Favorite/least favorite character

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Well to be fair to Arian, he's like that cause well he kinda has no one other than his students, all his friends are dead/demons. That sort of shit will fuck up anyone, that and his health draining blood magic too.

And as for Kelt, personally I actually really like his fem form of Kelly, especially when you find out that he really is genuinely happier being a girl and is a good mother. Dunno why but I found those scenes where she interacted with our kids heart-warming and made me like Kelt/Kelly. Just wish I could turn him without pissing off Whitney, I'd rather not  corrupt the damn farm over this issue.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
Well to be fair to Arian, he's like that cause well he kinda has no one other than his students, all his friends are dead/demons. That sort of shit will fuck up anyone, that and his health draining blood magic too.

And as for Kelt, personally I actually really like his fem form of Kelly, especially when you find out that he really is genuinely happier being a girl and is a good mother. Dunno why but I found those scenes where she interacted with our kids heart-warming and made me like Kelt/Kelly. Just wish I could turn him without pissing off Whitney, I'd rather not  corrupt the damn farm over this issue.

Why does she get mad over him being a girl? Also I never knew you could do that shit to him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Why does she get mad over him being a girl? Also I never knew you could do that shit to him.

I would assume Kelt is working centaur, or a breeding stallion. (Yes, I know stallions are terrible as work-horses. Too temperamental)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well to be fair to Arian, he's like that cause well he kinda has no one other than his students, all his friends are dead/demons. That sort of shit will fuck up anyone, that and his health draining blood magic too.

And as for Kelt, personally I actually really like his fem form of Kelly, especially when you find out that he really is genuinely happier being a girl and is a good mother. Dunno why but I found those scenes where she interacted with our kids heart-warming and made me like Kelt/Kelly. Just wish I could turn him without pissing off Whitney, I'd rather not  corrupt the damn farm over this issue.

I really wish I could turn Kelt to Kelly without pissing off Whitney too just to see those scenes you mentioned , really sucks that you can't though.


i actually kind of like Arian. He's super subby and begs for my knotty dog cock lol. I don't even think him fapping to the thought of my pc is creepy because tbh i can fap to a cute guy i saw on the bus one day, let alone someone who is going out of his way to restore me to health

I would assume Kelt is working centaur, or a breeding stallion. (Yes, I know stallions are terrible as work-horses. Too temperamental)

Yeah he uses archery and muscle to proect the farm but breeding stallions being non-work horses due to temperament actually this fits him perfectly 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I wish there was a way to convert him that doesn't make you seem like a psychopath, and honestly I might be able to get into a female version of Kelt that pretty much acts like he did male.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
I'm surprised people dislike Tamani so much. Although, I can't say I'm not bias on this one because goblins are one of my favorite races. She could certainly use more depth though, or possibly a way to disable her if the PC has a penis but doesn't actually want to fuck her senseless.

Regardless, my least favorite character solely from a design standpoint is easily Venus. I don't necessarily dislike her character, but I always found it annoying that if the player chooses to have sex with her on a regular basis it will quickly result in a bad end. There isn't any forewarning about the event either; Venus never indicates she has any insidious plans that would indicate the player should exercise any caution. I'm aware that talking to Venus more often will prevent this from happening, but the presence of the bad end is still strange and annoying. As a result I tend to avoid interacting with her altogether, but then she becomes a nuisance when I'm trying to search for Whisker Fruit or Equinium at the Lake. At least you can disable her encounter if you choose "Insult" when you first meet her.

My least favorite character in general is probably Kiha. Her stereotypical tsundere personality has always been rather cringe-worthy to me; and it's irritating having her descend on my corrupt characters shouting about how she'll "NEVER BE DEFEATED" after I've already stomped her ass a hundred times. I always wished there was an option to force her to leave you alone at the swamp without having to pay her off (as if she is a legitimate threat) or take her in as a follower. An option to scare her off or perhaps take her in as some kind of slave would had been nice.

