranda is objectively best Mass Effect girl and I can't wait until modders use cut content in Legendary Edition to let FemSheps romance her. Tali may have those hips and Liara may be taking after her mom, but Miranda's got it all with a ruthless attitude. It's a shame she wasn't a returning squadmate in 3, but at least she got more content than most of the returning ME2 crew.

The probe stuff is a tad bit of a pain, I agree. It's either shelling out cash for something that is rightfully Captain Steele's, or the Platinum 180, or letting Jill thieve the coordinates to Myrellion.

I cry every time I give up the Platinum or blow money on that probe. Jill ends up there anyway so I'd love to just walk up and casually smack the probe, get the coordinates, and tell Jill I'll see her there all while Shekka is just confused. It my probe and I want it now. The second I win, I want an option to strip mine Tarkus into oblivion and mass produce weapons from the remains like I told Big T I would. With the option to save all the goo girls, sex bots, and the main station everybody lives on. I'm not that evil. Usually. Unless it's funny.

Lone Wolf115

Well-Known Member
Likes: Dorna sisters and Tamahime stepsisters, Amber the dryad, Fisi, Ula, Ramis, Reaha, Tuuva, Belle and Saec, Shekka, Hana, Yammi and Plexiga, Paige, half sis Shade non sexual relationship, and niece Astra, Embry, Kaede, Ciaran, Eitan, Celise, Azra, Nova the goo armor, Erra the other massive pupper slut, Kimber, Brandy the cute mute cowgirl, Nenne, Kelly, Penny the perfect fennec fox slut, Tessa, Emmy, Urblog, Minuet, The Crash Landing crew, Seandra, The Love Starz, Lerris, Thyvara, Perdita, Myrra, Roxy, Sylvie, and I'll keep adding more as remember them.:gizz: :p:yes:.

Dislike: Sera, Riya, a couple more that I don't like:mad:.

Like more than I hate.

Edit: Fisianna is my waifu and I connect to her on a personal level.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2021
Let's see if I can post something on topic:

Like - Ula, Reaha, Anno, Roxy, Fisianna, Paige, Azra (though I wish her third expedition had been included), Hana (also wish she had more content towards healing or something of that sort) and a lot of the recruitable crew. EDIT: Forgot to add the Bored Jumper pregnancies and Quinn

Up in the air - Bianca, if she were complete with what is present in the part 2 document and were recruitable, she'd be at the top

Dislike - Kiro, Haley, Ellie (unpopular opinion?), Sera, this list is a bit muddy, as I tend to forget about these characters altoghether

Hate - Oof, Riya. Wish I could kick her out of an airlock.

EDIT: Adding Kiro to the dislike list (another unpopular opinion?) - she seems to get a free pass around "size restrictions"
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