I can't really say for sure which character is my favorite. Although, for sake of completion I'll say Katherine. I love the amount of depth the character has and enjoyed actually being able to help her out, take her on dates, give her items, etc. She is probably the most detailed lover in the game, and I really appreciate that. My only issue with her if I'm remembering correctly is the game pretty much assumes the character wants to bang her. If you help her out twice it automatically results in the player and Kath going on a date and then fucking which I did not initially see coming. But still it's a minor complaint.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm surprised people dislike Tamani so much. Although, I can't say I'm not bias on this one because goblins are one of my favorite races. She could certainly use more depth though, or possibly a way to disable her if the PC has a penis but doesn't actually want to fuck her senseless.

The main reason people hate her is because one has to fight her when they meet after the first time, and there is no way to avoid that. Also, many people keep running into her rather than other events when searching the forest and deepwoods.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm surprised people dislike Tamani so much. Although, I can't say I'm not bias on this one because goblins are one of my favorite races. She could certainly use more depth though, or possibly a way to disable her if the PC has a penis but doesn't actually want to fuck her senseless.

Regardless, my least favorite character solely from a design standpoint is easily Venus. I don't necessarily dislike her character, but I always found it annoying that if the player chooses to have sex with her on a regular basis it will quickly result in a bad end. There isn't any forewarning about the event either; Venus never indicates she has any insidious plans that would indicate the player should exercise any caution. I'm aware that talking to Venus more often will prevent this from happening, but the presence of the bad end is still strange and annoying. As a result I tend to avoid interacting with her altogether, but then she becomes a nuisance when I'm trying to search for Whisker Fruit or Equinium at the Lake. At least you can disable her encounter if you choose "Insult" when you first meet her.

The main reason people hate her is because one has to fight her when they meet after the first time, and there is no way to avoid that. Also, many people keep running into her rather than other events when searching the forest and deepwoods.

It's the exact same reason as why you don't like Venus, BlueMogu.  Tamani keeps showing up and annoying the player when they're looking to something else.  People use to hate Ceraph a lot for the same reason, up until the option of enslaving Ceraph was added to the game.

Gr8 indeed. I felt all kinds of disappointed when I found out that he was taking the Kelta route when it came to turn the tables on him. I guess I am not fond of the "you become a girl = you become a weakling" line.

Sorry! I wrote my fetishes and experiences into him a little bit. I'm a transwoman and I've gotten physically weaker as I've feminized, so I guess that went into it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What's a little bit if a self insert for a cake I was not going to eat anyway? Oh, yes, not getting an alternate path in the vanilla game at least. Different strokes for different folks, I reckon.


Aug 27, 2015
What's a little bit if a self insert for a cake I was not going to eat anyway? Oh, yes, not getting an alternate path in the vanilla game at least. Different strokes for different folks, I reckon.

u wot m8


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It was a relatively tranquil and short way to deal with the likes of of "so, Kelt gets his final laugh and proves he was right about women being weak-what a waste of character-this is not a fair deal to bear with him even if he deserved it-oh and we get another female character after going by the hassle of collecting heaps of items and having to bear with not being able to walk near the farm anymore-and that's partly thanks to someone feeling weaker as a female IRL".


Aug 27, 2015
She may have originally wrote Kelt but Frogapus didn't write or commission Kelly, so that's not on her. You only "prove Kelt right" if you go along with his bullshit, he's clearly written as a misogynist asshole rather than someone who's obviously right, and it's up to you how much you put up with him.

Fwiw I did intend to write a path where you could make Kelt your manbitch as a female character for balancing purposes. But then nobody really asked for it, and certainly nobody paid for it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If she didn't, then how did the "fetishes and experience" end up there? :p  

It might be some kind of karmic punishment and something that fits with the game themes and events like corrupting Jojo or Amily, but I can't help but shaking my head at Kelt's mysoginist preach becoming true in his (then, her) self as some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.

It's a shame that your path never came to be. I really wanted to show him some respect by besting him in archery and/or kicking his 'nads without blocking him or the farm for good. But alas, the crowd got what it wanted.
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Aug 26, 2015
Favorite was Helia pre-Helspawn.  Having her automatically say she wants to have a kid after a certain number of rounds of sex kind of ruined it.  Now it's probably Kiha or something I guess, though Izumi wins points for all the Kamen Rider shoutouts.

Least favorite is Helspawn for ruining Helia.  Other than that, probably Marble for making it acceptable to write what became a long string of sob story waifus, or Arian for being emblematic of how those waifus could be weirdly clingy for a game where you go around banging something new every waking hour.  I've never gotten the Kelt hate, he's just an asshole.  To get on my worst list you have to represent a change in CoC for the worse.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Favorite was Helia pre-Helspawn.  Having her automatically say she wants to have a kid after a certain number of rounds of sex kind of ruined it.  Now it's probably Kiha or something I guess, though Izumi wins points for all the Kamen Rider shoutouts.

Least favorite is Helspawn for ruining Helia.  Other than that, probably Marble for making it acceptable to write what became a long string of sob story waifus, or Arian for being emblematic of how those waifus could be weirdly clingy for a game where you go around banging something new every waking hour.  I've never gotten the Kelt hate, he's just an asshole.  To get on my worst list you have to represent a change in CoC for the worse.

He's less of an asshole and more a perfect representation of the negative sides to masculinity. Without going too far into it, he's the worst type of "manly man".


Aug 27, 2015
He's less of an asshole and more a perfect representation of the negative sides to masculinity. Without going too far into it, he's the worst type of "manly man".

So...he's an asshole.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If she didn't, then how did the "fetishes and experience" end up there? :p  

It might be some kind of karmic punishment and something that fits with the game themes and events like corrupting Jojo or Amily, but I can't help but shaking my head at Kelt's mysoginist preach becoming true in his (then, her) self as some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.

It's a shame that your path never came to be. I really wanted to show him some respect by besting him in archery and/or kicking his 'nads without blocking him or the farm for good. But alas, the crowd got what it wanted.

From what I remember, the actual expansion that happened wasn't what the majority of people wanted since it went too far.  The person who actually commissioned it got what they wanted and as far as I'm aware, no one actually payed for any further expansions on him.

She may have originally wrote Kelt but Frogapus didn't write or commission Kelly, so that's not on her. You only "prove Kelt right" if you go along with his bullshit, he's clearly written as a misogynist asshole rather than someone who's obviously right, and it's up to you how much you put up with him.

Fwiw I did intend to write a path where you could make Kelt your manbitch as a female character for balancing purposes. But then nobody really asked for it, and certainly nobody paid for it.

Oh god. No! There's been a mistake. I didn't write anything for Kelt. I was referring to the Huntsman/Princess.  O_O 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
From what I remember, the actual expansion that happened wasn't what the majority of people wanted since it went too far.  The person who actually commissioned it got what they wanted and as far as I'm aware, no one actually payed for any further expansions on him.

Thanks for your reply. All I had at the moment of typing were hazy memories and I didn't know whether scavenging for related old forum threads would work.

 I was referring to the Huntsman/Princess.  O_O 

I am deeply, deeply sorry for this misunderstanding, honest :S Don't try to post with a fried brain, kids!
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New Member
Jan 7, 2016
For me, my favorite is Kath. I like how you help her out and that she turns out well, it'd be perfect if you could have kids with her

Least favorite (nevermind the antagonists and/or enemies) Amily, I don't know why I don't like her but she's just boring, I only recruit her because I like recruiting everybody, and after accidentally locking myself out since I had to raise my corruption to get into the Bazaar I didn't really care that I didn't get her


Aug 27, 2015
Oh god. No! There's been a mistake. I didn't write anything for Kelt. I was referring to the Huntsman/Princess.  O_O 

I didn't think you wrote Kelt, but because I couldn't remember who did I was willing to give you credit. Shouldn't have said anything.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
My least favorite is any character you have to grind encounters for to advance content.

Which is a lot of them, what the fuck was this design choice ugh. Especially you, Helia, ya shit. Amily is worse.

Mustang Flex

Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Favorite: Dominika (despite my unquenchable rage at never getting to see her story finished, but I digress)

Least Favorite: I'm not sure, maybe Amily (I'm of like mind with Ted here)

I actually love Rathazul, in a totally non-sexual way. He just seems like he has such the story to tell, and he never judges the PC.. He also reminds me so much of Professor Farnsworth.

Least favorite? The unnamed random-encountered NPC's, they can get irritating.
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Aug 26, 2015
Favorite: Pure Amily, a great waifu.

Least favorite: Venus, because she appears way too often at the Lake if you're initially nice to her. She just doesn't go away.
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